NXP's driver library for LPC17xx, ported to mbed's online compiler. Not tested! I had to fix a lot of warings and found a couple of pretty obvious bugs, so the chances are there are more. Original: http://ics.nxp.com/support/documents/microcontrollers/zip/lpc17xx.cmsis.driver.library.zip

Dependencies:   mbed

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00001 /**
00002  * @file    : lpc17xx_i2s.c
00003  * @brief    : Contains all functions support for I2S firmware library on LPC17xx
00004  * @version    : 1.0
00005  * @date    : 13. May. 2009
00006  * @author    : NguyenCao
00007  **************************************************************************
00008  * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
00009  * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
00010  * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
00011  * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
00012  * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
00013  * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
00014  * reserves the right to make changes in the software without
00015  * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
00016  * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
00017  * use without further testing or modification.
00018  **********************************************************************/
00020 /* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */
00021 /** @addtogroup I2S
00022  * @{
00023  */
00025 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00026 #include "lpc17xx_i2s.h"
00027 #include "lpc17xx_clkpwr.h"
00030 /* If this source file built with example, the LPC17xx FW library configuration
00031  * file in each example directory ("lpc17xx_libcfg.h") must be included,
00032  * otherwise the default FW library configuration file must be included instead
00033  */
00034 #ifdef __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__
00035 #include "lpc17xx_libcfg.h"
00036 #else
00037 #include "lpc17xx_libcfg_default.h"
00038 #endif /* __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__ */
00040 #ifdef __cplusplus
00041 extern "C"
00042 {
00043 #endif
00045 #ifdef _I2S
00047 /* Private Variables ---------------------------------------------------------- */
00048 static fnI2SCbs_Type *_apfnI2SCbs[2] = {
00049         NULL,     // I2S transmit Call-back function pointer
00050         NULL,     // I2S receive Call-back function pointer
00051 };
00054 /* Private Functions ---------------------------------------------------------- */
00055 /** @defgroup I2S_Private_Functions
00056  * @{
00057  */
00059 /********************************************************************//**
00060  * @brief        Get I2S wordwidth value
00061  * @param[in]    I2Sx: I2S peripheral selected, should be: I2S
00062  * @param[in]    TRMode is the I2S mode, should be:
00063  *                 - I2S_TX_MODE: transmit mode
00064  *                 - I2S_RX_MODE: receive mode
00065  * @return         The wordwidth value, should be: 8,16 or 32
00066  *********************************************************************/
00067 uint8_t I2S_GetWordWidth(LPC_I2S_TypeDef *I2Sx, uint8_t TRMode) {
00068     uint8_t value;
00070     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2Sx(I2Sx));
00073     if (TRMode == I2S_TX_MODE) {
00074         value = (I2Sx->I2SDAO) & 0x03; /* get wordwidth bit */
00075     } else {
00076         value = (I2Sx->I2SDAI) & 0x03; /* get wordwidth bit */
00077     }
00078     switch (value) {
00079     case I2S_WORDWIDTH_8:
00080         return 8;
00081     case I2S_WORDWIDTH_16:
00082         return 16;
00083     default:
00084         return 32;
00085     }
00086 }
00087 /********************************************************************//**
00088  * @brief        Get I2S channel value
00089  * @param[in]    I2Sx: I2S peripheral selected, should be: I2S
00090  * @param[in]    TRMode is the I2S mode, should be:
00091  *                 - I2S_TX_MODE: transmit mode
00092  *                 - I2S_RX_MODE: receive mode
00093  * @return         The channel value, should be: 1(mono) or 2(stereo)
00094  *********************************************************************/
00095 uint8_t I2S_GetChannel(LPC_I2S_TypeDef *I2Sx, uint8_t TRMode) {
00096     uint8_t value;
00098     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2Sx(I2Sx));
00101     if (TRMode == I2S_TX_MODE) {
00102         value = (I2Sx->I2SDAO) & 0x04; /* get bit[2] */
00103     } else {
00104         value = (I2Sx->I2SDAI) & 0x04; /* get bit[2] */
00105     }
00106     switch (value) {
00107     case I2S_MONO:
00108         return 1;
00109     default:
00110         return 2;
00111     }
00112 }
00114 /**
00115  * @}
00116  */
00119 /* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */
00120 /** @addtogroup I2S_Public_Functions
00121  * @{
00122  */
00124 /********************************************************************//**
00125  * @brief        Initialize I2S
00126  *                     - Turn on power and clock
00127  *                     - Setup I2S pin select
00128  * @param[in]    I2Sx: I2S peripheral selected, should be: I2S
00129  * @return         none
00130  *********************************************************************/
00131 void I2S_Init(LPC_I2S_TypeDef *I2Sx) {
00132     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2Sx(I2Sx));
00134     // Turn on power and clock
00136     LPC_I2S->I2SDAI = LPC_I2S->I2SDAO = 0x00;
00137 }
00139 /********************************************************************//**
00140  * @brief        Configuration I2S, setting:
00141  *                     - master/slave mode
00142  *                     - wordwidth value
00143  *                     - channel mode
00144  * @param[in]    I2Sx: I2S peripheral selected, should be: I2S
00145  * @param[in]    TRMode: transmit/receive mode, should be:
00146  *                     - I2S_TX_MODE: transmit mode
00147  *                     - I2S_RX_MODE: receive mode
00148  * @param[in]    ConfigStruct pointer to I2S_CFG_Type structure
00149  *              which will be initialized.
00150  * @return         none
00151  *********************************************************************/
00152 void I2S_Config(LPC_I2S_TypeDef *I2Sx, uint8_t TRMode, I2S_CFG_Type* ConfigStruct)
00153 {
00154     uint32_t bps, config;
00156     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2Sx(I2Sx));
00158     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2S_WORDWIDTH(ConfigStruct->wordwidth));
00159     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2S_CHANNEL(ConfigStruct->mono));
00160     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2S_STOP(ConfigStruct->stop));
00161     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2S_RESET(ConfigStruct->reset));
00162     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2S_WS_SEL(ConfigStruct->ws_sel));
00163     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2S_MUTE(ConfigStruct->mute));
00165     /* Setup clock */
00166     bps = (ConfigStruct->wordwidth +1)*8;
00168     /* Calculate audio config */
00169     config = (bps - 1)<<6 | (ConfigStruct->ws_sel)<<5 | (ConfigStruct->reset)<<4 |
00170         (ConfigStruct->stop)<<3 | (ConfigStruct->mono)<<2 | (ConfigStruct->wordwidth);
00172     if(TRMode == I2S_RX_MODE){
00173         LPC_I2S->I2SDAI = config;
00174     }else{
00175         LPC_I2S->I2SDAO = config;
00176     }
00177 }
00179 /********************************************************************//**
00180  * @brief        DeInitial both I2S transmit or receive
00181  * @param[in]    I2Sx: I2S peripheral selected, should be: I2S
00182  * @return         none
00183  *********************************************************************/
00184 void I2S_DeInit(LPC_I2S_TypeDef *I2Sx) {
00185     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2Sx(I2Sx));
00187     // Turn off power and clock
00189 }
00191 /********************************************************************//**
00192  * @brief        Get I2S Buffer Level
00193  * @param[in]    I2Sx: I2S peripheral selected, should be: I2S
00194  * @param[in]    TRMode: Transmit/receive mode, should be:
00195  *                     - I2S_TX_MODE: transmit mode
00196  *                     - I2S_RX_MODE: receive mode
00197  * @return         current level of Transmit/Receive Buffer
00198  *********************************************************************/
00199 uint8_t I2S_GetLevel(LPC_I2S_TypeDef *I2Sx, uint8_t TRMode)
00200 {
00201     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2Sx(I2Sx));
00204     if(TRMode == I2S_TX_MODE)
00205     {
00206         return ((I2Sx->I2SSTATE >> 16) & 0xFF);
00207     }
00208     else
00209     {
00210         return ((I2Sx->I2SSTATE >> 8) & 0xFF);
00211     }
00212 }
00213 /********************************************************************//**
00214  * @brief        I2S Start: clear all STOP,RESET and MUTE bit, ready to operate
00215  * @param[in]    I2Sx: I2S peripheral selected, should be: I2S
00216  * @return         none
00217  *********************************************************************/
00218 void I2S_Start(LPC_I2S_TypeDef *I2Sx)
00219 {
00220     //Clear STOP,RESET and MUTE bit
00221     I2Sx->I2SDAO &= ~I2S_DAI_RESET;
00222     I2Sx->I2SDAI &= ~I2S_DAI_RESET;
00223     I2Sx->I2SDAO &= ~I2S_DAI_STOP;
00224     I2Sx->I2SDAI &= ~I2S_DAI_STOP;
00225     I2Sx->I2SDAO &= ~I2S_DAI_MUTE;
00226 }
00227 /********************************************************************//**
00228  * @brief        I2S Send data
00229  * @param[in]    I2Sx: I2S peripheral selected, should be: I2S
00230  * @param[in]    BufferData pointer to uint32_t is the data will be send
00231  * @return         none
00232  *********************************************************************/
00233 void I2S_Send(LPC_I2S_TypeDef *I2Sx, uint32_t BufferData) {
00234     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2Sx(I2Sx));
00235     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2S_DATA(BufferData));
00237     I2Sx->I2STXFIFO = BufferData;
00238 }
00240 /********************************************************************//**
00241  * @brief        I2S Receive Data
00242  * @param[in]    I2Sx pointer to LPC_I2S_TypeDef
00243  * @return         received value
00244  *********************************************************************/
00245 uint32_t I2S_Receive(LPC_I2S_TypeDef* I2Sx) {
00246     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2Sx(I2Sx));
00248     return (I2Sx->I2SRXFIFO);
00250 }
00251 /********************************************************************//**
00252  * @brief        I2S Pause
00253  * @param[in]    I2Sx: I2S peripheral selected, should be: I2S
00254  * @param[in]    TRMode is transmit/receive mode, should be:
00255  *                 - I2S_TX_MODE: transmit mode
00256  *                 - I2S_RX_MODE: receive mode
00257  * @return         none
00258  *********************************************************************/
00259 void I2S_Pause(LPC_I2S_TypeDef *I2Sx, uint8_t TRMode) {
00260     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2Sx(I2Sx));
00263     if (TRMode == I2S_TX_MODE) //Transmit mode
00264     {
00265         I2Sx->I2SDAO |= I2S_DAO_STOP;
00266     } else //Receive mode
00267     {
00268         I2Sx->I2SDAI |= I2S_DAI_STOP;
00269     }
00270 }
00271 /********************************************************************//**
00272  * @brief        I2S Mute
00273  * @param[in]    I2Sx: I2S peripheral selected, should be: I2S
00274  * @param[in]    TRMode is transmit/receive mode, should be:
00275  *                 - I2S_TX_MODE: transmit mode
00276  *                 - I2S_RX_MODE: receive mode
00277  * @return         none
00278  *********************************************************************/
00279 void I2S_Mute(LPC_I2S_TypeDef *I2Sx, uint8_t TRMode) {
00280     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2Sx(I2Sx));
00283     if (TRMode == I2S_TX_MODE) //Transmit mode
00284     {
00285         I2Sx->I2SDAO |= I2S_DAO_MUTE;
00286     } else //Receive mode
00287     {
00288         I2Sx->I2SDAI |= I2S_DAI_MUTE;
00289     }
00290 }
00292 /********************************************************************//**
00293  * @brief        I2S Stop
00294  * @param[in]    I2Sx: I2S peripheral selected, should be: I2S
00295  * @param[in]    TRMode is transmit/receive mode, should be:
00296  *                 - I2S_TX_MODE: transmit mode
00297  *                 - I2S_RX_MODE: receive mode
00298  * @return         none
00299  *********************************************************************/
00300 void I2S_Stop(LPC_I2S_TypeDef *I2Sx, uint8_t TRMode) {
00301     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2Sx(I2Sx));
00304     if (TRMode == I2S_TX_MODE) //Transmit mode
00305     {
00306         I2Sx->I2SDAO &= ~I2S_DAO_MUTE;
00307         I2Sx->I2SDAO |= I2S_DAO_STOP;
00308         I2Sx->I2SDAO |= I2S_DAO_RESET;
00309     } else //Receive mode
00310     {
00311         I2Sx->I2SDAI |= I2S_DAI_STOP;
00312         I2Sx->I2SDAI |= I2S_DAI_RESET;
00313     }
00314 }
00316 /********************************************************************//**
00317  * @brief        Set frequency for I2S
00318  * @param[in]    I2Sx: I2S peripheral selected, should be: I2S
00319  * @param[in]    Freq is the frequency for I2S will be set. It can range
00320  *                 from 16-96 kHz(16, 22.05, 32, 44.1, 48, 96kHz)
00321  * @param[in]    TRMode is transmit/receive mode, should be:
00322  *                 - I2S_TX_MODE: transmit mode
00323  *                 - I2S_RX_MODE: receive mode
00324  * @return         Status: ERROR or SUCCESS
00325  *********************************************************************/
00326 Status I2S_FreqConfig(LPC_I2S_TypeDef *I2Sx, uint32_t Freq, uint8_t TRMode) {
00328     /* Calculate bit rate
00329      * The formula is:
00330      *      bit_rate = channel*wordwidth - 1
00331      * 48kHz sample rate for 16 bit stereo date requires
00332      * a bit rate of 48000*16*2=1536MHz (MCLK)
00333      */
00334     uint32_t i2sPclk;
00335     uint64_t divider;
00336     uint8_t bitrate, channel, wordwidth;
00337     uint32_t x, y;
00338     uint16_t dif;
00339     uint16_t error;
00340     uint8_t x_divide, y_divide=0;
00341     uint16_t ErrorOptimal = 0xFFFF;
00343     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2Sx(I2Sx));
00344     CHECK_PARAM(PRAM_I2S_FREQ(Freq));
00347     i2sPclk = CLKPWR_GetPCLK(CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2S);
00348     if(TRMode == I2S_TX_MODE)
00349     {
00350         channel = I2S_GetChannel(I2Sx,I2S_TX_MODE);
00351         wordwidth = I2S_GetWordWidth(I2Sx,I2S_TX_MODE);
00352     }
00353     else
00354     {
00355         channel = I2S_GetChannel(I2Sx,I2S_RX_MODE);
00356         wordwidth = I2S_GetWordWidth(I2Sx,I2S_RX_MODE);
00357     }
00358     bitrate = channel * wordwidth - 1;
00359     if (TRMode == I2S_TX_MODE)// Transmitter
00360     {
00361         I2Sx->I2STXBITRATE = bitrate;
00362     } else //Receiver
00363     {
00364         I2Sx->I2SRXBITRATE = bitrate;
00365     }
00366     /* Calculate X and Y divider
00367      * The MCLK rate for the I2S transmitter is determined by the value
00368      * in the I2STXRATE/I2SRXRATE register. The required I2STXRATE/I2SRXRATE
00369      * setting depends on the desired audio sample rate desired, the format
00370      * (stereo/mono) used, and the data size.
00371      * The formula is:
00372      *         I2S_MCLK = PCLK * (X/Y) / 2
00373      * We have:
00374      *         I2S_MCLK = Freq * bit_rate;
00375      * So: (X/Y) = (Freq * bit_rate)/PCLK*2
00376      * We use a loop function to chose the most suitable X,Y value
00377      */
00379     divider = ((uint64_t)(Freq *( bitrate+1)* 2)<<16) / i2sPclk;
00380     for (y = 255; y > 0; y--) {
00381         x = y * divider;
00382         dif = x & 0xFFFF;
00383         if(dif>0x8000) error = 0x10000-dif;
00384         else error = dif;
00385         if (error == 0)
00386         {
00387             y_divide = y;
00388             break;
00389         }
00390         else if (error < ErrorOptimal)
00391         {
00392             ErrorOptimal = error;
00393             y_divide = y;
00394         }
00395     }
00396     x_divide = (y_divide * Freq *( bitrate+1)* 2)/i2sPclk;
00397     if (TRMode == I2S_TX_MODE)// Transmitter
00398     {
00399         I2Sx->I2STXRATE = y_divide | (x_divide << 8);
00400     } else //Receiver
00401     {
00402         I2Sx->I2SRXRATE = y_divide | (x_divide << 8);
00403     }
00404     return SUCCESS;
00405 }
00406 /********************************************************************//**
00407  * @brief        I2S set bitrate
00408  * @param[in]    I2Sx: I2S peripheral selected, should be: I2S
00409  * @param[in]    bitrate value will be set
00410  * @param[in]    TRMode is transmit/receive mode, should be:
00411  *                 - I2S_TX_MODE: transmit mode
00412  *                 - I2S_RX_MODE: receive mode
00413  * @return         none
00414  *********************************************************************/
00415 void I2S_SetBitRate(LPC_I2S_TypeDef *I2Sx, uint8_t bitrate, uint8_t TRMode)
00416 {
00417     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2Sx(I2Sx));
00418     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2S_BITRATE(bitrate));
00421     if(TRMode == I2S_TX_MODE)
00422     {
00423         I2Sx->I2STXBITRATE = (bitrate -1);
00424     }
00425     else
00426     {
00427         I2Sx->I2SRXBITRATE = (bitrate -1);
00428     }
00429 }
00430 /********************************************************************//**
00431  * @brief        Configuration operating mode for I2S
00432  * @param[in]    I2Sx: I2S peripheral selected, should be: I2S
00433  * @param[in]    ModeConfig pointer to I2S_MODEConf_Type will be used to
00434  *                 configure, should be:
00435  * @param[in]    TRMode is transmit/receive mode, should be:
00436  *                 - I2S_TX_MODE: transmit mode
00437  *                 - I2S_RX_MODE: receive mode
00438  * @return         none
00439  *********************************************************************/
00440 void I2S_ModeConfig(LPC_I2S_TypeDef *I2Sx, I2S_MODEConf_Type* ModeConfig,
00441         uint8_t TRMode)
00442 {
00443     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2Sx(I2Sx));
00444     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2S_CLKSEL(ModeConfig->clksel));
00445     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2S_4PIN(ModeConfig->fpin));
00446     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2S_MCLK(ModeConfig->mcena));
00449     if (TRMode == I2S_TX_MODE) {
00450         I2Sx->I2STXMODE &= ~0x0F; //clear bit 3:0 in I2STXMODE register
00451         if (ModeConfig->clksel == I2S_CLKSEL_1) {
00452             I2Sx->I2STXMODE |= 0x02;
00453         }
00454         if (ModeConfig->fpin == I2S_4PIN_ENABLE) {
00455             I2Sx->I2STXMODE |= (1 << 2);
00456         }
00457         if (ModeConfig->mcena == I2S_MCLK_ENABLE) {
00458             I2Sx->I2STXMODE |= (1 << 3);
00459         }
00460     } else {
00461         I2Sx->I2SRXMODE &= ~0x0F; //clear bit 3:0 in I2STXMODE register
00462         if (ModeConfig->clksel == I2S_CLKSEL_1) {
00463             I2Sx->I2SRXMODE |= 0x02;
00464         }
00465         if (ModeConfig->fpin == I2S_4PIN_ENABLE) {
00466             I2Sx->I2SRXMODE |= (1 << 2);
00467         }
00468         if (ModeConfig->mcena == I2S_MCLK_ENABLE) {
00469             I2Sx->I2SRXMODE |= (1 << 3);
00470         }
00471     }
00472 }
00474 /********************************************************************//**
00475  * @brief        Configure DMA operation for I2S
00476  * @param[in]    I2Sx: I2S peripheral selected, should be: I2S
00477  * @param[in]    DMAConfig pointer to I2S_DMAConf_Type will be used to configure
00478  * @param[in]    TRMode is transmit/receive mode, should be:
00479  *                 - I2S_TX_MODE: transmit mode
00480  *                 - I2S_RX_MODE: receive mode
00481  * @return         none
00482  *********************************************************************/
00483 void I2S_DMAConfig(LPC_I2S_TypeDef *I2Sx, I2S_DMAConf_Type* DMAConfig,
00484         uint8_t TRMode)
00485 {
00486     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2Sx(I2Sx));
00487     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2S_DMA(DMAConfig->DMAIndex));
00488     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2S_DMA_DEPTH(DMAConfig->depth));
00491     if (TRMode == I2S_RX_MODE) {
00492         if (DMAConfig->DMAIndex == I2S_DMA_1) {
00493             LPC_I2S->I2SDMA1 = (DMAConfig->depth) << 8;
00494         } else {
00495             LPC_I2S->I2SDMA2 = (DMAConfig->depth) << 8;
00496         }
00497     } else {
00498         if (DMAConfig->DMAIndex == I2S_DMA_1) {
00499             LPC_I2S->I2SDMA1 = (DMAConfig->depth) << 16;
00500         } else {
00501             LPC_I2S->I2SDMA2 = (DMAConfig->depth) << 16;
00502         }
00503     }
00504 }
00506 /********************************************************************//**
00507  * @brief        Enable/Disable DMA operation for I2S
00508  * @param[in]    I2Sx: I2S peripheral selected, should be: I2S
00509  * @param[in]    DMAIndex chose what DMA is used, should be:
00510  *                 - I2S_DMA_1: DMA1
00511  *                 - I2S_DMA_2: DMA2
00512  * @param[in]    TRMode is transmit/receive mode, should be:
00513  *                 - I2S_TX_MODE: transmit mode
00514  *                 - I2S_RX_MODE: receive mode
00515  * @param[in]    NewState is new state of DMA operation, should be:
00516  *                 - ENABLE
00517  *                 - DISABLE
00518  * @return         none
00519  *********************************************************************/
00520 void I2S_DMACmd(LPC_I2S_TypeDef *I2Sx, uint8_t DMAIndex, uint8_t TRMode,
00521         FunctionalState NewState)
00522 {
00523     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2Sx(I2Sx));
00528     if (TRMode == I2S_RX_MODE) {
00529         if (DMAIndex == I2S_DMA_1) {
00530             if (NewState == ENABLE)
00531                 I2Sx->I2SDMA1 |= 0x01;
00532             else
00533                 I2Sx->I2SDMA1 &= ~0x01;
00534         } else {
00535             if (NewState == ENABLE)
00536                 I2Sx->I2SDMA2 |= 0x01;
00537             else
00538                 I2Sx->I2SDMA2 &= ~0x01;
00539         }
00540     } else {
00541         if (DMAIndex == I2S_DMA_1) {
00542             if (NewState == ENABLE)
00543                 I2Sx->I2SDMA1 |= 0x02;
00544             else
00545                 I2Sx->I2SDMA1 &= ~0x02;
00546         } else {
00547             if (NewState == ENABLE)
00548                 I2Sx->I2SDMA2 |= 0x02;
00549             else
00550                 I2Sx->I2SDMA2 &= ~0x02;
00551         }
00552     }
00553 }
00555 /********************************************************************//**
00556  * @brief        Configure IRQ for I2S
00557  * @param[in]    I2Sx: I2S peripheral selected, should be: I2S
00558  * @param[in]    TRMode is transmit/receive mode, should be:
00559  *                 - I2S_TX_MODE: transmit mode
00560  *                 - I2S_RX_MODE: receive mode
00561  * @param[in]    level: is the FIFO level that triggers IRQ request
00562  * @param[in]    pfnI2SCbs: the pointer to call-back function handle this interrupt
00563  * @return         none
00564  *********************************************************************/
00565 void I2S_IRQConfig(LPC_I2S_TypeDef *I2Sx, uint8_t TRMode, uint8_t level,  fnI2SCbs_Type *pfnI2SCbs) {
00566     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2Sx(I2Sx));
00568     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2S_IRQ_LEVEL(level));
00570     if (TRMode == I2S_RX_MODE) {
00571         I2Sx->I2SIRQ |= (level << 8);
00572     } else {
00573         I2Sx->I2SIRQ |= (level << 16);
00574     }
00575     //setup Call-Back funtion for receive interrupt
00576     _apfnI2SCbs[TRMode] = pfnI2SCbs;
00577 }
00579 /********************************************************************//**
00580  * @brief        Enable/Disable IRQ for I2S
00581  * @param[in]    I2Sx: I2S peripheral selected, should be: I2S
00582  * @param[in]    TRMode is transmit/receive mode, should be:
00583  *                 - I2S_TX_MODE: transmit mode
00584  *                 - I2S_RX_MODE: receive mode
00585  * @param[in]    NewState is new state of DMA operation, should be:
00586  *                 - ENABLE
00587  *                 - DISABLE
00588  * @return         none
00589  *********************************************************************/
00590 void I2S_IRQCmd(LPC_I2S_TypeDef *I2Sx, uint8_t TRMode, FunctionalState NewState) {
00591     CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_I2Sx(I2Sx));
00594     if (TRMode == I2S_RX_MODE) {
00595         if (NewState == ENABLE)
00596             I2Sx->I2SIRQ |= 0x01;
00597         else
00598             I2Sx->I2SIRQ &= ~0x01;
00599         //Enable DMA
00601     } else {
00602         if (NewState == ENABLE)
00603             I2Sx->I2SIRQ |= 0x02;
00604         else
00605             I2Sx->I2SIRQ &= ~0x02;
00606     }
00607 }
00608 /*********************************************************************//**
00609  * @brief        Standard I2S interrupt handler, this function will check
00610  *                 all interrupt status of I2S channels, then execute the call
00611  *                 back function if they're already installed
00612  * @param[in]    None
00613  * @return        None
00614  **********************************************************************/
00615 void I2S_IntHandler(void)
00616 {
00617     uint8_t rx_level,
00618             tx_level,
00619             tx_depth_irq,
00620             rx_depth_irq;
00623     if((LPC_I2S->I2SIRQ)& 0x01){ //receive interrupt
00624         rx_level = ((LPC_I2S->I2SSTATE)>>8)&0xFF;
00625         rx_depth_irq = ((LPC_I2S->I2SIRQ)>>8)&0xFF;
00627         if (rx_level >= rx_depth_irq)//receive interrupt
00628         {
00629             _apfnI2SCbs[1]();
00630         }
00631     }
00632     else if(((LPC_I2S->I2SIRQ)>>1)& 0x01)
00633     {
00634         tx_level = ((LPC_I2S->I2SSTATE)>>16)&0xFF;
00635         tx_depth_irq = ((LPC_I2S->I2SIRQ)>>16)&0xFF;
00636         if(tx_level <= tx_depth_irq)//transmit interrupt
00637         {
00638             _apfnI2SCbs[0]();
00639         }
00640     }
00641 }
00643 /**
00644  * @}
00645  */
00647 #endif /* _I2S */
00649 #ifdef __cplusplus
00650 }
00651 #endif
00653 /**
00654  * @}
00655  */
00657 /* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */