A porting of a GPS decoding and presenting program within the mbos RTOS. It is not a definitive application but a study program to test NMEA full decoding library and a first approach to an RTOS. Many thanks to Andrew Levido for his support and his patience on teaching me the RTOS principles from the other side of the Earth. It uses NMEA library by Tim (xtimor@gmail.com) ported by Ken Todotani (http://mbed.org/users/todotani/) on public mbed library (http://mbed.org/users/todotani/programs/GPS_nmeaLib/5yo4h) also available, as original universal C library, on http://nmea.sourceforge.net

Dependencies:   mbos Watchdog TextLCD mbed ConfigFile

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Show/hide line numbers Task3Lcd.cpp Source File


00001 #include "Task3Lcd.h"
00003 void ShowLcdTask(void)
00004 {/**
00005  *\brief TASK 3, display desired data on LCD
00006  */
00008  static int Previous=0;
00010  os.SetTimer(SHOW_LCD_TMR, SHOW_LCD_TIMER, 0);
00011  while(1)
00012  {
00013  os.WaitEvent(SHOW_LCD_EVT);
00015     if(Previous != Menu)
00016     {// clear the display when function changes
00017         lcd.cls();
00018         Previous=Menu;
00019     }
00021     switch(Menu)
00022     {
00023         case 0:
00024             showSatLcd();
00025             Previous=0;
00026             break;
00028         case 1:
00029             if(info.sig != 0)
00030             {
00031                 showInfoLcd();
00032             }
00033             else
00034             {
00035                 showSatLcd();
00036             }
00037             Previous=1;    
00038             break;
00040         case 2:
00041             showMenuLcd();
00042             Previous=2;    
00043             break;
00045         case 3:
00046             showMenuLcd1();
00047             Previous=3;    
00048             break;  
00050         case 4: 
00051             ShowPathLcd();
00052             Previous=4;    
00053             break; 
00055         default:
00056             showInfoLcd();
00057             break;
00058     }
00059     //restart timer for other options
00060     os.SetTimer(SHOW_LCD_TMR, SHOW_LCD_TIMER, 0); 
00061  }
00062 }
00064 void ShowPathLcd(void)
00065 {
00066     static int ChooseDir=0;
00067     DegMinSec DecCoord;
00069     Ang[Gps]=info.direction;
00070     Ang[Mag]=CmpRead()-info.declination; //Compass reading corrected by declination
00071     Ang[Dir]=Path.Azimuth[0];
00073     ChooseDir++;
00074     if(ChooseDir<7)
00075     {
00076         showDirLcd(Mag);
00077     }
00078     else if(ChooseDir>=7 && ChooseDir<12)
00079     {
00080         showDirLcd(Gps);
00081     }
00082     else if(ChooseDir>=12)
00083     {
00084        ChooseDir=0;
00085     }
00086     showDirLcd(Dir);
00088     Deg2DegMinSec(nmea_ndeg2degree(Dest.lat), &DecCoord);
00089     lcd.locate(6,0);
00090     lcd.printf("%d%d\'%.0f", DecCoord.Deg, DecCoord.Min, DecCoord.Sec);
00091     lcd.printf("%c", Dest.lat >= 0 ? 'N': 'S');  
00093     Deg2DegMinSec(nmea_ndeg2degree(Dest.lon), &DecCoord);
00094     lcd.locate(6,1);
00095     lcd.printf("%d%d\'%.0f", DecCoord.Deg, DecCoord.Min, DecCoord.Sec);
00096     lcd.printf("%c", Dest.lon >= 0 ? 'E': 'W');  
00098     lcd.locate(6,2);
00099     lcd.printf(" dist m");
00100     lcd.locate(6,3);
00101     lcd.printf("%4.3f",Path.Dist);
00104 }
00106 void showDirLcd(int Indx)
00107 {/**
00108  *\brief  display a sort of compass on LCD
00109  */
00110     int Angle;
00112     Angle=Ang[Indx]/18;
00114     lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx],0);
00115     lcd.printf("  %c  ",0xA5);
00116     lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx],1);
00117     lcd.printf("%c   %c",0xA5, 0xA5);
00118     lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx],2);
00119     lcd.printf("%c   %c",0xA5, 0xA5);
00120     lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx],3);
00121     lcd.printf("  %c  ",0xA5);
00123     lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+1,1);
00124     lcd.printf(Lab[Indx]);
00125     lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+1,2);
00126     lcd.printf("%03i",Ang[Indx]);
00128     switch (Angle)
00129     {
00130         case 0:
00131             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+2,0);
00132             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00133             break;
00134         case 1:
00135             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+2,0);
00136             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00137             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+3,0);
00138             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00139             break;
00140         case 2:
00141             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+3,0);
00142             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00143             break;        
00144         case 3:
00145             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+3,0);
00146             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00147             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+4,1);
00148             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00149             break;        
00150         case 4:
00151             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+4,1);
00152             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00153             break;
00154         case 5:       
00155             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+4,1);
00156             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00157             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+4,2);
00158             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00159             break;
00160         case 6:   
00161             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+4,2);
00162             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00163             break;
00164         case 7:       
00165             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+4,2);
00166             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00167             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+3,3);
00168             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00169             break;
00170         case 8:   
00171             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+3,3);
00172             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00173             break;
00174         case 9:       
00175             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+3,3);
00176             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00177             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+2,3);
00178             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00179             break;
00180         case 10:   
00181             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+2,3);
00182             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00183             break;     
00184         case 11:       
00185             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+2,3);
00186             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00187             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+1,3);
00188             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00189             break;
00190         case 12:   
00191             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+1,3);
00192             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00193             break;     
00194         case 13:       
00195             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+1,3);
00196             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00197             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+0,2);
00198             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00199             break;
00200         case 14:   
00201             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+0,2);
00202             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00203             break;  
00204         case 15:       
00205             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+0,2);
00206             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00207             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+0,1);
00208             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00209             break;
00210         case 16:   
00211             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+0,1);
00212             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00213             break;  
00214         case 17:       
00215             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+0,1);
00216             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00217             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+1,0);
00218             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00219             break;   
00220         case 18:   
00221             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+1,0);
00222             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00223             break;  
00224         case 19:       
00225             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+1,0);
00226             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00227             lcd.locate(CmpPos[Indx]+2,0);
00228             lcd.printf("%c",0xFF);
00229             break;   
00230     }
00231 }
00233 void showMenuLcd(void)
00234 {/**
00235  *\brief  display a selection menu on LCD
00236  */
00237     lcd.locate(0,0);
00238     lcd.printf("1 - item 1");
00239     lcd.locate(0,1);
00240     lcd.printf("2 - item 2");
00241     lcd.locate(0,2);
00242     lcd.printf("3 - item 3");
00243     lcd.locate(0,3);
00244     lcd.printf("4 - item 4");    
00245 }
00247 void showMenuLcd1(void)
00248 {/**
00249  *\brief  display a selection menu on LCD
00250  */
00251     lcd.locate(0,0);
00252     lcd.printf("5 - item 5");
00253     lcd.locate(0,1);
00254     lcd.printf("6 - item 6");
00255     lcd.locate(0,2);
00256     lcd.printf("7 - item 7");
00257     lcd.locate(0,3);
00258     lcd.printf("8 - item 8");    
00259 }
00261 void showSatLcd(void) 
00262 {/**
00263  *\brief displays satellite informations
00264  */
00265     for (int i = 0; i < NMEA_MAXSAT; i++) 
00266     {
00267         if(info.satinfo.sat[i].id < 20)
00268         {
00269             lcd.locate((info.satinfo.sat[i].id % 20) - 1,0);
00270         }
00271         else
00272         {
00273             lcd.locate((info.satinfo.sat[i].id % 20) - 1,1);    
00274         }
00276         if (info.satinfo.sat[i].sig > 0)
00277         {
00278             lcd.printf("%d",info.satinfo.sat[i].sig/10);
00279         }
00280         else
00281         {
00282             lcd.printf(" ");    
00283         }                   
00284     }
00285     lcd.locate(0,2);
00286     lcd.printf("12345678901234567890");
00287     lcd.locate(0, 3);
00288     lcd.printf("P%2.1f H%2.1f V%2.1f %iD",
00289     info.PDOP, info.HDOP, info.VDOP,info.fix);
00290 }    
00292 void showInfoLcd(void) 
00293 {/**
00294  *\brief Show nmea info on LCD 
00295  */
00297 //    static int lastSat = 0;
00298 //    int satInview = 0;
00300  if(info.sig != 0)
00301  { 
00302     lcd.locate(0, 0);
00303     lcd.printf("%2.5f%c %3.5f%c",
00304             latitude, info.lat >= 0 ? 'N': 'S',  
00305             longitude, info.lon >= 0 ? 'E': 'W');
00307     lcd.locate(0, 1);
00308     lcd.printf("H%.0f D%.0f_%.1f %iD", info.elv, info.direction, info.declination, info.fix);
00310     lcd.locate(0, 2);
00311     lcd.printf("P%2.1f H%2.1f V%2.1f S%i/%i",
00312         info.PDOP, info.HDOP, info.VDOP, info.satinfo.inuse, info.satinfo.inview);
00314    /* lcd.locate(0, 3);
00315     lcd.printf("%02d-%02d-%04d %02d:%02d:%02d ", 
00316         info.utc.day, info.utc.mon + 1, info.utc.year + 1900,
00317         info.utc.hour, info.utc.min, info.utc.sec); // Display JST (UTC + 9)
00318    */
00320 /*
00321     lcd.locate(0, 5);
00322     for (int i = 0; i < NMEA_MAXSAT; i++) {
00323         if (info.satinfo.sat[i].sig > 0) {
00324             satInview++;
00325             lcd.printf("  sat_id:%02d, sig:%02d, Inuse:%d \n",
00326                       info.satinfo.sat[i].id , info.satinfo.sat[i].sig,
00327                       info.satinfo.sat[i].in_use);
00328         }
00329     }
00330     for (int j = satInview; j <= lastSat; j++)
00331         lcd.printf("                             \n");     // delete line
00332     lastSat = satInview;
00333  */
00335  } 
00336  else
00337  {
00338     lcd.cls();
00339     lcd.locate(0,0);
00340     lcd.printf("NO FIX"); 
00341  }
00343  // Grab a snapshot of the current RTC time.
00344  time_t seconds = time(NULL);
00345  char buffer[32];
00346  if((info.sig != 0)&&(SetTimeOk!=0))  
00347  {
00348     strftime(buffer, 32, "%x %X", localtime(&seconds));
00349  }
00350  else
00351  {// if GPS time not valid doesn't display seconds
00352      strftime(buffer, 32, "%x %H:%M", localtime(&seconds));
00353      SetTimeOk = 0; // RTC was not set to a valid time 
00354  }
00355  lcd.locate(0,3);
00356  lcd.printf("%s", buffer);
00357 }