A porting of a GPS decoding and presenting program within the mbos RTOS. It is not a definitive application but a study program to test NMEA full decoding library and a first approach to an RTOS. Many thanks to Andrew Levido for his support and his patience on teaching me the RTOS principles from the other side of the Earth. It uses NMEA library by Tim (xtimor@gmail.com) ported by Ken Todotani (http://mbed.org/users/todotani/) on public mbed library (http://mbed.org/users/todotani/programs/GPS_nmeaLib/5yo4h) also available, as original universal C library, on http://nmea.sourceforge.net

Dependencies:   mbos Watchdog TextLCD mbed ConfigFile

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00001 #include "Task1Gps.h"
00003 void GpsSerialTask(void) 
00004 {/**
00005  *\brief TASK 1, wait for the event then get the input char
00006  */
00007  while(1)
00008  {
00009     os.WaitEvent(GPS_SERIAL_IN_EVT);
00010     GpsStringParse();
00012     Dest.lat= 4151.32496; // ***************debug
00013     Dest.lon= 1229.34; // *************debug
00015     GpsDist();
00016  }
00017 }
00019 void GpsSerialIsr(void) 
00020 {/**
00021  *\brief Interrupt handler for serial Rx
00022          set the event for the serial task
00023  */
00024     char c = gps.getc();
00025     msgBuff[bufferSelect & 1][writePointer] = c;
00026     if (writePointer++ == BUFF_SIZE)
00027     {
00028         writePointer = 0;
00029     }
00030     if (writePointer > 200) 
00031     {// GPS input buffer full, start computing coordinates
00032         os.SetEvent(GPS_SERIAL_IN_EVT, GPS_SERIAL_TASK);
00033     }
00034 }
00036 void trace_h(const char *str, int str_size) 
00037 {/**
00038  *\brief output on console what's received on GPS serial
00039           Callback function for NMEA parser buffer trace
00040  */
00041     if( PcMonitor==5 || PcMonitor>5)
00042     {
00043         for (int i = 0; i < str_size; i++)
00044         {
00045             pc.putc(*str++);
00046         }        
00047     }
00048 }
00050 void error_h(const char *str, int str_size) 
00051 {/**
00052  *\brief Callback function for NMEA parser error
00053  */
00054     for (int i = 0; i < str_size; i++)
00055     {
00056         pc.putc(*str++);
00057     }    
00058 }
00061 double trunc(double v) 
00062 {/**
00063  *\brief Return nearest integer vaule less than input
00064  *
00065  *\parameters double variable to get nearest ingeger
00066  *
00067  *\return double 
00068  */
00069     if(v < 0.0) 
00070     {
00071         v*= -1.0;
00072         v = floor(v);
00073         v*=-1.0;
00074     } else {
00075         v = floor(v);
00076     }
00077     return v;
00078 }
00080 void GpsStringParse(void)
00081 {/**
00082  *\brief parse the GPS string to extract info
00083  */
00084     gps.attach(NULL);   // Suspend serial interrupt while buffer change
00085     size = writePointer;
00086     writePointer = 0;
00087     bufferSelect++;     // Change buffer
00088     gps.attach( &GpsSerialIsr );  // Resume serial interrupt
00089     nmea_parse(&parser, msgBuff[(bufferSelect-1)&1], size, &info);
00090     Coordinates(); // transform nmea coordinates in decimal degrees
00091 }
00093 void GpsDist(void)
00094 {/**
00095  *\brief compute the distance and direction (forward and reverse) 
00096     from point A to point B on the ellipsoid
00097  */
00099     nmea_info2pos(&info, &Pos[0]);  // current position  
00100     nmea_info2pos(&Dest, &Pos[1]);  // destination 
00102     Path.Dist = nmea_distance_ellipsoid(&Pos[0], &Pos[1], &Path.Azimuth[1], &Path.Azimuth[0]);
00104     if(Path.Azimuth[0] > NMEA_PI) 
00105     {// reverse direction
00106         Path.Azimuth[0] = Path.Azimuth[0] - NMEA_PI; 
00107     }
00108     else
00109     {
00110         Path.Azimuth[1] = Path.Azimuth[1] + NMEA_PI; 
00111     }
00113     for(int i=0; i < 2; i++)
00114     {
00115         Path.Azimuth[i]=(nmea_radian2degree(Path.Azimuth[i]));
00116         if(Path.Azimuth[i] > 360)
00117         {
00118             Path.Azimuth[i] = Path.Azimuth[i] - 360;
00119         }
00120         if(Path.Azimuth[i] < 0)
00121         {
00122             Path.Azimuth[i] = Path.Azimuth[i] + 360;
00123         }
00124     }
00125 }
00127 void Coordinates(void)
00128 {/**
00129  *\brief transform nmea coordinates in decimal degrees
00130  */
00131     degrees = trunc(info.lat / 100.0);
00132     minutes = info.lat - (degrees * 100.0);
00133     latitude = degrees + minutes / 60.0;
00134     degrees = trunc(info.lon / 100.0);
00135     minutes = info.lon - (degrees * 100.0);
00136     longitude = degrees + minutes / 60.0;
00137  }
00139 void Deg2DegMinSec(double DecDeg, DegMinSec *DecSec)
00140 {/**
00141  *\brief convert decimalDeg to Deg Min decimalSec
00142  */
00143     DecSec->Deg = trunc(DecDeg);
00144     double MinDec = (DecDeg - DecSec->Deg);
00145     DecSec->Min = trunc(MinDec * 60);
00146     DecSec->Sec = (MinDec * 3600) - (DecSec->Min * 60);
00147  }