RTOS homework 4

Dependencies:   C12832_lcd mbed

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Sun Aug 18 14:45:13 2013 +0000
Commit message:
initialize with homework 3 problem 1.

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C12832_lcd.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/C12832_lcd.lib	Sun Aug 18 14:45:13 2013 +0000
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Aug 18 14:45:13 2013 +0000
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+    student   : m-moore
+    class     : rtos
+    directory : RTOS_HW_03 part 1
+    file      : main.cpp
+    Joystick-Controlled Metronome
+    features:
+    1. post-initialization functionality all timer-driven.
+    2. IRSs contain no blocking functions.
+    3. LED shows the metronome beat.
+    4. metronome speed controlled with up/down joystick.
+    5. rate-of-speed-change depends on how long the up/down has been active.
+    6. Beat-Per-Minute (BPM) shown on LCD display.
+    controls:
+    1. joystick-up     - increase metronome rate.
+    2. joystick-down   - decrease metronome rate.
+    3. joystick-center - set metronome to 60BPM.
+    notes:
+    testing:
+    1. confirm ease of being able to adjust one BPM rate with joystick up/down.
+    2. confirm three joystick up/down change rates, if keeping the stick pressed.
+    3. confirm max/min BPS saturation & display.
+    4. confirm joystick up/down control works to change display & LED BPM.
+    5. confirm joystick center-press sets rate to 60BPM immediately.
+    6. confirm long-test does not result in a crash.
+       -> all items confirmed.
+    #include "mbed.h"                           // mbed class.
+    #include "C12832_lcd.h"                     // LCD class.
+    #define LCD1 lcd.locate(0, 0);              // LCD line 1.
+    #define LCD2 lcd.locate(0,11);              // LCD line 2.
+    #define LCD3 lcd.locate(0,22);              // LCD line 3.
+    #define METROMAX       800                  // max. beats per minute.
+    #define METROMIN         8                  // min. beats per minute.
+    #define UDSAMPLERATE     0.1                // how often to sample U/D joystick.
+    #define LCDSAMPLERATE    0.1                // how often to redraw the LCD.
+    #define PULSELENGTH      0.0625             // how long the LED-on-time is.
+    float fMetroDelay;                          // time between ticks, in seconds.
+    float fMetroDuty;                           // duration of metro high, in seconds.
+    int   dMetroBPM;                            // master parameter.
+    long  lUpDownHowMany;                       // count how long up/down joystick pressed.
+    C12832_LCD  lcd;                            // LCD object.
+    DigitalIn   joyStickUp    (p15);            // 1 if joystick up     pressed.
+    DigitalIn   joyStickDown  (p12);            // 1 if joystick down   pressed.
+    DigitalIn   joyStickCenter(p14);            // 1 if joystick middle pressed.
+    DigitalOut  led3(LED1);                     // leftmost LED.
+    Ticker      tickerMetronome;                // blinking LED.
+    Ticker      tickerJoystickUD;               // joystick up/down sample.
+    Ticker      tickerLCD;                      // display ticker.
+    Timeout     timeoutDutyCycle;               // LED duty cycle delay.
+    void initialization();                      // initialize settings.
+    void lcd_display();                         // display on LCD.
+    void interrupt_service_M();                 // metronome tick.
+    void interrupt_service_UD();                // joystick up/down sample.                
+    void led3_off();                            // attachable LED control.
+    void led3_on();                             // attachable LED control.
+    int main(void) 
+    {
+      initialization();                         // initialize settings.
+                                                // metronome ticker.
+      tickerMetronome.attach(&interrupt_service_M,fMetroDelay);
+                                                // LCD ticker.
+      tickerLCD.attach(&lcd_display,LCDSAMPLERATE);       
+                                                // up/down joystick sampling.
+      tickerJoystickUD.attach(&interrupt_service_UD,UDSAMPLERATE);
+      while (1)                                 // main loop.
+      {
+        wait(10.0);                             // it's all interrupt-driven.
+      } 
+    }       
+    void initialization(void)                   // program initializations.
+    {
+      dMetroBPM      = 60;                      // initialize to 60BPM.      
+      fMetroDelay    = 60.0 / (float) (dMetroBPM);
+      fMetroDuty     = PULSELENGTH;             // initialize LED on-duration.
+      lUpDownHowMany = 0;
+    }
+    void lcd_display(void)                      // display metronome info.
+    {
+      lcd.cls();                                // clear display.
+      LCD1;                                     // line 1.
+      lcd.printf("  METRONOME");
+      LCD2;                                     // line 2.
+      if (dMetroBPM == METROMIN)                // BPM, with saturation notification.
+      lcd.printf(" %5.2d BPM  minimum",dMetroBPM);
+      else
+      if (dMetroBPM == METROMAX)
+      lcd.printf(" %5.2d BPM  maximum",dMetroBPM);    
+      else
+      lcd.printf(" %5.2d BPM",dMetroBPM);
+      LCD3;                                     // line 3.
+      lcd.printf("  RTOS HW 3 PART 1");
+    }
+//  this metronome tick ISR will self-adjust to the current user-selected
+//  metronome rate.  that has to be done here, and at the start of the function,
+//  in order to maintain a constant phase and to prevent a beat-skip.
+    void interrupt_service_M()                  // metronome tick.
+    {        
+      tickerMetronome.detach();                 // only one attachment.  
+      tickerMetronome.attach(&interrupt_service_M,fMetroDelay);      
+      led3 = 1;
+      timeoutDutyCycle.attach(&led3_off,fMetroDuty);
+    }
+//  this routine measures the number of seconds for which the joystick is
+//  in the up or down position.  for three ranges of time, three different
+//  BPM rates-of-change are used.  This means that as the user controls the
+//  metronome rate using the joystick, at first it will change slowly, then
+//  it will change at a moderate speed, then it will change quickly.
+//  additionally, pressing the center joystick button will bring the metronome
+//  back to 60BPM immediately, breaking BPM phase continuity.
+    void interrupt_service_UD(void)             // joystick up/down sample
+    {   
+      int  dPressedSeconds;                     // how many seconds joystick pressed.   
+      int  dMultiCount;                         // slow count rate.
+      char cDiscontinuity;                      // 1 = break phase & change BPM now.
+      cDiscontinuity = 0;                       // don't break phase.
+                                                // calculate slow rate period.
+      dMultiCount = (int) ((float) (1.0 / ((float) UDSAMPLERATE)));
+      if (joyStickUp)                           // joystick up.
+      {
+                                                // rate-range calculations.
+        dPressedSeconds = (int) (((float) lUpDownHowMany) * UDSAMPLERATE);
+        if (dPressedSeconds < 5) {if (!(lUpDownHowMany % dMultiCount)) dMetroBPM ++;}
+        else
+        if (dPressedSeconds < 10) dMetroBPM++;
+        else dMetroBPM += 5;
+        lUpDownHowMany++;                       // joystick holddown time.
+      }
+      else
+      if (joyStickDown)                         // joystick down.
+      {
+                                                // rate-range calculations.
+        dPressedSeconds = (int) (((float) lUpDownHowMany) * UDSAMPLERATE);
+        if (dPressedSeconds < 5) {if (!(lUpDownHowMany % dMultiCount)) dMetroBPM --;}
+        else
+        if (dPressedSeconds < 10) dMetroBPM--;
+        else dMetroBPM -= 5;
+        lUpDownHowMany++;                       // joystick holddown time.
+      }
+      else lUpDownHowMany = 0;                  // clear when not up or down.
+      if (joyStickCenter)
+      {
+        dMetroBPM      = 60;                    // center-button -> 60BPM.
+        cDiscontinuity = 1;                     // pending phase-break.
+      }
+                                                // saturate metronome BPM.
+      if (dMetroBPM > METROMAX) dMetroBPM = METROMAX;
+      if (dMetroBPM < METROMIN) dMetroBPM = METROMIN;
+      fMetroDelay = 60.0 / (float) (dMetroBPM); // calculate Ticker delay time.
+      if (cDiscontinuity)                       // implement 60BPS now.
+      {
+        tickerMetronome.detach();               // only one attachment.  
+        tickerMetronome.attach(&interrupt_service_M,fMetroDelay);      
+      }
+    }
+    void led3_off(void) {led3 = 0;}             // turn off the LED.
+    void led3_on( void) {led3 = 1;}             // turn on the led.
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