SMARTGPU windows like application demo with touch Be sure to load images to the micro SD card first!

Dependencies:   SMARTGPU mbed

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API Documentation at this revision

Wed Sep 14 05:37:48 2011 +0000
Commit message:
Rev 1.0

Changed in this revision

SMARTGPU.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SMARTGPU.lib	Wed Sep 14 05:37:48 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Sep 14 05:37:48 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
+/*SMARTGPU intelligent embedded graphics processor unit
+ those examples are for use the SMARTGPU with the mbed microcontoller, just connect tx,rx,and reset
+ Board:
+ This example requires pre-loaded content to the micro SD card, images!
+ Vizic Technologies copyright 2011 */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "SMARTGPU.h"
+SMARTGPU lcd(p13,p14,p15);        //(TX,RX,Reset);
+//Each time we use the touchscreen we must define a int array that stores the X and Y readed or touched coordinates.
+int touch[2];
+//Each time we use the touchicon we must define a char array that stores the name of the touched icon.
+char icon[3];
+char pixelArray[3];                     //Array to store the RGB888 pixel obtained with memoryRead()
+//Funcion to convert a 3 byte array to an int RGB565
+int RGB888ToRGB565(char pixBuffer[]){   //get an array of 3 bytes( red, green, blue), and convert them to RGB565 returned in an int
+  unsigned char R,G,B;
+  unsigned int col;
+  unsigned long colour;
+  R=pixBuffer[0];
+  G=pixBuffer[1];
+  B=pixBuffer[2]; 
+  ((unsigned char *) &colour)[1]=(R & 0xF8);
+  R=G;
+  G=G>>5;
+  ((unsigned char *) &colour)[1]|=G;
+  G=(R<<3)& 0xE0;
+  ((unsigned char *) &colour)[0]=B;
+  ((unsigned char *) &colour)[0]=((unsigned char *) &colour)[0]>>3;  
+  ((unsigned char *) &colour)[0]|=G;
+  col=colour;
+  return col;
+//Main applications, the next applications are called by the main loop menu
+//clock application
+char clocks(){
+  int hours=4,mins=48,secs=0;
+  int halfx=160 ,halfy=129;
+  int xs,ys,xm,ym,xh,yh,n;
+  int angleH,angleM,angleS;
+  int handHour=45;//hand size
+  int handMin=57;//hand size
+  int handSec=62;//hand size 
+  int colBackClk,colHour=WHITE,colMin=WHITE,colSec=WHITE; 
+  char carClk=1,clockNextFlag;
+  while(1){                       //we loop between clocks until a touch on icons
+    switch(carClk){
+      case 1:                      
+        lcd.imageSD(0,0,"oldclk"); //load the clock face
+        colHour=BLACK;             //change the colour of the clock hands
+        colMin=BLACK;
+        colSec=RED;
+        handHour=45;               //hands size
+        handMin=57;                 
+        handSec=62;
+      break;
+      case 2:
+        lcd.imageSD(0,0,"colclk"); //load the clock face
+        colHour=RED;               //change the colour of the clock hands
+        colMin=BLUE;
+        colSec=YELLOW;    
+        handHour=58;               //hands size
+        handMin=65;
+        handSec=70;
+      break;
+      case 3:
+        lcd.imageSD(0,0,"purclk"); //load the clock face
+        colHour=WHITE;             //change the colour of the clock hands
+        colMin=WHITE;
+        colSec=WHITE;
+        handHour=47;               //hands size
+        handMin=55;        
+        handSec=64;
+      break;
+      default:
+      break;        
+    }
+    lcd.imageSD(0,0,"WinHead");                         //draw header
+    lcd.memoryRead(halfx,halfy,halfx,halfy,pixelArray); //This function return a 24 bit pixel array, 
+    colBackClk=RGB888ToRGB565(pixelArray);              //we get the back colour of the clock to erase the hands with the same colour   
+    clockNextFlag=0;                                    //turn off next clock flag          
+    while(clockNextFlag==0){
+      //Do some Math to get the second point of the clock hands. (first point is always the center of the clock)
+      angleS=secs*6;                           //get the current seconds in angle form, a circle have 360 degrees divided by 60 seconds = 6, then we multiply the 6 by the current seconds to get current angle
+      xs=(sin((angleS*3.14)/180)) * handSec;   //get X component of the second's hand
+      ys=(cos((angleS*3.14)/180)) * handSec;   //get Y component of the second's hand
+      angleM=mins*6;                           //get the current minutes in angle form, a circle have 360 degrees divided by 60 minutes = 6, then we multiply the 6 by the current minutes to get current angle
+      xm=(sin((angleM*3.14)/180)) * handMin;   //get X component of the minutes's hand
+      ym=(cos((angleM*3.14)/180)) * handMin;   //get Y component of the minutes's hand 
+      angleH=hours*30;                         //get the current hours in angle form, a circle have 360 degrees divided by 12 hours = 30, then we multiply the 30 by the current hours to get current angle
+      xh=(sin((angleH*3.14)/180)) * handHour;  //get X component of the hours's hand
+      yh=(cos((angleH*3.14)/180)) * handHour;  //get Y component of the hours's hand
+      //Draw current time hands  
+      lcd.drawLine(halfx,halfy,halfx+xm,halfy-ym,colMin);  // Draw the minutes hand, first point is the center of the clock, and the second is the point obtained by doing math
+      lcd.drawLine(halfx,halfy,halfx+xh,halfy-yh,colHour); // Draw the hours hand, first point is the center of the clock, and the second is the point obtained by doing math
+      lcd.drawLine(halfx,halfy,halfx+xs,halfy-ys,colSec);  // Draw the seconds hand, first point is the center of the clock, and the second is the point obtained by doing math
+      lcd.drawCircle(halfx,halfy,3,colSec,FILL);           // Draw the center of the second's hand
+      for(n=0;n<210;n++){                                  // loop for about one second delay (we dont need to explain why we're waiting one second, right?)
+        if(lcd.touchScreen(touch)){
+          carClk++;                                        // increase clock Counter to select and load next clock
+          if(carClk==4){
+            carClk=1;
+          }                   
+          clockNextFlag=1;                                 // turn on flag to change clock
+          break;
+        }
+        if(lcd.touchIcon(icon)){                           // if we receive a touch on icons we exit
+          return 0;                                        // exit
+        }              
+      }
+      //time managing
+      secs++;                                         // increase seconds
+      if(secs==60){                                   // if we reach 60 seconds
+        mins++;                                       // increase the minutes
+        if(mins==60){                                 // if we reach 60 minutes
+          hours++;                                    // increase the minutes
+          if(hours==12){                              // if we reach 12 hours
+            hours=0;                                  // clear hours
+          } 
+          mins=0;                                     // clear minutes
+        }            
+        secs=0;                                       // clear seconds
+      }                      
+      //Erase all hands         
+      lcd.drawLine(halfx,halfy,halfx+xs,halfy-ys,colBackClk); // Erase Second's hand
+      lcd.drawLine(halfx,halfy,halfx+xm,halfy-ym,colBackClk); // Erase Minute's hand
+      lcd.drawLine(halfx,halfy,halfx+xh,halfy-yh,colBackClk); // Erase Hour's hand            
+    }
+  }    
+//calc application
+void calculator(){
+  unsigned char auxCalc=0;
+  char number=0;
+  int sums=0;
+  char num1[2]={0}; 
+  char num2[2]={0}; 
+  char result[4]={0};
+  char operation[2]={0};
+  lcd.imageSD(0,0,"Calc");                           //load calc design
+  lcd.imageSD(0,0,"WinHead");                        //draw header
+  lcd.string(224,34,255,65,BLACK,FONT7,TRANS,"0");   //draw numbers
+  lcd.string(80,36,100,55,BLACK,FONT0,TRANS,"0");  
+  //Start application
+  while(1){                               //while touch on icons
+    while(lcd.touchScreen(touch)==0 & lcd.touchIcon(icon)==0); //wait for a touch to do something
+    if(lcd.touchIcon(icon)==1){           //if the received touch was on any icon we go to main menu 
+      break;  
+    }         
+    if(touch[YCOORD]>73 & touch[YCOORD]<101){        //first row       
+      if(touch[XCOORD]>74 & touch[XCOORD]<117){
+        auxCalc='E'; 
+      }else if(touch[XCOORD]>116 & touch[XCOORD]<161){
+        auxCalc='I';
+      }else if(touch[XCOORD]>161 & touch[XCOORD]<205){
+        auxCalc='/';
+      }else if(touch[XCOORD]>204 & touch[XCOORD]<249){
+        auxCalc='X';
+      }
+    }else if(touch[YCOORD]>100 & touch[YCOORD]<130){ //second row
+      if(touch[XCOORD]>74 & touch[XCOORD]<117){
+        auxCalc=7; 
+      }else if(touch[XCOORD]>116 & touch[XCOORD]<161){
+        auxCalc=8;
+      }else if(touch[XCOORD]>161 & touch[XCOORD]<205){
+        auxCalc=9;
+      }else if(touch[XCOORD]>204 & touch[XCOORD]<249){
+        auxCalc='-';
+      }                
+    }else if(touch[YCOORD]>129 & touch[YCOORD]<159){ //third row
+      if(touch[XCOORD]>74 & touch[XCOORD]<117){
+        auxCalc=4; 
+      }else if(touch[XCOORD]>116 & touch[XCOORD]<161){
+        auxCalc=5;
+      }else if(touch[XCOORD]>161 & touch[XCOORD]<205){
+        auxCalc=6;
+      }else if(touch[XCOORD]>204 & touch[XCOORD]<249){
+        auxCalc='+';
+      }                     
+    }else if(touch[YCOORD]>158 & touch[YCOORD]<188){ //fourth row
+      if(touch[XCOORD]>74 & touch[XCOORD]<117){
+        auxCalc=1; 
+      }else if(touch[XCOORD]>116 & touch[XCOORD]<161){
+        auxCalc=2;
+      }else if(touch[XCOORD]>161 & touch[XCOORD]<205){
+        auxCalc=3;
+      }else if(touch[XCOORD]>204 & touch[XCOORD]<249){
+        auxCalc='R';
+      }         
+    }else if(touch[YCOORD]>187 & touch[YCOORD]<215){ //fifth row
+      if(touch[XCOORD]>74 & touch[XCOORD]<117){
+        auxCalc=0; 
+      }else if(touch[XCOORD]>116 & touch[XCOORD]<161){
+        auxCalc=0;
+      }else if(touch[XCOORD]>204 & touch[XCOORD]<249){
+        auxCalc='R';
+      } 
+    }else{
+      auxCalc='N';
+    }
+    if(number==0){               //get first number
+      if(auxCalc<10){
+        num1[0]=auxCalc+0x30;               
+      }else{
+        if(auxCalc=='E'){                  
+          num1[0]=0x30;                
+        }else{                  
+          operation[0]=auxCalc;
+          if(operation[0]!='R' & operation[0]!='N' & operation[0]!='I'){
+            number++; 
+            lcd.drawRectangle(224,34,248,58,0xD6B6,FILL);
+            wait_ms(200);
+            lcd.string(90,36,100,55,BLACK,FONT0,TRANS,operation);                  
+          }                                                     
+        }                            
+      }
+      lcd.drawRectangle(80,36,87,46,0xD6B6,FILL);              
+      lcd.drawRectangle(224,34,248,58,0xD6B6,FILL);
+      lcd.string(224,34,255,65,BLACK,FONT7,TRANS,num1);
+      lcd.string(80,36,100,55,BLACK,FONT0,TRANS,num1);
+      num2[0]=0; 
+    }else if (number==1){       //get second number
+      if(auxCalc<10){
+        num2[0]=auxCalc+0x30;              
+      }else{
+        if(auxCalc=='E'){
+            num2[0]=0x30; 
+        }else{                                                         
+          if(auxCalc=='R'){
+            switch(operation[0]){
+              case '+':
+                sums=(num1[0]-0x30);
+                sums+=(num2[0]-0x30);                          
+              break;
+              case '-':
+                sums=(num1[0]-0x30);
+                sums-=(num2[0]-0x30);                          
+              break;
+              case 'X':
+                sums=(num1[0]-0x30);
+                sums*=(num2[0]-0x30);                          
+              break;
+              case '/':
+                sums=(num1[0]-0x30);
+                sums/=(num2[0]-0x30);                                                  
+              break;  
+              default:
+                sums=(num1[0]-0x30);
+                sums+=(num2[0]-0x30); 
+              break;                                                               
+            }       
+            if(sums<0){
+              result[0]='-'; 
+              result[1]=(-1*(sums/10))+0x30;
+              result[2]=(-1*(sums%10))+0x30;
+            }else{
+              result[0]=' ';                                   
+              result[1]=(sums/10)+0x30;
+              result[2]=(sums%10)+0x30;
+            }                        
+            lcd.string(100,36,110,55,BLACK,FONT0,TRANS,num2);
+            lcd.string(110,36,120,55,BLACK,FONT0,TRANS,"=\0");
+            lcd.drawRectangle(224,34,248,58,0xD6B6,FILL);
+            lcd.string(192,34,255,65,BLACK,FONT7,TRANS,result);                                              
+            number++;    
+            wait_ms(200);                                                                  
+          }                                                                        
+        }                             
+      } 
+      if(number<2){
+        lcd.drawRectangle(100,36,107,46,0xD6B6,FILL);              
+        lcd.drawRectangle(224,34,248,58,0xD6B6,FILL);
+        lcd.string(224,34,255,65,BLACK,FONT7,TRANS,num2);
+        lcd.string(100,36,110,55,BLACK,FONT0,TRANS,num2);
+      }
+    }else{
+      lcd.drawRectangle(75,34,248,58,0xD6B6,FILL);
+      number=0;
+    }            
+  }     
+//notes application
+void notes(){
+  lcd.imageSD(0,0,"notes");                   //load notes design
+  lcd.imageSD(0,0,"WinHead");                 //draw header
+  while(1){          
+    while(lcd.touchScreen(touch)==0 & lcd.touchIcon(icon)==0); //wait for a touch to do something
+    if(lcd.touchIcon(icon)==1){               //if the received touch was on any icon we exit go to main menu 
+      break;  
+    }   
+    if(touch[YCOORD]>10){ 
+      lcd.drawCircle(touch[XCOORD],touch[YCOORD],2,BLACK,FILL);
+    }else{
+      if(touch[XCOORD]>300){                  //close
+        break;
+      }else{                                  //reload all
+        lcd.imageSD(0,0,"notes");
+        lcd.imageSD(0,0,"WinHead");           //draw header            
+      }
+    }                                 
+ }                                 
+//pong application
+void pong(){
+  char radiusBall2=8;
+  char radiusBall1=10;  
+  int speedBall1=2; //ball1 moving speed - amount of pixels that ball move each time
+  int speedBall2=3; //ball2 moving speed - amount of pixels that ball move each time 
+  int dirx1=-1;     //xball1 initial negative direction
+  int diry1=1;      //yball1 initial positive direction
+  int xBall1=200;   //x initial position of ball1
+  int yBall1;       //y position of ball1
+  int dirx2=1;      //xball2 initial positive direction
+  int diry2=-1;     //yball2 initial negative direction
+  int xBall2=50;    //x initial position of ball2
+  int yBall2;       //y position of ball2
+  //variables used by Pong data
+  char score[7]={0,0,' ','P','T','S',0x00}; //array to save score
+  char points=0;            
+  char gameOver=0;        //game over flag
+  int speedCounter=0;     //Counter that saves the speed 
+  char ball1Active=1;     //acrive ball flag
+  char ball2Active=1;     //active ball flag 
+  int barSize = 60;       //size of bar in pixels 
+  int bar=50;             //initial x position of the bar   
+  int barCenter = (barSize/2)+bar; //we need to know the center of the bar
+  int pongBack=0x6350;    //pong background colour
+  //define bouncing corners 
+  int bottomx1= (25+radiusBall1);
+  int topx1   = (319-25-radiusBall1-1);
+  int bottomy1= (25+radiusBall1);
+  int topy1   = (239-30-radiusBall1-1);
+  int bottomx2= (25+radiusBall2);
+  int topx2   = (319-25-radiusBall2-1);
+  int bottomy2= (25+radiusBall2);
+  int topy2   = (239-30-radiusBall2-1);    
+  unsigned char i;
+  char buffer[3];
+  yBall1=40+radiusBall1; //y initial position of ball1 
+  yBall2=160+radiusBall2; //y initial position of ball2
+  lcd.imageSD(0,0,"pong");                                               //load pong design
+  lcd.imageSD(0,0,"WinHead");                                            //draw header
+  lcd.string(110,100,250,120,GREEN,FONT0,COLOUR,"Touch to Begin");       //draw instructions
+  while(lcd.touchScreen(touch)==0);                                      //wait a touch to begin
+  lcd.drawRectangle(25,25,294,214,pongBack,FILL);                        //draw arena
+  lcd.drawRectangle(24,24,295,215,GREEN,UNFILL);                         //corners
+  lcd.drawLine(bar,209,bar+barSize,209,WHITE);                           //draw Bar   
+  while(gameOver==0){                                                    //while game over flag is zero                          
+    buffer[0]=(points/10)+0x30, buffer[1]=(points%10)+0x30, buffer[2]=0; //fill buffer that counts
+    lcd.string(2,16,30,35,RED,FONT3,COLOUR,buffer);                      //display current points
+      for(i=0;i<5;i++){                                                  //check 5 times if the player touches the screen
+        if(lcd.touchScreen(touch)){                                      //if we receive a touch then we move the bar to touched side
+          lcd.drawLine(bar,209,bar+barSize,209,pongBack);                //erase previous Bar    
+          if(touch[XCOORD]>barCenter){                                   //if we need to move the bar to the right           
+            bar+=8;                                                      //move the bar to the right  8 pixels
+            if((bar+barSize)>293){                                       //if the bar reach the right corner
+              bar=293-barSize;      
+            }              
+            barCenter=bar+(barSize/2);                                   //set new center position of the bar
+          }else{                                                         //move the bar to the left                                   
+            bar-=8;                                                      //move the bar to the left 8 pixels 
+            if(bar<25){                                                  //if the bar reach the left corner
+              bar=25;  
+            }              
+            barCenter=bar+(barSize/2);                                   //set new center position of the bar
+          }
+          lcd.drawLine(bar,209,bar+barSize,209,WHITE);                   //draw the new bar at the new position
+        }
+      }
+      //we update the balls
+      if(ball1Active){                                                   //if we haven't lost the ball1         
+        /***************************************************/
+        //This its similar as moveBall1() function of pong example
+        //update the actual position of the ball1        
+        lcd.drawCircle(xBall1,yBall1,radiusBall1,pongBack,UNFILL);     // Erase previous ball position
+        xBall1+=(dirx1*speedBall1);                                    // Calculate new x coordinate for ball1 
+        yBall1+=(diry1*speedBall1);                                    // Calculate new y coordinate for ball1  
+        lcd.drawCircle(xBall1,yBall1,radiusBall1,GREEN,UNFILL);        // Draw new ball position
+        if((xBall1+speedBall1)>topx1 | (xBall1-speedBall1)<=bottomx1){ // if ball reaches the left or right corner, we invert moving direction 
+         dirx1= dirx1*(-1);
+        }
+        if((yBall1+speedBall1)>topy1 | (yBall1-speedBall1)<=bottomy1){ // if ball reaches the top or bottom corner, we invert moving direction 
+         if((yBall1-speedBall1)<=bottomy1){                            // Bounce on top, only invert moving direction
+           diry1= diry1*(-1);                                          // We invert the moving direction by multiplying by -1
+         }else{                                                        // Bounce on bottom, check if inside the bar       
+           if((xBall1+speedBall1)>bar & (xBall1-speedBall1)<(bar+barSize)){  //if bounce inside the bar
+             diry1= diry1*(-1);                                        // We invert the moving direction by multiplying by -1
+             points++;                                                 // Increase player current points
+             speedCounter++;                                           // Increase the speed counter
+             if(speedCounter>9){                                       // If we reach 10 counts we increase the ball1 bouncing speed
+               speedBall1++;          
+               speedCounter=0;                                          // Reset the counter
+             }                           
+           }else{                                                      // Bounce outside the bar
+             ball1Active=0;                                            // Clear ball1 active flag
+             lcd.drawCircle(xBall1,yBall1,radiusBall1,pongBack,UNFILL);// Delete this ball because bounce outside of the bar        
+             if(ball1Active==0 & ball2Active==0){                      // if we have lost both balls     
+              gameOver=1;                                              // Set game over flag
+             }         
+          }
+        }
+       }          
+      }
+      if(ball2Active){                                                 //if we haven't lost the ball2
+        /***************************************************/
+        //This its similar as moveBall2() function of pong example
+        //update the actual position of the ball2          
+        lcd.drawCircle(xBall2,yBall2,radiusBall2,pongBack,FILL);       // Erase previous ball position
+        xBall2+=(dirx2*speedBall2);                                    // Calculate new x coordinate for ball2 
+        yBall2+=(diry2*speedBall2);                                    // Calculate new y coordinate for ball2
+        lcd.drawCircle(xBall2,yBall2,radiusBall2,MAGENTA,FILL);        // Draw new ball position
+        if((xBall2+speedBall2)>topx2 | (xBall2-speedBall2)<=bottomx2){ // if ball reaches the left or right corner, we invert moving direction 
+         dirx2= dirx2*(-1);
+        }
+        if((yBall2+speedBall2)>topy2 | (yBall2-speedBall2)<=bottomy2){ // if ball reaches the top or bottom corner, we invert moving direction 
+         if((yBall2-speedBall2)<=bottomy2){                            // Bounce on top, only invert moving direction
+           diry2= diry2*(-1);        
+         }else{                                                        // Bounce on bottom, check if inside the bar       
+           if((xBall2+radiusBall2)>bar & (xBall2-radiusBall2)<(bar+barSize)){  //if bounce inside the bar
+             diry2= diry2*(-1);                                        // We invert the moving direction by multiplying by -1
+             points++;                                                 // Increase player current points
+             speedCounter++;                                           // Increase the speed counter
+             if(speedCounter>9){                                       // If we reach 10 counts we increase the ball1 bouncing speed
+               speedBall2++;          
+               speedCounter=0;                                         // Reset the counter
+             }                            
+           }else{                                                      // Bounce outside the bar
+             ball2Active=0;                                            // Clear ball1 active flag
+             lcd.drawCircle(xBall2,yBall2,radiusBall2,pongBack,FILL);  // Delete this ball because bounce outside of the bar        
+             if(ball1Active==0 & ball2Active==0){                      // if we have lost both balls     
+               gameOver=1;                                             // Set game over flag
+             }         
+           }
+         }
+       } 
+     }
+  }
+  //game over - proceed to show final score
+  lcd.string(80,80,272,140,RED,FONT5,TRANS,"Game Over");
+  score[0]=(points/10)+0x30;                                            //convert points to ascii format and store them on the score buffer
+  score[1]=(points%10)+0x30;                                            //convert points to ascii format and store them on the score buffer
+  lcd.string(105,110,272,140,YELLOW,FONT5,TRANS,score);
+  lcd.string(100,135,250,180,GREEN,FONT3,TRANS,"Touch to Exit");          
+  wait_ms(1000);
+  while(lcd.touchScreen(touch)==0);                                     //wait for a touch to exit
+//slide show application
+void slideShow(){
+  char imagesOnSDCard[8][9]={"Peng320","Koala320","Hydra320","Lig320","Sea320","Tul320","Des320","Flow320"}; //array containing the names of the different called images
+  int pic=0;
+  while(1){   //Loop forever in the slide show!
+    lcd.imageSD(0,0,imagesOnSDCard[pic]);      //Load image from SD card, all images are 320x240(full screen) so we load them from top left corner X:0,Y:0
+    lcd.imageSD(3,219,"prev");                 //Load the prev icon        
+    lcd.imageSD(300,219,"next");               //Load the next icon
+    lcd.imageSD(0,0,"WinHead");                //draw header 
+    while(lcd.touchScreen(touch)==0 & lcd.touchIcon(icon)==0); //wait for a touch to do something
+    if(lcd.touchIcon(icon)==1){                //if the received touch was on any icon we exit go to main menu 
+      break;  
+    } 
+    //check if we go to the next image, or to the previous one
+    if(touch[XCOORD]>160){                  //if the received touch was on the right middle of the screen we advance the image, else we decrease and go to previous image
+      pic++;                                //decrease image selector
+      if(pic>7){                            //if we reach the position of the last image, we restart to image 0
+        pic=0;                 
+      }        
+    }else{
+      pic--;    
+      if(pic<0){                            //if we reach the position of the first image, we move to image 7
+        pic=7;  
+      }    
+    }   
+  }
+//settings application, brightness adjust
+void settings(){
+  static int bright=127;                                       //Maximum bright is set by default  133 min 14
+  static int buttonCen=271;                                    //button center, static variables to avoid losing the parameters even if we go to main menu
+    lcd.imageSD(0,0,"Bright");                                 //Load image from SD card, image is 320x240(full screen) so we load it from top left corner X:0,Y:0   
+    lcd.imageSD(0,0,"WinHead");                                //draw header
+  while(1){   //Loop forever in the settings!    
+    lcd.drawRectangle(40,64,(bright*2)+12,66,0x4C7C,FILL);     //draw brightness bar  266 max  40 min 
+    lcd.drawRectangle((bright*2)+12,64,266,66,WHITE,FILL);     //fill the rest of the bar with white     
+    lcd.imageSD((bright*2)+12,57,"button");                    //Load the button icon   266 max pos X, 40 min X pos   
+    wait_ms(100);                                              //delay to avoid fast change and flickering
+    while(lcd.touchScreen(touch)==0 & lcd.touchIcon(icon)==0); //wait for a touch to do something
+    if(lcd.touchIcon(icon)==1){                                //if the received touch was on any icon we exit go to main menu 
+      break;  
+    }
+    //touch on Screen, change brightness and draw button icon
+    if(touch[YCOORD]>55 & touch[YCOORD]<85 ){                  //if the previous touch was on active area
+      lcd.imageSD((bright*2)+12,57,"clrBar");                  //clear the button icon       
+      //check where to move left or right
+      if(touch[XCOORD]>buttonCen){                             //if we need to move the bar to the right        
+        bright+=10;                                            //increase the brightness
+        buttonCen+=22;                                         //increase the center of the button
+        if(bright>127){                                        //if the button reach the right corner
+          bright=127;                                          //set maximum bright
+          buttonCen=271;                                       //set maximum button center          
+        }              
+      }else{                                                   //move the bar to the left                                          
+        bright-=10;                                            //decrease the brightness
+        buttonCen-=22;                                         //decrease the center of the button
+        if(bright<14){                                         //if the button reach the left corner
+          bright=14;                                           //set minimum bright
+          buttonCen=40;                                        //set minimum button center          
+        }           
+      }
+      lcd.bright(bright);                                      //set new brightness value to SMART GPU          
+    }
+  } 
+//google maps application
+void googleMaps(){
+  char mapsOnSDCard[10][9]={"map0","map1","map2","map3","map4","map5","map6","map7","map8","map9"}; //array containing the names of the different called maps  
+  char maps=0,nothing=1;
+  while(1){   //Loop forever in the slide show!
+    if(nothing!=0){                              //do something
+      lcd.imageSD(0,0,mapsOnSDCard[maps]);       //Load image from SD card, all images are 320x240(full screen) so we load them from top left corner X:0,Y:0
+      lcd.imageSD(0,0,"WinHead");                //draw header
+      lcd.imageSD(5,25,"barmap");                //draw zoom bar
+    }
+    while(lcd.touchScreen(touch)==0 & lcd.touchIcon(icon)==0); //wait for a touch to do something
+    if(lcd.touchIcon(icon)==1){                //if the received touch was on any icon we exit go to main menu 
+      break;  
+    } 
+    if(touch[XCOORD]<25){                     //touch on bar
+      if(touch[YCOORD]<120){                  //touch on upper side of zoom bar
+        maps++;
+        if(maps>10){
+          maps=10;
+        }
+      }else{                                  //touch on lower side of zoom bar
+        maps--;
+        if(maps<1){
+          maps=1;  
+        }          
+      }
+       nothing=1;                             //prepare to do new image loading
+    }else{                                    //touch on inactive area
+       nothing=0;                             //do nothing and get another touch  
+    }
+  }
+//paint application   
+void paint(){
+  unsigned char penSize=1;
+  int colPaint=BLACK;
+  char pen[4]={'x','0','1',0x00};                     //Array that show the current penSize
+  //Load paint design
+  lcd.imageSD(0,0,"paint");                           //load paint image
+  lcd.string(7,54,48,65,GREEN,FONT1,FILL,"Erase");    //draw Erase word
+  lcd.string(77,54,110,65,GREEN,FONT1,FILL,pen);      //draw penSize 
+  lcd.imageSD(0,0,"WinHead");                         //draw header 
+   while(1){   //Start the Paint application
+     while(lcd.touchScreen(touch)==0 & lcd.touchIcon(icon)==0); //wait for a touch to do something
+     if(lcd.touchIcon(icon)==1){                //if the received touch was on any icon we exit go to main menu 
+       break;  
+     }     
+     if(touch[YCOORD]<67){                             //the touch was on the menu
+       if(touch[XCOORD]<45){                           //touch on erase circle
+         lcd.drawRectangle(0,67,319,239,WHITE,1);      //Draw a white rectangle on drawing area
+       }else if(touch[XCOORD]<75){                     //touch to select the eraser
+         colPaint=WHITE;
+         lcd.drawCircle(25,34,14,colPaint,FILL);       //draw WHITE colour circle on top left corner           
+       }else if(touch[XCOORD]<108){                    //touch to change pen Size 
+         penSize=penSize*2;                            //double the penSize
+         if(penSize==16){                              //maximum pen size = 8, if we reach 16 we set to 1.
+           penSize=1;
+         }          
+         pen[1]=(penSize/10)+0x30;                     //get the tens of penSize and convert them to ascii
+         pen[2]=(penSize%10)+0x30;                     //get the ones of penSize and convert them to ascii
+         lcd.string(77,54,110,65,GREEN,FONT1,FILL,pen);//draw penSize 
+         wait_ms(500);                                 //delay to avoid fast penSize changing            
+       }else if(touch[XCOORD]<312 & touch[YCOORD]>20 & touch[YCOORD]<59){                     //touch on the colours bar                  
+         lcd.memoryRead(touch[XCOORD],touch[YCOORD],touch[XCOORD],touch[YCOORD],pixelArray);  //assign new colour based on touch coordinates and memory read, this function return a 24 bit pixel array, 
+         colPaint=RGB888ToRGB565(pixelArray);
+         lcd.drawCircle(25,34,14,colPaint,FILL);                                              //draw new selected colour on top left corner           
+       }                
+    }else{                                            //Touch on drawing area
+       if((touch[YCOORD]-penSize)<67){                 // If the touch was very close to the menu, we compensate the radius
+         touch[YCOORD]=touch[YCOORD]+penSize;
+       }
+       lcd.drawCircle(touch[XCOORD],touch[YCOORD],penSize,colPaint,FILL);                    //Draw
+    }
+  }   
+//End of applications
+/****************** MAIN LOOP *********************/
+int main() { 
+  lcd.reset();                    //physically reset SMARTGPU
+  lcd.start();                    //initialize the SMARTGPU processor
+  unsigned char ic;
+  lcd.baudChange(2000000);         //set high baud for advanced applications
+  while(1){
+    //load Desktop
+    lcd.imageSD(0,0,"WinDesk");  
+    ic=0;
+    while(ic==0){                                                    //loop until we get a click on one application      
+      do{             
+        while(lcd.touchScreen(touch)==0);                            //Wait for touch      
+      }while(touch[XCOORD]>20 | touch[YCOORD]<220);                  //Wait for touch on Start Menu
+      //pop up start menu
+      lcd.imageSD(0,8,"WinMenu");
+      while(lcd.touchScreen(touch)==0);                              //Wait for touch
+      if(touch[XCOORD]<70 & touch[YCOORD]> 8  & touch[YCOORD]< 230){ //If touch on menu
+        ic=((touch[YCOORD]-8)/27)+1;                                 //divide (222pixels/8)=27 and add 1, to get the icon number
+      }                                                              //else go back
+      lcd.imageSD(0,0,"MenClose");                                   //close menu     
+    }
+    //begin application based on icon number  
+    switch(ic){                 //now that we know a touch was made on a specified icon:
+      case 1:                   //case 1 (clock)
+        clocks();
+      break;                    //end of case 1
+      case 2:                   //case 2 (notes) 
+        notes();
+      break;                    //end of case 2
+      case 3:                   //case 3 (calculator)
+        calculator();  
+      break;                    //end of case 3
+      case 4:                   //case 4 (pong) 
+        pong();
+      break;                    //end of case 4 
+      case 5:                   //case 5 (slide show) 
+        slideShow();
+      break;                    //end case 5 
+      case 6:                   //case 6 (settings)
+        settings();
+      break;                    //end case 6
+      case 7:                   //case 7 (paintPro)
+        paint();             
+      break;                    //end of case 7
+      case 8:                   //case 8 (googleMaps)
+        googleMaps();                 
+      break;                    //end of case 8 
+      default:                  //default for any other case
+      break;                    //do nothing
+    } 
+  }  
\ No newline at end of file
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