Full IPOD Like GUI Demo - MBED + SmartGPU2 board

Dependencies:   SMARTGPU2 mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Jul 10 03:29:21 2013 +0000
Commit message:
Full IPOD Like GUI - MBED + SmartGPU2 board

Changed in this revision

SMARTGPU2.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SMARTGPU2.lib	Wed Jul 10 03:29:21 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Jul 10 03:29:21 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,766 @@
+/*SMARTGPU2 intelligent embedded graphics processor unit
+ those examples are for use the SMARTGPU2 with the mbed microcontoller, just connect tx,rx,and reset
+ Board:
+ http://vizictechnologies.com/#/smart-gpu-2/4577779046
+ www.vizictechnologies.com 
+ Vizic Technologies copyright 2013 */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "SMARTGPU2.h"
+#include "stdlib.h"
+SMARTGPU2 lcd(TXPIN,RXPIN,RESETPIN);  //create our object called "lcd"
+//defines for GUI
+#define HALFX 240/2
+#define HALFY 320/2
+//declare our structures POINT and ICON
+POINT point;
+ICON icon;
+//array to store file names 25 characters max, also used as working file array
+char name[25];
+//Array with the names of the icons under "FullGUI/Ics" folder, names of 25 characters max
+#define TOTALICONS  13          //number of available icons, current sketch supports 25 icons max
+const char iconNames[TOTALICONS][25]={"backlight","calculator","clock","games","maps","media","notes","photos","wifi","settings","calls","music","wall"};
+//array used by games
+#define MOLEHOLE 3        //position of the array where mole hole image is contained
+#define HITMOLE 4         //position of the array where hit mole image is contained
+#define MISSMOLE 5        //position of the array where miss mole image is contained
+const char moleType[6][9]={"MoleHap","MoleSee","MoleBad","MoleHole","MolePun","MoleMiss"}; //array containing the names of the different called images    
+//General/Miscellaneous Functions
+unsigned char getTouchIconMainMenu(void){
+  unsigned int icPress;  
+  while(lcd.touchScreen(&point)==INVALID);      //wait for a touch  
+  //PROCEDURE TO DIVIDE THE TOUCHSCREEN AREA IN 4 x 5 EQUAL PARTS--------------------------------------------
+  //Divide screen into 4 equal horizontal parts for icons
+  icPress= (point.x/(LCD_HEIGHT/4)) + 1; //LCD_HEIGHT is 240    
+  //Divide Screen into 5 equal vertical parts for icons
+  icPress = icPress + (((point.y)/(LCD_WIDTH/5)) * 4); //LCD_WIDTH is 320
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+ return icPress; //return decoded coordinate from 1 to 20
+//obtain from EEPROM FLASH memory the name of the current stored wallpaper on the "name" array
+void getCurrentWallFromEEPROM(void){
+  lcd.fillBuffFromEEPROMPage(PAGE0); //copy PAGE0 to EEPROM RAM buffer
+  lcd.readEEPROMBuff(name,0,14,&bytesRead);   //read 14 bytes of the EEPROM RAM buffer to name array, wallpapers must not exceed 14 chars in name lenght
+  if(strstr(name, 0x00) != 0x00){    //find a null character in name, if not find, add the 0x00 NULL character
+    name[0] = 0x00;
+  }
+//save current contents of "name" array on EEPROM PAGE0 at address 0x0000
+void saveWallpaperToEEPROM(void){
+  NUMBEROFBYTES bytesWritten;
+  lcd.initClearEEPROMBuff();                  //Initialize EEPROM RAM Buffer
+  lcd.writeEEPROMBuff(name,0,sizeof(name),&bytesWritten); //write all the contents of "name" array to EEPROM RAM Buffer
+  lcd.eraseEEPROMPage(PAGE0);                 //erase all contents on the PAGE0
+  lcd.saveBuffToEEPROMPage(PAGE0);            //now save to EEPROM PAGE0 the contents of the EEPROM RAM Buffer(the name array + 0xFFs)
+void drawHeader(char *text){
+  NUMBEROFBYTES charsPrinted;
+  unsigned int batteryPercentage = 65;  
+  //draw header and text
+  lcd.drawRectangle(0,0,MAX_X_PORTRAIT,13,BLACK,FILL);  //draw upper bar
+  lcd.setTextSize(FONT0);
+  lcd.setTextColour(WHITE);
+  lcd.setTextBackFill(TRANS);
+  lcd.string(2,0,MAX_X_PORTRAIT,20,"Vizic",&charsPrinted);          //draw Vizic string
+  lcd.string(85,0,MAX_X_PORTRAIT,20,text,&charsPrinted);            //draw string
+  //draw battery icon according to the battery percentage variable
+  lcd.drawRectangle(215,0,215+((batteryPercentage*15)/100),10,GREEN,FILL);
+  lcd.drawRectangle(215,0,230,10,WHITE,UNFILL);
+  lcd.drawRectangle(230,4,232,6,WHITE,FILL);  
+//Cuts the .ext and updates the name
+void cutFileExtension(char *name, char *ext){
+  char *pch;
+  pch=strstr(name,ext);        //find the .ext extension to the name
+  strncpy(pch,0x00,1);         //cut/replace the .ext extension for the NULL 0x00 character      
+ //This function call the desired image in the position of the desired hole - used by games()
+void showMole(char mole, char hole){  
+  switch(hole){
+    case 1:
+      lcd.imageBMPSD(38,70,(char*)moleType[mole]); // hole 1
+    break;
+    case 2:
+      lcd.imageBMPSD(138,70,(char*)moleType[mole]); // hole 2
+    break;  
+    case 3:
+      lcd.imageBMPSD(240,70,(char*)moleType[mole]); // hole 3
+    break;    
+    case 4:
+      lcd.imageBMPSD(38,147,(char*)moleType[mole]); // hole 4
+    break;  
+    case 5:
+      lcd.imageBMPSD(138,147,(char*)moleType[mole]); // hole 5
+    break;
+    case 6:
+      lcd.imageBMPSD(240,147,(char*)moleType[mole]); // hole 6
+    break;
+    default:
+    break;
+  } 
+//This function returns 1 if a touch has been made in a specified hole -used by games
+char touchOnHole(char hole){
+  char hit=0; 
+  switch(hole){
+    case 1:
+      if(point.x>0 && point.x<111 && point.y>65 && point.y<146) hit=1;   //check if the last touch was inside this area
+    break;
+    case 2:
+      if(point.x>110 && point.x<211 && point.y>65 && point.y<146) hit=1; //check if the last touch was inside this area
+    break;  
+    case 3:
+      if(point.x>210 && point.x<320 && point.y>65 && point.y<146) hit=1; //check if the last touch was inside this area
+    break;    
+    case 4:
+      if(point.x>0 && point.x<111 && point.y>145 && point.y<240) hit=1;  //check if the last touch was inside this area
+    break;  
+    case 5:
+      if(point.x>110 && point.x<211 && point.y>145 && point.y<240) hit=1;//check if the last touch was inside this area
+    break;
+    case 6:
+      if(point.x>210 && point.x<320 && point.y>145 && point.y<240) hit=1;//check if the last touch was inside this area
+    break;
+    default:
+    break;
+  }  
+  return hit;  
+ //function used by music
+void drawControlRR(ACTIVE state){
+  //draw button
+  lcd.objButton(0,265,79,315,state,"");
+  //draw symbol
+  lcd.drawTriangle(0+10,265+((315-265)/2),0+39,265+10,0+39,315-10,BLACK,FILL);
+  lcd.drawTriangle(0+39,265+((315-265)/2),0+79-10,265+10,0+79-10,315-10,BLACK,FILL);
+//function used by music
+void drawControlFF(ACTIVE state){
+  //draw button  
+  lcd.objButton(160,265,MAX_X_PORTRAIT,315,state,"");    
+  //draw symbol
+  lcd.drawTriangle(160+10,265+10,160+10,315-10,160+39,265+((315-265)/2),BLACK,FILL);  
+  lcd.drawTriangle(160+39,265+10,160+39,315-10,239-10,265+((315-265)/2),BLACK,FILL);  
+//function used by music
+void drawControlPLAY(char symbol){
+  //draw button  
+  lcd.objButton(80,265,159,315,SELECTED,"");  
+  //draw symbol
+  if(symbol){      //PLAY
+    lcd.drawTriangle(80+10,265+10,80+10,315-10,159-10,265+((315-265)/2),BLACK,FILL);
+  }else{           //PAUSE
+    lcd.drawRectangle(80+10,265+10,80+10+25,315-10,BLACK,FILL);
+    lcd.drawRectangle(159-10-25,265+10,159-10,315-10,BLACK,FILL);
+  }
+//function that draws buttons and current progress bar - used by media
+void drawButtonsAndProgress(unsigned long currFrame, unsigned long totFrames){
+  lcd.objButton(0,200,159,230,DESELECTED,"Continue");
+  lcd.objButton(161,200,MAX_X_LANDSCAPE,230,DESELECTED,"Return...");
+  lcd.drawRectangle(0,170,(currFrame*MAX_X_LANDSCAPE)/(totFrames),190,RED,FILL);                 //scale currentFrame value to 0-319 pixels
+  lcd.drawRectangle((currFrame*MAX_X_LANDSCAPE)/(totFrames),170,MAX_X_LANDSCAPE,190,BLACK,FILL); //scale currentFrame value to 0-319 pixels 
+//Main applications, the next applications are called by the main loop menu
+//draws Main Menu
+void drawMainMenu(void){  
+  unsigned int i=0, x=8, y=20;
+  char aux[25];
+  strcpy(aux,"Wall/");                      //copy to name the string "Wall/"
+  getCurrentWallFromEEPROM();                   //fill global "name" array with the current EEPROM Stored name
+  strcat(aux,name);                             //concatenate the currentWall name to "Wall/"
+  if(lcd.imageBMPSD(0,0,aux)!=OK) lcd.erase();  //try to draw WallPaper Image, if fail, just erase screen
+  //now draw all top icons
+  lcd.SDFopenDir("Ics");                     //open the folder with the icons
+  while(i<TOTALICONS){                       
+    res=lcd.imageBMPSD(x,y,(char*)iconNames[i++]);  //try to draw icon and advance i
+    if(res == OK){                           //draw icon file, only if command success then advance x and y position
+      x+=50+8;                               //advance the icon size 50 + 8 the space between icons
+      if(x>230){                             //if x > 230, means we have reach the end of file and must advance 1 coloumn
+        x=8;                                 //reset x
+        y+=50+10;                            //advance the icon size 50 + 10 the space between icons
+        if(y>300) break;                     //if there are more than 20 icons, break and ignore, current sketch supports only 20 icons max
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  lcd.SDFopenDir("..");                      //return/go up to parent dir one level
+  drawHeader("Main Menu");
+  wait_ms(350);                              //A little delay to avoid fast image changing   
+void backlight(void){
+  static unsigned char currentBacklightValue=100; //0-100
+  NUMBEROFBYTES charsPrinted;
+  lcd.drawGradientRect(0,0,MAX_X_PORTRAIT,MAX_Y_PORTRAIT,BLACK,MAGENTA,VERTICAL); //draw a fullscreen gradient rectangle
+  lcd.setTextSize(FONT3);
+  lcd.setTextColour(WHITE);
+  lcd.setTextBackFill(TRANS);
+  lcd.string(40,45,MAX_X_PORTRAIT,MAX_Y_PORTRAIT,"Brightness Bar",&charsPrinted);
+  lcd.objSlider(10,80,MAX_X_PORTRAIT-10,150,currentBacklightValue,101,HORIZONTAL);
+  lcd.objButton(10,280,MAX_X_PORTRAIT-10,310,DESELECTED,"Return");
+  drawHeader("Adjustments:");  
+  while(1){
+    while(lcd.touchScreen(&point)==INVALID);//wait for a touch on screen to do something
+    if((point.x>10) && (point.x<MAX_X_PORTRAIT-10) && (point.y>80) && (point.y<150)){  //if touch inside brightness bar
+      currentBacklightValue= ((point.x-10)*100)/(MAX_X_PORTRAIT-10-10);                //scale obtained touch value to 0-100
+      lcd.objSlider(10,80,MAX_X_PORTRAIT-10,150,currentBacklightValue,101,HORIZONTAL); //update slider
+      lcd.bright(currentBacklightValue);                                               //set new brightness value
+      wait_ms(150);
+    }
+    if(point.y>280){ //if touch inside return button
+      lcd.objButton(10,280,MAX_X_PORTRAIT-10,310,SELECTED,"Return");
+      wait_ms(300);
+      return; //exit function
+    }     
+  }
+void clocks(void){
+  int hours=4,mins=48,secs=0,i=0;
+  int xs,ys,xm,ym,xh,yh;
+  int angleH,angleM,angleS;
+  int handHour=55;//hand size
+  int handMin=70; //hand size
+  int handSec=75; //hand size 
+  lcd.drawGradientRect(0,0,MAX_X_PORTRAIT,MAX_Y_PORTRAIT,BLACK,MAGENTA,VERTICAL); //draw a fullscreen gradient rectangle
+  lcd.objButton(10,280,MAX_X_PORTRAIT-10,310,DESELECTED,"Return");
+  drawHeader("Clocks:");    
+  //drawClock Body
+  lcd.drawCircle(HALFX,HALFY,80,BLACK,FILL);
+  lcd.drawCircle(HALFX,HALFY,80,WHITE,UNFILL);  
+  while(1){
+    //Do some Math to get the second point of the clock hands. (first point is always the center of the clock)
+    angleS=secs*6;                           //get the current seconds in angle form, a circle have 360 degrees divided by 60 seconds = 6, then we multiply the 6 by the current seconds to get current angle
+    xs=(sin((angleS*3.14)/180)) * handSec;   //get X component of the second's hand
+    ys=(cos((angleS*3.14)/180)) * handSec;   //get Y component of the second's hand
+    angleM=mins*6;                           //get the current minutes in angle form, a circle have 360 degrees divided by 60 minutes = 6, then we multiply the 6 by the current minutes to get current angle
+    xm=(sin((angleM*3.14)/180)) * handMin;   //get X component of the minutes's hand
+    ym=(cos((angleM*3.14)/180)) * handMin;   //get Y component of the minutes's hand 
+    angleH=hours*30;                         //get the current hours in angle form, a circle have 360 degrees divided by 12 hours = 30, then we multiply the 30 by the current hours to get current angle
+    xh=(sin((angleH*3.14)/180)) * handHour;  //get X component of the hours's hand
+    yh=(cos((angleH*3.14)/180)) * handHour;  //get Y component of the hours's hand
+    //Draw current time hands  
+    lcd.drawLine(HALFX,HALFY,HALFX+xm,HALFY-ym,WHITE); // Draw the minutes hand, first point is the center of the clock, and the second is the point obtained by doing math
+    lcd.drawLine(HALFX,HALFY,HALFX+xh,HALFY-yh,WHITE); // Draw the hours hand, first point is the center of the clock, and the second is the point obtained by doing math
+    lcd.drawLine(HALFX,HALFY,HALFX+xs,HALFY-ys,RED);   // Draw the seconds hand, first point is the center of the clock, and the second is the point obtained by doing math
+    lcd.drawCircle(HALFX,HALFY,3,RED,FILL);            // Draw the center of the second's hand
+    for(i=0;i<10;i++){                                 //loop for 10 times a delay of 100ms asking for a touch - this gives a total delay of 1 second
+      if(lcd.touchScreen(&point)==VALID){ //ask for a touch on screen to do something
+        if(point.y>280){ //if touch inside return button
+          lcd.objButton(10,280,MAX_X_PORTRAIT-10,310,SELECTED,"Return");
+          wait_ms(300);
+          return; //exit function
+        }    
+      }
+      wait_ms(100);
+    }
+    //time managing
+    secs++;                                         // increase seconds
+    if(secs==60){                                   // if we reach 60 seconds
+      mins++;                                       // increase the minutes
+      if(mins==60){                                 // if we reach 60 minutes
+        hours++;                                    // increase the minutes
+        if(hours==12){                              // if we reach 12 hours
+          hours=0;                                  // clear hours
+        } 
+        mins=0;                                     // clear minutes
+      }            
+      secs=0;                                       // clear seconds
+    }                      
+    //Erase all hands         
+    lcd.drawLine(HALFX,HALFY,HALFX+xs,HALFY-ys,BLACK); // Erase Second's hand
+    lcd.drawLine(HALFX,HALFY,HALFX+xm,HALFY-ym,BLACK); // Erase Minute's hand
+    lcd.drawLine(HALFX,HALFY,HALFX+xh,HALFY-yh,BLACK); // Erase Hour's hand            
+  } 
+void photos(void){
+  unsigned int dirs=0,pics=0;
+  static unsigned int i=0;           //static to save last image position even we exit function
+  NUMBEROFBYTES charsPrinted;
+  lcd.orientation(LANDSCAPE_LEFT);  //set orientation as landscape
+  lcd.setTextColour(WHITE);
+  lcd.setTextSize(FONT3);
+  lcd.setTextBackFill(TRANS);
+  lcd.string(80,110,MAX_X_LANDSCAPE,MAX_Y_LANDSCAPE,"Photo Gallery",&charsPrinted);
+  lcd.setTextSize(FONT2);  
+  wait_ms(1000);
+  lcd.SDFopenDir("Photos");          //open the folder with the photos
+  lcd.SDFgetList(&dirs,&pics);           //get number of files/Pics under the current folder "Photos"
+  while(1){  
+    lcd.SDFgetFileName(i,name);                        //get the name of the pic file number i
+    cutFileExtension(name,".bmp");                     //cut to name the .bmp extension
+    lcd.imageBMPSD(0,0,name);                          //Load image from SD card, all images are 320x240(full screen) so we load them from top left corner X:0,Y:0
+    wait_ms(200);                                      //A little delay to avoid fast image changing    
+    lcd.string(60,220,319,239,"<Tap center to Exit>",&charsPrinted); //Show text
+    while(lcd.touchScreen(&point)==INVALID);           //wait for a touch to do something    
+    //check if we go to the next image, or to the previous one
+    if(point.x>219){                                   //if the received touch was on the right corner of the screen we advance the image, else we decrease and go to previous image
+      i++;                                             //decrease image selector
+      if(i>=pics){                                     //if we reach the position of the last image, we restart to image 0
+        i=0;                 
+      }        
+    }
+    else if(point.x<100){
+      if(i>0){                                         //if we can decrease i
+        i--;    
+      }else{                                           //if we decrease i will be less than zero, so we move to last image instead
+        i=pics-1;  
+      }
+    }
+    else{                                              //touch on center, EXIT      
+      break;
+    }   
+  }
+  lcd.SDFopenDir("..");                                //return/go up to parent dir one level
+  lcd.orientation(PORTRAIT_LOW);                       //change to portrait mode    
+  wait_ms(300);
+void media(){
+  unsigned int i=0, row=0, vids=0;
+  unsigned long currentFrame=0, currentSecond=0;
+  VIDDATA videoData;
+  NUMBEROFBYTES charsPrinted;
+  lcd.orientation(LANDSCAPE_LEFT);   //set orientation as landscape
+  lcd.setTextColour(WHITE);
+  lcd.setTextSize(FONT3);
+  lcd.setTextBackFill(TRANS);
+  lcd.string(80,110,MAX_X_LANDSCAPE,MAX_Y_LANDSCAPE,"Video Player",&charsPrinted);
+  lcd.stopWAVFile();                 //stop current playing song if any   
+  wait_ms(1000);
+  lcd.SDFopenDir("Videos");          //open the folder with the videos
+  lcd.setTextSize(FONT2);
+  while(1){
+    lcd.string(5,0,MAX_X_LANDSCAPE,MAX_Y_LANDSCAPE,"Available Videos:      (EXIT)",&charsPrinted);
+    i=0; row=1; vids=0;
+    while(1){                          //list names
+      lcd.SDFgetFileName(i++,name);    //get the name of the vid file number i
+      if(name[0]==0x00) break;         //if name is invalid, meand end of files 
+      if(strstr(name,".vid")!=0x00){   //if .vid extension is found in the file name: print      
+        lcd.objButton(15,(row*30),MAX_X_LANDSCAPE-15,30+(row*30),DESELECTED,name);  row++;
+        vids++;  
+      }//else ignore name/file
+    }
+    while(lcd.touchScreen(&point)==INVALID); //wait for a touch to perform action
+    row=point.y/30;                    //decode touch point by dividing it by 30 (240/8) which gives the 30 pixels spacing between buttons
+    if(row==0){                        //touch on header (EXIT);
+      lcd.SDFopenDir("..");            //return/go up to parent dir one level
+      lcd.orientation(PORTRAIT_LOW);   //change to portrait mode     
+      wait_ms(300); 
+      return;                          //EXIT media()
+    }else if(row > vids) continue;     //if touch on invalid row, where no button is present, go to top while(1)
+    i=0;
+    while(row){ //get name of obtained row
+      lcd.SDFgetFileName(i++,name);    //get the name of the vid file number i  
+      if(strstr(name,".vid")!=0x00) row--;   //if .vid extension is found in the file name: decrease row variable
+    }
+    //Try to play video
+    cutFileExtension(name,".vid");    //cut to name the .vid extension  
+    if(lcd.allocateVideoSD(name,&videoData)!=OK) continue; //try to allocate video, if fail, continue to top while(1)
+    //up to here video is successfully allocated..
+    currentFrame=0;  currentSecond=0; //reset variables
+    lcd.playWAVFile(name,&charsPrinted); //open audio if any, must be named the same as the video expept for the .extension
+    while(1){
+      if(lcd.playVideoSD(0,0,videoData.framesPerSec)!=OK) break; //play video for 1 second(this equal the obtained frames per second parameter) break if error
+      currentSecond++; currentFrame+=videoData.framesPerSec;
+      if(lcd.touchScreen(&point)==VALID){  //check about each ~1 second for a touch, if Valid:
+        lcd.pauseWAVFile();           //stop audio
+        //draw buttons and progress bar
+        drawButtonsAndProgress(currentFrame, videoData.totalFrames);
+        wait_ms(300);
+        while(1){
+          while(lcd.touchScreen(&point)==INVALID || point.y<170); //while no valid touch or touch outside buttons
+          if(point.y > 200) break;                              //if touch on buttons, break while(1) and go to next ifs
+          //advance file to received touch in progress bar value...
+          currentFrame=((unsigned long)point.x * (unsigned long)videoData.totalFrames) / MAX_X_LANDSCAPE; //obtain new current frame value 0-319
+          currentFrame= (currentFrame/(unsigned long)videoData.framesPerSec)*((unsigned long)videoData.framesPerSec); //convert currentFrame to a factor of videoData.framesPerSecond
+          currentSecond=(currentFrame/(unsigned long)videoData.framesPerSec);
+          lcd.setFrameVideoSD(currentFrame);                    //set new obtained frame
+          lcd.playVideoSD(0,0,1);                               //show new frame
+          lcd.advanceWAVFile(currentSecond);                    //set new value to audio file
+          //update buttons and progress bar
+          drawButtonsAndProgress(currentFrame, videoData.totalFrames);
+          wait_ms(50);
+        }
+        if(point.x < 160){           //touch on continue button
+          lcd.objButton(0,200,159,230,SELECTED,"Continue");
+          wait_ms(300);
+          lcd.pauseWAVFile();        //resume audio
+        }else{                       //touch on return button
+          lcd.objButton(161,200,319,230,SELECTED,"Return...");
+          lcd.stopWAVFile();
+          wait_ms(300);
+          break;                     //exit playback        
+        }
+      }
+    }          
+  }
+void notes(){
+  lcd.imageBMPSD(0,0,"Misc/notes");          //load notes design
+  lcd.objButton(10,280,MAX_X_PORTRAIT-10,310,DESELECTED,"Return");
+  drawHeader("Adjustments:");
+  wait_ms(200);                              //A little delay to avoid fast image changing
+  while(1){    
+    while(lcd.touchScreen(&point)==INVALID); //wait for a touch to do something    
+    if(point.y<65){                          //Touch on upper Icons
+      //clear note block
+      lcd.imageBMPSD(0,0,"Misc/notes");      //load notes design
+      lcd.objButton(10,280,MAX_X_PORTRAIT-10,310,DESELECTED,"Return");
+      drawHeader("Note pad:");
+    }else if(point.y<280){                   //touch on notepad
+      lcd.drawCircle(point.x,point.y,1,BLACK,FILL); //draw         
+    }else{                                   //touch on return button
+      lcd.objButton(10,280,MAX_X_PORTRAIT-10,310,SELECTED,"Return");    
+      wait_ms(300);
+      return;                                //exit
+    }                                
+  }                                 
+void games(){
+  int x;
+  char hitFlag=0,hole,mole,moleCounter=20,points=0,pointsTotal[4]="00 ";        //array to store the points
+  NUMBEROFBYTES charsPrinted;
+  lcd.orientation(LANDSCAPE_LEFT); //set orientation as landscape  
+  lcd.SDFopenDir("Games");          //Open the Games folder that contains the images of the Application
+ while(1){                         //loop forever
+  lcd.setTextColour(WHITE);
+  lcd.setTextSize(FONT5);
+  lcd.setTextBackFill(TRANS);  
+  lcd.string(10,80,MAX_X_LANDSCAPE,MAX_Y_LANDSCAPE,"MOLE STOMP!!!",&charsPrinted); //show name string
+  wait_ms(1000);  
+  lcd.string(22,130,MAX_X_LANDSCAPE,MAX_Y_LANDSCAPE,"GET READY!!!",&charsPrinted); //show ready string
+  wait_ms(1500);
+  lcd.imageBMPSD(0,0,"MoleArea");  //show area   
+  lcd.setTextSize(FONT2);
+  lcd.setTextBackFill(FILLED); 
+  lcd.setTextBackColour(BLUE);     //set the all text background to blue  
+  //Start the game!
+  while(moleCounter>0){            //loop the game while moleCounter reaches zero moles
+    mole=rand()%3;                 //get a random mole 0-2
+    hole=rand()%7;                 //get a random hole 0-6
+    showMole(mole,hole);           //show the random mole on the random hole
+    for(x=0;x<3000;x++){            //wait some time for the player hit the mole(less time=more difficulty, more time=easy play)
+      if(lcd.touchScreen(&point)==VALID){  //if we receive a touch on screen
+        if(touchOnHole(hole)){     //if the touch is on the hole of the current mole
+          hitFlag=1;               //turn on the hit mole flag
+          break;                   //end the waiting time
+        }
+        if(point.x > 270 && point.y < 50) moleCounter=0; //touch on X symbol, end game
+      }  
+    }
+    if(hitFlag==1){               //if the last mole was hit
+      showMole(HITMOLE,hole);     //we show the hit mole
+      points++;                   //increase hit mole counter or points
+      hitFlag=0;                  //clear the hit flag
+    }else{                        //if the last mole was missed
+      showMole(MISSMOLE,hole);    //show the mole hiding
+    }
+    pointsTotal[0]=(points/10)+0x30;  //get the tens of the points and convert them to ascii
+    pointsTotal[1]=(points%10)+0x30;  //get the ones of the points and convert them to ascii
+    lcd.string(33,27,100,100,pointsTotal,&charsPrinted); //draw the points  
+    wait_ms(350);
+    showMole(MOLEHOLE,hole);          //show the bare hole
+    moleCounter--;                    //decrease the mole counter
+  }
+  //Game over, display results
+  lcd.setTextColour(YELLOW);
+  lcd.setTextSize(FONT3);
+  lcd.setTextBackFill(TRANS);    
+  lcd.string(80,50,300,220,"Whacked Moles:",&charsPrinted);   
+  lcd.setTextColour(BLUE);  
+  lcd.string(153,75,300,220,pointsTotal,&charsPrinted); //draw the converted to ascii points array 
+  lcd.setTextColour(RED);  
+  lcd.setTextSize(FONT2);  
+  lcd.string(50,140,319,239,"TOUCH TO RESTART",&charsPrinted);
+  lcd.objButton(10,200,MAX_X_LANDSCAPE-10,230,DESELECTED,"Return");
+  wait_ms(1000);
+  while(lcd.touchScreen(&point)==INVALID);   //wait for a touch on screen to restart or exit
+  if(point.y>200){                           //touch on return button
+    lcd.objButton(10,200,MAX_X_LANDSCAPE-10,230,SELECTED,"Return");
+    break;                                   //exit while(1) loop
+  }//else re-start game
+  moleCounter=20;                   //reset the moleCounter
+  points=0;                         //reset points
+  lcd.erase();                      //erase screen and restart all
+ }   
+  lcd.SDFopenDir("..");                                //return/go up to parent dir one level
+  lcd.orientation(PORTRAIT_LOW);                       //change to portrait mode    
+  wait_ms(300);
+void music(){
+  STATE state; static char pause=1;
+  unsigned int dirs=0,songs=0;
+  static unsigned int currentSong=0, volume=100;//static to save current song and volume even we exit function
+  NUMBEROFBYTES charsPrinted;
+  lcd.SDFopenDir("Music");          //Open the folder that contains the songs in .wav format
+  lcd.SDFgetList(&dirs,&songs);     //get number of files/songs under the current folder "Music"
+  lcd.setTextColour(WHITE);
+  lcd.setTextSize(FONT3);
+  lcd.setTextBackFill(TRANS);
+  lcd.string(50,140,MAX_X_PORTRAIT,MAX_Y_PORTRAIT,"Music Player",&charsPrinted);
+  wait_ms(1000);
+  lcd.erase();  
+  drawHeader("Music:");
+  lcd.getWAVPlayState(&state);      //get playing state
+  if(state==DISABLE) pause=1;       //if not playing, set pause to active
+  drawControlPLAY(pause);           //draw button according to pause
+  drawControlRR(DESELECTED);
+  drawControlFF(DESELECTED); 
+  //draw current volume bar
+  lcd.drawRectangle(0,245,(volume*MAX_X_PORTRAIT)/(100),260,YELLOW,FILL);  //scale volume value to 0-239 pixels
+  lcd.drawRectangle((volume*MAX_X_PORTRAIT)/(100),245,319,260,BLACK,FILL); //scale volume value to 0-239 pixels 
+  while(1){
+    lcd.getWAVPlayState(&state);                         //get playing state  
+    if(state==DISABLE){pause=1; drawControlPLAY(pause);} //if not playing, set pause to active and update button
+    if(pause==0) lcd.drawGradientRect(0,70,MAX_X_PORTRAIT,240,(rand()%0xFFFF),(rand()%0xFFFF),HORIZONTAL);
+    wait_ms(100);
+    if(lcd.touchScreen(&point)==VALID){           //ask for touch and if valid..
+      if(point.y>265){                            //Touch on controls
+        if(point.x<80){                           //touch on << icon
+          drawControlRR(SELECTED);
+          lcd.advanceWAVFile(0);                  //rewind song to beginning
+          wait_ms(300);                           //wait                    
+          drawControlRR(DESELECTED);
+        }else if(point.x<160){                    //touch on Play/Pause icon
+          if(state == ENABLE){                    //if playing
+            lcd.pauseWAVFile();                   //pause playing
+            pause=!pause;
+          }else{                                  //begin to play any song
+            lcd.SDFgetFileName(currentSong,name); //get the name of the song file number currentSong
+            cutFileExtension(name,".wav");        //cut to name the .wav extension
+            lcd.playWAVFile(name,&charsPrinted); //play file - returns the duration of the song in seconds
+            lcd.drawRectangle(0,25,MAX_X_PORTRAIT,70,BLACK,FILL);   //erase previous name
+            lcd.string(10,30,MAX_X_PORTRAIT,MAX_Y_PORTRAIT,name,&charsPrinted); //print new name
+            pause=0; 
+          }        
+          wait_ms(300);          
+        }else{ //point.x<240                      //touch on >> icon
+          drawControlFF(SELECTED);
+          lcd.stopWAVFile();                      //stop current playing song if any
+          currentSong++;                          //advance current song
+          if(currentSong>=songs) currentSong=0;   //check
+          lcd.SDFgetFileName(currentSong,name);   //get the name of the song file number currentSong
+          cutFileExtension(name,".wav");          //cut to name the .wav extension
+          lcd.playWAVFile(name,&charsPrinted);    //play file
+          lcd.drawRectangle(0,25,MAX_X_PORTRAIT,70,BLACK,FILL);   //erase previous name
+          lcd.string(10,30,MAX_X_PORTRAIT,MAX_Y_PORTRAIT,name,&charsPrinted); //print new name         
+          pause=0;
+          wait_ms(300);                             //wait          
+          drawControlFF(DESELECTED);
+        }
+        drawControlPLAY(pause);                   //update button        
+      }else if(point.y>240){                      //Touch on volume bar
+        volume=(point.x*100)/MAX_X_PORTRAIT;      //obtain new volume parameter by scaling to 0-239 pixels
+        lcd.setVolumeWAV(volume);                 //set new volume to SmartGPU Audio
+        //update volume bar
+        lcd.drawRectangle(0,245,(volume*MAX_X_PORTRAIT)/(100),260,YELLOW,FILL);             //scale volume value to 0-239 pixels
+        lcd.drawRectangle((volume*MAX_X_PORTRAIT)/(100),245,MAX_X_PORTRAIT,260,BLACK,FILL); //scale volume value to 0-239 pixels         
+        wait_ms(50);
+      }else if(point.y<20){                       //if touch on main header, go to main menu
+        lcd.SDFopenDir("..");                     //return/go up to parent dir one level
+        wait_ms(300);      
+        return;
+      }
+    } 
+  }
+void wallpaper(){
+  unsigned int dirs=0,walls=0, i=0;
+  NUMBEROFBYTES charsPrinted;
+  lcd.SDFopenDir("Wall") ;          //Open the folder that contains the wallpaper images
+  lcd.SDFgetList(&dirs,&walls);     //get number of files/Pics under the current folder "Wall"
+  lcd.setTextColour(WHITE);
+  lcd.setTextSize(FONT3);
+  lcd.setTextBackFill(TRANS);
+  lcd.string(55,140,MAX_X_PORTRAIT,MAX_Y_PORTRAIT,"Wallpapers",&charsPrinted);
+  wait_ms(1000);
+  while(1){  
+    lcd.SDFgetFileName(i,name);                        //get the name of the wall file number i
+    cutFileExtension(name,".bmp");                     //cut to name the .bmp extension
+    lcd.imageBMPSD(0,0,name);                          //Load image from SD card, all images are 240x320(full screen) so we load them from top left corner X:0,Y:0
+    drawHeader("Wallpapers:");
+    wait_ms(200);                                      //A little delay to avoid fast image changing    
+    lcd.objButton(10,25,MAX_X_PORTRAIT-10,55,DESELECTED,"Set as Wall");    
+    lcd.objButton(10,280,MAX_X_PORTRAIT-10,310,DESELECTED,"Return");
+    while(lcd.touchScreen(&point)==INVALID);           //wait for a touch to do something    
+    if(point.y > 280){                                 //if touch on "return" button, break to exit while(1);
+      lcd.objButton(10,280,MAX_X_PORTRAIT-10,310,SELECTED,"Return");
+      lcd.SDFopenDir("..");                            //return/go up to parent dir one level
+      wait_ms(300);      
+      return;                                          //EXIT                           
+    }
+    if(point.y < 60){                                  //if touch on "set as wall" button
+      lcd.objButton(10,25,MAX_X_PORTRAIT-10,55,SELECTED,"Set as Wall");
+      lcd.setTextSize(FONT2);
+      lcd.string(22,140,MAX_X_PORTRAIT,MAX_Y_PORTRAIT,"Saved on EEPROM",&charsPrinted);
+      saveWallpaperToEEPROM();                         //Save the current contents of "name" array to EEPROM
+      wait_ms(500);
+      continue;
+    }     
+    //check if we go to the next image, or to the previous one
+    if(point.x>120){                                   //if the received touch was on the right side of the screen we advance the image, else we decrease and go to previous image
+      i++;                                             //decrease image selector
+      if(i>=walls){                                    //if we reach the position of the last image, we restart to image 0
+        i=0;                 
+      }        
+    }else{                                             //touch on left side of screen
+      if(i>0){                                         //if we can decrease i
+        i--;    
+      }else{                                           //if we decrease i will be less than zero, so we move to last image instead
+        i=walls-1;  
+      }
+    }   
+  }    
+void initializeSmartGPU2(void){      //Initialize SMARTGPU2 Board
+  lcd.reset();                       //physically reset SMARTGPU2
+  lcd.start();                       //initialize the SMARTGPU2 processor
+int main() {
+  unsigned char icons;
+  initializeSmartGPU2();           //Init communication with SmartGPU2 board
+  lcd.baudChange(BAUD7);           //set high baud for advanced applications
+  lcd.orientation(PORTRAIT_LOW);   //set orientation as portrait  
+  lcd.initDACAudio(ENABLE);        //Turn on the Audio DACs
+  lcd.audioBoost(ENABLE);          //ENABLE boost  
+  lcd.SDFopenDir("FullGUI");       //Open the FullGUI folder that contains the images of the Application
+  while(1){
+    //draw MainMenu
+    drawMainMenu();
+    icons=getTouchIconMainMenu();  //ask for a touch on one of the icons of main menu and return icon#
+    switch(icons){
+      case 1: //case icon 1
+        backlight();
+      break;  
+      case 2: //case icon 2
+        //calculator();
+      break;
+      case 3: //case icon 3
+        clocks();
+      break;
+      case 4: //case icon 4
+        games();
+      break;
+      case 5: //case icon 5
+        //maps();
+      break;
+      case 6: //case icon 6
+        media();
+      break;
+      case 7: //case icon 7
+        notes();
+      break;
+      case 8: //case icon 8
+        photos();
+      break;
+      case 9: //case icon 9
+        //wifi();
+      break;
+      case 10: //case icon 10
+        //settings();
+      break;      
+      case 11: //case icon 11
+        //calls();
+      break; 
+      case 12: //case icon 12
+        music();
+      break; 
+      case 13: //case icon 13
+        wallpaper();
+      break;      
+      default:
+        //do nothing
+      break;       
+    }
+  }  
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