Vodafone Test Suite

Dependencies:   mbed-rtos mbed HTTPClient VodafoneUSBModem

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00001 #pragma once
00002 #include "VodafoneTestCase.h"
00003 //#define __DEBUG__ 1
00005 // this test case will wait to send an SMS from the modem.
00006 // if the method that sends a message returns an error it will fail.
00007 // it will report the test as failed if any of the above happens.
00008 // it does not wait after it has succesfully sent an SMS.
00009 // this test basic characters and numbers can be sent via SMS.
00011 extern const char *gTest04Description;
00012 extern const char *gTestPhoneNumber;
00013 extern const char *gAlphabetNumbersMessage;
00015 class Test04 : public VodafoneTestCase {
00016    public: 
00018       Test04(VodafoneUSBModem *m) : VodafoneTestCase(m) {}
00020    private:
00021       virtual bool executeTest() {
00022          LOG(gTest04Description);    
00023          LinkMonitor::REGISTRATION_STATE regState = LinkMonitor::REGISTRATION_STATE_UNKNOWN;
00024          LinkMonitor::BEARER bearer = LinkMonitor::BEARER_UNKNOWN;
00025          int rssi = -1000;
00026          if(_modem->getLinkState(&rssi, &regState, &bearer)==0) 
00027             {
00028                 if(rssi==-1000) 
00029                     { LOG("Checking signal strength - RSSI: Error."); return false;} 
00030                else 
00031                 { LOG("Signal strength is: RSSI: %d",rssi);}
00034                switch(regState) {
00035                   case LinkMonitor::REGISTRATION_STATE_UNKNOWN:
00036                      LOG("regState: UNKNOWN. Failing.");
00037                      return false;
00038                   case LinkMonitor::REGISTRATION_STATE_REGISTERING:
00039                      LOG("regState: REGISTERING");
00040                      break;
00041                   case LinkMonitor::REGISTRATION_STATE_DENIED:
00042                      LOG("regState: DENIED");
00043                      return false;
00044                   case LinkMonitor::REGISTRATION_STATE_NO_SIGNAL:
00045                      LOG("regState: NO SIGNAL");
00046                      return false;
00047                   case LinkMonitor::REGISTRATION_STATE_HOME_NETWORK:
00048                      LOG("regState: HOME NETWORK");
00049                      break;
00050                   case LinkMonitor::REGISTRATION_STATE_ROAMING:
00051                      LOG("regState: ROAMING");
00052                      break;
00053                   default:
00054                      LOG("regState: ERROR. Failing.");
00055                      return false;
00056                }
00057             }
00060          LOG("Sending SMS:' %s ' to test phone: %s , waiting for response.", gIrregularMessage, gTestPhoneNumber);
00062          int ret = _modem->sendSM(gTestPhoneNumber, gIrregularMessage);
00064          if (ret)
00065             {
00066                 LOG("Error in sending the SMS message. The return values is: %d", ret);
00068                 switch(ret){
00069                     case(NET_INVALID): LOG("Error message is: 'phone number is invalid size, must be less than 16 digits'.");break;
00070                     case(NET_PROTOCOL): LOG("Error message is: 'protocol error from the modem'.");break;
00071                     default: LOG("Undefined error message.");         
00073                 }
00074                 return false;
00075             }
00076          return true;                
00077       }
00078 };