This is the Adafruit thermal printer, whose Arduino library is published here: This is a basic port to mbed that needs proper testing. The printBitmap function is not ported yet.

Dependents:   3GReceiptPrinter

This is the Adafruit thermal receipt printer library ported hastily to mbed.

printBitmap is not yet ported. TBD

It needs testing properly. TBD


Initial commit; default tip

2012-06-29, by ashleymills [Fri, 29 Jun 2012 08:42:23 +0000] rev 1

Initial commit;

[mbed] converted /3GPrinter/AdafruitThermal

2012-06-02, by ashleymills [Sat, 02 Jun 2012 12:14:31 +0000] rev 0

[mbed] converted /3GPrinter/AdafruitThermal