This is a program which can be used for a Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS), model AD9954. A phase step to a desired final value or a phase ramp from 0 to 359 degree is triggered upon a start signal received by the TeraTerm-Terminal. The RAM is not used in this case.

Dependencies:   mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Nov 09 15:08:10 2012 +0000
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Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/main.cpp	Mon Jul 23 16:23:07 2012 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Nov 09 15:08:10 2012 +0000
@@ -1,25 +1,14 @@
-// serial port configuration::
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "AD9954.h"
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
 DigitalOut myled(LED1);
 DigitalOut cs2(p11);
-DigitalOut cs1(p8);//take cs out of the device class
-DigitalOut rst(p9);//take rst out of device class
+DigitalOut cs1(p8);
+DigitalOut rst(p9);
 DigitalOut update(p10);
 DigitalOut trigger(p13);
 AD9954 myDevice(p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10);
-    int read_all() 
-    {
-        pc.printf("\n \n Register 2 = %X  ", myDevice.CFR2_read()); 
-        pc.printf("FTWO = %X  ", myDevice.FTWO_read());
-        pc.printf("Register 1 = %X", myDevice.CFR1_read());
-        pc.printf("PHWO = %X  \n \n", myDevice.PHWO_read()); 
-        return 0;
-        }
     int reset() 
@@ -31,56 +20,19 @@
     int ch_1() { cs1 = 0; cs2 = 1; return 0; }
     int ch_2() { cs1 = 1; cs2 = 0; return 0; }
-int set_frequency(double freq, double clock) { 
-    uint32_t FTWO = 0xFFFFFFFF & (int)(freq/clock*pow(2.0,32.0));
-    trigger = 1;
-    myDevice.FTW0_write(FTWO);
-    pc.printf("frequency set to %f \n \r", freq);
-    trigger = 0;
-    return 0;
-    }*/
-int set_frequency(double freq, double clock) { 
-    uint32_t FTWO1 = 0xFFFFFFFF & (int)((80.0e6-freq/2.0)/clock*pow(2.0,32.0));
-    uint32_t FTWO2 = 0xFFFFFFFF & (int)((80.0e6+freq/2.0)/clock*pow(2.0,32.0));
-    trigger = 1;
-    //ch_1();
-    //myDevice.FTW0_write(FTWO1);
-    ch_2();
-    myDevice.FTW0_write(FTWO2);
-    pc.printf("delta frequency set to %f Hz \n \r", freq);
-    trigger = 0;
-    return 0;}
-int set_frequency_not(double freq, double clock) {
-    uint32_t FTWO = 0xFFFFFFFF & (int)(freq/clock*pow(2.0,32.0));
-    trigger = 1;
-    ch_1();
-    myDevice.FTW0_write(FTWO);
-    ch_2();
-    myDevice.FTW0_write(FTWO);
-    pc.printf("both channels on: %f Hz \n \r", freq);
-    trigger = 0;
-    return 0;}
 int main() {
         double freq0;
-        freq0 = 80.0e6;
-        /*double frequency; 
-        frequency = 79.98e6; // enter frequency in Hz
-        double frequency_new;
-        frequency_new = 40.0e3;*/
-        double clock = 400.0e6; // clock frequency after multiplier in Hz
+        freq0 = 80.0e6;         // Output frequency of both output channels
+        double clock = 400.0e6; // Frequency of external clock signal
         trigger = 0;
+// Set output channel 1 and 2 to the frequency "freq0":        
         uint32_t FTWO = 0xFFFFFFFF & (int)(freq0/clock*pow(2.0,32.0));
         pc.printf("channel 1 frequency %f \n \r", freq0); 
@@ -90,61 +42,54 @@
-       //set_frequency_not(freq0, clock);
         double phase = 0.0; // in degree 
         uint32_t PHWO = int(phase/360.0*pow(2.0,14.0));
-        double frequency_new;
-        frequency_new = 80.0e3;
+// This sequency watches the TeraTerm-Terminal and triggers actions,
+// when a certain key is pressed:
         char std;
         while(1) {
+        // Ramp channel 1 or channel 2 by pressing entering "1" or "2" in TeraTerm
+        if (std == '1') { ch_1(); pc.printf("ch1 selected \r\n"); };
+        if (std == '2') { ch_2(); pc.printf("ch2 selected \r\n"); };
+        // Enter "p" --> enter the final phase value in degree. The DDS will start to make phase steps 0-->final value with
+        // a 5 kHz frequency. The signal can be observed with the mbed trigger on pin 13
         if (std == 'p') { 
             trigger = 0;
-            pc.printf("enter new phase: \r \n");
+            pc.printf("enter final phase: \r \n");
             pc.scanf("%lf", &phase);
             pc.printf("entered: %lf \r \n", phase);
-            ch_2();
             uint32_t PHWO = rint(phase/360.0*pow(2.0,14.0));
-            trigger = 1;
-            myDevice.PHWO_write(PHWO);     
-            trigger = 0;   
-            pc.printf("new phase: %lf \r \n ", phase); };
+            while(1) {
+                myDevice.PHWO_write(0);
+                wait_us(200);       
+                trigger = 1;
+                myDevice.PHWO_write(PHWO);     
+                trigger = 0;   
+                if (pc.readable()) break;
+            }};
+        // Enter "r" --> A phase ramp from 0-->359 degree in 700 steps is started. The ramp takes approximately
+        // a millisecond. It is repeated until another key is pressed.
         if (std == 'r') {
+            pc.printf("entered r -> starting phase ramp\r \n");
             int i;
-            int steps = 1;
+            int steps = 700;
             double phase0 = 0;
-            double phase1 = 50;
+            double phase1 = 359;
             double phase_array[steps+1];
             uint32_t PHWO [steps+1];
             i = 0;
             while(i<=steps) {
                 phase_array[i] = phase0 + (phase1-phase0)/steps*i;
-                pc.printf("phase value: %lf", phase_array[i]);
                 i += 1;
-            // * The Ramp *  //
             while(1) {
-            ch_2();  
-            myDevice.PHWO_write(PHWO[0]); 
-            ch_1();
-            myDevice.PHWO_write(PHWO[0]); 
-            trigger = 0;
-            wait(1e-3);
-            i = 0;
-            trigger = 1;
-            while(i<=steps) {
-                myDevice.PHWO_write(PHWO[i]);
-                i+=1;
-            }         
-            wait(10e-3);
-            ch_1();  
-            myDevice.PHWO_write(PHWO[0]);        
-            ch_2();
             trigger = 0;
@@ -153,65 +98,13 @@
             while(i<=steps) {
-            }
+            }  
+            trigger = 0;       
+            myDevice.PHWO_write(PHWO[0]); 
             if (pc.readable()) break;
-            }
-            // 
-            };
-        if (std == 'f') {
-            pc.printf("enter new delta f in kHz: \r \n");
-            pc.scanf("%lf", &frequency_new);
-            pc.printf("entered: %lf kHz \r \n", frequency_new);
-            frequency_new = frequency_new*1.0e3;
-            };
-        if (std == 'u') {
-            pc.printf("entered u. \r\n");
-            set_frequency(frequency_new, clock);
-            };
-        if (std == 'd') {
-            pc.printf("entered d. \r\n");
-            set_frequency_not(freq0, clock);
-            };
+            }};
-        /*
-        while(1) {
-        pc.scanf("%lf", &phase);
-        pc.printf("entered: %lf \n", phase);
-        uint32_t PHWO = rint(phase/360.0*pow(2.0,14.0));
-        myDevice.PHWO_write(PHWO);        
-        pc.printf("new phase: %lf \r", phase);
-        }; */
-        /* double  value;
-        pc.scanf("%lf", &value);
-        pc.printf("Twice %lf is %lf\n", value, value * 2);*/
-        /*uint32_t PHWO_Array[7];
-        int i = 0;
-        double delphase = 5.0;
-        while (i<=7) {
-        PHWO_Array[i] = fmod((phase+i*delphase),360)/360.0*pow(2.0,14.0);
-        pc.printf("PHWO_ARRAY %d %f \n", i,phase+i*delphase);
-        i += 1;
-        }
-        i = 0;
-        while(true) {
-        //PHWO = rint(phase/360.0*pow(2.0,14.0));
-        //PHWO = fmod((phase+i*delphase),360)/360.0*pow(2.0,14.0);
-        myDevice.PHWO_write(PHWO_Array[i]);
-        //myDevice.PHWO_write(PHWO);
-        //pc.printf("PHWO_ARRAY %d %x \n", i, PHWO);
-        wait(2.0);
-        i += 1;
-        if (i == 7){
-            i = 0; };
-        }*/
-        //read_all();  
    return 0;
\ No newline at end of file