Internet alarm clock

Dependencies:   EthernetNetIf NTPClient_NetServices mbed

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00001 #include "main.h"
00003 /*******************************************************************
00004  * Print_lcd
00005  *
00006  * This function clears the LCD, then either prints 1. the alarm time
00007  * or 2. the current time and alarm clock menu state.
00008  ******************************************************************/
00009 void print_lcd()
00010 {
00011     lcd.cls();
00012     /* Menu options 2 and above deal with the alarm */
00013     if (menu > 1)
00014         print_time(ahour, amin);
00015     else
00016         print_time(cTime->tm_hour, cTime->tm_min);
00017     print_menu();
00018 }
00020 /******************************************************************
00021  * Print_time
00022  *
00023  * This function takes an hour(in 24hr time) and a minute and
00024  * prints the correct format to the lcd.
00025  *****************************************************************/
00026 void print_time(int hour, int minute)
00027 {
00028     /* Variable tmphr is 24 hour time adjusted for timezone */
00029     int tmphr = hour + timezone;
00030     while (tmphr < 0)
00031         tmphr += 24;
00032     tmphr %= 24;
00034     /* Variable printhr is 12 hour time for printing */
00035     int printhr = tmphr % 12;
00036     if (printhr == 0)
00037         printhr += 12;
00038     lcd.printf("%2d:%02d ", printhr, minute);
00040     /* tmphr allows for checking of AM/PM */
00041     if ((tmphr > 11) && (tmphr < 24))
00042         lcd.printf("PM\n");
00043     else
00044         lcd.printf("AM\n");
00045 }    
00047 /*******************************************************************
00048  * Print_menu
00049  *
00050  * This function prints the menu state of the alarm clock to the LCD. 
00051  * The menu options are 1. Viewing current time 2.  Setting Timezone
00052  * 3. Setting alarm hour 4. Setting alarm minute 5. Toggling alarm
00053  ******************************************************************/
00054 void print_menu()
00055 {
00056     switch (menu){
00057         case 0:
00058             break;
00059         case 1: 
00060             lcd.printf("TZ is (UTC) %+d\n", timezone);  
00061             break;
00062         case 2: 
00063             lcd.printf("Set Alarm Hour\n");
00064             break;
00065         case 3: 
00066             lcd.printf("Set Alarm Min\n");
00067             break;
00068         case 4: 
00069             lcd.printf("Alarm is ");
00070             if (alarmstate == false)
00071                 lcd.printf("Off\n");
00072             else
00073                 lcd.printf("On\n");
00074             break;
00075         default:
00076             lcd.printf("Invalid menu %d\n", menu);
00077             break;
00078     }
00079 }
00081 /******************************************************************
00082  * Change_menu
00083  *
00084  * This function uses a dedicated pushbutton that changes the menu. 
00085  * The state variable, menu, gives the user the ability to cycle 
00086  * through the 5 alarm clock menus.
00087  *****************************************************************/
00088 void change_menu()
00089 {
00090     alarm_snooze();
00091     menu = (menu + 1) % 5;
00092     print_lcd();
00093 }
00095 /******************************************************************
00096  * Push_plus
00097  *
00098  * This function  uses a dedicated pushbutton to only increment or
00099  * "Add" the value of variables of an alarm clock i.e. minute, hour,
00100  * time zone
00101  *****************************************************************/
00102 void push_plus()
00103 {
00104     alarm_snooze();
00105     button_press(1);
00106 }
00108 /******************************************************************
00109  * Push_minus
00110  *
00111  * This function  uses a dedicated pushbutton to only decrement 
00112  * or "Subtract" the value of variables of an alarm clock
00113  * i.e. minute, hour, time zone
00114  *****************************************************************/
00115 void push_minus()
00116 {
00117     alarm_snooze();
00118     button_press(-1);
00119 }
00121 /******************************************************************
00122  * Button_press
00123  *
00124  * This function performs an action based on which menu item is 
00125  * currently selected. It is called whenever the "Add" or 
00126  * "Subtract" button is pressed.
00127  *****************************************************************/
00128 void button_press(int input)
00129 {
00130     switch (menu)
00131     {
00132         case 0: 
00133             break;
00134         case 1:
00135             timezone += 12;      
00136             timezone += input;
00137             while (timezone < 0)
00138                 timezone += 24;
00139             timezone %= 24;
00140             timezone -= 12;
00141             break;
00142         case 2:
00143             ahour += input;
00144             while (ahour < 0)
00145                 ahour += 24;
00146             ahour %= 24;
00147             break;
00148         case 3: 
00149             amin += input;                  
00150             while (amin < 0)
00151                 amin += 60;
00152             amin %= 60;
00153             break;
00154         case 4: 
00155             alarmstate = !alarmstate;       // Turn alarm on/off
00156             break;
00157         default:
00158             lcd.printf("Invalid state %d\n", menu);
00159             break;
00160     }
00161     print_lcd();
00162 }
00164 /******************************************************************
00165  * Alarm_ring
00166  *
00167  * This function rings the alarm by flashing the leds
00168  *****************************************************************/
00169  void alarm_ring()
00170  {
00171     if (led == 0x0F)
00172         led = 0;
00173     else
00174         led = (led << 1) | 1;
00175  }
00177 /******************************************************************
00178  * Alarm_snooze
00179  *
00180  * This function turns off the alarm
00181  *****************************************************************/
00182 void alarm_snooze()
00183 {
00184     if (ringflag == true) {
00185         ringflag = false;
00186         snooze = true;
00187         ring.detach();
00188         led = 0;
00189     }
00190 }
00192 /******************************************************************
00193  * Alarm_check
00194  *
00195  * This function compares the alarm time vs the current time. Once 
00196  * alarm time and real time match it begins ringing the alarm. 
00197  * Once the times differ then it turns off the alarm.
00198  *****************************************************************/
00199 void alarm_check()
00200 {
00201     if ((cTime->tm_min == amin) && (cTime->tm_hour == ahour)) {
00202         if ((alarmstate == true) && (ringflag == false) && (snooze == false)) { 
00203             ringflag = true;
00204             ring.attach(&alarm_ring, .5); // Set up a Ticker for the alarm,
00205                              // calls alarm_ring every .5 seconds until stopped
00206         }
00207     }
00208     else {
00209         alarm_snooze();
00210         snooze = false;
00211     }
00212 }
00214 int main() {
00216     /* Set up Ethernet */
00217     lcd.cls();
00218     lcd.printf("Setting up Eth\n");
00219     EthernetErr ethErr = eth.setup();
00220     if (ethErr) {
00221         lcd.cls();
00222         lcd.printf("Error with Eth\nNum: %d", ethErr);
00223         return -1;
00224     }
00227     /* Set up NTP */
00228     lcd.printf("Setting up NTP\n");
00229     Host server(IpAddr(), 123, "");
00230     ntp.setTime(server);
00232     /* Initialize all the interrupts for each of the pushbuttons */
00233     statechange.rise(&change_menu);
00234     plus.rise(&push_plus);
00235     minus.rise(&push_minus);
00237     /* Temporary variables for control loop */
00238     time_t rtc_time = time(NULL);
00239     int minute = -1;
00241     /* Initialize alarm time */
00242     ahour = 0;
00243     amin = 0;
00245     /* Main control loop */
00246     while(1)
00247     {
00248         /* Update current time */
00249         rtc_time = time(NULL);
00250         cTime = localtime(&rtc_time);
00252         /* Only redraw the lcd display if anything changes */
00253         if (cTime->tm_min != minute) {
00254             minute = cTime->tm_min;
00255             print_lcd();
00257             /* Update time from NTP server if it's midnight UTC */
00258             if ((cTime->tm_min == 0) && (cTime->tm_hour == 0)) {
00259                 Host server(IpAddr(), 123, "");
00260                 ntp.setTime(server);
00261             }
00262         }
00264         /* Check to see if the alarm should be started/stopped */
00265         alarm_check();
00266     }
00267     return 0;
00268 }