Updated with the Algorithm

Dependencies:   QEI mbed

Fork of MM_rat_Assignment4-newwest by Evan Brown

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Tue Nov 28 21:45:07 2017 +0000
Commit message:
Updated for the algorithm

Changed in this revision

algorithm.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
constants.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
header.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/algorithm.h	Tue Nov 28 21:45:07 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+#ifndef ALGO_H
+#define ALGO_H
+#include <cmath>
+#include <stack>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "header.h"
+struct geoCoord{
+    geoCoord(int x_in, int y_in){x = x_in; y = y_in;}
+    geoCoord(){x = 0; y = 0;}
+    int x, y;
+    double distance;
+bool compare(geoCoord* left, geoCoord* right){
+    return left->distance > right->distance;
+int isWall(){
+    float ir_r[4]; //ir_readings, in the order of l, r, lf, rf
+    FlashIRs(ir_r[0], ir_r[1], ir_r[2], ir_r[3]);
+    int return_val = 0;
+    if (ir_r[2] > 0.2f && ir_r[3] > 0.2f){
+     return_val = return_val | 1;
+    }
+    if(ir_r[1] > 0.3f){
+      return_val = return_val | 7;
+    }
+    if(ir_r[0] > 0.3f){
+      return_val = return_val | 3;
+    }
+    return return_val; //This implementation is wrong but I got hungry.
+void goForward(int times){
+    float l,r,lf,rf;
+    FlashIRs(l, r, lf, rf);
+    if(l < 0.17f && r < 0.17f){
+        usePIDEncoder();    
+    }
+    else{
+        usePIDBoth(); //Goes straight and uses PID using IR and the encoders
+    }
+    //Should be able to detect if there aren't walls and just work on the encoders
+    //And should also record the distance for just one cell.
+    return;
+void MoveTo(geoCoord* current_coord, geoCoord* next, int curr_orientation){ //Note that turning automatically sets the global orientation constant
+    int diff_x = next->x - current_coord->x;
+    int diff_y = next->y - current_coord->y;
+    if(diff_x == 1){
+        if(curr_orientation == SOUTH)
+            turn_left(1); 
+        else if(curr_orientation == WEST){
+            turn_right(2);
+        }
+        else if(curr_orientation == NORTH){
+            turn_right(1);
+        }
+    }
+    else if(diff_x == -1){
+        if(curr_orientation == SOUTH){
+            turn_right(1);
+        }
+        else if(curr_orientation == NORTH){
+            turn_left(1);
+        }
+        else if(curr_orientation == EAST){
+            turn_right(2);
+        }
+    }
+    else if(diff_y == 1){
+        if(curr_orientation == SOUTH){
+            turn_right(2);
+        }
+        else if(curr_orientation == EAST){
+            turn_left(1);
+        }
+        else if(curr_orientation == WEST){
+            turn_right(1);
+        }
+    }
+    else if(diff_y == -1){
+        if(curr_orientation == NORTH){
+            turn_right(2);
+        }
+        else if(curr_orientation == EAST){
+            turn_right(1);
+        }
+        else if(curr_orientation == WEST){
+            turn_left(1);
+        }
+    }
+    else{ //We've made it to the end!
+        wait_ms(1000000000);
+    }
+    goForward(1);
+    return;
+geoCoord cellarray[16][16];
+geoCoord Target(8,8); //Target cell was assumed to be here.
+geoCoord Start(0,0);
+void algorithm(){ //Implementation of floodfill algorithm
+    for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++){
+        for(int k = 0; k < 16; k++){
+            cellarray[i][k].distance = std::sqrt((double)((double)cellarray[i][k].x - (double)Start.x)*((double)cellarray[i][k].x - (double)Start.x) + ((double)cellarray[i][k].y - (double)Start.y)*((double)cellarray[i][k].y - (double)Start.y)); //Initializes the distances of the cellarray
+        }
+    }
+    std::stack<geoCoord*> cells_to_traverse;
+    cells_to_traverse.push(&Start);
+    while(cells_to_traverse.size() > 0){
+        geoCoord* current = cells_to_traverse.top();
+        cells_to_traverse.pop();
+        int r_val = isWall();
+        for(int i = 1; i < 8; i+= 2) //1 for Forward, 3 for Left, 5 for South, 7 for Right. South probably isn't going to be a thing
+        if(r_val&i == i){ //Potentially pushes 4 cells onto the stack
+            if(i == 1 && current->y < 15)
+                cells_to_traverse.push(&cellarray[current->x][current->y + 1]);
+            else if(i == 3 && current->x > 0)
+                cells_to_traverse.push(&cellarray[current->x - 1][current->y]);
+            else if(i == 7 && current->x < 15)
+                cells_to_traverse.push(&cellarray[current->x+1][current->y]);
+            else if(i == 5 && current->y > 0)
+                cells_to_traverse.push(&cellarray[current->x][current->y-1]); //Checks bounds for the potential cells to push.
+        }
+        std::vector<geoCoord*> neighboring_cells;
+        for(int i = 0; i < cells_to_traverse.size(); i++){
+            neighboring_cells.push_back(cells_to_traverse.top()); //We temporarily put neighboring cells into a vector and sort them
+            cells_to_traverse.pop();
+        }
+        std::sort(neighboring_cells.begin(), neighboring_cells.end(), compare);
+        for(int i = 0; i < neighboring_cells.size(); i++){
+            cells_to_traverse.push(neighboring_cells[i]); //Puts the sorted vector into reverse order back into the stack
+        }
+        MoveTo(current, cells_to_traverse.top(), global_orientation); //Moves to the cell that is the closest to the target cell
+        cells_to_traverse.pop();
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/constants.h	Tue Nov 28 21:45:07 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#ifndef CONSTANTS_H
+#define CONSTANTS_H
+namespace constants{
+    const int cell_length = 130;
+    float leftValue;
+    float rightValue;
+    float leftFrontValue;
+    float rightFrontValue;
+    //Errors for all the IR Readings that are used in PID later below.
+    float leftError = 0;
+    float rightError = 0;
+    float prevrightError = 0;
+    float prevleftError = 0;
+    float prevLeftFrontValue= 0;
+    float prevRightFrontValue = 0;
+    float changeLeftFrontValue = 0;
+    float changeRightFrontValue = 0;
+    float totalFrontChange = 0;
+    float leftFrontError = 0;
+    float rightFrontError = 0;
+    float totalLeftError = 0;
+    float totalRightError =0;
+    //Adjustment values that are set for the PID from the IR Sensors. 
+    float adjust_l = 0;
+    float adjust_r = 0;
+    float leftIRBase;
+    float rightIRBase;
+    float leftFrontIRBase;
+    float rightFrontIRBase;
+    //PID For the IR Sensors.
+    float p = 0.2f;    //.32
+    float i = 0.0001f;
+    float d = 0.15f; 
+    float frontP = 1.0;
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/header.h	Tue Nov 28 19:58:02 2017 +0000
+++ b/header.h	Tue Nov 28 21:45:07 2017 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
 #ifndef Header_H
 #define Header_H
+#include "constants.h"
+#define NORTH 1
+#define WEST 3
+#define SOUTH 5
+#define EAST 7
 //PB 7 Left Side
 //PB 0 Front Left
@@ -31,12 +36,14 @@
 QEI RightEncoder(rfront, rback, NC, 4096, QEI::X4_ENCODING);       
 const float rbase = 0.15f; //.09
 const float lbase = 0.163f;  //.1
-const float WALL_IR_L = 0.74f;
-const float WALL_IR_R = 0.74f;
-const float WALL_IR_FL = 0.74f;
-const float WALL_IR_FR = 0.74f;    
+static int global_orientation = 0;
+struct pid;
 Timer t_time;
+//Initializes different PIDs for use
 struct pid { //Note that because we have two different types of distance sensors (Andrew's works a little differently than Jeffrey's we should have two different errors. To stay straight though we can just use one side right?)
+  public:
         integral = 0.0f;
         prev = 0.0f;
@@ -51,6 +58,24 @@
   float kd;
+pid lman, rman;
+void initmotors_and_pid(){
+    lpwmf.period(0.01f);
+    lpwmb.period(0.01f);
+    lpwmf = 0; //Previously started on, replace with lpwmf = lbase to make it start on (not a good idea)
+    rpwmb=0;
+    rpwmf.period(0.01f);
+    rpwmb.period(0.01f);
+    rpwmb=0;
+    rpwmf = 0;
+    lman.kp = .009f;
+    lman.ki = .0f;
+    lman.kd = .0f;
+    rman.kp = .5f;
+    rman.ki = .1f;
+    rman.kd = .4f;
 void resetpid(struct pid *e) {
   e->integral = 0.0f;
   e->prev = 0.0f;
@@ -81,80 +106,152 @@
     unsigned int statuscode;
-unsigned int readIR(IRstruct& in_ir){
-    in_ir.leftIR = LeftReceiver.read();
-    in_ir.rightIR = RightReceiver.read();
-    in_ir.leftfrontIR = FrontLeftReceiver.read();
-    in_ir.rightfrontIR = FrontRightReceiver.read();
-    //pc.printf("LeftIR: %f RightIR: %f leftfronIR: %f rightfrontIR: %f \n", in_ir.leftIR, in_ir.rightIR, in_ir.leftfrontIR, in_ir.rightfrontIR); 
-    //We then set the status codes to be analyzed later for what we should do
-    in_ir.statuscode = (in_ir.statuscode|0x0);
-    //0000...FL,FR,L,R
-    //Bottom is more of an abstraction, we probably don't even need it
-    if(in_ir.leftIR > WALL_IR_L)
-        in_ir.statuscode = (in_ir.statuscode|2); // 0...0 | 1 -> 0...1
-    if(in_ir.rightIR > WALL_IR_R)
-        in_ir.statuscode = in_ir.statuscode|1;
-    if(in_ir.leftfrontIR > WALL_IR_FL)
-        in_ir.statuscode = in_ir.statuscode|8;
-    if(in_ir.rightfrontIR > WALL_IR_FR)
-        in_ir.statuscode = in_ir.statuscode|4;
-    return in_ir.statuscode;
-void turn_right(){
+void turn_right(int num_times){ //Turns clockwise
     int l_init = LeftEncoder.getPulses();
     pc.printf("l_init %d \n", l_init);
-    while((LeftEncoder.getPulses() - l_init) < 166){
+    for(int i = 0; i < num_times; i++){
+        if(global_orientation == 1){
+            global_orientation = 7; //It's now east
+        }    
+        else
+            global_orientation-=2;
+    }
+    while((LeftEncoder.getPulses() - l_init) < 166*num_times){
         lpwmb = 0.0f;
         rpwmf = 0.0f;
         lpwmf = lbase;
         rpwmb = rbase;
-        //pc.printf("LeftEncoder: %d \n", LeftEncoder.getPulses());
-       // pc.printf("lEncoderDifference %f \n", LeftEncoder.getPulses() - l_init);
-        //lpwmb = 0.0f;
-        //rpwmf = 0.0f;
-        lpwmf = 0.0f;
-        rpwmb = 0.0f;
-        wait(1.0);
+    lpwmf = 0.0f;
+    rpwmb = 0.0f;
+    wait(1.0);
-void turn_left(){
+void turn_left(int num_times){
     int r_init = RightEncoder.getPulses();
     pc.printf("r_init %d \n", r_init);
-    while((RightEncoder.getPulses() - r_init) < 150){
+    while((RightEncoder.getPulses() - r_init) < 150*num_times){
         lpwmf = 0.0f;
         rpwmb = 0.0f;
         lpwmb = lbase;
         rpwmf = rbase;
-       // pc.printf("RightEncoder: %d \n", RightEncoder.getPulses());
-        //pc.printf("rEncoderDifference %f: \n", RightEncoder.getPulses()-r_init);
     lpwmb = 0.0f;
     rpwmf = 0.0f;
-    wait( 1.0);
+    wait(1.0);
+void FlashIRs(float& leftIRBase, float& rightIRBase, float& leftFrontIRBase, float& rightFrontIRBase){
+    using namespace constants;
+    LeftIR = 1;
+    RightIR = 1;
+    wait_ms(10);
+    leftIRBase = LeftReceiver;
+    rightIRBase = RightReceiver;
+    LeftIR = 0;
+    RightIR = 0;
+    FrontLeftIR = 1;
+    leftFrontIRBase = FrontLeftReceiver;
+    FrontRightIR = 1;
+    rightFrontIRBase= FrontRightReceiver;
+    wait_ms(10);
+    FrontLeftIR = 0;
+    FrontRightIR = 0;
+void printIRSensors(float leftValue, float rightValue, float leftFrontValue, float rightFrontValue){
+    pc.printf("left %f \n", leftValue);
+    pc.printf("right %f \n\n", rightValue);
+    pc.printf("front left%f \n", leftFrontValue);
+    pc.printf("front right%f \n", rightFrontValue);
+    pc.printf(" \n");
+void printEncoders(){
+    pc.printf("LeftEncoder: %d \n", LeftEncoder.getPulses());
+    pc.printf("lEncoderDifference %f \n", LeftEncoder.getPulses());
-void ProcessIR(float dt, pid& IR_lman, float& lspeed, float& rspeed){
-    IRstruct ir_read;
-    int status = readIR(ir_read); 
-    if(ir_read.leftIR > WALL_IR_L && ir_read.leftfrontIR > WALL_IR_FL && ir_read.rightfrontIR > WALL_IR_FR && ir_read.rightIR < WALL_IR_R){ //High in front and left -> Turn right
-        turn_right();
-    }
-    else if(ir_read.rightIR > WALL_IR_R && ir_read.leftfrontIR > WALL_IR_FL && ir_read.rightfrontIR > WALL_IR_FR){ //High in front and right -> Turn left
-        turn_left();
+void usePIDBoth(){
+     using namespace constants;
+        while(LeftEncoder.getPulses() < 130 && RightEncoder.getPulses() < 130){       
+           float dt = t_time.read();
+           float lspeed = 0; float rspeed = 0;
+           prevRightFrontValue = rightFrontValue;
+           prevLeftFrontValue = leftFrontValue;
+           FlashIRs(leftValue, rightValue, leftFrontValue, rightFrontValue);
+           //If we detect a wall, turn right or turn left.
+            if(leftValue> 0.34f && leftFrontValue > 0.15f)
+            {
+                return;
+                //turn_right(1);
+            }
+            else if(rightFrontValue > 0.15f && rightValue > 0.35f)
+            {
+                return;
+                //turn_left(1);
+            }
+            //Calculates PID Adjustment from basic Algebra
+           leftError = leftIRBase - leftValue;
+           rightError = rightIRBase - rightValue;
+           totalRightError += rightError;
+           totalLeftError += leftError;
+           leftFrontError = leftFrontIRBase - leftFrontValue;
+           rightFrontError = rightFrontIRBase - rightFrontValue;
+           changeLeftFrontValue = leftFrontValue-prevLeftFrontValue;
+           changeRightFrontValue = rightFrontValue - prevRightFrontValue;
+           if(changeLeftFrontValue < 0){
+               changeLeftFrontValue = 0;
+               }
+            if(changeRightFrontValue < 0){
+               changeRightFrontValue = 0;
+               }
+               totalFrontChange = changeRightFrontValue + changeLeftFrontValue;  
+           adjust_l = p*leftError-d*prevleftError-i*totalLeftError ;
+           adjust_r = p*rightError-d*prevrightError-i*totalRightError ; //Sets the final adjustment values we expect for the motor from Sensor readings
+           prevleftError = leftError;
+           prevrightError = rightError;
+            lspeed = constrain(0.05f, 1.0f, lbase - adjust_l - frontP*totalFrontChange);
+            rspeed = constrain(0.05f, 1.0f, rbase-adjust_r - frontP*totalFrontChange);
+           //Set the motors to the desired speed. 0 Values indicate to the H-Bridge to go forward
+           lpwmb = 0; rpwmb = 0;
+           lpwmf = lspeed; rpwmf = rspeed;
+           t_time.reset();
+        }
+void usePIDEncoder(){
+    using namespace constants;
+        while(LeftEncoder.getPulses() < 130 && RightEncoder.getPulses() < 130){ //Only traverse one cell at a time.
+            float dt = t_time.read();
+            float left_encoder = LeftEncoder.getPulses();
+            float right_encoder = RightEncoder.getPulses();
+            printf("Left Encoder: %.2f %%\n", left_encoder);
+            printf("Right Encoder: %.2f %%\n", right_encoder);
+            float error = left_encoder - right_encoder; //Can be pos or neg
+            if(error == 0){
+                resetpid(&lman);
+                resetpid(&rman);
+            }
+            float adjust_r = getFix(&rman, error, dt);
+            lpwmf = lbase;
+            lpwmb = 0.0f;
+            rpwmf = constrain(0.04f, 0.5f, rbase-adjust_r);
+            rpwmb = 0.0f;
+            if(RightEncoder.getPulses() > cell_length && LeftEncoder.getPulses() > cell_length){ //We've traversed a cell, update cell count;
+                RightEncoder.reset(); 
+                LeftEncoder.reset();   
+            }
+        if(leftValue> 0.6f && leftFrontValue > 0.6f)//Maybe we should brake in here?
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+        else if(rightFrontValue > 0.6f && rightValue > 0.6f)
+        {
+            return;
+        }   
+       t_time.reset();
-    float error_ir = (ir_read.rightIR - ir_read.leftIR);
-    /*if(error_ir < 0.0001f){    
-        resetpid(&IR_lman);
-    }*/
-    float adjust_l = getFix(&IR_lman, error_ir, dt);
-    lspeed = constrain(0.0f, 0.3f, lbase - adjust_l);
-    rspeed = constrain(0.0f, 0.3f, rbase);
-    pc.printf("adjust_l: %f lspeed: %f rspeed: %f error_ir: %f dt: %f \n", adjust_l, lspeed, rspeed, error_ir, dt);
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/main.cpp	Tue Nov 28 19:58:02 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Nov 28 21:45:07 2017 +0000
@@ -1,166 +1,10 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "QEI.h"
 #include "header.h"
-inline void pulse_ir(int in){
-    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
-        LeftIR = in;
-        FrontLeftIR = in;
-        FrontRightIR = in;
-        RightIR = in;
-    }
+#include "algorithm.h"
 int main() {
-float leftValue;
-float rightValue;
-float leftFrontValue;
-float rightFrontValue;
-float leftError = 0;
-float rightError = 0;
-float prevrightError = 0;
-float prevleftError = 0;
-float prevLeftFrontValue= 0;
-float prevRightFrontValue = 0;
-float changeLeftFrontValue = 0;
-float changeRightFrontValue = 0;
-float totalFrontChange = 0;
-float leftFrontError = 0;
-float rightFrontError = 0;
-float totalLeftError = 0;
-float totalRightError =0;
-float adjust_l = 0;
-float adjust_r = 0;
-float leftIRBase;
-float rightIRBase;
-float leftFrontIRBase;
-float rightFrontIRBase;
-float p =0.2f;    //.32
-float i =0.0001f;
-float d=0.15f; 
-float frontP = 1.0;
-    LeftIR = 1;
-            RightIR = 1;
-            leftIRBase = LeftReceiver;
-            rightIRBase = RightReceiver;
-            LeftIR = 0;
-            RightIR = 0;
-            wait_ms(10);
-            FrontLeftIR = 1;
-            leftFrontIRBase = FrontLeftReceiver;
-            FrontRightIR = 1;
-            rightFrontIRBase= FrontRightReceiver;
-            FrontLeftIR = 0;
-            FrontRightIR = 0;
-            wait_ms(10);
-    pid lman, rman;
-    lman.kp = .009f;
-    lman.ki = .0f;
-    lman.kd = .0f;
-    rman.kp = .5f;
-    rman.ki = .1f;
-    rman.kd = .4f;
-    lpwmf.period(0.01f);
-    lpwmb.period(0.01f);
-    lpwmf = 0; //Previously started on, replace with lpwmf = lbase to make it start on (not a good idea)
-    rpwmb=0;
-    rpwmf.period(0.01f);
-    rpwmb.period(0.01f);
-    rpwmb=0;
-    rpwmf = 0;
-    pid ir_lman, ir_rman;
-    ir_lman.kp = .0001f;
-    ir_lman.ki = .0f;
-    ir_lman.kd = .0f;
-    ir_rman.kp = .5f;
-    ir_rman.ki = .1f;
-    ir_rman.kd = .4f;    
-    t_time.start();
-    while(1){       
-       float dt = t_time.read();
-       float lspeed = 0; float rspeed = 0;
-       prevRightFrontValue = rightFrontValue;
-       prevLeftFrontValue = leftFrontValue;
-            LeftIR = 1;
-            RightIR = 1;
-            wait(.01);
-            leftValue = LeftReceiver;
-            rightValue = RightReceiver;
-            LeftIR = 0;
-            RightIR = 0;
-            FrontLeftIR = 1;
-            leftFrontValue = FrontLeftReceiver;
-            FrontRightIR = 1;
-            rightFrontValue = FrontRightReceiver;
-            wait(.01);
-            FrontLeftIR = 0;
-            FrontRightIR = 0;
-           // pc.printf( "%f \n" , leftValue);
-            //pc.printf("%f \n", rightValue);
-        if(leftValue> 0.34f && leftFrontValue > 0.15f)
-        {
-            turn_right();
-        }
-        else if(rightFrontValue > 0.15f && rightValue > 0.35f)
-        {
-            turn_left();
-        }
-       //ProcessIR(dt, ir_lman, lspeed, rspeed);
-       leftError = leftIRBase - leftValue;
-       rightError = rightIRBase - rightValue;
-       totalRightError += rightError;
-       totalLeftError += leftError;
-       leftFrontError = leftFrontIRBase - leftFrontValue;
-       rightFrontError = rightFrontIRBase - rightFrontValue;
-       changeLeftFrontValue = leftFrontValue-prevLeftFrontValue;
-       changeRightFrontValue = rightFrontValue - prevRightFrontValue;
-       if(changeLeftFrontValue <0){
-           changeLeftFrontValue = 0;
-           }
-        if(changeRightFrontValue <0){
-           changeRightFrontValue = 0;
-           }
-           totalFrontChange = changeRightFrontValue + changeLeftFrontValue;
-       adjust_l = p*leftError-d*prevleftError-i*totalLeftError ;
-       adjust_r = p*rightError-d*prevrightError-i*totalRightError ;
-       prevleftError = leftError;
-       prevrightError = rightError;
-      // if(adjust_l >0)
-       {
-        //   adjust_l=0;
-       }
-      // if(adjust_r >0)
-       {
-        //   adjust_r=0;
-       }
-        lspeed = constrain(0.05f, 1.0f, lbase - adjust_l - frontP*totalFrontChange);
-    rspeed = constrain(0.05f, 1.0f, rbase-adjust_r - frontP*totalFrontChange);
-       lpwmb = 0; rpwmb = 0;
-      lpwmf = lspeed; rpwmf = rspeed;
-       //pc.printf("left %f \n", leftValue);
-       //pc.printf("right %f \n\n", rightValue);
-       //pc.printf("front left%f \n", leftFrontValue);
-       //pc.printf("front right%f \n", rightFrontValue);
-       //pc.printf(" \n");
-       t_time.reset();
-    }
+    initmotors_and_pid(); //Sets the PWM frequency
+    algorithm();