projet capteur connecté ST/SE

Dependencies:   HP206C mbed HMC5883L DHT DS1820

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Mon Oct 08 10:02:31 2018 +0000
Commit message:
code T_H_air finale

Changed in this revision

HP20x/driver_mbed_HP20x.cpp Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
HP20x/driver_mbed_HP20x.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
HP20x/driver_mbed_KalmanFilter.cpp Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
HP20x/driver_mbed_KalmanFilter.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
SSD1306_oled/bold_font.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
SSD1306_oled/ssd1306.cpp Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
SSD1306_oled/ssd1306.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
SSD1306_oled/standard_font.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/HP20x/driver_mbed_HP20x.cpp	Mon Oct 08 10:00:19 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
- * File name  : HP20x_dev.cpp
- * Description: Driver for I2C PRECISION BAROMETER AND ALTIMETER [HP206C]
- * Author     : Oliver Wang from Seeed studio
- * Version    : V0.1
- * Create Time: 2014/04
- * Change Log :
-/***        Include files                                                 ***/
-#include "driver_mbed_HP20x.h"
-// #include <Wire.h>
-// #include <Arduino.h>
-#include "driver_mbed_KalmanFilter.h"
-/***       Local Variable                                                 ***/
-HP20x_dev HP20x;
-I2C i2c_HP20x(D12, A6);
-/***       Class member Functions                                         ***/
- **@ Function name: HP20x_dev
- **@ Description: Constructor
- **@ Input: none
- **@ OutPut: none
- **@ Retval: none
-    OSR_ConvertTime = 25; 
- **@ Function name: begin
- **@ Description: Initialize HP20x_dev
- **@ Input: none
- **@ OutPut: none
- **@ Retval: none
-void HP20x_dev::begin()
-  // Wire.begin();
-  /* Reset HP20x_dev */
-  HP20x.HP20X_IIC_WriteCmd(HP20X_SOFT_RST);
- **@ Function name: isAvailable
- **@ Description: Indicate whether it's available
- **@ Input: none
- **@ OutPut: none
- **@ Retval: uchar 
-uchar HP20x_dev::isAvailable()
-  uchar ret = HP20x.HP20X_IIC_ReadReg(REG_PARA);
-  return ret;
- **@ Function name: ReadTemperature
- **@ Description: Read Temperature from HP20x_dev
- **@ Input:
- **@ OutPut:
- **@ Retval:
-ulong HP20x_dev::ReadTemperature(void)
-	HP20X_IIC_WriteCmd(HP20X_WR_CONVERT_CMD|OSR_CFG);	//ADC convert
-    wait_ms(int(OSR_ConvertTime));			                    //difference OSR_CFG will be difference OSR_ConvertTime
-    HP20X_IIC_WriteCmd(HP20X_READ_T);      
-    ulong Temperature = HP20X_IIC_ReadData();
-    return Temperature;		
- **@ Function name: ReadPressure
- **@ Description: Read Pressure value
- **@ Input:
- **@ OutPut: 
- **@ Retval: value
-ulong HP20x_dev::ReadPressure(void)
-    wait_ms(int(OSR_ConvertTime));
-    HP20X_IIC_WriteCmd(HP20X_READ_P);
-    ulong Pressure = HP20X_IIC_ReadData();             
-    return Pressure;
- **@ Function name: ReadAltitude
- **@ Description: Read Pressure value
- **@ Input:
- **@ OutPut: 
- **@ Retval: value
-ulong HP20x_dev::ReadAltitude(void)
-    HP20X_IIC_WriteCmd(HP20X_READ_A);
-    ulong Altitude = HP20X_IIC_ReadData();   
-    return Altitude;		
-void ReadPressureAndTemperature(void)
-        HP20X_IIC_WriteCmd(HP20X_WR_CONVERT_CMD|OSR_CFG);
-        Timer_Delayxms(OSR_ConvertTime*2);
-        HP20X_IIC_WriteCmd(HP20X_READ_PT);
-        Temperature=HP20X_IIC_ReadData();
-        Pressure=HP20X_IIC_ReadData3byte();       
-void IIC_ReadAltitudeAndTemperature(void)
-       Timer_Delayxms(OSR_ConvertTime*2);
-       HP20X_IIC_WriteCmd(HP20X_READ_AT);
-        Temperature=HP20X_IIC_ReadData();
-        IIC_ACK();
-        Altitude=HP20X_IIC_ReadData3byte();
-        IIC_NoAck();      
-        IIC_Stop();  
-/***       Local Functions                                                ***/
- **@ Function name: HP20X_IIC_WriteCmd
- **@ Description:
- **@ Input:
- **@ OutPut:
- **@ Retval:
-void HP20x_dev::HP20X_IIC_WriteCmd(uchar uCmd)
-	/* Port to arduino */
-	// Wire.beginTransmission(HP20X_I2C_DEV_ID);
-	// Wire.write(uCmd);
-	// Wire.endTransmission();
-	char cmd = uCmd;
-	i2c_HP20x.write(HP20X_I2C_DEV_ID, &cmd, 1);
- **@ Function name: HP20X_IIC_ReadReg
- **@ Description:
- **@ Input:
- **@ OutPut:
- **@ Retval:  
-uchar HP20x_dev::HP20X_IIC_ReadReg(uchar bReg)
-    /* Port to arduino */
-    char Temp;
-	/* Send a register reading command */
-    HP20X_IIC_WriteCmd(bReg|HP20X_RD_REG_MODE);	
-	// Wire.requestFrom(HP20X_I2C_DEV_ID, 1);	 
-	// while(Wire.available())
-	// {
-	//     Temp =;
-	// }
-, &Temp, 1);
-	return Temp;
- **@ Function name: HP20X_IIC_WriteReg
- **@ Description:
- **@ Input:
- **@ OutPut:
- **@ Retval:
-void HP20x_dev::HP20X_IIC_WriteReg(uchar bReg,uchar bData)
-	// Wire.beginTransmission(HP20X_I2C_DEV_ID);
-	// Wire.write(bReg|HP20X_WR_REG_MODE);
-	// Wire.write(bData);
-	// Wire.endTransmission();
-	char cmd[2];
-	cmd[0] = bReg|HP20X_WR_REG_MODE;
-	cmd[1] = bData;
-	i2c_HP20x.write(HP20X_I2C_DEV_ID, cmd, 2);
- **@ Function name: HP20X_IIC_ReadData
- **@ Description:
- **@ Input:
- **@ OutPut:
- **@ Retval:
-ulong HP20x_dev::HP20X_IIC_ReadData(void)
-	/* Port to arduino */	 
-	ulong Temp = HP20X_IIC_ReadData3byte(); 
-	return Temp;
- **@ Function name: HP20X_IIC_ReadData3byte
- **@ Description:
- **@ Input:
- **@ OutPut:
- **@ Retval:
-ulong HP20x_dev::HP20X_IIC_ReadData3byte(void)
-	ulong TempData = 0;
-	char tmpArray[3];
-	/* Require three bytes from slave */
-	// Wire.requestFrom(HP20X_I2C_DEV_ID, 3);      
- //    while(Wire.available())     // slave may send less than requested
- //    { 
- //      uchar c =;    // receive a byte as character	  	  
-	//   tmpArray[cnt] = (ulong)c;
-	//   cnt++;
-	// }
-, tmpArray, 3);
-	/* MSB */
-	TempData = tmpArray[0]<<16 | tmpArray[1]<<8 | tmpArray[2];
-    if(TempData&0x800000)
-    {
-	    TempData|=0xff000000;
-	}
- /* 	// 24 bit to 32 bit 
-	if(TempData&0x800000)
-	{
-	  // 1:minus 
-	  TempData |= 0x80000000;
-	  TempData &= 0xff7fffff;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	  // 0:plus 
-	  //do noting
-	}  */
-	return TempData;
-/**************************************END OF FILE**************************************/
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/HP20x/driver_mbed_HP20x.h	Mon Oct 08 10:00:19 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
- * File name  : HP20x_dev.h
- * Description: Driver for I2C PRECISION BAROMETER AND ALTIMETER [HP206C]
- * Author     : Oliver Wang from Seeed studio
- * Version    : V0.1
- * Create Time: 2014/04
- * Change Log :
-#ifndef _HP20X_DEV_H
-#define _HP20X_DEV_H
-/***        Including Files                                               ***/
-// #include <Wire.h>
-// #include <Arduino.h>
-#include "mbed.h"
-/***        Macro Definitions                                             ***/
-typedef unsigned int    uint;
-typedef unsigned char   uchar;
-typedef unsigned long   ulong;
-// #define HP20X_I2C_DEV_ID       (0xEC)>>1    //CSB PIN is VDD level(address is 0x76)
-// #define HP20X_I2C_DEV_ID2      (0XEE)>>1    //CSB PIN is GND level(address is 0x77)
-const int HP20X_I2C_DEV_ID = 0xEC;
-const int HP20X_I2C_DEV_ID2 = 0xEE;
-#define HP20X_SOFT_RST         0x06
-#define HP20X_WR_CONVERT_CMD   0x40
-#define HP20X_CONVERT_OSR4096  0<<2
-#define HP20X_CONVERT_OSR2048  1<<2
-#define HP20X_CONVERT_OSR1024  2<<2
-#define HP20X_CONVERT_OSR512   3<<2
-#define HP20X_CONVERT_OSR256   4<<2
-#define HP20X_CONVERT_OSR128   5<<2
-#define HP20X_READ_P           0x30   //read_p command
-#define HP20X_READ_A           0x31   //read_a command
-#define HP20X_READ_T           0x32   //read_t command
-#define HP20X_READ_PT          0x10   //read_pt command
-#define HP20X_READ_AT          0x11   //read_at command
-#define HP20X_READ_CAL		   0X28	  //RE-CAL ANALOG
-#define HP20X_WR_REG_MODE      0xC0
-#define HP20X_RD_REG_MODE      0x80
-#define ERR_WR_DEVID_NACK       0x01    
-#define ERR_RD_DEVID_NACK       0x02    
-#define ERR_WR_REGADD_NACK      0x04   
-#define ERR_WR_REGCMD_NACK      0x08   
-#define ERR_WR_DATA_NACK        0x10     
-#define ERR_RD_DATA_MISMATCH    0x20 
-#define I2C_DID_WR_MASK         0xFE
-#define I2C_DID_RD_MASK         0x01
-#define T_WIN_EN                0X01
-#define PA_WIN_EN               0X02
-#define T_TRAV_EN               0X04
-#define PA_TRAV_EN              0X08
-#define PA_RDY_EN               0X20
-#define T_RDY_EN                0X10
-#define T_WIN_CFG               0X01
-#define PA_WIN_CFG              0X02
-#define PA_MODE_P               0X00
-#define PA_MODE_A               0X40
-#define T_TRAV_CFG              0X04
-#define OK_HP20X_DEV            0X80		//HP20x_dev successfully initialized
-#define REG_PARA                0X0F        //Status register
-/***        Class Definitions                                             ***/
-class HP20x_dev
-  /* Public variables and functions */
-  public:
-    uchar OSR_CFG;
-	uint  OSR_ConvertTime;
-    /* Constructor */
-    HP20x_dev();	
-	void begin();
-	uchar isAvailable();
-	/* Read sensor data */
-	ulong ReadTemperature(void);
-	ulong ReadPressure(void);
-	ulong ReadAltitude(void);
-  /* Private variables and functions */
-  private:
-    /* Write a command to HP20x */
-	void HP20X_IIC_WriteCmd(uchar uCmd);	
-	/* Read register value */
-	uchar HP20X_IIC_ReadReg(uchar bReg);	
-	void HP20X_IIC_WriteReg(uchar bReg,uchar bData);	 	
-	ulong HP20X_IIC_ReadData(void);
-	ulong HP20X_IIC_ReadData3byte(void);
-extern HP20x_dev HP20x;
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/HP20x/driver_mbed_KalmanFilter.cpp	Mon Oct 08 10:00:19 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
- * File name  : KalmanFilter.cpp
- * Description: Kalman Filter class 
- * Author     : Oliver Wang from Seeed studio
- * Version    : V0.1
- * Create Time: 2014/04
- * Change Log :
-/***        Include files                                                 ***/
-// #include <Arduino.h>
-#include <driver_mbed_KalmanFilter.h>
-// #include <inttypes.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-AnalogIn ain(D0);
-/* random number table */
-float Rand_Table[100]={
-/* Extern variables */
-KalmanFilter kalmanFilter;
-    X_pre = 0;
-	P_pre = 0;	 
-	X_post = 0;
-	P_post = 0;
-	K_cur = 0;
-float KalmanFilter::Gaussian_Noise_Cov(void)
-    int index = 0;
-	float tmp[10]={0.0};
-	float average = 0.0;
-	float sum = 0.0;
-	/* Initialize random number generator */
-	srand((int);
-	/* Get random number */
-	for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
-	{
-	    index = (int)rand()%100;
-        tmp[i] = Rand_Table[index];
-        sum += tmp[i];		
-	}
-	/* Calculate average */
-	average = sum/10;
-	/* Calculate Variance */
-	float Variance = 0.0;		
-	for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
-	{
-	    Variance += (tmp[j]-average)*(tmp[j]-average);
-	}
-	Variance/=10.0;
-	return Variance;
-float KalmanFilter::Filter(float origin)
-    float modelNoise = 0.0;
-	float observeNoise = 0.0;
-	/* Get model and observe Noise */
-	modelNoise = Gaussian_Noise_Cov();
-	observeNoise = Gaussian_Noise_Cov();
-	/* Algorithm */
-	X_pre = X_post;
-	P_pre = P_post + modelNoise;
-	K_cur = P_pre/(P_pre + observeNoise);
-	P_post = (1 - K_cur)*P_pre;
-	X_post = X_pre + K_cur*(origin - X_pre);
-	return X_post;
--- a/HP20x/driver_mbed_KalmanFilter.h	Mon Oct 08 10:00:19 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- * File name  : kalmanFilter.h
- * Description:  
- * Author     : Oliver Wang from Seeed studio
- * Version    : V0.1
- * Create Time: 2014/04
- * Change Log :
-/***        Include files                                                 ***/
-// #include <Arduino.h>
-// #include <inttypes.h>
-#include "mbed.h"
-/***        Local variables                                               ***/
-/***        Class Definitions                                             ***/
-class KalmanFilter
-    public:
-	  KalmanFilter();	 
-	  float Filter(float);
-	private:
-	/* variables */
-	float X_pre, X_post, P_pre, P_post, K_cur; 
-	float Gaussian_Noise_Cov(void);
-extern KalmanFilter kalmanFilter;
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/SSD1306_oled/bold_font.h	Mon Oct 08 10:00:19 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-/** Thick 8x8 font, good for headings etc. */
-static unsigned char bold_font[] = {
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x20] ' '
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0xDF,  0xDF,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x21] '!'
-    0x0,  0x3,  0x7,  0x0,  0x3,  0x7,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x22] '"'
-    0x0,  0x14,  0x3E,  0x14,  0x3E,  0x14,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x23] '#'
-    0x0,  0x24,  0x2A,  0x7F,  0x2A,  0x12,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x24] '$'
-    0x43,  0x23,  0x10,  0x8,  0x4,  0x62,  0x61,  0x0,    // [0x25] '%'
-    0x38,  0x7C,  0x44,  0x7F,  0x3F,  0x4,  0x4,  0x0,    // [0x26] '&'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x7,  0x7,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x27] '''
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x7E,  0xFF,  0x81,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x28] '('
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x81,  0xFF,  0x7E,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x29] ')'
-    0x8,  0x2A,  0x1C,  0x7F,  0x1C,  0x2A,  0x8,  0x0,    // [0x2A] '*'
-    0x0,  0x8,  0x8,  0x3E,  0x3E,  0x8,  0x8,  0x0,    // [0x2B] '+'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x80,  0xE0,  0x60,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x2C] ','
-    0x0,  0x8,  0x8,  0x8,  0x8,  0x8,  0x8,  0x0,    // [0x2D] '-'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0xC0,  0xC0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x2E] '.'
-    0x0,  0xC0,  0xF0,  0x3C,  0xF,  0x3,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x2F] '/'
-    0x3E,  0x7F,  0x51,  0x49,  0x45,  0x7F,  0x3E,  0x0,    // [0x30] '0'
-    0x0,  0x40,  0x42,  0x7F,  0x7F,  0x40,  0x40,  0x0,    // [0x31] '1'
-    0x72,  0x7B,  0x49,  0x49,  0x49,  0x4F,  0x46,  0x0,    // [0x32] '2'
-    0x22,  0x63,  0x41,  0x49,  0x49,  0x7F,  0x36,  0x0,    // [0x33] '3'
-    0x7,  0xF,  0x8,  0x8,  0x8,  0x7E,  0x7E,  0x0,    // [0x34] '4'
-    0x27,  0x6F,  0x49,  0x49,  0x49,  0x79,  0x31,  0x0,    // [0x35] '5'
-    0x3E,  0x7F,  0x49,  0x49,  0x49,  0x79,  0x30,  0x0,    // [0x36] '6'
-    0x1,  0x1,  0x1,  0x1,  0x1,  0x7F,  0x7E,  0x0,    // [0x37] '7'
-    0x36,  0x7F,  0x49,  0x49,  0x49,  0x7F,  0x36,  0x0,    // [0x38] '8'
-    0x6,  0xF,  0x9,  0x9,  0x9,  0x7F,  0x7F,  0x0,    // [0x39] '9'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x63,  0x63,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x3A] ':'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x80,  0xE3,  0x63,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x3B] ';'
-    0x0,  0x8,  0x1C,  0x36,  0x63,  0x41,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x3C] '<'
-    0x0,  0x14,  0x14,  0x14,  0x14,  0x14,  0x14,  0x0,    // [0x3D] '='
-    0x0,  0x41,  0x63,  0x36,  0x1C,  0x8,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x3E] '>'
-    0x2,  0x3,  0xD1,  0xD9,  0x9,  0xF,  0x6,  0x0,    // [0x3F] '?'
-    0x3E,  0x7F,  0x41,  0x5D,  0x55,  0x5F,  0xE,  0x0,    // [0x40] '@'
-    0x7E,  0x7F,  0x9,  0x9,  0x9,  0x7F,  0x7E,  0x0,    // [0x41] 'A'
-    0x7F,  0x7F,  0x49,  0x49,  0x49,  0x7F,  0x36,  0x0,    // [0x42] 'B'
-    0x3E,  0x7F,  0x41,  0x41,  0x41,  0x63,  0x22,  0x0,    // [0x43] 'C'
-    0x7F,  0x7F,  0x41,  0x41,  0x63,  0x3E,  0x1C,  0x0,    // [0x44] 'D'
-    0x7F,  0x7F,  0x49,  0x49,  0x49,  0x41,  0x41,  0x0,    // [0x45] 'E'
-    0x7F,  0x7F,  0x9,  0x9,  0x9,  0x1,  0x1,  0x0,    // [0x46] 'F'
-    0x3E,  0x7F,  0x41,  0x49,  0x49,  0x7B,  0x7A,  0x0,    // [0x47] 'G'
-    0x7F,  0x7F,  0x8,  0x8,  0x8,  0x7F,  0x7F,  0x0,    // [0x48] 'H'
-    0x0,  0x41,  0x41,  0x7F,  0x7F,  0x41,  0x41,  0x0,    // [0x49] 'I'
-    0x20,  0x61,  0x41,  0x7F,  0x3F,  0x1,  0x1,  0x0,    // [0x4A] 'J'
-    0x7F,  0x7F,  0x8,  0x1C,  0x36,  0x63,  0x41,  0x0,    // [0x4B] 'K'
-    0x7F,  0x7F,  0x40,  0x40,  0x40,  0x40,  0x40,  0x0,    // [0x4C] 'L'
-    0x7F,  0x7F,  0x6,  0xC,  0x6,  0x7F,  0x7F,  0x0,    // [0x4D] 'M'
-    0x7F,  0x7F,  0x6,  0xC,  0x18,  0x7F,  0x7F,  0x0,    // [0x4E] 'N'
-    0x3E,  0x7F,  0x41,  0x41,  0x41,  0x7F,  0x3E,  0x0,    // [0x4F] 'O'
-    0x7F,  0x7F,  0x9,  0x9,  0x9,  0xF,  0x6,  0x0,    // [0x50] 'P'
-    0x3E,  0x7F,  0x41,  0x61,  0xC1,  0xFF,  0xBE,  0x0,    // [0x51] 'Q'
-    0x7F,  0x7F,  0x9,  0x9,  0x9,  0x7F,  0x76,  0x0,    // [0x52] 'R'
-    0x26,  0x6F,  0x49,  0x49,  0x49,  0x7B,  0x32,  0x0,    // [0x53] 'S'
-    0x0,  0x1,  0x1,  0x7F,  0x7F,  0x1,  0x1,  0x0,    // [0x54] 'T'
-    0x3F,  0x7F,  0x40,  0x40,  0x40,  0x7F,  0x7F,  0x0,    // [0x55] 'U'
-    0x0,  0x7,  0x1F,  0x78,  0x78,  0x1F,  0x7,  0x0,    // [0x56] 'V'
-    0x7F,  0x7F,  0x30,  0x18,  0x30,  0x7F,  0x7F,  0x0,    // [0x57] 'W'
-    0x63,  0x77,  0x1C,  0x8,  0x1C,  0x77,  0x63,  0x0,    // [0x58] 'X'
-    0x27,  0x6F,  0x48,  0x48,  0x48,  0x7F,  0x3F,  0x0,    // [0x59] 'Y'
-    0x61,  0x71,  0x59,  0x4D,  0x47,  0x43,  0x41,  0x0,    // [0x5A] 'Z'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0xFF,  0xFF,  0x81,  0x81,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x5B] '['
-    0x0,  0x3,  0xF,  0x3C,  0xF0,  0xC0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x5C] '\\'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x81,  0x81,  0xFF,  0xFF,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x5D] ']'
-    0x4,  0x6,  0x3,  0x1,  0x3,  0x6,  0x4,  0x0,    // [0x5E] '^'
-    0x80,  0x80,  0x80,  0x80,  0x80,  0x80,  0x80,  0x0,    // [0x5F] '_'
-    0x3,  0x7,  0x4,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x60] '`'
-    0x38,  0x7C,  0x44,  0x44,  0x24,  0x7C,  0x78,  0x0,    // [0x61] 'a'
-    0x7F,  0x7F,  0x24,  0x44,  0x44,  0x7C,  0x38,  0x0,    // [0x62] 'b'
-    0x38,  0x7C,  0x44,  0x44,  0x44,  0x44,  0x44,  0x0,    // [0x63] 'c'
-    0x38,  0x7C,  0x44,  0x44,  0x24,  0x7F,  0x7F,  0x0,    // [0x64] 'd'
-    0x38,  0x7C,  0x54,  0x54,  0x54,  0x5C,  0x8,  0x0,    // [0x65] 'e'
-    0x0,  0x4,  0x7E,  0x7F,  0x5,  0x1,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x66] 'f'
-    0x18,  0xBC,  0xA4,  0xA4,  0x94,  0xFC,  0x78,  0x0,    // [0x67] 'g'
-    0x7F,  0x7F,  0x8,  0x4,  0x4,  0x7C,  0x78,  0x0,    // [0x68] 'h'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x7D,  0x7D,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x69] 'i'
-    0x0,  0x40,  0x40,  0x40,  0x7D,  0x3D,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x6A] 'j'
-    0x7F,  0x7F,  0x8,  0x8,  0x1C,  0x76,  0x62,  0x0,    // [0x6B] 'k'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x7F,  0x7F,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x6C] 'l'
-    0x78,  0x7C,  0x18,  0x30,  0x18,  0x7C,  0x78,  0x0,    // [0x6D] 'm'
-    0x7C,  0x7C,  0x8,  0x4,  0x4,  0x7C,  0x78,  0x0,    // [0x6E] 'n'
-    0x38,  0x7C,  0x44,  0x44,  0x44,  0x7C,  0x38,  0x0,    // [0x6F] 'o'
-    0xFC,  0xFC,  0x28,  0x24,  0x24,  0x3C,  0x18,  0x0,    // [0x70] 'p'
-    0x1C,  0x1E,  0x22,  0x22,  0x12,  0xFE,  0xFE,  0x0,    // [0x71] 'q'
-    0x7C,  0x7C,  0x8,  0x4,  0x4,  0xC,  0x8,  0x0,    // [0x72] 'r'
-    0x48,  0x5C,  0x54,  0x54,  0x54,  0x74,  0x20,  0x0,    // [0x73] 's'
-    0x3F,  0x7F,  0x44,  0x44,  0x44,  0x60,  0x20,  0x0,    // [0x74] 't'
-    0x3C,  0x7C,  0x40,  0x40,  0x20,  0x7C,  0x7C,  0x0,    // [0x75] 'u'
-    0x0,  0xC,  0x3C,  0x70,  0x70,  0x3C,  0xC,  0x0,    // [0x76] 'v'
-    0x3C,  0x7C,  0x30,  0x18,  0x30,  0x7C,  0x3C,  0x0,    // [0x77] 'w'
-    0x44,  0x6C,  0x38,  0x10,  0x38,  0x6C,  0x44,  0x0,    // [0x78] 'x'
-    0xC,  0x5C,  0x50,  0x50,  0x50,  0x7C,  0x3C,  0x0,    // [0x79] 'y'
-    0x44,  0x64,  0x74,  0x54,  0x5C,  0x4C,  0x44,  0x0,    // [0x7A] 'z'
-    0x0,  0x8,  0x3E,  0x77,  0x41,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x7B] '{'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0xFF,  0xFF,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x7C] '|'
-    0x0,  0x41,  0x77,  0x3E,  0x8,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x7D] '}'
-    0x2,  0x3,  0x1,  0x3,  0x2,  0x3,  0x1,  0x0,    // [0x7E] '~'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x7F] ''
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x80] '€'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x81] ''
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x80,  0xE0,  0x60,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x82] '‚'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x83] 'ƒ'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x84] '„'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x85] '…'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x86] '†'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x87] '‡'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x88] 'ˆ'
--- a/SSD1306_oled/ssd1306.cpp	Mon Oct 08 10:00:19 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "ssd1306.h"
-#include <stdarg.h>
-SSD1306::SSD1306(PinName cs, PinName rs, PinName dc, PinName clk, PinName data)
-    : _spi(data, NC, clk), 
-      _cs(cs), 
-      _reset(rs), 
-      _dc(dc),
-      _cursor_x(0),
-      _cursor_y(0)
-void SSD1306::off()
-    _send_command(0xAE);
-void SSD1306::on()
-    _send_command(0xAF);
-void SSD1306::sleep()
-    _send_command(0xAE);
-void SSD1306::wake()
-    _send_command(0xAF);
-void SSD1306::set_inverse(unsigned char value)
-    _send_command(value ? 0xA7 : 0xA6);
-void SSD1306::set_display_offset(unsigned char value)
-    _send_command(0xD3);
-    _send_command(value & 0x3F); 
-void SSD1306::set_contrast(unsigned char value) 
-    _send_command(0x81);
-    _send_command(value);
-void SSD1306::set_display_start_line(unsigned char value)
-    _send_command(0x40 | value);
-void SSD1306::set_segment_remap(unsigned char value)
-    _send_command(value ? 0xA1 : 0xA0);
-void SSD1306::set_multiplex_ratio(unsigned char value)
-    _send_command(0xA8);
-    _send_command(value & 0x3F);
-void SSD1306::set_com_output_scan_direction(unsigned char value)
-    _send_command(value ? 0xC8 : 0xC0);
-void SSD1306::set_com_pins_hardware_configuration(unsigned char sequential, unsigned char lr_remap)
-    _send_command(0xDA);
-    _send_command(0x02 | ((sequential & 1) << 4) | ((lr_remap & 1) << 5));
-void SSD1306::start_horizontal_scroll(unsigned char direction, unsigned char start, unsigned char end, unsigned char interval) 
-    _send_command(direction ? 0x27 : 0x26);
-    _send_command(0x00);
-    _send_command(start & 0x07);
-    switch (interval) {
-        case   2: _send_command(0x07); break; // 111b
-        case   3: _send_command(0x04); break; // 100b
-        case   4: _send_command(0x05); break; // 101b
-        case   5: _send_command(0x00); break; // 000b
-        case  25: _send_command(0x06); break; // 110b
-        case  64: _send_command(0x01); break; // 001b
-        case 128: _send_command(0x02); break; // 010b
-        case 256: _send_command(0x03); break; // 011b
-        default:
-            // default to 2 frame interval
-            _send_command(0x07); break;
-    }
-    _send_command(end & 0x07);
-    _send_command(0x00);
-    _send_command(0xFF);
-    // activate scroll
-    _send_command(0x2F);
-void SSD1306::start_vertical_and_horizontal_scroll(unsigned char direction, unsigned char start, unsigned char end, unsigned char interval, unsigned char vertical_offset)
-    _send_command(direction ? 0x2A : 0x29);
-    _send_command(0x00);
-    _send_command(start & 0x07);
-    switch (interval) {
-        case   2: _send_command(0x07); break; // 111b
-        case   3: _send_command(0x04); break; // 100b
-        case   4: _send_command(0x05); break; // 101b
-        case   5: _send_command(0x00); break; // 000b
-        case  25: _send_command(0x06); break; // 110b
-        case  64: _send_command(0x01); break; // 001b
-        case 128: _send_command(0x02); break; // 010b
-        case 256: _send_command(0x03); break; // 011b
-        default:
-            // default to 2 frame interval
-            _send_command(0x07); break;
-    }
-    _send_command(end & 0x07);
-    _send_command(vertical_offset);    
-    // activate scroll
-    _send_command(0x2F);
-void SSD1306::stop_scroll()
-    // all scroll configurations are removed from the display when executing this command.
-    _send_command(0x2E);
-void SSD1306::pam_set_start_address(unsigned char address)
-    // "Set Lower Column Start Address for Page Addressing Mode"
-    _send_command(address & 0x0F);
-    // "Set Higher Column Start Address for Page Addressing Mode"
-    _send_command((address << 4) & 0x0F);
-void SSD1306::set_memory_addressing_mode(unsigned char mode)
-    _send_command(0x20);
-    _send_command(mode & 0x3);
-void SSD1306::hv_set_column_address(unsigned char start, unsigned char end)
-    _send_command(0x21);
-    _send_command(start & 0x7F);
-    _send_command(end & 0x7F);
-void SSD1306::hv_set_page_address(unsigned char start, unsigned char end)
-    _send_command(0x22);
-    _send_command(start & 0x07);
-    _send_command(end & 0x07);
-void SSD1306::pam_set_page_start(unsigned char address)
-    _send_command(0xB0 | (address & 0x07));
-void SSD1306::set_display_clock_ratio_and_frequency(unsigned char ratio, unsigned char frequency)
-    _send_command(0xD5);
-    _send_command((ratio & 0x0F) | ((frequency & 0x0F) << 4));
-void SSD1306::set_precharge_period(unsigned char phase1, unsigned char phase2)
-    _send_command(0xD9);
-    _send_command((phase1 & 0x0F) | ((phase2 & 0x0F ) << 4));
-void SSD1306::set_vcomh_deselect_level(unsigned char level)
-    _send_command(0xDB);
-    _send_command((level & 0x03) << 4);
-void SSD1306::nop()
-    _send_command(0xE3);
-void SSD1306::set_charge_pump_enable(unsigned char enable)
-    _send_command(0x8D);
-    _send_command(enable ? 0x14 : 0x10);
-void SSD1306::initialise()
-    // Init
-    _reset = 1;
-    wait(0.01);
-    _reset = 0;
-    wait(0.10);
-    _reset = 1;
-    off();
-    set_display_clock_ratio_and_frequency(0, 8);
-    set_multiplex_ratio(0x3F); // 1/64 duty
-    set_precharge_period(0xF, 0x01);
-    set_display_offset(0);    
-    set_display_start_line(0);  
-    set_charge_pump_enable(1);    
-    set_memory_addressing_mode(0); // horizontal addressing mode; across then down
-    set_segment_remap(1);
-    set_com_output_scan_direction(1);
-    set_com_pins_hardware_configuration(1, 0);
-    set_contrast(0xFF);
-    set_vcomh_deselect_level(1);
-    wake();
-    set_inverse(0);
-    hv_set_column_address(0, 127);
-    hv_set_page_address(0, 7);
-    pam_set_start_address(0);
-    pam_set_page_start(0);
-    // set_precharge_period(2, 2);
-void SSD1306::update()
-    hv_set_column_address(0, 127);
-    hv_set_page_address(0, 7);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
-        _send_data(_screen[i]);
-void SSD1306::set_pixel(int x, int y)
-    if (x >= SSD1306_LCDWIDTH || y >= SSD1306_LCDHEIGHT) return;
-    _screen[x + (y / 8) * 128] |= 1 << (y % 8);
-void SSD1306::clear_pixel(int x, int y)
-    if (x >= SSD1306_LCDWIDTH || y >= SSD1306_LCDHEIGHT) return;
-    _screen[x + (y / 8) * 128] &= ~(1 << (y % 8));
-void SSD1306::line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) {
-  int steep = abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0);
-  int t;
-  if (steep) {
-    t = x0; x0 = y0; y0 = t;
-    t = x1; x1 = y1; y1 = t;
-  }
-  if (x0 > x1) {
-    t = x0; x0 = x1; x1 = t;
-    t = y0; y0 = y1; y1 = t;
-  }
-  int dx, dy;
-  dx = x1 - x0;
-  dy = abs(y1 - y0);
-  int err = dx / 2;
-  int ystep;
-  if (y0 < y1) {
-    ystep = 1;
-  } else {
-    ystep = -1;}
-  for (; x0<x1; x0++) {
-    if (steep) {
-      set_pixel(y0, x0);
-    } else {
-      set_pixel(x0, y0);
-    }
-    err -= dy;
-    if (err < 0) {
-      y0 += ystep;
-      err += dx;
-    }
-  }
-void SSD1306::set_font(unsigned char *font, unsigned int width)
-    _console_font_data = font;
-    _console_font_width = width;
-void SSD1306::set_double_height_text(unsigned int double_height)
-    _double_height_text = double_height;
-void SSD1306::putc(unsigned char c)
-    while (_cursor_x >= (128 / _console_font_width))
-    {
-        _cursor_x -= (128 / _console_font_width);
-        _cursor_y++;            
-    }
-    while (_cursor_y > 7)
-    {
-        scroll_up();            
-    }
-    switch (c)
-    {
-    case '\n':
-        _cursor_y++;
-        break;
-    case '\r':
-        _cursor_x = 0;
-        break;
-    case '\t':
-        _cursor_x = (_cursor_x + 4) % 4;
-        break;
-    default:
-        for (int b = 0; b < _console_font_width; b++)
-        {
-            _screen[_cursor_x * _console_font_width + _cursor_y * 128 + b] = _console_font_data[(c - FONT_START) * _console_font_width + b];
-        }
-        _cursor_x++;
-    }            
-void SSD1306::scroll_up()
-    for (int y = 1; y <= 7; y++)
-    {
-        for (int x = 0; x < 128; x++)
-        {
-            _screen[x + 128 * (y - 1)] = _screen[x + 128 * y];
-        }
-    }
-    for (int x = 0; x < 128; x++)
-    {
-        _screen[x + 128 * 7] = 0;
-    }    
-    _cursor_y--;
-void SSD1306::printf(const char *format, ...)
-    static char buffer[128];
-    va_list args;
-    va_start(args, format);
-    vsprintf(buffer, format, args);
-    va_end(args);
-    char *c = (char *)&buffer;
-    while (*c != 0)
-    {
-        putc(*c++);
-    }
-void SSD1306::clear()
-    for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
-        _screen[i] = 0;
-    _cursor_x = 0;
-    _cursor_y = 0;
-void SSD1306::_send_command(unsigned char code)
-    _cs = 1;
-    _dc = 0;
-    _cs = 0;
-    _spi.write(code);
-    _cs = 1;
-void SSD1306::_send_data(unsigned char value)
-    _cs = 1;
-    _dc = 1;
-    _cs = 0;
-    _spi.write(value);
-    _cs = 1;
--- a/SSD1306_oled/ssd1306.h	Mon Oct 08 10:00:19 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __SSD1306_H__
-#define __SSD1306_H__
-#define FONT_START          ' '  /* First character value in the font table */
-/** SSD1306 Controller Driver
-  *
-  * This class provides a buffered display for the SSD1306 OLED controller.
-  * 
-  * TODO: 
-  *   - At the moment, the driver assumes a 128x64 pixel display.
-  *   - Only fonts of 8 pixel height are supported (different widths can be used).
-  *   - Pretty much no drawing functions are provided as yet.
-  *   - Possible "auto-update", automatically calling update() after a printf etc.
-  *
-  * Information taken from the datasheet at:
-  *
-  *
-  */
-class SSD1306
-    /** Construct a new SSD1306 object.
-     *  @param cs The connected C/S pin.
-     *  @param rs The connected RS pin.
-     *  @param dc The connected DC pin.
-     *  @param clk The connected CLK pin.
-     *  @param data The connected Data pin.
-     */
-    SSD1306(PinName cs, PinName rs, PinName dc, PinName clk, PinName data);
-    // ----- HARDWARE CONTROL -----
-    /** Initialise the display with defaults.*/
-    void initialise();
-    /** Force a refresh of the display.  Copies the buffer to the controller. */
-    void update();
-    /** Turn the whole display off.  This will reset all configuration settings on the controller to their defaults. */
-    void off();
-    /** Turn the whole display on.  Used during initialisation. */
-    void on();
-    /** Sends the display to sleep, but leaves RAM intact. */
-    void sleep();
-    /** Wakes up this display following a sleep() call.
-     *  @see sleep()
-     */
-    void wake();
-    /** Set the display contrast.
-     *  @param value The contrast, from 1 to 256.
-     */
-    void set_contrast(unsigned char value); // 1-256
-    /** Set the display to normal or inverse.
-     *  @param value 0 for normal mode, or 1 for inverse mode.
-     */
-    void set_inverse(unsigned char value); // 0 or 1
-    /** Set the display start line.  This is the line at which the display will start rendering.
-     *  @param value A value from 0 to 63 denoting the line to start at.
-     */
-    void set_display_start_line(unsigned char value); // 0-63
-    /** Set the segment remap state.  This allows the module to be addressed as if flipped horizontally.
-      * NOTE: Changing this setting has no effect on data already in the module's GDDRAM.
-      * @param value 0 = column address 0 = segment 0 (the default), 1 = column address 127 = segment 0 (flipped).
-      */
-    void set_segment_remap(unsigned char value); // 0 or 1
-    /** Set the vertical shift by COM.
-      * @param value The number of rows to shift, from 0 - 63.
-      */
-    void set_display_offset(unsigned char value); // 0-63
-    /** Set the multiplex ratio.
-     *  @param value MUX will be set to (value+1). Valid values range from 15 to 63 - MUX 16 to 64.
-     */
-    void set_multiplex_ratio(unsigned char value); // 15-63 (value+1 mux)
-    /** Set COM output scan direction.  If the display is active, this will immediately vertically
-      * flip the display.
-      * @param value 0 = Scan from COM0 (default), 1 = reversed (scan from COM[N-1]).
-      */
-    void set_com_output_scan_direction(unsigned char value); // 0 or 1
-    /** Set COM pins hardware configuration.
-      * @param sequential 0 = Sequental COM pin configuration, 1 = Alternative COM pin configuration (default).
-      * @param lr_remap 0 = Disable COM left/right remap (default), 1 = enable COM left/right remap.
-      */
-    void set_com_pins_hardware_configuration(unsigned char sequential, unsigned char lr_remap); // 0 or 1 for both parametrs
-    /** Set up and start a continuous horizontal scroll.
-      * Once you have set up the scrolling, you can deactivate it with stop_scroll().
-      * @param direction 0 for right, 1 for left.
-      * @param start Start page address, 0 - 5.
-      * @param end End page address, 0 - 5.
-      * @param interval Interval in frame frequency.  Valid values are: 2, 3, 4, 5, 25, 64, 128, 256.
-      * @see stop_scrol
-      */
-    void start_horizontal_scroll(unsigned char direction, unsigned char start, unsigned char end, unsigned char interval);
-    /** Set up and start a continuous horizontal and vertical scroll.
-      * NOTE: No continuous vertical scroll is available.
-      * Once you have set up the scrolling, you can deactivate it with stop_scroll().
-      * @param direction 0 for vertical and right horizontal scroll, 1 for vertical and left horizontal scroll.
-      * @param start Start page address, 0 - 5.
-      * @param end End page address, 0 - 5.
-      * @param interval Interval in frame frequency.  Valid values are: 2, 3, 4, 5, 25, 64, 128, 256.
-      * @param vertical_offset Offset of vertical scroll, 1 - 63.
-      * @see stop_scroll
-      */
-    void start_vertical_and_horizontal_scroll(unsigned char direction, unsigned char start, unsigned char end, unsigned char interval, unsigned char vertical_offset);
-    /** Deactivate the continuous scroll set up with start_horizontal_scroll() or 
-      * start_vertical_and_horizontal_scroll().
-      * @see set_horizontal_scroll, set_vertical_and_horizontal_scroll
-      */
-    void stop_scroll();
-    // ----- ADDRESSING -----
-    /** Set memory addressing mode to the given value.
-      * @param mode 0 for Horizontal addressing mode, 1 for Vertical addressing mode, or 2 for Page addressing mode (PAM).  2 is the default.
-      */
-    void set_memory_addressing_mode(unsigned char mode);
-    /** Page Addressing Mode: Set the column start address register for
-      * page addressing mode.
-      * @param address The address (full byte).
-      */
-    void pam_set_start_address(unsigned char address);       
-    /** Set the GDDRAM page start address for page addressing mode.
-      * @param address The start page, 0 - 7.
-      */
-    void pam_set_page_start(unsigned char address);
-    /** Set page start and end address for horizontal/vertical addressing mode.
-      * @param start The start page, 0 - 7.
-      * @param end The end page, 0 - 7.
-      */
-    void hv_set_page_address(unsigned char start, unsigned char end);
-    /** Set column address range for horizontal/vertical addressing mode.
-      * @param start Column start address, 0 - 127.
-      * @param end Column end address, 0 - 127.
-      */
-    void hv_set_column_address(unsigned char start, unsigned char end);
-    // ----- TIMING & DRIVING -----
-    /** Set the display clock divide ratio and the oscillator frequency.
-      * @param ratio The divide ratio, default is 0.
-      * @param frequency The oscillator frequency, 0 - 127. Default is 8.  
-      */
-    void set_display_clock_ratio_and_frequency(unsigned char ratio, unsigned char frequency);
-    /** Set the precharge period.
-      * @param phase1 Phase 1 period in DCLK clocks.  1 - 15, default is 2.
-      * @param phase2 Phase 2 period in DCLK clocks.  1 - 15, default is 2.
-      */
-    void set_precharge_period(unsigned char phase1, unsigned char phase2);
-    /** Set the Vcomh deselect level.
-      * @param level 0 = 0.65 x Vcc, 1 = 0.77 x Vcc (default), 2 = 0.83 x Vcc.
-      */
-    void set_vcomh_deselect_level(unsigned char level);
-    /** Perform a "no operation".
-      */
-    void nop();
-    /** Enable/disable charge pump.
-      @param enable 0 to disable, 1 to enable the internal charge pump.
-      */
-    void set_charge_pump_enable(unsigned char enable);
-    // ----- BUFFER EDITING -----
-    void clear();
-    void set_pixel(int x, int y);
-    void clear_pixel(int x, int y);
-    void line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1);
-    /** Set the current console font.
-      * @param font Font data, layed out vertically!
-      * @param width Width of the font characters in pixels.
-      * Fonts are always (at present) 8 pixels in height.
-      */
-    void set_font(unsigned char *font, unsigned int width);
-    /** Set double height text output.
-      * @param double_height If 1, calls to putc(), printf() etc will
-      * result in text taking up 2 lines instead of 1.
-      */
-    void set_double_height_text(unsigned int double_height);
-    /** Put a single character to the screen buffer.
-      * Repeated calls to putc() will cause the cursor to move across and
-      * then down as needed, with scrolling.
-      * @param c The character to write.
-      */
-    void putc(unsigned char c);
-    /** Print to the screen buffer.
-      * printf() will wrap and scroll the screen as needed to display the text given.
-      * @param format Format specifier, same as printf() in normal C.
-      */
-    void printf(const char *format, ...);
-    /** Scroll the screen buffer up by one line. */
-    void scroll_up();
-    SPI _spi;
-    DigitalOut _cs, _reset, _dc;
-    unsigned char _screen[1024];
-    int _cursor_x, _cursor_y;
-    void _send_command(unsigned char code);
-    void _send_data(unsigned char value);
-    unsigned char *_console_font_data;  
-    unsigned int _console_font_width;
-    unsigned int _double_height_text;
-#define SSD1306_LCDWIDTH 128
-#define SSD1306_LCDHEIGHT 64
--- a/SSD1306_oled/standard_font.h	Mon Oct 08 10:00:19 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-/** Thin 5x8 font. */
-static unsigned char standard_font[] = {
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x20] ' '
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x2F,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x21] '!'
-    0x0,  0x3,  0x0,  0x3,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x22] '"'
-    0x14,  0x3E,  0x14,  0x3E,  0x14,  0x0,    // [0x23] '#'
-    0x24,  0x2A,  0x7F,  0x2A,  0x12,  0x0,    // [0x24] '$'
-    0x22,  0x10,  0x8,  0x4,  0x22,  0x0,    // [0x25] '%'
-    0x18,  0x24,  0x24,  0x1E,  0x4,  0x0,    // [0x26] '&'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x3,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x27] '''
-    0x0,  0x1C,  0x22,  0x41,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x28] '('
-    0x0,  0x41,  0x22,  0x1C,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x29] ')'
-    0x2A,  0x1C,  0x3E,  0x1C,  0x2A,  0x0,    // [0x2A] '*'
-    0x8,  0x8,  0x3E,  0x8,  0x8,  0x0,    // [0x2B] '+'
-    0x0,  0x40,  0x20,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x2C] ','
-    0x8,  0x8,  0x8,  0x8,  0x8,  0x0,    // [0x2D] '-'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x20,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x2E] '.'
-    0x0,  0xC0,  0x30,  0xC,  0x3,  0x0,    // [0x2F] '/'
-    0x1E,  0x29,  0x2D,  0x25,  0x1E,  0x0,    // [0x30] '0'
-    0x0,  0x22,  0x3F,  0x20,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x31] '1'
-    0x32,  0x29,  0x29,  0x29,  0x26,  0x0,    // [0x32] '2'
-    0x12,  0x21,  0x29,  0x29,  0x16,  0x0,    // [0x33] '3'
-    0x7,  0x8,  0x8,  0x8,  0x3E,  0x0,    // [0x34] '4'
-    0x17,  0x25,  0x25,  0x25,  0x18,  0x0,    // [0x35] '5'
-    0x1E,  0x25,  0x25,  0x25,  0x18,  0x0,    // [0x36] '6'
-    0x1,  0x1,  0x9,  0x9,  0x3E,  0x0,    // [0x37] '7'
-    0x1A,  0x25,  0x25,  0x25,  0x1A,  0x0,    // [0x38] '8'
-    0x6,  0x9,  0x9,  0x9,  0x3E,  0x0,    // [0x39] '9'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x22,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x3A] ':'
-    0x0,  0x40,  0x22,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x3B] ';'
-    0x0,  0x8,  0x14,  0x22,  0x41,  0x0,    // [0x3C] '<'
-    0x14,  0x14,  0x14,  0x14,  0x14,  0x0,    // [0x3D] '='
-    0x0,  0x41,  0x22,  0x14,  0x8,  0x0,    // [0x3E] '>'
-    0x2,  0x1,  0x29,  0x9,  0x6,  0x0,    // [0x3F] '?'
-    0x1E,  0x21,  0x2D,  0x2D,  0x6,  0x0,    // [0x40] '@'
-    0x3E,  0x11,  0x11,  0x11,  0x3E,  0x0,    // [0x41] 'A'
-    0x3E,  0x25,  0x25,  0x25,  0x1A,  0x0,    // [0x42] 'B'
-    0x1E,  0x21,  0x21,  0x21,  0x12,  0x0,    // [0x43] 'C'
-    0x3E,  0x21,  0x21,  0x22,  0x1C,  0x0,    // [0x44] 'D'
-    0x3F,  0x29,  0x29,  0x21,  0x21,  0x0,    // [0x45] 'E'
-    0x3F,  0x9,  0x9,  0x1,  0x1,  0x0,    // [0x46] 'F'
-    0x1E,  0x21,  0x29,  0x29,  0x1A,  0x0,    // [0x47] 'G'
-    0x3F,  0x8,  0x8,  0x8,  0x3F,  0x0,    // [0x48] 'H'
-    0x0,  0x21,  0x3F,  0x21,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x49] 'I'
-    0x10,  0x20,  0x21,  0x21,  0x1F,  0x0,    // [0x4A] 'J'
-    0x3F,  0x8,  0xC,  0x12,  0x21,  0x0,    // [0x4B] 'K'
-    0x1F,  0x20,  0x20,  0x20,  0x20,  0x0,    // [0x4C] 'L'
-    0x3E,  0x1,  0x6,  0x1,  0x3E,  0x0,    // [0x4D] 'M'
-    0x3E,  0x1,  0x1,  0x2,  0x3C,  0x0,    // [0x4E] 'N'
-    0x1E,  0x21,  0x21,  0x21,  0x1E,  0x0,    // [0x4F] 'O'
-    0x3E,  0x11,  0x11,  0x11,  0xE,  0x0,    // [0x50] 'P'
-    0x1E,  0x21,  0x29,  0x71,  0x5E,  0x0,    // [0x51] 'Q'
-    0x3E,  0x9,  0x9,  0x9,  0x36,  0x0,    // [0x52] 'R'
-    0x12,  0x25,  0x25,  0x25,  0x18,  0x0,    // [0x53] 'S'
-    0x1,  0x1,  0x3F,  0x1,  0x1,  0x0,    // [0x54] 'T'
-    0x1F,  0x20,  0x20,  0x20,  0x1F,  0x0,    // [0x55] 'U'
-    0xF,  0x10,  0x20,  0x10,  0xF,  0x0,    // [0x56] 'V'
-    0x1F,  0x20,  0x18,  0x20,  0x1F,  0x0,    // [0x57] 'W'
-    0x31,  0xA,  0x4,  0xA,  0x31,  0x0,    // [0x58] 'X'
-    0x7,  0x28,  0x28,  0x28,  0x1F,  0x0,    // [0x59] 'Y'
-    0x31,  0x29,  0x25,  0x23,  0x21,  0x0,    // [0x5A] 'Z'
-    0x0,  0x7F,  0x41,  0x41,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x5B] '['
-    0x0,  0x3,  0xC,  0x30,  0xC0,  0x0,    // [0x5C] '\\'
-    0x0,  0x41,  0x41,  0x7F,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x5D] ']'
-    0x0,  0x2,  0x1,  0x2,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x5E] '^'
-    0x40,  0x40,  0x40,  0x40,  0x40,  0x0,    // [0x5F] '_'
-    0x1,  0x2,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x60] '`'
-    0x1C,  0x22,  0x22,  0x22,  0x3C,  0x0,    // [0x61] 'a'
-    0x1F,  0x22,  0x22,  0x22,  0x1C,  0x0,    // [0x62] 'b'
-    0x1C,  0x22,  0x22,  0x22,  0x20,  0x0,    // [0x63] 'c'
-    0x1C,  0x22,  0x22,  0x22,  0x1F,  0x0,    // [0x64] 'd'
-    0x1C,  0x2A,  0x2A,  0x2A,  0x4,  0x0,    // [0x65] 'e'
-    0x8,  0x7E,  0x9,  0x1,  0x1,  0x0,    // [0x66] 'f'
-    0xC,  0x52,  0x52,  0x52,  0x3C,  0x0,    // [0x67] 'g'
-    0x3F,  0x2,  0x2,  0x2,  0x3C,  0x0,    // [0x68] 'h'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x3D,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x69] 'i'
-    0x20,  0x40,  0x40,  0x40,  0x3D,  0x0,    // [0x6A] 'j'
-    0x3F,  0x8,  0x8,  0x14,  0x22,  0x0,    // [0x6B] 'k'
-    0x0,  0x1F,  0x20,  0x20,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x6C] 'l'
-    0x3C,  0x2,  0x4,  0x2,  0x3C,  0x0,    // [0x6D] 'm'
-    0x3C,  0x2,  0x2,  0x2,  0x3C,  0x0,    // [0x6E] 'n'
-    0x1C,  0x22,  0x22,  0x22,  0x1C,  0x0,    // [0x6F] 'o'
-    0x7C,  0x12,  0x12,  0x12,  0xC,  0x0,    // [0x70] 'p'
-    0xC,  0x12,  0x12,  0x12,  0x7E,  0x0,    // [0x71] 'q'
-    0x3C,  0x2,  0x2,  0x2,  0x4,  0x0,    // [0x72] 'r'
-    0x24,  0x2A,  0x2A,  0x2A,  0x10,  0x0,    // [0x73] 's'
-    0x1F,  0x22,  0x22,  0x20,  0x10,  0x0,    // [0x74] 't'
-    0x1E,  0x20,  0x20,  0x20,  0x1E,  0x0,    // [0x75] 'u'
-    0xE,  0x10,  0x20,  0x10,  0xE,  0x0,    // [0x76] 'v'
-    0x1E,  0x20,  0x10,  0x20,  0x1E,  0x0,    // [0x77] 'w'
-    0x22,  0x14,  0x8,  0x14,  0x22,  0x0,    // [0x78] 'x'
-    0xE,  0x50,  0x50,  0x50,  0x3E,  0x0,    // [0x79] 'y'
-    0x22,  0x32,  0x2A,  0x26,  0x22,  0x0,    // [0x7A] 'z'
-    0x0,  0x8,  0x36,  0x41,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x7B] '{'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x7F,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x7C] '|'
-    0x0,  0x41,  0x36,  0x8,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x7D] '}'
-    0x0,  0x2,  0x1,  0x2,  0x1,  0x0,    // [0x7E] '~'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x7F] ''
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x80] '€'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x81] ''
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x82] '‚'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x83] 'ƒ'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x84] '„'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x85] '…'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x86] '†'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x87] '‡'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x88] 'ˆ'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x89] '‰'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x8A] 'Š'
-    0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,    // [0x8B] '‹'
--- a/altitude.cpp	Mon Oct 08 10:00:19 2018 +0000
+++ b/altitude.cpp	Mon Oct 08 10:02:31 2018 +0000
@@ -1,2 +1,22 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
+#include "config.h"
+unsigned long ReadData3byte(I2C *hp20x) {   
+    unsigned long TempData = 0;
+    char tmpArray[3];
+    hp20x->read(HP20X_I2C_DEV_ID, tmpArray, 3);
+    /* MSB */
+    TempData = tmpArray[0]<<16 | tmpArray[1]<<8 | tmpArray[2];
+    if(TempData&0x800000)
+    {
+        TempData|=0xff000000;
+    }
+    return TempData;
+unsigned long readAltitude(I2C *hp20x) {
+    char cmd = 0x31;
+    hp20x->write(HP20X_I2C_DEV_ID, &cmd, 1);
+    unsigned long altitude = ReadData3byte(hp20x);
+    return altitude;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/altitude.h	Mon Oct 08 10:02:31 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#ifndef __ALTITUDE__
+#define __ALTITUDE__
+unsigned long readAltitude(I2C *hp20x);
+unsigned long ReadData3byte(I2C *hp20x);
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/config.h	Mon Oct 08 10:00:19 2018 +0000
+++ b/config.h	Mon Oct 08 10:02:31 2018 +0000
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
 #define LOW_H 160
 #define HIGH_H 520
+// Altitude
+#define HP20X_I2C_DEV_ID 0xEC
 // Warnings
 #define W_AIR LED3
--- a/main.cpp	Mon Oct 08 10:00:19 2018 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Oct 08 10:02:31 2018 +0000
@@ -2,19 +2,15 @@
 #include "config.h"
 #include "communication.h"
 #include "T_H_air.h"
-#include "ssd1306.h"
-#include "standard_font.h"
-#include "bold_font.h"
+#include "altitude.h"
 Serial wisol(SERIAL_PORT);
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
 DHT sensor(PIN_NAME, DHTtype);
-SSD1306 screen(D11, D9, D13, A4, D2);
+I2C hp206c(D12, A6);
 int main() {
-    screen.initialise();
-    screen.clear();
-    screen.set_contrast(255); // max contrast
-    screen.set_font(bold_font, 6);
     while(1) {
         float airH, airT;
         char *message;
@@ -28,12 +24,14 @@
         m = genMessage(T_air, H_air, T_sol, H_sol, Pressure, Mag)
-        //airH = airHumidity(sensor);
-        //airT = airTemperature(sensor);
+        airH = airHumidity(sensor);
+        airT = airTemperature(sensor);
         //message = genMessage(airT, airH);
         //wisol.printf("AT$SF=%s\r\n", message);
-        screen.printf("test");
-        screen.update();
-        wait(WAIT_TIME);
+        unsigned long alt = readAltitude(&hp206c);
+        pc.printf("H air : %f\n", airH);
+        pc.printf("T air : %f\n", airT);
+        pc.printf("altitude : %lu\n", alt);
+        wait(1);