MBED file for Heriot-Watt Malaysia System Project 2016

Dependencies:   PinDetect SDFileSystem ShiftReg TCS3472_I2C TextLCD mRotaryEncoder mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Mon Jan 16 02:02:13 2017 +0000
Commit message:
Change LCD file

Changed in this revision

PinDetect.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
SDFileSystem.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
ShiftReg.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TCS3472_I2C.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TextLCD.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mRotaryEncoder.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/PinDetect.lib	Mon Jan 16 02:02:13 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SDFileSystem.lib	Mon Jan 16 02:02:13 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ShiftReg.lib	Mon Jan 16 02:02:13 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TCS3472_I2C.lib	Mon Jan 16 02:02:13 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TextLCD.lib	Mon Jan 16 02:02:13 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mRotaryEncoder.lib	Mon Jan 16 02:02:13 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Jan 16 02:02:13 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1048 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "PinDetect.h"
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+#include "mRotaryEncoder.h"
+#include "TextLCD.h"
+#include "TCS3472_I2C.h"
+#include "ShiftReg.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector> 
+#define PI 3.14159265
+/////////////////////////////////////////////////// Pin Decleration ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// IR Trigger
+AnalogIn IR_Trigger(p16);
+// Shift Registers (74Shift_RegN)
+ShiftReg Shift_Reg(p17, p20, p22); // Data, Store, Clock
+// SD_Card module
+SDFileSystem sd(p11, p12, p13, p14, "sd"); // MOSI, MISO, SCK, CS
+// Host PC Communication channels
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
+// Arm Signal
+PinDetect ArmOut(p27, PullDown);
+DigitalOut ArmIn(p23);
+// LCD Display
+I2C i2c_lcd(p9,p10); // SDA, SCL
+TextLCD_I2C lcd(&i2c_lcd, 0x4E, TextLCD::LCD20x4); // I2C bus, PCF8574 Slaveaddress, LCD Type
+PwmOut RGB_Red(p24);
+PwmOut RGB_Green(p25);
+//PwmOut RGB_Blue(p26);
+// Rotary Encoder
+mRotaryEncoder RE(p5,p6,p7,PullUp,1000); // Pin A, Pin B, SW     
+// Speaker
+//AnalogOut Speaker(p18);
+// Slide LEDs
+DigitalOut SL1(p19);
+DigitalOut SL2(p28);
+// Colour Sensor (TCS3472)
+TCS3472_I2C Colour_sensor(p9, p10); // SDA, SCL
+// VL6180X SATEL
+// IR Sensor
+AnalogIn IR_Sensor(p18);
+//////////////////////////////////////////////// Custom LCD Characters ////////////////////////////////////////////////
+char pointer[]  = {0x10,0x18,0x1c,0x1e,0x1e,0x1c,0x18,0x10};  // |>
+////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+void Operation_mode();
+void Maintenance_mode();
+void BeginSorting();
+void Object_Hazardous();
+void Object_NonHazardous();
+void sw();
+void ButtonPressed();
+void ButtonHeld();
+bool read_file_names(char *dir); 
+int LCD_Select(vector<string> list);
+float AreaScan(int resolution);
+float Distance_sensor();
+float avgDistance_sensor();
+float Area(float a, float b, int steps);
+void Phases1(int phase);
+void Phases2(int phase);
+void Motor1_Stepping(int steps, bool dir, int count);
+void Motor2_Stepping(int steps, bool dir, int count);    
+void intStringSplit(char in[100], int* int_Strings, float* float_Strings);
+bool int_numcmp(int numof, int in_number, int cmp_number[], int tolerance[]);
+bool float_numcmp(int numof, float in_number, float cmp_number[], float tolerance[]);
+void SweeperArmCC();
+void SweeperArmACC();
+////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Variables //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+string PC_SDlist[]      = {"Connect to PC",
+                           "Access to SD"}; 
+string SD_Optionslist[] = {"Load",
+                           "Rename",
+                           "Remove",
+                           "Back"}; 
+vector<string> PC_SD(PC_SDlist, PC_SDlist + 2);                 //Selection between PC and SD
+vector<string> Filenames;                                       //Filenamess are stored in a vector string
+vector<string> SD_Options(SD_Optionslist, SD_Optionslist + 4);  //Options to pick when SD file selected
+vector<string> SD_Content;                                      //Store settings from SD card
+vector<string> H_Settings;                                      //Stores Hazardous settings
+vector<string> Sorted_Data;                                     //Stores data of sorted items
+int Select = 0;
+bool Sort = false;
+bool Stop = false;
+int PC_SDmode = 0;
+int Filenumber = 0;
+int SD_Optionnumber = 0;
+char Command[512];
+int Steps1 = 1;
+int Steps2 = 1;
+int rgb_readings[4];
+float Area_readings;
+///////////////////////////////////////////////////// Main Program /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+int main()
+    RGB_Red = 1.0;   
+    //RGB_Blue = 1.0;
+    RGB_Green = 1.0;
+    lcd.setCursor(TextLCD::CurOff_BlkOff);
+    lcd.cls();
+    lcd.locate(4,1);
+    lcd.printf("MIRACLE");
+    lcd.locate(9,2);
+    lcd.printf("TECH");
+    lcd.setUDC(0,pointer);
+    SweeperArmCC();
+    Colour_sensor.enablePowerAndRGBC();
+    Colour_sensor.setIntegrationTime( 100 );
+    RE.Set(0);
+    RE.attachSW(&sw);
+    ArmOut.attach_asserted(&ButtonPressed);
+    ArmOut.attach_asserted_held(&ButtonHeld);
+    ArmOut.setSampleFrequency();
+    wait(1);
+    lcd.cls();
+    ////////////////////////////////SYSTEM BEGIN////////////////////////////////
+    //Selecting between PC and SD_Card mode
+    while(true)
+    {
+        lcd.cls();  
+        PC_SDmode = LCD_Select(PC_SD);
+        switch(PC_SDmode)
+        {
+            //////////////////////////////////////////PC mode//////////////////////////////////////////
+            case 0:                             
+            {
+                lcd.locate(5,1);
+                lcd.printf("WAITING TO");
+                lcd.locate(4,2);
+                lcd.printf("CONNECT ");
+                while(true)
+                {
+                    lcd.locate(12,2);
+                    lcd.printf(".    ");
+                    wait(0.2);
+                    lcd.locate(12,2);
+                    lcd.printf("..   ");
+                    wait(0.2);
+                    lcd.locate(12,2);
+                    lcd.printf("...  ");
+                    wait(0.2);
+                    lcd.locate(12,2);
+                    lcd.printf("....    ");
+                    wait(0.2);    
+                    if(pc.readable())
+                    {
+                        pc.scanf("%s",Command);
+                        lcd.cls();
+                        lcd.locate(5,1);
+                        lcd.printf("%s",Command);
+                        wait(1);
+                        while(true)
+                        {
+                            if(pc.readable())
+                            {
+                                lcd.cls();
+                                lcd.locate(8,1);
+                                lcd.printf("MODE");
+                                lcd.locate(7,2);
+                                lcd.printf("SELECT");
+                                pc.scanf("%s", Command);
+                                if(strcmp(Command,"Operation") == 0) Operation_mode();
+                                else if(strcmp(Command,"Maintenance") == 0) Maintenance_mode();
+                                else if(strcmp(Command,"Disconnect") == 0) break;
+                                else
+                                {
+                                    lcd.cls();
+                                    lcd.locate(7,1);
+                                    lcd.printf("ERROR!");
+                                    wait(2);    
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }   
+                        break;           
+                    }
+                } 
+            }
+            //////////////////////////////////////////SD Card mode//////////////////////////////////////////
+            case 1:                                                                  
+            {
+                sd.mount();
+                lcd.cls();
+                Filenames.clear();
+                while(true)
+                {
+                    // print Filenames strings from vector using an iterator
+                    Filenames.clear();
+                    read_file_names("/sd");
+                    Filenumber = LCD_Select(Filenames);           
+                    while(true)
+                    {
+                        if(Filenumber == 0) break;
+                        SD_Optionnumber = LCD_Select(SD_Options);
+                        switch(SD_Optionnumber)
+                        {
+                            case 0 :                    //Load settings 
+                            {
+                                lcd.cls();
+                                lcd.locate(0,0);
+                                lcd.printf("%s", Filenames.at(Filenumber).c_str());
+                                string source_directory = "/sd/";
+                                string file_directory = Filenames.at(Filenumber);
+                                string directory = source_directory + file_directory;
+                                SD_Content.clear();
+                                FILE *fp = fopen(directory.c_str(), "r");
+                                while(!feof(fp))
+                                {
+                                 char word[128];
+                                 fgets(word,128,fp);
+                                 SD_Content.push_back(word);
+                                }
+                                int NumberofSettings = atoi(SD_Content.at(0).c_str());
+                                if(NumberofSettings == (SD_Content.size() - 3))
+                                {
+                                    lcd.locate(0,1);
+                                    lcd.printf("Num of Settings : %d", NumberofSettings);
+                                }
+                                else
+                                {
+                                    lcd.locate(7,2);
+                                    lcd.printf("ERROR!");
+                                    wait(1);
+                                    break;   
+                                }
+                                H_Settings.clear();
+                                for(int i = 1; i < (SD_Content.size()-1); i++)
+                                {
+                                    H_Settings.push_back(SD_Content.at(i));                                        
+                                }
+                                lcd.locate(0,3);      
+                                lcd.printf("%d", H_Settings.size());                          
+                                BeginSorting();
+                            }    
+                            case 1 :
+                            {
+                            //Rename file    
+                            }
+                            case 2 :                    //Delete File
+                            {
+                                sd.remove(Filenames.at(Filenumber).c_str());
+                                break;
+                            }
+                            case 3 : break;             //Go Back                            
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    if(Filenumber == 0) break;        
+                }
+                sd.unmount();
+                break;    
+            }
+            default: 
+            {
+                lcd.locate(7,1);
+                lcd.printf("ERROR!");
+                break;    
+            }    
+        }
+    }
+void sw() 
+    RE.Set(0);
+    Select = 1;
+void ButtonPressed() {Sort = true;}
+void ButtonHeld() { Stop = true;} 
+bool read_file_names(char *dir)
+    bool present;
+    Filenames.push_back("Back");
+    DIR *dp;
+    struct dirent *dirp;
+    dp = opendir(dir);
+  //read all directory and file names in current directory into filename vector
+    if((dirp = readdir(dp)) != NULL) present = true;
+    else present = false; 
+    while((dirp = readdir(dp)) != NULL) {
+        Filenames.push_back(string(dirp->d_name));
+    }
+    closedir(dp);
+    return present;
+int LCD_Select(vector<string> list)
+    lcd.cls();
+    int RE_val_c = 0;
+    int RE_val_p = 1;
+    int Selected;
+    int size = list.size();
+    if(size > 4)
+    {
+        for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+        {
+         lcd.locate(1,i);
+         lcd.printf("%s", list.at(i).c_str());      
+        }    
+        while(true)
+        {
+           RE_val_c = RE.Get();
+           if(RE_val_c != RE_val_p) 
+           {
+               if(RE_val_c > size-1) 
+               {
+                   RE.Set(0); 
+                   RE_val_c = 0;
+                   lcd.cls();
+                   for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+                   {
+                        lcd.locate(1,i);
+                        lcd.printf("%s", list.at(i).c_str());      
+                   }                   
+               }
+               else if(RE_val_c < 0) 
+               {
+                   RE.Set(size-1); 
+                   RE_val_c = size-1;
+                   lcd.cls();
+                   lcd.locate(1,0);
+                   lcd.printf("%s", list.at(RE_val_c - 3).c_str());
+                   lcd.locate(1,1);
+                   lcd.printf("%s", list.at(RE_val_c - 2).c_str());
+                   lcd.locate(1,2);
+                   lcd.printf("%s", list.at(RE_val_c - 1).c_str());
+                   lcd.locate(1,3);
+                   lcd.printf("%s", list.at(RE_val_c - 0).c_str());                   
+               }
+               if(RE_val_c > 2)
+               {
+                    lcd.cls();
+                    lcd.locate(1,0);
+                    lcd.printf("%s", list.at(RE_val_c - 3).c_str());
+                    lcd.locate(1,1);
+                    lcd.printf("%s", list.at(RE_val_c - 2).c_str());
+                    lcd.locate(1,2);
+                    lcd.printf("%s", list.at(RE_val_c - 1).c_str());
+                    lcd.locate(1,3);
+                    lcd.printf("%s", list.at(RE_val_c - 0).c_str());
+               }
+               for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+               {
+                    lcd.locate(0,i);
+                    lcd.printf(" ");      
+               }
+               lcd.locate(0,RE_val_c);
+               lcd.putc(0);
+               RE_val_p = RE_val_c;
+            } 
+            lcd.locate(19,0);
+            lcd.printf("%d", RE_val_c);
+            if(Select)
+            {
+                Selected = RE_val_c;
+                Select = 0;
+                lcd.cls();
+                return Selected;
+            } 
+        }
+    }   
+    else
+    {
+        for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+        {
+             lcd.locate(1,i);
+             lcd.printf("%s", list.at(i).c_str());      
+        }    
+        while(true)
+        {
+           RE_val_c = RE.Get();
+           if(RE_val_c != RE_val_p)
+           {
+               //if(RE_val_c > 3)
+//               {
+//                    lcd.cls();
+//                    lcd.locate(1,0);
+//                    lcd.printf("%s", list.at(RE_val_c - 3).c_str());
+//                    lcd.locate(1,1);
+//                    lcd.printf("%s", list.at(RE_val_c - 2).c_str());
+//                    lcd.locate(1,2);
+//                    lcd.printf("%s", list.at(RE_val_c - 1).c_str());
+//                    lcd.locate(1,3);
+//                    lcd.printf("%s", list.at(RE_val_c - 0).c_str());
+//               }
+               if(RE_val_c > size-1) {RE.Set(0); RE_val_c = 0;}
+               else if(RE_val_c < 0) {RE.Set(size-1); RE_val_c = size-1;}
+               for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+               {
+                    lcd.locate(0,i);
+                    lcd.printf(" ");      
+               }
+               lcd.locate(0,RE_val_c);
+               lcd.putc(0);
+               RE_val_p = RE_val_c;
+            } 
+            lcd.locate(19,0);
+            lcd.printf("%d", RE_val_c);
+            if(Select)
+            {
+                Selected = RE_val_c;
+                Select = 0;
+                lcd.cls();
+                return Selected;
+            } 
+        }    
+    }
+void Phases1(int phase)
+    switch(phase)
+    {
+        case 1 : 
+           Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x80, ShiftReg::MSBFirst); Shift_Reg.Latch();
+            break;
+        case 2 :
+           Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0xC0, ShiftReg::MSBFirst); Shift_Reg.Latch();
+            break;
+        case 3 : 
+           Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x40, ShiftReg::MSBFirst); Shift_Reg.Latch();
+            break;
+        case 4 : 
+           Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x60, ShiftReg::MSBFirst); Shift_Reg.Latch();
+            break;
+        case 5 : 
+           Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x20, ShiftReg::MSBFirst); Shift_Reg.Latch();
+            break;
+        case 6 : 
+           Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x30, ShiftReg::MSBFirst); Shift_Reg.Latch();
+            break;
+        case 7 : 
+           Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x10, ShiftReg::MSBFirst); Shift_Reg.Latch();
+            break;
+        case 8 : 
+           Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x90, ShiftReg::MSBFirst); Shift_Reg.Latch();
+            break;
+        default : 
+            Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x00, ShiftReg::MSBFirst); Shift_Reg.Latch();
+            break;   
+    }    
+void Motor1_Stepping(int steps, bool dir, int count)
+    for(int i = 0; i < steps; i++)
+    {
+        Phases1(count);
+        if(dir)
+        {
+            if(count < 8) count++;
+            else count = 1;
+            wait(0.001);   
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if(count > 1) count--;
+            else count = 8;
+            wait(0.001); 
+        }   
+    }    
+void Phases2(int phase)
+    switch(phase)
+    {
+        case 1 : 
+            //Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x00, ShiftReg::MSBFirst);
+            Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x08, ShiftReg::MSBFirst);
+            Shift_Reg.Latch();
+            break;
+        case 2 : 
+            //Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x00, ShiftReg::MSBFirst);
+            Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x0C, ShiftReg::MSBFirst); 
+            Shift_Reg.Latch();
+            break;
+        case 3 : 
+            //Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x00, ShiftReg::MSBFirst);
+            Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x04, ShiftReg::MSBFirst); 
+            Shift_Reg.Latch();
+            break;
+        case 4 : 
+            //Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x00, ShiftReg::MSBFirst);
+            Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x06, ShiftReg::MSBFirst); 
+            Shift_Reg.Latch();
+            break;
+        case 5 : 
+            //Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x00, ShiftReg::MSBFirst);
+            Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x02, ShiftReg::MSBFirst); 
+            Shift_Reg.Latch();
+            break;
+        case 6 : 
+            //Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x00, ShiftReg::MSBFirst);
+            Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x03, ShiftReg::MSBFirst); 
+            Shift_Reg.Latch();
+            break;
+        case 7 : 
+            //Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x00, ShiftReg::MSBFirst);
+            Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x01, ShiftReg::MSBFirst); 
+            Shift_Reg.Latch();
+            break;
+        case 8 : 
+            //Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x00, ShiftReg::MSBFirst);
+            Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x09, ShiftReg::MSBFirst); 
+            Shift_Reg.Latch();
+            break;
+        default : 
+            //Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x00, ShiftReg::MSBFirst);
+            Shift_Reg.ShiftByte(0x00, ShiftReg::MSBFirst); 
+            Shift_Reg.Latch();
+            break;   
+    }    
+void Motor2_Stepping(int steps, bool dir, int count)
+    for(int i = 0; i < steps; i++)
+    {
+        Phases2(count);
+        if(dir)
+        {
+            if(count < 8) count++;
+            else count = 1;
+            wait(0.001);   
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if(count > 1) count--;
+            else count = 8;
+            wait(0.001); 
+        }   
+    }    
+void intStringSplit(string in_string, int* int_Strings, float* float_Strings)
+       char in[128];
+       strcpy(in, in_string.c_str());
+       int y = 0;
+       for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+       {
+           char number[10] = " ";
+           for(int x = 0; x < 11; x++)
+           {
+                   if(in[y] == ',') break;
+                   else
+                   {
+                        number[x] = in[y];
+                        y++;      
+                   } 
+            }
+            if(i<4) int_Strings[i] = atoi(number);
+            else float_Strings[i - 4] = atof(number);
+            y++;
+        }        
+bool int_numcmp(int numof, int in_number, int cmp_number[], int tolerance[])
+    int min[numof];
+    int max[numof];
+    int sum = 0;
+    bool answer;
+    for(int x = 1; x < numof; x++)
+    {
+        min[x] = cmp_number[x] - tolerance[x];
+        max[x] = cmp_number[x] + tolerance[x];
+        if(in_number >= min[x] && in_number <= max[x]) sum = sum + 1;
+        else sum = sum + 0; 
+    }
+    if(sum == 0) answer = false;
+    else answer = true;
+    return answer;
+bool float_numcmp(int numof, float in_number, float cmp_number[], float tolerance[])
+    float min[numof];
+    float max[numof];
+    int sum = 0;
+    bool answer;
+    for(int x = 1; x < numof; x++)
+    {
+        min[x] = cmp_number[x] - tolerance[x];
+        max[x] = cmp_number[x] + tolerance[x];
+        if(in_number >= min[x] && in_number <= max[x]) sum = sum + 1;
+        else sum = sum + 0; 
+    }
+    if(sum == 0) answer = false;
+    else answer = true;
+    return answer;
+void SweeperArmCC()
+void SweeperArmACC()
+float AreaScan(int Reso)
+        float Sum = 0;
+        float current_radius = 0;
+        float previous_radius = 0;
+        float Distance_center = 9.8;
+        int numofsteps = 4096/Reso;
+        previous_radius = Distance_center - avgDistance_sensor();
+        for(int i = 0; i < Reso; i++)
+        {
+                Motor1_Stepping(numofsteps,false,Steps1);
+                current_radius = Distance_center - Distance_sensor();
+                Sum = Sum + Area(previous_radius,current_radius,numofsteps);
+                previous_radius = current_radius;
+                lcd.locate(0,3);
+                lcd.printf("D:%fcm", current_radius);
+        }
+        Motor1_Stepping(4096,true,Steps1);
+        Phases1(0);
+        return Sum;
+float Distance_sensor()
+    float Input = IR_Sensor.read();
+    float Distance = (43.048*Input*Input) - (67.794*Input) + 31.306;
+    return Distance;        
+float avgDistance_sensor()
+        float Distance = 0;
+        for(int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
+        {
+               Distance = Distance + Distance_sensor();
+               wait(0.005);
+        }
+        Distance = Distance/3;
+        return Distance;
+float Area(float a, float b, int steps)
+    const double degrees = 360;
+    const double numofsteps = 4096;  
+    double param = (degrees*steps/numofsteps);    
+    float result = sin (param*PI/180);  
+    float area = 0.5*(a*b*result);
+    return area;
+void Operation_mode()
+        while(true)
+            {   
+                lcd.cls();
+                lcd.locate(4,1);
+                lcd.printf("Operation");
+                lcd.locate(11,2);
+                lcd.printf("Mode");
+                char OperationCommand[128];
+                pc.scanf("%s", OperationCommand);
+                if(strcmp(OperationCommand,"Start") == 0)
+                {
+                    lcd.cls();
+                    lcd.locate(0,0);
+                    lcd.printf("Start Sorting \n");    
+                    pc.printf("Begin");
+                    pc.scanf("%s", Command);
+                    int NumberofSettings = atoi(Command); 
+                    lcd.locate(0,1);
+                    lcd.printf("%d Settings", NumberofSettings);
+                    pc.printf("OK");
+                    H_Settings.clear();
+                    for(int x = 0; x < (NumberofSettings + 1); x++)
+                    {
+                        pc.scanf("%s",Command);
+                        H_Settings.push_back(Command);
+                        pc.printf("OK");
+                        lcd.locate(0,3);
+                        lcd.printf("%s", Command);        
+                    }    
+                    BeginSorting();
+                }
+                else if(strcmp(OperationCommand,"ColourScan") == 0)
+                {
+                    lcd.cls();
+                    lcd.locate(0,0);
+                    lcd.printf("Scanning Colour");
+                    Colour_sensor.getAllColors( rgb_readings );
+                    pc.printf("%d,%d,%d", rgb_readings[0],rgb_readings[1],rgb_readings[2]);
+                    lcd.locate(0,1);
+                    lcd.printf("Red   : %d", rgb_readings[0]);
+                    lcd.locate(0,2);
+                    lcd.printf("Green : %d", rgb_readings[1]);
+                    lcd.locate(0,3);
+                    lcd.printf("Blue  : %d", rgb_readings[2]);
+                    wait(2);
+                }
+                else if(strcmp(OperationCommand,"AreaScan") == 0)
+                {
+                    lcd.cls();
+                    pc.scanf("%s", Command);
+                    int reso = atoi(Command);
+                    lcd.locate(0,0);
+                    lcd.printf("Scanning Area....");
+                    lcd.locate(0,1);
+                    lcd.printf("Res: %d", reso);
+                    float area = AreaScan(reso);
+                    lcd.locate(0,3);
+                    lcd.printf("                    ");
+                    lcd.locate(0,2);
+                    //pc.printf("OK");
+                    wait(1.6);
+                    pc.printf("%f", area);
+                    lcd.printf("Area: %fcm^2", area);
+                    wait(2);
+                }
+                else if(strcmp(OperationCommand,"Return") == 0) break;                         
+                else
+                {
+                }
+            }    
+void Maintenance_mode()
+    while(true)
+    {
+        lcd.cls();
+        lcd.locate(0,0);
+        lcd.printf("Maintenance Mode");
+        char MaintenanceCommand[128];
+        pc.scanf("%s", MaintenanceCommand);
+        if(strcmp(MaintenanceCommand,"ColourSensor") == 0)
+        {
+            lcd.locate(0,0);
+            lcd.printf("Scanning Colour");
+            Colour_sensor.getAllColors( rgb_readings );
+            pc.printf("%d,%d,%d", rgb_readings[0],rgb_readings[1],rgb_readings[2]);
+            lcd.locate(0,1);
+            lcd.printf("Red : %d", rgb_readings[0]);
+            lcd.locate(0,2);
+            lcd.printf("Red : %d", rgb_readings[1]);
+            lcd.locate(0,3);
+            lcd.printf("Red : %d", rgb_readings[2]);
+            wait(1);       
+        }
+        else if(strcmp(MaintenanceCommand,"SweeperArm") == 0)
+        {   
+        }
+        else if(strcmp(MaintenanceCommand,"ArmSweepLeft") == 0)
+        {                    
+            SweeperArmCC();
+            wait(1.275);   
+        }
+        else if(strcmp(MaintenanceCommand,"ArmSweepRight") == 0)
+        {                    
+            SweeperArmACC();
+            wait(1.275);
+        }
+        else if(strcmp(MaintenanceCommand,"LP") == 0)
+        {
+            int stepper;
+            pc.printf("OK");        
+            scanf("%s", MaintenanceCommand);
+            stepper = atoi(MaintenanceCommand);
+            Motor1_Stepping(stepper, false, Steps1);
+        }
+        else if(strcmp(MaintenanceCommand,"RP") == 0)
+        {
+            int stepper;
+            pc.printf("OK");        
+            scanf("%s", MaintenanceCommand);
+            stepper = atoi(MaintenanceCommand);
+            Motor1_Stepping(stepper, true, Steps1);                    
+        }
+        else if(strcmp(MaintenanceCommand,"uIR") == 0)
+        {
+            int stepper;
+            pc.printf("OK");        
+            scanf("%s", MaintenanceCommand);
+            stepper = atoi(MaintenanceCommand);
+            Motor2_Stepping(stepper, true, Steps2);
+        }
+        else if(strcmp(MaintenanceCommand,"dIR") == 0)
+        {
+            int stepper;
+            pc.printf("OK");        
+            scanf("%s", MaintenanceCommand);
+            stepper = atoi(MaintenanceCommand);
+            Motor2_Stepping(stepper, false, Steps2);
+        }
+        else if(strcmp(MaintenanceCommand,"IRSensor") == 0)
+        {
+            float value = Distance_sensor();                    
+            pc.printf("%fcm",value);
+        }
+        else if(strcmp(MaintenanceCommand,"AreaScan") == 0)
+        {
+            pc.printf("OK");
+            lcd.locate(0,0);
+            lcd.printf("Scanning Area");
+            pc.scanf("%s", Command);
+            int Reso = atoi(Command);
+            lcd.locate(0,1);
+            lcd.printf("Resolution : %d points", Reso);
+            float val = AreaScan(Reso);
+            lcd.locate(0,3);
+            lcd.printf("                       ");
+            lcd.locate(0,2);
+            lcd.printf("Area: %fcm^2",val);
+            pc.printf("%fcm^2",val);    
+            wait(1);
+        }
+        else if(strcmp(MaintenanceCommand,"Return") == 0) break;                         
+        else
+            {
+            //pc.printf("ERROR");
+        }
+    }         
+void BeginSorting()
+    lcd.cls();
+    int Resolution;
+    int Settings_int[4];
+    float Settings_float[2];
+    int r[128];
+    int g[128];
+    int b[128];
+    int Colour_tolerance[128];
+    float Area[128];    
+    float Area_tolerance[128];
+    Resolution = atoi(H_Settings.at(0).c_str());
+    for(int x = 1; x < H_Settings.size(); x++)
+    {
+        intStringSplit(H_Settings.at(x), Settings_int, Settings_float);
+        r[x] = Settings_int[0];
+        g[x] = Settings_int[1];
+        b[x] = Settings_int[2];
+        Colour_tolerance[x] = Settings_int[3];
+        Area[x] = Settings_float[0];
+        Area_tolerance[x] = Settings_float[1];    
+    } 
+    lcd.locate(0,2);
+    lcd.printf("Settings Sorted");
+    bool r_check;
+    bool g_check;
+    bool b_check;
+    bool a_check;
+    bool Hazard = 0;
+    Sort = false;
+    Stop = false;
+    while(true)
+    {
+            if(Sort)
+            { 
+                wait(1);
+                if(!Stop)
+                {
+                    lcd.cls();               
+                    Colour_sensor.getAllColors( rgb_readings );                
+                    r_check = int_numcmp(H_Settings.size(), rgb_readings[0], r, Colour_tolerance);
+                    g_check = int_numcmp(H_Settings.size(), rgb_readings[1], g, Colour_tolerance);
+                    b_check = int_numcmp(H_Settings.size(), rgb_readings[2], b, Colour_tolerance);
+                    Area_readings = AreaScan(Resolution);
+                    a_check = float_numcmp(H_Settings.size(), Area_readings, Area, Area_tolerance);            
+                    lcd.locate(0,0);
+                    lcd.printf("Red   : %d", rgb_readings[0]);
+                    lcd.locate(0,1);
+                    lcd.printf("Green : %d", rgb_readings[1]);
+                    lcd.locate(0,2);
+                    lcd.printf("Blue  : %d", rgb_readings[2]);
+                    lcd.locate(0,3);
+                    lcd.printf("Area  : %f", Area_readings);
+                    if(r_check && g_check && b_check && a_check) Hazard = 1;
+                    else Hazard = 0;
+                    pc.printf("%d,%d,%d, ,%f, , , ,%d",rgb_readings[0], rgb_readings[1], rgb_readings[2], Area_readings, Hazard);//, Colour_tolerance[x]);   
+                    //string fej("%d,%d,%d, ,%d, , ,%d",rgb_readings[0], rgb_readings[1], rgb_readings[2], Area_readings, Hazard);
+                    ArmIn = 1;       
+                    if(Hazard) Object_Hazardous();
+                    else Object_NonHazardous();
+                    Sort = false;
+                }        
+            }   
+            else
+            {
+                RGB_Red = 1.0; 
+                RGB_Green = 1.0;    
+            }   
+            if(Stop)
+            {
+                RGB_Red = 1.0; 
+                RGB_Green = 1.0;    
+                Stop = false;
+                break;    
+            }
+    }
+void Object_Hazardous()
+    SL1 = 1;
+    RGB_Red = 0.95;   
+    //RGB_Blue = 1.0;
+    RGB_Green = 1.0;    
+    SweeperArmACC();
+    wait(1);
+    ArmIn = 0;
+    SL1 = 0;
+void Object_NonHazardous()
+    SL2 = 1;
+    RGB_Red = 1.0;   
+    //RGB_Blue = 1.0;
+    RGB_Green = 0.95;        
+    SweeperArmCC();
+    wait(1);
+    ArmIn = 0;
+    SL2 = 0;
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