This is a project to replace the 8051 on a existing RGB LED board and add USB functionality. The original board relied on 8051 firmware to control the LEDs so any changes required software development. This version provides a USB interface for LED control. The USB interface is implemented as a HID with a 9 byte OutReport. In conjunction with a simple GUI the RGB LED board can now be controlled to set color patterns, intensity and pattern sequencing.

Dependencies:   PCA9635-6 mbed USBDevice

RGB GUI - Windows program to control the PCA9635 board.


Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Sat Apr 05 12:27:10 2014 +0000
Commit message:
Reworked RGB2 - PCA9635-6 library

Changed in this revision

PCA9635-6.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
USBDevice.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
i2cexprt.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
i2cmessages.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/PCA9635-6.lib	Sat Apr 05 12:27:10 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- a/USBDevice.lib	Fri Dec 09 21:40:36 2011 +0000
+++ b/USBDevice.lib	Sat Apr 05 12:27:10 2014 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
--- a/i2cexprt.h	Fri Dec 09 21:40:36 2011 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- /***************************************************************************/
-/*  Acronym           : I2C  Inter IC bus                                  */
-/*  Name of module    : I2CEXPRT.H                                         */
-/*  Program language  : C                                                  */
-/*  Name              : P.H. Seerden                                       */
-/*                                                                         */
-/*                                                                         */
-/*        (C) Copyright 1998 Philips Semiconductors B.V.                   */
-/*                                                                         */
-/*                                                                         */
-/*  Description:                                                           */
-/*                                                                         */
-/*  This module consists a number of exported declarations of the I2C      */
-/*  driver package. Include this module in your source file if you want    */
-/*  to make use of one of the interface functions of the package.          */
-/*                                                                         */
-/*         E X P O R T E D   D A T A    S T R U C T U R E S                */
-typedef uint8_t    BYTE;
-typedef uint16_t   WORD;
-typedef uint32_t    LONG;
-typedef struct
-    BYTE   address;           /* slave address to sent/receive message     */
-    //BYTE   nrBytes;           /* number of bytes in message buffer         */
-    BYTE   *buf;              /* pointer to application message buffer     */
-typedef struct
-    BYTE        nrMessages;         /* number of message in one transfer   */
-    I2C_MESSAGE    **p_message;        /* pointer to pointer to message       */
-/*         E X P O R T E D   D A T A    D E C L A R A T I O N S            */
-/**** Status Errors ****/
-#define I2C_OK                  0        /* transfer ended No Errors       */
-#define I2C_BUSY                1        /* transfer busy                  */
-#define I2C_ERR                 2        /* err: general error             */
-#define I2C_NO_DATA             3        /* err: No data in block          */
-#define I2C_NACK_ON_DATA        4        /* err: No ack on data            */
-#define I2C_NACK_ON_ADDRESS     5        /* err: No ack on address         */
-#define I2C_DEVICE_NOT_PRESENT  6        /* err: Device not present        */
-#define I2C_ARBITRATION_LOST    7        /* err: Arbitration lost          */
-#define I2C_TIME_OUT            8        /* err: Time out occurred         */
-#define I2C_SLAVE_ERROR         9        /* err: slave mode error          */
-#define I2C_INIT_ERROR          10       /* err: Initialization (not done) */
-/**** Bits for I2CxCONSET ****/
-#define I2C_AA                    0x04
-#define I2CINT_SET                0x08     // Set I2C Interrupt
-#define GENERATE_STOP            0x10     // Assert STOP         
-#define GENERATE_START            0x20     // Assert START
-#define I2C_EN                    0x40     // Enable the I2C interface 
-/**** Bits for I2CxCONCLR ****/
-#define I2C_AAC                    0x04
-#define I2CINT_CLR                0x08     // Clear I2C Interrupt
-#define CLR_START                0x20     // Clear START
-#define I2C_DIS                    0x40     // Disable the I2C interface 
-#define I2C_CLR_ALL                0xff
-/*       I N T E R F A C E   F U N C T I O N   P R O T O T Y P E S         */
-extern void I2C_Transfer(void);
-extern void I2C_Init(void);
-extern void I2C_Ready(BYTE status);
-extern void I2C_Write(I2C_MESSAGE *i2c_msg);
-extern void I2C_Read(I2C_MESSAGE *i2c_msg);
--- a/i2cmessages.h	Fri Dec 09 21:40:36 2011 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#include "i2cexprt.h"
-#define    SW_RESET_I2C_ADDRESS        0x06
-#define    ALL_CALL_I2C_ADDRESS        0xE0
-#define    SUB_ADDRESS_1                0xE2
-#define    SUB_ADDRESS_2                0xE4
-#define    SUB_ADDRESS_3                0xE8
-BYTE SW_RESET[3]    = {2,0xA5,0x5A};
-BYTE WAKE_UP_AND_INIT[4] = {3,0x80,0x81,0x01};
-BYTE GLOBAL_BLINK_SUB_ADDR_1[4] = {3,0x80,0x89,0x21};    // Blink + All Call/Sub-Addr1
-BYTE GLOBAL_BLINK_SUB_ADDR_2[4] = {3,0x80,0x85,0x21};    // Blink + All Call/Sub-Addr2
-BYTE GLOBAL_BLINK_SUB_ADDR_3[4] = {3,0x80,0x83,0x21};    // Blink + All Call/Sub-Addr3
-BYTE GLOBAL_DIM[3] = {2,0x01,0x01};
-BYTE GLOBAL_INTENSITY[3] = { 2, 0x92, 0};
-void Write_All_Devices(void);
-BYTE ALL_LED_FULL_PWM[18]={17,0x82,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF};
-BYTE LED_ALL_ON[6]                                    = {5,0x94,0x55,0x55,0x55,0x55};
-BYTE LED_ALL_OFF[6]                                    = {5,0x94,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
-BYTE LED_0_3_6_9_12_15_ON[6]             = {5,0x94,0x41,0x10,0x04,0x41};
-BYTE LED_1_4_7_10_13_ON[6]             = {5,0x94,0x10,0x04,0x41,0x10};
-BYTE LED_2_5_8_11_14_ON[6]             = {5,0x94,0x04,0x41,0x10,0x04};
--- a/main.cpp	Fri Dec 09 21:40:36 2011 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Apr 05 12:27:10 2014 +0000
@@ -1,69 +1,35 @@
+* Code ported from
+* Changes : Created a library for the LED DEMO board
+* LED control GUI :
 #include "mbed.h"
-#include "i2cmessages.h"
 #include "USBHID.h"
+#include "PCA9635_6.h"
-//We declare a USBHID device. By default input and output reports are 64 bytes long.
-USBHID hid( 9, 1, 0x1Fc9, 0x0003, 0x0100, 1);
+// We declare a USBHID device. By default input and output reports are 64 bytes long.
+// Note : HID connection on the KL25Z board is marked with 'USB'
+USBHID hid( 9, 1, 0x1Fc9, 0x0003, 0x0100, 1); // output_report_length, input_report_length, vendor_id, product_id, product_release
+//Ledboard with 6 x PCA9635 - NXP MCU I2C RGB LED DEMO
+PCA9635_6 ledboard(PTE0, PTE1, PTD7); //SDA, SCL, EN
+DigitalIn SW6(PTD0);    // Pull low to run the test pattern at startup.
+DigitalIn SW5(PTD5);    // Status of this pin is written to[0]
 //This report will contain data to be sent
 HID_REPORT send_report;
 HID_REPORT recv_report;
-Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
-DigitalOut myled1(LED1);
-DigitalOut myled2(LED2);
-DigitalOut myled3(LED3);
-DigitalOut myled4(LED4);
-DigitalOut led_en(p8);
-DigitalIn SW6(p11);
-DigitalIn SW5(p30);
-I2C i2c(p28, p27);
-Timer ms_timer;
-AnalogIn ain(p20);
-NAME OF MODULE:        MAIN.C                                          
-DESCRIPTION:            Main file for the LED String Demoboard                  
-(C) Copyright 2008 NXP Semiconductors               
-BYTE dflag, tflag;
+uint8_t dflag, tflag;
-BYTE Buffer1[18];
-BYTE Buffer2[18];
-BYTE Buffer3[18];
-BYTE Buffer4[18];
-BYTE Buffer5[18];
-BYTE Buffer6[18];
-I2C_MESSAGE    I2C_Message;
 int dval;
 typedef struct {
-    uint32_t    LED;
-    uint8_t        RED, GREEN, BLUE, INTENSITY;
-    } LED_Report_type ;
-volatile LED_Report_type *LED_Report;
-typedef struct {
-// Definition for a LED location, buffer pointer, and index into that buffer
-    BYTE *buf, n;
-    } LED_type;
-typedef struct {
-    LED_type    RED;
-    LED_type    GREEN;
-    LED_type    BLUE;
-    } RGB_type;
-typedef struct {
     uint8_t r, g, b;
     } RB_type;
@@ -77,22 +43,22 @@
     193, 255,   0,
     127, 255,   0,
     127, 255,   0,
-     63, 255,   0,
-      0, 255,   0,
-      0, 255,   7,
-      0, 255,  15,
-      0, 255,  31,
-      0, 255,  63,
-      0, 255,  91,
-      0, 255, 127,
-      0, 255, 193,
-      0, 255, 255,
-      0, 193, 255,
-      0, 127, 255,
-      0,  63, 255,
-      0,   0, 255,
-     31,   0, 255,
-     63,   0, 255,
+    63, 255,   0,
+    0, 255,   0,
+    0, 255,   7,
+    0, 255,  15,
+    0, 255,  31,
+    0, 255,  63,
+    0, 255,  91,
+    0, 255, 127,
+    0, 255, 193,
+    0, 255, 255,
+    0, 193, 255,
+    0, 127, 255,
+    0,  63, 255,
+    0,   0, 255,
+    31,   0, 255,
+    63,   0, 255,
     127,   0, 255,
     193,   0, 255,
     255,   0, 255,
@@ -100,390 +66,140 @@
     255,   0, 127,
     255,   0,  63,
     255,   0,  15
-    };
-// An array of structures that define the buffer and location in the buffer for all of the LEDs
-// Due to the design of the RGB LED board this is easier than the convoluted calculation needed
-RGB_type RGB_LED[32] = {
-//  RED             GREEN           BLUE
-//  LED1-16
-    Buffer1, 2,     Buffer1, 3,     Buffer1, 4,
-    Buffer1, 5,     Buffer1, 6,     Buffer1, 7,
-    Buffer1, 8,     Buffer1, 9,     Buffer1, 10,
-    Buffer1, 11,    Buffer1, 12,    Buffer1, 13,
-    Buffer1, 14,    Buffer1, 15,    Buffer1, 16,
-    Buffer1, 17,    Buffer3, 2,     Buffer3, 3,
-    Buffer3, 4,     Buffer3, 5,     Buffer3, 6,
-    Buffer3, 7,     Buffer3, 8,     Buffer3, 9,
-    Buffer3, 10,    Buffer3, 11,    Buffer3, 12,
-    Buffer3, 13,    Buffer3, 14,    Buffer3, 15,
-    Buffer3, 16,    Buffer3, 17,    Buffer5, 2,
-    Buffer5, 3,     Buffer5, 4,     Buffer5, 5,
-    Buffer5, 6,     Buffer5, 7,     Buffer5, 8,
-    Buffer5, 9,     Buffer5, 10,    Buffer5, 11,
-    Buffer5, 12,    Buffer5, 13,    Buffer5, 14,
-    Buffer5, 15,    Buffer5, 16,    Buffer5, 17,
-//  LED17-32    
-    Buffer2, 2,     Buffer2, 3,     Buffer2, 4,
-    Buffer2, 5,     Buffer2, 6,     Buffer2, 7,
-    Buffer2, 8,     Buffer2, 9,     Buffer2, 10,
-    Buffer2, 11,    Buffer2, 12,    Buffer2, 13,
-    Buffer2, 14,    Buffer2, 15,    Buffer2, 16,
-    Buffer2, 17,    Buffer4, 2,     Buffer4, 3,
-    Buffer4, 4,     Buffer4, 5,     Buffer4, 6,
-    Buffer4, 7,     Buffer4, 8,     Buffer4, 9,
-    Buffer4, 10,    Buffer4, 11,    Buffer4, 12,
-    Buffer4, 13,    Buffer4, 14,    Buffer4, 15,
-    Buffer4, 16,    Buffer4, 17,    Buffer6, 2,
-    Buffer6, 3,     Buffer6, 4,     Buffer6, 5,
-    Buffer6, 6,     Buffer6, 7,     Buffer6, 8,
-    Buffer6, 9,     Buffer6, 10,    Buffer6, 11,
-    Buffer6, 12,    Buffer6, 13,    Buffer6, 14,
-    Buffer6, 15,    Buffer6, 16,    Buffer6, 17  };
-// Lookup the buffer and index to set the desired values
-// in the appropriate locations within the I2C message buffers
-// update_LED() actually sends the buffers through I2C to the drivers
-void set_LED(int LEDn, BYTE R, BYTE G, BYTE B)
-    RGB_LED[LEDn].RED.buf[RGB_LED[LEDn].RED.n] = R;
-    RGB_LED[LEDn].BLUE.buf[RGB_LED[LEDn].BLUE.n] = B;
-void set_my_LED(int c)
-    if(c & 1) {       myled4 = 1;       } else {       myled4 = 0;       }
-    if(c & 2) {       myled3 = 1;       } else {       myled3 = 0;       }
-    if(c & 4) {       myled2 = 1;       } else {       myled2 = 0;       }
-    if(c & 8) {       myled1 = 1;       } else {       myled1 = 0;       }
-DESCRIPTION:    Initalization of the buffers (Buffer1, buffer2, Buffer3)
-INPUT(S):        None
-RETURNS:            Nothing
-void Init_Buffers(void)
-    int i = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i<18; i++)
-    {
-        Buffer1[i] = 0;
-        Buffer2[i] = 0;
-        Buffer3[i] = 0;
-        Buffer4[i] = 0;
-        Buffer5[i] = 0;
-        Buffer6[i] = 0;
-    }
-    Buffer1[0]    = 17;
-    Buffer2[0]    = 17;
-    Buffer3[0]    = 17;
-    Buffer4[0]    = 17;
-    Buffer5[0]    = 17;
-    Buffer6[0]    = 17;
-    Buffer1[1]    = 0x82;
-    Buffer2[1]    = 0x82;
-    Buffer3[1]    = 0x82;
-    Buffer4[1]    = 0x82;
-    Buffer5[1]    = 0x82;
-    Buffer6[1]    = 0x82;
-DESCRIPTION:    Fill all the PWM register of a device with a RGB setting
-INPUT(S):        A,B,C --> Primary colors
-RETURNS:            Nothing
-void Set_Same_Color_Single_Device(BYTE A, BYTE B, BYTE C)
-    int i;
-    Buffer1[0]    = 17;
-    Buffer1[1]    = 0x82;
-    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
-    {
-        Buffer1[3*i+2] = A;
-        Buffer1[3*i+3] = B;
-        Buffer1[3*i+4] = C;
-    }
-    Buffer1[17] = A;
-void delay(int dd)
-while(ms_timer.read_ms() <= (dd));
-void i2cfail(void)
-int c = 0;
-while(1) {
-    set_my_LED(c++);
-    delay(50);
-    }
-void I2C_Write(I2C_MESSAGE *mp)
-if(i2c.write(mp->address, (char *) &mp->buf[1], mp->buf[0])) i2cfail();
-DESCRIPTION:    Set the I2C address to the ALL CALL Address and
-                    send the I2C_Write command
-INPUT(S):        None
-RETURNS:            Nothing
-void Write_All_Devices(void)
-    I2C_Message.address         = ALL_CALL_I2C_ADDRESS;
-    I2C_Write(&I2C_Message);
-DESCRIPTION:    Set the I2C address to the required address and
-                    send the I2C_Write command
-INPUT(S):        I2C Address of the targetted device (LSB = 0)
-RETURNS:            Nothing
-void Write_To_Device(BYTE I2C_Address)
-    I2C_Message.address         = I2C_Address;
-    I2C_Write(&I2C_Message);
-DESCRIPTION:    Set the I2C address to the required address and
-                    send the I2C_Write command
-                    Wait (delay) before moving to the next step
-INPUT(S):        I2C Address of the targetted device (LSB = 0)
-                    Delay = delay in ms / 10
-RETURNS:            Nothing
-void Write_To_Device_And_Wait(BYTE I2C_Address, BYTE Delay_Value)
-    I2C_Message.address         = I2C_Address;
-    I2C_Write(&I2C_Message);
-    delay(Delay_Value);
-DESCRIPTION:    Swtich of ALL the LEDs using the ALL CALL address
-INPUT(S):        None
-RETURNS:            Nothing
-void ALL_LED_OFF(void)        // Switch off all the LEDs
-    I2C_Message.buf             = LED_ALL_OFF; 
-    Write_All_Devices();
-void LED_INTENSITY(void)
-    //GLOBAL_INTENSITY[2] = global_i;
-    I2C_Message.buf = GLOBAL_INTENSITY;
-    Write_All_Devices();
-void update_LED(void)
-  I2C_Message.buf = Buffer1;
-  Write_To_Device(0x80);
-  I2C_Message.buf = Buffer2;
-  Write_To_Device(0x86);
-  I2C_Message.buf = Buffer3;
-  Write_To_Device(0x82);
-  I2C_Message.buf = Buffer4;
-  Write_To_Device(0x88);
-  I2C_Message.buf = Buffer5;
-  Write_To_Device(0x84);
-  I2C_Message.buf = Buffer6;
-  Write_To_Device(0x8A);
-void read_LED( int LEDn, BYTE *R, BYTE *G, BYTE *B)
-    *R = RGB_LED[LEDn].RED.buf[RGB_LED[LEDn].RED.n];
-    *B = RGB_LED[LEDn].BLUE.buf[RGB_LED[LEDn].BLUE.n];
 void rainbow_LED( void)
-int i;
-    for(i=0;i<32;i++) set_LED( i, Rainbow[i].r, Rainbow[i].g, Rainbow[i].b );
+    int i;
+    for(i=0; i<32; i++) ledboard.set_LED( i, Rainbow[i].r, Rainbow[i].g, Rainbow[i].b );
 void ripple_LED( void )
-uint32_t  m;
-uint8_t LEDn, R, G, B, tR, tG, tB;
-if( dflag) {   // Ripple LEDs to the right
-    read_LED( 0, &tR, &tG, &tB);    // Save the first LED value
-    for(LEDn = 0 , m = 1; LEDn < 31; LEDn++) {
-       read_LED( LEDn+1, &R, &G, &B);
-       set_LED(  LEDn, R, G, B); 
-        m = m << 1;
+    uint32_t  m;
+    uint8_t LEDn, R, G, B, tR, tG, tB;
+    if( dflag) {   // Ripple LEDs to the right
+        ledboard.read_LED( 0, &tR, &tG, &tB);    // Save the first LED value
+        for(LEDn = 0 , m = 1; LEDn < 31; LEDn++) {
+            ledboard.read_LED( LEDn+1, &R, &G, &B);
+            ledboard.set_LED(  LEDn, R, G, B);
+            m = m << 1;
-    set_LED(  31, tR, tG, tB);
+        ledboard.set_LED(  31, tR, tG, tB);
     } else {  // Ripple LEDs to the left
-    read_LED( 31, &tR, &tG, &tB);
-    for(LEDn = 31, m = 0x80000000 ; LEDn > 0; LEDn--) {
-       read_LED( LEDn - 1, &R, &G, &B);
-       set_LED(  LEDn, R, G, B);
-        m = m >> 1;
+        ledboard.read_LED( 31, &tR, &tG, &tB);
+        for(LEDn = 31, m = 0x80000000 ; LEDn > 0; LEDn--) {
+            ledboard.read_LED( LEDn - 1, &R, &G, &B);
+            ledboard.set_LED(  LEDn, R, G, B);
+            m = m >> 1;
-    set_LED(  0, tR, tG, tB);
+        ledboard.set_LED(  0, tR, tG, tB);
 void test_pattern(void)
-int l, r, g, b;
-// Dim Blue Color (from min to max)
-for (r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; b < 0xFF; b++) {
-    for(l = 0; l < 32; l++) {
-        set_LED( l, r, g, b);
-        }              
-    update_LED();    
+    int l, r, g, b;
+    // Dim Blue Color (from min to max)
+    ledboard.Init_Buffers();
+    for (r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; b < 0xFF; b++) {
+        for(l = 0; l < 32; l++) {
+            ledboard.set_LED( l, r, g, b);
+        }
+        ledboard.update_LED();
+    }
+    // Mix from Only Blue (Max going to off) to Only Green (off to Max)
+    for (r = 0, g = 0, b = 0xFF; b >= 0x00; b--) {
+        for(l = 0; l < 32; l++) {
+            ledboard.set_LED( l, r, g, b);
+        }
+        ledboard.update_LED();
+        g++;
-// Mix from Only Blue (Max going to off) to Only Green (off to Max) 
-for (r = 0, g = 0, b = 0xFF; b >= 0x00; b--) {
-    for(l = 0;l < 32; l++) {
-       set_LED( l, r, g, b);
-       }
-    update_LED();          
-    g++;                  
-    }        
-// Mix from Only Green (Max going to off) to Only Red (off to Max) 
-for (r = 0, g = 0xFF, b = 0; g >= 0x00; g--)  {
-    for (l = 0;l < 32; l++) {
-        set_LED( l, r, g, b);
+    // Mix from Only Green (Max going to off) to Only Red (off to Max)
+    for (r = 0, g = 0xFF, b = 0; g >= 0x00; g--)  {
+        for (l = 0; l < 32; l++) {
+            ledboard.set_LED( l, r, g, b);
-    update_LED();
-    r++;                
+        ledboard.update_LED();
+        r++;
-// Mix from Only Red (Max going to off) to Only Blue (off to Max) 
-for (r = 0xFF, g = 0, b = 0; r >= 0x00; r--) {
-    for (l = 0;l < 32; l++) {
-        set_LED( l, r, g, b);
+    // Mix from Only Red (Max going to off) to Only Blue (off to Max)
+    for (r = 0xFF, g = 0, b = 0; r >= 0x00; r--) {
+        for (l = 0; l < 32; l++) {
+            ledboard.set_LED( l, r, g, b);
-    update_LED();
-    b++;
+        ledboard.update_LED();
+        b++;
+    rainbow_LED();
+    ledboard.update_LED();
 void SetOutReport (void)
-int LEDn;
-uint32_t    led, m;
-uint8_t        R, G, B, seq;
+    int LEDn;
+    uint32_t led, m;
+    uint8_t  R, G, B, seq;
     /* Check the bits of the "OutReport" data from the PC
      * and set the output port status. */
-seq =[0];
-//LED_Report = (LED_Report_type *) &[1];
-if(seq) {
-    tflag = 2;
-    dflag = seq & 1;
-    dval = (seq & 0xFC) >> 1; // sets a range from 0x00 to 0x7E
+    seq =[0];
+    //LED_Report = (LED_Report_type *) &[1];
+    ledboard.set_global_intensity([8]);
+    if(seq) {
+        tflag = 2;
+        dflag = seq & 1;
+        dval = (seq & 0xFC) >> 1; // sets a range from 0x00 to 0x7E
     } else {
-    led =[4];
-    led <<= 8;
-    led |=[3];
-    led <<= 8;
-    led |=[2];
-    led <<= 8;
-    led |=[1];
-    set_my_LED(led & 0xf);
-    R =[5];
-    G =[6];
-    B =[7];
-    for(LEDn=0, m=1;LEDn < 32; LEDn++, m <<= 1) {
-        if(led & m) {
-            RGB_LED[LEDn].RED.buf[RGB_LED[LEDn].RED.n] = R;
-            RGB_LED[LEDn].GREEN.buf[RGB_LED[LEDn].GREEN.n] = G;
-            RGB_LED[LEDn].BLUE.buf[RGB_LED[LEDn].BLUE.n] = B;
+        led =[4];
+        led <<= 8;
+        led |=[3];
+        led <<= 8;
+        led |=[2];
+        led <<= 8;
+        led |=[1];
+        R =[5];
+        G =[6];
+        B =[7];
+        for(LEDn=0, m=1; LEDn < 32; LEDn++, m <<= 1) {
+            if(led & m) {
+                ledboard.set_LED( LEDn, R, G, B);
-    tflag = 1;
+        tflag = 1;
-DESCRIPTION:    Main function
-INPUT(S):        None
-RETURNS:            Nothing
+DESCRIPTION:   Main function
+INPUT(S):      None
+RETURNS:       Nothing
 int main (void)
-int l = 1;
-led_en = 0;
-// Perform Software Reset - Set the PCA9635 in a known state
-I2C_Message.buf = SW_RESET; 
-// Wake up and Init the PCA9635 using ALL CALL address
-I2C_Message.buf             = WAKE_UP_AND_INIT; 
+    if(!SW6) test_pattern();
+    dflag = 0;
+    dval = 10;
+    tflag = 0;
+    send_report.length = 1;
+    while (1) {
+[0] = SW5;
+        hid.send(&send_report);
+        if(hid.readNB(&recv_report)) SetOutReport();
+        if(tflag == 2) {
+            ripple_LED();
+            ledboard.update_LED();
+            ledboard.LED_INTENSITY();
+            wait_ms(dval);
+        }
-// Program all LED outputs to Individual PWM + Global PWM using ALL CALL address
-if(!SW6) test_pattern(); 
-dflag = 0;
-dval = 10;
-tflag = 0;
-send_report.length = 1;
-while (1) {
-[0] = SW5;
-      hid.send(&send_report);
-      if(hid.readNB(&recv_report)) SetOutReport();
-      if(tflag == 2) {
-          ripple_LED();
-          update_LED();
-          LED_INTENSITY();
-          delay(dval);
-          }
-      if(tflag == 1) {
-          update_LED();
-          LED_INTENSITY();
-          tflag = 0;
-          }
+        if(tflag == 1) {
+            ledboard.update_LED();
+            ledboard.LED_INTENSITY();
+            tflag = 0;
+        }
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/mbed.bld	Fri Dec 09 21:40:36 2011 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Sat Apr 05 12:27:10 2014 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file