Garage Door Monitor and Opener



This system implements a simple garage door opener and environmental monitor. The hardware connects to the internet using Wi-Fi then on to the Pelion Device Management Platform which provides device monitoring and secure firmware updates over the air (FOTA). Pelion Device Management provides a flexible set of REST APIs which we will use to communicate to a web application running on an EC-2 instance in AWS. The web application will serve a web page where we can monitor and control our garage..

This project is intended to work on the DISCO-L475VG-IOT01A from ST Microelectronics It implements a simple actuator to drive a relay to simulate pushing the "open" button on older style garage doors which do not use a rolling code interface.

The system is designed to be mounted over the door so that the on board time of flight sensor can be used to detect if the door is open or closed.

The system also monitors temperature, humidity and barometric pressure.

Hardware Requirements:


Seeed Studio Grove Relay module

Seeed Studio Grove cable, I used this one:

Connect to the PMOD connector like this:

This shows how I installed so that the time of flight sensor can detect when the door is open

To use the project:

You will also need a Pelion developers account.

I suggest you first use the Pelion quick state to become familiar with Pelion Device Management.

Web Interface

For my web interface I am running node-red under Ubuntu in an EC2 instance on AWS. This can run for 12 month within the constraints of their free tier. Here is a tutorial:

You will also need to install several node-red add ons:

sudo npm install -g node-red-dashboard

sudo npm install -g node-red-contrib-mbed-cloud

sudo npm istall -g node-red-contrib-moment

After starting node-red import the contents of GarageFlow.txt from the project, pin the flow into the page.

To enable your web app to access your Pelion account you need an API key.

First you will neet to use your Pelion account to create an API key.

Now we need to apply that API key to your Node-Red flow.

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Nov 27 00:10:21 2019 +0000
Commit message:
Pelion Controlled Remote Garage Door Opener

Changed in this revision

drivers/network/COMPONENT_WIFI_ISM43362.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/drivers/network/COMPONENT_WIFI_ISM43362.lib	Wed Mar 27 19:05:34 2019 +0000
+++ b/drivers/network/COMPONENT_WIFI_ISM43362.lib	Wed Nov 27 00:10:21 2019 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
--- a/main.cpp	Wed Mar 27 19:05:34 2019 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Nov 27 00:10:21 2019 +0000
@@ -39,57 +39,44 @@
 // Default User button for GET example and for resetting the storage
 InterruptIn button(BUTTON1);
 // Default LED to use for PUT/POST example
-DigitalOut led(LED1, 1);
+DigitalOut DoorActivate(PD_3, 0);
 // How often to fetch sensor data (in seconds)
-// Send all sensor data or just limited (useful for when running out of memory)
+int dflag = 1;
 // Sensors related includes and initialization
 #include "HTS221Sensor.h"
 #include "LPS22HBSensor.h"
-#include "LSM6DSLSensor.h"
-#include "lis3mdl_class.h"
 #include "VL53L0X.h"
 static DevI2C devI2c(PB_11,PB_10);
 static HTS221Sensor sen_hum_temp(&devI2c);
 static LPS22HBSensor sen_press_temp(&devI2c);
-static LSM6DSLSensor sen_acc_gyro(&devI2c,LSM6DSL_ACC_GYRO_I2C_ADDRESS_LOW,PD_11); // low address
-static LIS3MDL sen_mag(&devI2c);
 static DigitalOut shutdown_pin(PC_6);
 static VL53L0X sen_distance(&devI2c, &shutdown_pin, PC_7);
-// Temperature reading from microcontroller
-AnalogIn adc_temp(ADC_TEMP);
-// Voltage reference reading from microcontroller
-AnalogIn adc_vref(ADC_VREF);
 // Declaring pointers for access to Pelion Client resources outside of main()
 MbedCloudClientResource *res_button;
-MbedCloudClientResource *res_led;
+MbedCloudClientResource *DoorControl;
 // Additional resources for sensor readings
 MbedCloudClientResource *res_humidity;
 MbedCloudClientResource *res_temperature;
 MbedCloudClientResource *res_pressure;
-MbedCloudClientResource *res_temperature2;
-MbedCloudClientResource *res_magnometer_x;
-MbedCloudClientResource *res_magnometer_y;
-MbedCloudClientResource *res_magnometer_z;
-MbedCloudClientResource *res_accelerometer_x;
-MbedCloudClientResource *res_accelerometer_y;
-MbedCloudClientResource *res_accelerometer_z;
-MbedCloudClientResource *res_gyroscope_x;
-MbedCloudClientResource *res_gyroscope_y;
-MbedCloudClientResource *res_gyroscope_z;
 MbedCloudClientResource *res_distance;
-MbedCloudClientResource *res_adc_temp;
-MbedCloudClientResource *res_adc_voltage;
-#endif /* SEND_ALL_SENSORS */
+// define your personal password
+#define DoorPassword "MyPassword"
+    char DoorCode[32];
+    DigitalOut ConnectTrue(LED1);
+    DigitalOut CodeError(LED2);
+    int ErrorCount = 0;
+    int ErrorLockoutTime = 0;
 // An event queue is a very useful structure to debounce information between contexts (e.g. ISR and normal threads)
 // This is great because things such as network operations are illegal in ISR, so updating a resource in a button's fall() function is not allowed
 EventQueue eventQueue;
@@ -103,24 +90,36 @@
  * @param newValue Updated value for the resource
 void put_callback(MbedCloudClientResource *resource, m2m::String newValue) {
+    if(ErrorLockoutTime != 0) { /* Ignore password attempts while locked */
+        printf("Password Lockout!\r\n");
+        return;
+        }
     printf("*** PUT received, new value: %s                             \n", newValue.c_str());
-    led = atoi(newValue.c_str());
+    strcpy(DoorCode, newValue.c_str());
+    printf("%s\r\n", DoorCode);
+    if(!strcmp(DoorCode, DoorPassword )) {
+        DoorActivate = 1; * Activate relay for 1500ms */
+        wait_ms(1500);
+        DoorActivate = 0;
+        DoorCode[0] = NULL;
+        // clear password error data
+        ErrorCount = 0;
+        ErrorLockoutTime = 0;
+        } else { /* bad password attempt */
+        DoorCode[0] = NULL;
+        ErrorCount++;
+        if(ErrorCount >= 3) { /* If password submitted is wring lockout the remote control on the third error */
+            ErrorLockoutTime = (ErrorCount - 2) * 2; /* Double the lockout time after every failed password */
+            CodeError = 1; /* Indicate lockout on LED */
+            printf("PasswordLocked %d Minutes\r\n", ErrorLockoutTime);
+            }
+        }
- * POST handler
- * @param resource The resource that triggered the callback
- * @param buffer If a body was passed to the POST function, this contains the data.
- *               Note that the buffer is deallocated after leaving this function, so copy it if you need it longer.
- * @param size Size of the body
- */
-void post_callback(MbedCloudClientResource *resource, const uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size) {
-    printf("*** POST received (length %u). Payload: ", size);
-    for (size_t ix = 0; ix < size; ix++) {
-        printf("%02x ", buffer[ix]);
-    }
-    printf("\n");
  * Button function triggered by the physical button press.
@@ -153,31 +152,24 @@
  * Initialize sensors
 void sensors_init() {
-    uint8_t id1, id2, id3, id4;
+    uint8_t id1, id2;
     printf ("\nSensors configuration:\n");
     // Initialize sensors
-    sen_acc_gyro.init(NULL);
-    sen_mag.init(NULL);
     /// Call sensors enable routines
-    sen_acc_gyro.enable_x();
-    sen_acc_gyro.enable_g();
-    sen_mag.read_id(&id3);
-    sen_acc_gyro.read_id(&id4);
     printf("HTS221  humidity & temperature    = 0x%X\n", id1);
     printf("LPS22HB pressure & temperature    = 0x%X\n", id2);
-    printf("LIS3MDL magnetometer              = 0x%X\n", id3);
-    printf("LSM6DSL accelerometer & gyroscope = 0x%X\n", id4);
     printf("\n"); ;
@@ -187,66 +179,45 @@
  * This function is called periodically.
 void sensors_update() {
-    float temp1_value, temp2_value, temp3_value, humid_value, pressure_value, volt_value = 0.0;
-    int32_t m_axes[3], a_axes[3], g_axes[3];
+    float temp1_value, temp2_value, humid_value, pressure_value;
     uint32_t distance_value, distance_reading;
-    sen_hum_temp.get_humidity(&humid_value);
-    sen_hum_temp.get_temperature(&temp1_value);
-    sen_press_temp.get_pressure(&pressure_value);
-    sen_press_temp.get_temperature(&temp2_value);
-    sen_mag.get_m_axes(m_axes);
-    sen_acc_gyro.get_x_axes(a_axes);
-    sen_acc_gyro.get_g_axes(g_axes);
-    distance_reading = sen_distance.get_distance(&distance_value);
-    temp3_value =*100;
-    volt_value =;
-    float mag_x =  (double)m_axes[0] / 1000.0, mag_y  = (double)m_axes[1] / 1000.0, mag_z  = (double)m_axes[2] / 1000.0;
-    float acc_x =  (double)a_axes[0] / 1000.0, acc_y  = (double)a_axes[1] / 1000.0, acc_z  = (double)a_axes[2] / 1000.0;
-    float gyro_x = (double)g_axes[0] / 1000.0, gyro_y = (double)g_axes[1] / 1000.0, gyro_z = (double)g_axes[2] / 1000.0;
-    printf("                                                             \n");
-    printf("ADC temp:     %5.4f C,  vref:      %5.4f V         \n", temp3_value, volt_value);
-    printf("HTS221 temp:  %7.3f C,  humidity: %7.2f %%         \n", temp1_value, humid_value);
-    printf("LPS22HB temp: %7.3f C,  pressure: %7.2f mbar       \n", temp2_value, pressure_value);
-    printf("LIS3MDL mag:  %7.3f x, %7.3f y, %7.3f z [gauss]      \n", mag_x, mag_y, mag_z);
-    printf("LSM6DSL acc:  %7.3f x, %7.3f y, %7.3f z [g]          \n", acc_x, acc_y, acc_z);
-    printf("LSM6DSL gyro: %7.3f x, %7.3f y, %7.3f z [dps]        \n", gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z);
-    if (distance_reading == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
-        printf("VL53L0X dist: %7ld mm\n", distance_value);
-    } else {
-        printf("VL53L0X dist:        --       \n");
-        distance_value = 999;
-    }
-    printf("\r\033[8A");
-    if (endpointInfo) {
+    if(!dflag++) { /* Only update the sensors once a minute */
+        sen_hum_temp.get_humidity(&humid_value);
+        sen_hum_temp.get_temperature(&temp1_value);
+        sen_press_temp.get_pressure(&pressure_value);
+        sen_press_temp.get_temperature(&temp2_value);
-        res_magnometer_x->set_value(mag_x);
-        res_magnometer_y->set_value(mag_y);
-        res_magnometer_z->set_value(mag_z);
-        res_accelerometer_x->set_value(acc_x);
-        res_accelerometer_y->set_value(acc_y);
-        res_accelerometer_z->set_value(acc_z);
-        res_gyroscope_x->set_value(gyro_x);
-        res_gyroscope_y->set_value(gyro_y);
-        res_gyroscope_z->set_value(gyro_z);
+        if(ErrorLockoutTime != 0) {
+            ErrorLockoutTime--;
+            if(ErrorLockoutTime == 0) {
+                printf("Unlocked\r\n");
+                CodeError = 0;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    if(dflag > 3) dflag = 0;
+    distance_reading = sen_distance.get_distance(&distance_value);
+    if (distance_reading == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
+//        printf("VL53L0X dist: %7ld mm\n", distance_value);
-        res_adc_temp->set_value(temp3_value);
-        res_adc_voltage->set_value(volt_value);
-#endif /* SEND_ALL_SENSORS */
+    } else {
+//        printf("VL53L0X dist:        --       \n");
+        distance_value = 1999;
+        res_distance->set_value((int)distance_value);
 int main(void) {
     printf("\nStarting Simple Pelion Device Management Client example\n");
+    ConnectTrue = 0;
+    CodeError = 0;
+    DoorActivate = 0;
     int storage_status = fs.mount(&sd);
     if (storage_status != 0) {
         printf("Storage mounting failed.\n");
@@ -305,14 +276,14 @@
+    //res_button->max_age(6000);
-    res_led = client.create_resource("3201/0/5853", "LED State");
-    res_led->set_value(1);
-    res_led->methods(M2MMethod::GET | M2MMethod::PUT);
-    res_led->attach_put_callback(put_callback);
+    DoorControl = client.create_resource("3201/0/5853", "Door Control");
+    DoorControl->set_value(1);
+    DoorControl->methods(M2MMethod::GET | M2MMethod::PUT);
+    DoorControl->attach_put_callback(put_callback);
     // Sensor resources
     res_temperature = client.create_resource("3303/0/5700", "Temperature HTS221 (C)");
@@ -329,61 +300,6 @@
-    res_adc_temp = client.create_resource("3303/2/5700", "Temperature ADC (C)");
-    res_adc_temp->set_value(0);
-    res_adc_temp->methods(M2MMethod::GET);
-    res_adc_temp->observable(true);
-    res_accelerometer_x = client.create_resource("3313/0/5702", "Accelerometer X");
-    res_accelerometer_x->set_value(0);
-    res_accelerometer_x->methods(M2MMethod::GET);
-    res_accelerometer_x->observable(true);
-    res_accelerometer_y = client.create_resource("3313/0/5703", "Accelerometer Y");
-    res_accelerometer_y->set_value(0);
-    res_accelerometer_y->methods(M2MMethod::GET);
-    res_accelerometer_y->observable(true);
-    res_accelerometer_z = client.create_resource("3313/0/5704", "Accelerometer Z");
-    res_accelerometer_z->set_value(0);
-    res_accelerometer_z->methods(M2MMethod::GET);
-    res_accelerometer_z->observable(true);
-    res_magnometer_x = client.create_resource("3314/0/5702", "Magnometer X");
-    res_magnometer_x->set_value(0);
-    res_magnometer_x->methods(M2MMethod::GET);
-    res_magnometer_x->observable(true);
-    res_magnometer_y = client.create_resource("3314/0/5703", "Magnometer Y");
-    res_magnometer_y->set_value(0);
-    res_magnometer_y->methods(M2MMethod::GET);
-    res_magnometer_y->observable(true);
-    res_magnometer_z = client.create_resource("3314/0/5704", "Magnometer Z");
-    res_magnometer_z->set_value(0);
-    res_magnometer_z->methods(M2MMethod::GET);
-    res_magnometer_z->observable(true);
-    res_gyroscope_x = client.create_resource("3334/0/5702", "Gyroscope X");
-    res_gyroscope_x->set_value(0);
-    res_gyroscope_x->methods(M2MMethod::GET);
-    res_gyroscope_x->observable(true);
-    res_gyroscope_y = client.create_resource("3334/0/5703", "Gyroscope Y");
-    res_gyroscope_y->set_value(0);
-    res_gyroscope_y->methods(M2MMethod::GET);
-    res_gyroscope_y->observable(true);
-    res_gyroscope_z = client.create_resource("3334/0/5704", "Gyroscope Z");
-    res_gyroscope_z->set_value(0);
-    res_gyroscope_z->methods(M2MMethod::GET);
-    res_gyroscope_z->observable(true);
-    res_adc_voltage = client.create_resource("3316/0/5700", "Voltage");
-    res_adc_voltage->set_value(0);
-    res_adc_voltage->methods(M2MMethod::GET);
-    res_adc_voltage->observable(true);
     res_pressure = client.create_resource("3323/0/5700", "Pressure");
@@ -393,7 +309,6 @@
-#endif /* SEND_ALL_SENSORS */
     printf("Initialized Pelion Client. Registering...\n");
@@ -403,13 +318,14 @@
     // Register with Pelion DM
-    int i = 600; // wait up 60 seconds before attaching sensors and button events
+    int i = 6000; // wait up 600 seconds before attaching sensors and button events
     while (i-- > 0 && !client.is_client_registered()) {
+    ConnectTrue = 1;
+    res_button->set_value(0);
+    sensors_update();
     // The timer fires on an interrupt context, but debounces it to the eventqueue, so it's safe to do network operations
     Ticker timer;
     timer.attach(eventQueue.event(&sensors_update), SENSORS_POLL_INTERVAL);