University project - accelerometer controlled Arkanoid

Dependencies:   KS0108 MMA8451Q mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Sun Jan 18 19:27:16 2015 +0000
Commit message:
University project - accelerometer controlled Arkanoid

Changed in this revision

KS0108.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MMA8451Q.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
backup.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
backup2.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
backup3_non_functional_ptrs2struct_2Darray.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/KS0108.lib	Sun Jan 18 19:27:16 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MMA8451Q.lib	Sun Jan 18 19:27:16 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/backup.cpp	Sun Jan 18 19:27:16 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+unsigned char MovePad(void){
+    static unsigned char PaddlePos = (unsigned char)(0.5*(minX+maxX));
+    unsigned char PaddleDif;
+    //static unsigned int PaddlePos = 82;
+    if ((abs(acc.getAccY()))>AccTres1){
+        display.FullRectangle(PaddlePos, PadY, PaddlePos+PadLength ,PadY+2,WHITE);
+        if ((abs(acc.getAccY()))>AccTres2){
+            PaddleDif = 6;
+        }else{
+            PaddleDif = 2;
+        }
+        if ((acc.getAccY() > 0)&&((PaddlePos+PadLength) < (minX - 3))){
+            PaddlePos += PaddleDif;   
+        }
+        if ((acc.getAccY() < 0)&&(PaddlePos > (maxX + 1))){
+            PaddlePos -= PaddleDif;   
+        }
+    }
+    display.FullRectangle(PaddlePos, PadY, PaddlePos+PadLength ,PadY+2,BLACK);
+    return PaddlePos;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/backup2.cpp	Sun Jan 18 19:27:16 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+#include    "mbed.h"
+#include    "KS0108.h"
+#include    "Arial12.h"
+#include    "SystemFont5x7.h"
+#include    "stdbool.h"
+#include    "MMA8451Q.h"
+#define step        (4)
+#define minX        (125)
+#define maxX        (39)
+#define minY        (2)
+#define maxY        (62)
+#define PadLength   (10)
+#define PadY        (59)
+#define LowSpeed    (2)
+#define HighSpeed   (4)
+#define XPadInit    ((unsigned char)(0.5*(minX+maxX-PadLength)))
+#define XBallInit   ((unsigned char)(XPadInit+0.5*PadLength))
+#define BallD       (1)
+#define YBallInit   ((unsigned char)(PadY-BallD))
+#define BrickH      (4)
+#define BrickW      (20)
+#define AccTres1    (0.12)
+#define AccTres2    (0.25)
+#define MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS (0x1d<<1)
+KS0108 display (PTE22,PTE23, PTE29, PTE30, PTE20, PTE21, PTC7, PTC0, PTC3, PTC4, PTC5, PTC6, PTC10, PTC11);
+void DrawBorder();
+void DrawBall(unsigned char* X, unsigned char* Y, char* dx, char* dy, unsigned char D, unsigned char PaddlePos, bool* Start, unsigned char* lives);
+//unsigned char MovePad(void);
+void MovePad(unsigned char* Pad_ptr, bool Start);
+void DrawLogo(void);
+void DrawTable(char sc, char liv);
+void reset(unsigned char* XBall, unsigned char* YBall, char* dxBall, char* dyBall, unsigned char* XPaddle, bool* Start, unsigned char score, unsigned char lives);
+void DrawBricks(void);
+MMA8451Q acc(PTE25, PTE24, MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS);
+int main() {
+    display.ClearScreen();  
+    unsigned char score = 0;
+    unsigned char lives = 3;
+    DrawLogo();
+    DrawTable(score,lives);
+    DrawBorder();
+    DrawBricks();
+    unsigned char XBall = XBallInit;
+    unsigned char YBall = YBallInit;
+    char Balldx = 2;
+    char Balldy = -2;
+    unsigned char PadPos = XPadInit;
+    bool StartFlag = true;  
+    while(1) { 
+        display.TurnOn();
+        if (StartFlag){
+            reset(&XBall, &YBall, &Balldx, &Balldy, &PadPos, &StartFlag, score, lives);
+        }else{
+            display.FullCircle(2,2,2,WHITE);
+        }  
+        DrawBall(&XBall, &YBall, &Balldx, &Balldy, BallD, PadPos, &StartFlag, &lives);
+        MovePad(&PadPos, StartFlag); 
+        wait(0.05);       
+    }
+void DrawLogo(void){
+    display.SelectFont(Arial12,BLACK,ReadData);   
+    display.GotoXY(8,8);
+    display.PrintString("ARM"); 
+    display.GotoXY(4,24);
+    display.PrintString("kanoid"); 
+void DrawTable(char sc, char liv){
+    static char score[5];
+    static char lives[5];
+    display.EmptyRectangle(4,38, (maxX-6),56, BLACK);
+    display.FullRectangle(20,39,(maxX-7), 55, WHITE);
+    display.SelectFont(System5x7,BLACK,ReadData);  
+    sprintf(score,"S:%2d",sc);
+    sprintf(lives,"L:%2d",liv);
+    display.GotoXY(8,40);
+    display.PrintString(score);
+    display.GotoXY(8,48);
+    display.PrintString(lives);
+void DrawBorder(void){
+    display.HLine(maxX-2, 127,0,BLACK);
+    display.VLine(maxX-2, 0,63,BLACK);
+    display.VLine(minX+2, 0,63,BLACK);
+void DrawBall(unsigned char* X, unsigned char* Y, char* dx, char* dy, unsigned char D, unsigned char PaddlePos, bool* Start, unsigned char* lives){
+    display.FullCircle(*X, *Y, D, WHITE);
+    (*X) += (*dx);
+    (*Y) += (*dy);
+    display.FullCircle(*X, *Y, D, BLACK);
+    //if (!(*Start)){
+        if ((((unsigned char)(*X+D)) >= minX)||(((char)(*X-D)) <= maxX)){
+            *dx = -(*dx);
+        }
+        if (((unsigned char)(*Y-D)) <= minY){
+            *dy = -(*dy);
+        }
+        if (((char)(*Y+D)) >= PadY){
+            if ((((unsigned char)(*X+D)) <= (PaddlePos+PadLength+2))&&(((unsigned char)(*X-D)) >= (PaddlePos-2))){
+                *dy = -(*dy);
+            }else{
+                if (*lives > 1){
+                    (*lives)--;
+                    *Start = true;
+                }else{
+                //doplnit kod na game over
+                }    
+            }
+        }
+    /*}else{
+        display.FullCircle(*X, *Y, D, WHITE);  
+    }
+void MovePad(unsigned char* Pad_ptr, bool Start){
+    unsigned char PaddleDif;
+    if ((abs(acc.getAccY()))>AccTres1){
+    display.FullRectangle(*Pad_ptr, PadY, *Pad_ptr+PadLength ,PadY+2,WHITE);
+    if(Start){
+        *Pad_ptr = XPadInit;
+    }else{
+        if ((abs(acc.getAccY()))>AccTres2){
+            PaddleDif = HighSpeed;
+            }else{
+                PaddleDif = LowSpeed;
+            }
+            if ((acc.getAccY() > 0)&&((*Pad_ptr+PadLength) < (minX - 3))){
+                *Pad_ptr += PaddleDif;   
+            }
+            if ((acc.getAccY() < 0)&&(*Pad_ptr > (maxX + 1))){
+            *Pad_ptr -= PaddleDif;   
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    display.FullRectangle(*Pad_ptr, PadY, *Pad_ptr+PadLength ,PadY+2,BLACK);
+void reset(unsigned char* XBall, unsigned char* YBall, char* dxBall, char* dyBall, unsigned char* XPaddle, bool* Start, unsigned char score, unsigned char lives){
+    display.FullCircle(*XBall, *YBall, BallD, WHITE);
+    *XBall = XBallInit;
+    *YBall = YBallInit;
+    display.FullRectangle(*XPaddle, PadY, *XPaddle+PadLength ,PadY+2,WHITE);
+    *XPaddle = XPadInit;
+    wait(1);
+    display.FullCircle(*XBall, *YBall, BallD, BLACK);
+    display.FullRectangle(*XPaddle, PadY, *XPaddle+PadLength ,PadY+2,BLACK);
+    DrawTable(score, lives);
+    *dxBall = 2;
+    *dyBall = -2;
+    *Start = false;
+    wait(1);
+void DrawBricks(void){
+    struct brick {
+        unsigned char Xbrick;
+        unsigned char Ybrick;
+        bool exists;
+    }BrickArray[4][3], cihla;
+    char i;
+    char j;
+    for (j = 0; j < 3; j++){
+        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++){
+            cihla.Xbrick = maxX + i*(BrickW + 2);
+            cihla.Ybrick = minY + j*(BrickH + 2);
+            cihla.exists = true;
+            BrickArray[i][j] = cihla;
+            display.EmptyRectangle(cihla.Xbrick,cihla.Ybrick, (cihla.Xbrick + BrickW), (cihla.Ybrick + BrickH) ,((cihla.exists)? BLACK:WHITE));
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/backup3_non_functional_ptrs2struct_2Darray.cpp	Sun Jan 18 19:27:16 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+#include    "mbed.h"
+#include    "KS0108.h"
+#include    "Arial12.h"
+#include    "SystemFont5x7.h"
+#include    "stdbool.h"
+#include    "MMA8451Q.h"
+#define step        (4)
+#define minX        (125)
+#define maxX        (39)
+#define minY        (2)
+#define maxY        (62)
+#define PadLength   (10)
+#define PadY        (59)
+#define LowSpeed    (2)
+#define HighSpeed   (4)
+#define XPadInit    ((unsigned char)(0.5*(minX+maxX-PadLength)))
+#define XBallInit   ((unsigned char)(XPadInit+0.5*PadLength))
+#define BallD       (1)
+#define YBallInit   ((unsigned char)(PadY-BallD))
+#define BrickH      (4)
+#define BrickW      (20)
+#define columns     (4)
+#define rows        (3)
+#define AccTres1    (0.12)
+#define AccTres2    (0.25)
+#define MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS (0x1d<<1)
+KS0108 display (PTE22,PTE23, PTE29, PTE30, PTE20, PTE21, PTC7, PTC0, PTC3, PTC4, PTC5, PTC6, PTC10, PTC11);
+//prototypes of functions
+void DrawBorder();
+void DrawBall(unsigned char* X, unsigned char* Y, char* dx, char* dy, unsigned char D, unsigned char PaddlePos, bool* Start, unsigned char* lifes);
+void MovePad(unsigned char* Pad_ptr, bool Start);
+void DrawLogo(void);
+void DrawTable(char sc, char liv);
+void reset(unsigned char* XBall, unsigned char* YBall, char* dxBall, char* dyBall, unsigned char* XPaddle, bool* Start, unsigned char score, unsigned char lifes);
+void CreateGrid(unsigned char* col, unsigned char* ro);
+void DrawBricks(unsigned char col[columns], unsigned char ro[rows]);
+MMA8451Q acc(PTE25, PTE24, MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS);
+//main program
+int main() {
+    display.ClearScreen();  
+    unsigned char score = 0;                //initial score and number of lifes
+    unsigned char lifes = 3;
+    DrawLogo();                             //drawing ARM-kanoid title
+    DrawTable(score,lifes);                 //drawing table with score and number of lifes
+    DrawBorder();                           //drawing border of the playing area
+    unsigned char XBall = XBallInit;
+    unsigned char YBall = YBallInit;
+    char Balldx = 2;
+    char Balldy = -2;
+    unsigned char PadPos = XPadInit;        //initializing position of the paddle
+    bool StartFlag = true;  
+    unsigned char column[columns];
+    unsigned char row[rows];
+    struct brick {                          //structure for arkanoid bricks description (along with constants brickH and brickW)
+        unsigned char Xbrick;
+        unsigned char Ybrick;
+        bool exists;
+    }BrickArray[rows][columns], cihla;      //array of bricks, single brick
+    //struct brick (*BrickArr_ptr)[rows][columns] = &BrickArray;      //pointer to array of bricks
+    struct brick (*BrickArr_ptr)[rows][columns];
+    BrickArr_ptr = BrickArray;
+    CreateGrid(&(column[0]),  &(row[0]));                           //creating grid for bricks
+    DrawBricks(column, row);                                        //drawing bricks
+    while(1) { 
+        display.TurnOn();
+        if (StartFlag){
+            reset(&XBall, &YBall, &Balldx, &Balldy, &PadPos, &StartFlag, score, lifes);
+        }
+        DrawBall(&XBall, &YBall, &Balldx, &Balldy, BallD, PadPos, &StartFlag, &lifes);      //function for drawing the ball, computing its movement, bounces etc.
+        MovePad(&PadPos, StartFlag);                //function for paddle drawing and its control by accelerometer
+        wait(0.05);       
+    }
+void DrawLogo(void){
+    display.SelectFont(Arial12,BLACK,ReadData);   
+    display.GotoXY(8,8);
+    display.PrintString("ARM"); 
+    display.GotoXY(4,24);
+    display.PrintString("kanoid"); 
+void DrawTable(char sc, char liv){
+    static char score[5];
+    static char lifes[5];
+    display.EmptyRectangle(4,38, (maxX-6),56, BLACK);
+    display.FullRectangle(20,39,(maxX-7), 55, WHITE);
+    display.SelectFont(System5x7,BLACK,ReadData);  
+    sprintf(score,"S:%2d",sc);
+    sprintf(lifes,"L:%2d",liv);
+    display.GotoXY(8,40);
+    display.PrintString(score);
+    display.GotoXY(8,48);
+    display.PrintString(lifes);
+void DrawBorder(void){
+    display.HLine(maxX-2, 127,0,BLACK);
+    display.VLine(maxX-2, 0,63,BLACK);
+    display.VLine(minX+2, 0,63,BLACK);
+void DrawBall(unsigned char* X, unsigned char* Y, char* dx, char* dy, unsigned char D, unsigned char PaddlePos, bool* Start, unsigned char* lifes){
+    display.FullCircle(*X, *Y, D, WHITE);
+    (*X) += (*dx);
+    (*Y) += (*dy);
+    display.FullCircle(*X, *Y, D, BLACK);
+    //if (!(*Start)){
+        if ((((unsigned char)(*X+D)) >= minX)||(((char)(*X-D)) <= maxX)){
+            *dx = -(*dx);
+        }
+        if (((unsigned char)(*Y-D)) <= minY){
+            *dy = -(*dy);
+        }
+        if (((char)(*Y+D)) >= PadY){
+            if ((((unsigned char)(*X+D)) <= (PaddlePos+PadLength+2))&&(((unsigned char)(*X-D)) >= (PaddlePos-2))){
+                *dy = -(*dy);
+            }else{
+                if (*lifes > 1){
+                    (*lifes)--;
+                    *Start = true;
+                }else{
+                //doplnit kod na game over
+                }    
+            }
+        }
+void MovePad(unsigned char* Pad_ptr, bool Start){
+    unsigned char PaddleDif;
+    if ((abs(acc.getAccY()))>AccTres1){
+    display.FullRectangle(*Pad_ptr, PadY, *Pad_ptr+PadLength ,PadY+2,WHITE);
+    if(Start){
+        *Pad_ptr = XPadInit;
+    }else{
+        if ((abs(acc.getAccY()))>AccTres2){
+            PaddleDif = HighSpeed;
+            }else{
+                PaddleDif = LowSpeed;
+            }
+            if ((acc.getAccY() > 0)&&((*Pad_ptr+PadLength) < (minX - 3))){
+                *Pad_ptr += PaddleDif;   
+            }
+            if ((acc.getAccY() < 0)&&(*Pad_ptr > (maxX + 1))){
+            *Pad_ptr -= PaddleDif;   
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    display.FullRectangle(*Pad_ptr, PadY, *Pad_ptr+PadLength ,PadY+2,BLACK);
+void reset(unsigned char* XBall, unsigned char* YBall, char* dxBall, char* dyBall, unsigned char* XPaddle, bool* Start, unsigned char score, unsigned char lifes){
+    display.FullCircle(*XBall, *YBall, BallD, WHITE);
+    *XBall = XBallInit;
+    *YBall = YBallInit;
+    display.FullRectangle(*XPaddle, PadY, *XPaddle+PadLength ,PadY+2,WHITE);
+    *XPaddle = XPadInit;
+    wait(1);
+    display.FullCircle(*XBall, *YBall, BallD, BLACK);
+    display.FullRectangle(*XPaddle, PadY, *XPaddle+PadLength ,PadY+2,BLACK);
+    DrawTable(score, lifes);
+    *dxBall = 2;
+    *dyBall = -2;
+    *Start = false;
+    wait(1);
+void CreateGrid(unsigned char* col, unsigned char* ro){
+    char i;
+    for (i = 0; i < columns; i++){
+        *(col+i) = maxX + i*(BrickW + 2);
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < columns; i++){
+        *(ro+i) = minY + i*(BrickH + 2);
+        }
+    }
+void DrawBricks(unsigned char col[columns], unsigned char ro[rows]){
+    struct brick {
+        unsigned char Xbrick;
+        unsigned char Ybrick;
+        bool exists;
+    }BrickArray[rows][columns], cihla;
+    char i;
+    char j;
+    for (j = 0; j < rows; j++){
+        for (i = 0; i < columns; i++){
+            cihla.Xbrick = col[i];
+            cihla.Ybrick = ro[j];
+            cihla.exists = true;
+            BrickArray[j][i] = cihla;
+            display.FullRectangle(cihla.Xbrick,cihla.Ybrick, (cihla.Xbrick + BrickW), (cihla.Ybrick + BrickH) ,((cihla.exists)? BLACK:WHITE));
+        }
+    }
+void BounceBricks(unsigned char* XBall, unsigned char* YBall, char* dxBall, char* dyBall, struct brick* ArrayOfBricks, struct brick* ExBrick, unsigned char ro[rows], unsigned char col[columns], char* dx, char* dy, unsigned char* score){
+    if (*YBall <= ro[rows-1]){
+        char i, j;
+        for (i = columns - 1; i >= 0; i--){
+            if (*XBall >= col[i]){
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        for (j = rows - 1; j >= 0; j--){
+            if (*YBall >= ro[j]){
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if ((*ArrayOfBricks)[i][j].exists){
+            (ArrayOfBricks)[i][j].exists = false;
+            *score++;
+            *dy = -(*dy);
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Jan 18 19:27:16 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+#include    "mbed.h"
+#include    "KS0108.h"
+#include    "Arial12.h"
+#include    "SystemFont5x7.h"
+#include    "stdbool.h"
+#include    "MMA8451Q.h"
+#include    <time.h>
+#include    <stdlib.h>
+#include    <math.h>
+#include    <inttypes.h>
+#define minX        (125)
+#define maxX        (39)
+#define minY        (2)
+#define maxY        (62)
+#define PadLength   (10)
+#define PadY        (59)
+#define LowSpeed    (2)
+#define HighSpeed   (4)
+#define XPadInit    ((uint8_t)(0.5*(minX+maxX-PadLength)))
+#define XBallInit   ((uint8_t)(XPadInit+0.5*PadLength))
+#define BallD       (1)
+#define YBallInit   ((uint8_t)(PadY-BallD))
+#define BrickH      (4)
+#define BrickW      (20)
+#define columns     (4)
+#define rows        (3)
+#define maxangle    (25)
+#define velocity    (3)
+#define pi          (3.14)
+#define round(x)    ((x)>=0?(int8_t)((x)+0.5):(int8_t)((x)-0.5))
+#define AccTres1    (0.12)
+#define AccTres2    (0.25)
+#define MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS (0x1d<<1)
+KS0108 display (PTE22,PTE23, PTE29, PTE30, PTE20, PTE21, PTC7, PTC0, PTC3, PTC4, PTC5, PTC6, PTC10, PTC11);
+//prototypes of functions
+void DrawBorder();                      //function for drawing border around gaming area
+void DrawBall(uint8_t* X, uint8_t* Y, int8_t* dx, int8_t* dy, uint8_t D, uint8_t PaddlePos, bool* Start, uint8_t* lives);       //function for drawing the ball
+void MovePad(uint8_t* Pad_ptr, bool Start);     //function for drawing the accelerometer controlled pad
+void DrawLogo(void);                            //function for drawing logo
+void DrawTable(int8_t sc, int8_t liv);          //function for drawing table with score and number of lives
+void reset(uint8_t* XBall, uint8_t* YBall, int8_t* dxBall, int8_t* dyBall, uint8_t* XPaddle, bool* Start, uint8_t *score, uint8_t *lives, uint8_t* col, uint8_t* ro, bool* Exists); //function for reset the game - after the ball was lost, game has been won or lost
+void CreateGrid(uint8_t* col, uint8_t* ro, bool* Exists);       //function for preparing the grid for array of bricks
+void DrawBricks(uint8_t col[columns], uint8_t ro[rows], bool exists[rows*columns]);     //drawing the array of bricks
+void BounceBricks(uint8_t XBall, uint8_t YBall, int8_t* dxBall, int8_t* dyBall, bool* BrickExists, uint8_t ro[rows], uint8_t col[columns], uint8_t* score, uint8_t lives, bool* Start); //function detecting hits, erasing bricks, counting score etc...
+MMA8451Q acc(PTE25, PTE24, MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS);
+//main program
+int main() {
+    srand(time(NULL));                      //random seed - will be used for random reflection angle when the game starts/was reset                  
+    display.ClearScreen();
+    uint8_t score = 0;                      //initial score and number of lives
+    uint8_t lives = 3;
+    DrawLogo();                             //drawing ARM-kanoid title
+    DrawTable(score,lives);                 //drawing table with score and number of lives
+    DrawBorder();                           //drawing border of the playing area
+    uint8_t XBall = XBallInit;              //initial ball position
+    uint8_t YBall = YBallInit;
+    int8_t Balldx;
+    int8_t Balldy;
+    uint8_t PadPos = XPadInit;              //initializing position of the paddle
+    bool StartFlag = true;                  //start flag will be used for reseting the game
+    uint8_t column[columns];                //arrays of brick positions on the display - will be filled by function CreateGrid(...)
+    uint8_t row[rows];
+    bool BrickExists[columns*rows];         //array of bool flags for bricks - true = brick exists, false = brick was already destroyed... will be also filled by function CreateGrid(...)
+    CreateGrid(&(column[0]),  &(row[0]), &(BrickExists[0]));                           //creating grid for bricks
+    DrawBricks(column, row, BrickExists);                                              //drawing bricks
+    while(1) { 
+        display.TurnOn();
+        if (StartFlag){
+            reset(&XBall, &YBall, &Balldx, &Balldy, &PadPos, &StartFlag, &score, &lives, &(column[0]), &(row[0]), &(BrickExists[0]));   //reset in case lost ball, lost or won game
+        }
+        BounceBricks(XBall, YBall, &Balldx, &Balldy, &(BrickExists[0]), row, column, &score, lives, &StartFlag);
+        DrawBall(&XBall, &YBall, &Balldx, &Balldy, BallD, PadPos, &StartFlag, &lives);      //function for drawing the ball, computing its movement, bounces etc.
+        MovePad(&PadPos, StartFlag);                //function for paddle drawing and its control by accelerometer
+        wait(0.05);                                 //waiting time was set empirically - according to feel about the display refresh rate    
+    }
+void DrawLogo(void){                        //draws the logo (ARM-kanoid)
+    display.SelectFont(Arial12,BLACK,ReadData);   
+    display.GotoXY(8,8);
+    display.PrintString("ARM"); 
+    display.GotoXY(4,24);
+    display.PrintString("kanoid"); 
+void DrawTable(int8_t sc, int8_t liv){      //draws table with score and lives    
+    static char score[5];
+    static char lives[5];
+    display.EmptyRectangle(4,38, (maxX-6),56, BLACK);
+    display.FullRectangle(20,39,(maxX-7), 55, WHITE);
+    display.SelectFont(System5x7,BLACK,ReadData);  
+    sprintf(score,"S:%2d",sc);
+    sprintf(lives,"L:%2d",liv);
+    display.GotoXY(8,40);
+    display.PrintString(score);
+    display.GotoXY(8,48);
+    display.PrintString(lives);
+void DrawBorder(void){          //draws border around gaming area
+    display.HLine(maxX-2, 127,0,BLACK);
+    display.VLine(maxX-2, 0,63,BLACK);
+    display.VLine(minX+2, 0,63,BLACK);
+void DrawBall(uint8_t* X, uint8_t* Y, int8_t* dx, int8_t* dy, uint8_t D, uint8_t PaddlePos, bool* Start, uint8_t* lives){   //draws the ball, computes reflections from border of gaming area
+    display.FullCircle(*X, *Y, D, WHITE);
+    (*X) += (*dx);
+    (*Y) += (*dy);
+    display.FullCircle(*X, *Y, D, BLACK);
+    if ((((uint8_t)(*X+D)) >= minX)||(((int8_t)(*X-D)) <= maxX)){
+        *dx = -(*dx);
+    }
+    if (((uint8_t)(*Y-D)) <= minY){
+       *dy = -(*dy);
+    }
+    if (((int8_t)(*Y+D)) >= PadY){
+        if ((((uint8_t)(*X+D)) <= (PaddlePos+PadLength+2))&&(((uint8_t)(*X-D)) >= (PaddlePos-2))){
+            *dy = -(*dy);
+        }else{
+            *Start = true;
+            if (*lives > 0){
+                (*lives)--;
+            }    
+        }
+    }
+void MovePad(uint8_t* Pad_ptr, bool Start){     //drawing the accelerometer-controlled pad
+    uint8_t PaddleDif;
+    if ((abs(acc.getAccY()))>AccTres1){
+    display.FullRectangle(*Pad_ptr, PadY, *Pad_ptr+PadLength ,PadY+2,WHITE);
+    if(Start){
+        *Pad_ptr = XPadInit;
+    }else{
+        if ((abs(acc.getAccY()))>AccTres2){
+            PaddleDif = HighSpeed;
+            }else{
+                PaddleDif = LowSpeed;
+            }
+            if ((acc.getAccY() > 0)&&((*Pad_ptr+PadLength) < (minX - 3))){
+                *Pad_ptr += PaddleDif;   
+            }
+            if ((acc.getAccY() < 0)&&(*Pad_ptr > (maxX + 1))){
+            *Pad_ptr -= PaddleDif;   
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    display.FullRectangle(*Pad_ptr, PadY, *Pad_ptr+PadLength ,PadY+2,BLACK);
+void reset(uint8_t* XBall, uint8_t* YBall, int8_t* dxBall, int8_t* dyBall, uint8_t* XPaddle, bool* Start, uint8_t *score, uint8_t *lives, uint8_t* col, uint8_t* ro, bool* Exists){ //resets the game in case of lost ball, lost or won game
+    display.FullCircle(*XBall, *YBall, BallD, WHITE);
+    *XBall = XBallInit;
+    *YBall = YBallInit;
+    display.FullRectangle(*XPaddle, PadY, *XPaddle+PadLength ,PadY+2,WHITE);
+    *XPaddle = XPadInit;
+    wait(1);
+    if (*score == (rows*columns)){
+        display.ClearScreen();
+        display.GotoXY(32,32);
+        display.PrintString("YOU WIN!!!");
+        wait(3);
+        *score = 0;
+        *lives = 3;
+        display.ClearScreen();
+        DrawLogo();                             //drawing ARM-kanoid title
+        DrawTable(*score,*lives);                 //drawing table with score and number of lives
+        DrawBorder();                           //drawing border of the playing area
+        CreateGrid(&(*col), &(*ro), &(*Exists));
+        DrawBricks(col, ro, Exists);
+    }else if (*lives <= 0){
+        display.ClearScreen();
+        display.GotoXY(32,32);
+        display.PrintString("GAME OVER!!!");
+        wait(3);
+        *score = 0;
+        *lives = 3;
+        display.ClearScreen();
+        DrawLogo();                             //drawing ARM-kanoid title
+        DrawTable(*score,*lives);                 //drawing table with score and number of lives
+        DrawBorder();                           //drawing border of the playing area
+        CreateGrid(&(*col), &(*ro), &(*Exists));
+        DrawBricks(col, ro, Exists);
+    }else{
+        display.FullCircle(*XBall, *YBall, BallD, BLACK);
+        display.FullRectangle(*XPaddle, PadY, *XPaddle+PadLength ,PadY+2,BLACK);
+        DrawTable(*score, *lives);
+        float angle = (pi/180)*(90+(rand()%(2*maxangle)));
+        *dxBall = (round(velocity*cos(angle)));
+        if (*dxBall == 0){
+            *dxBall = 1;
+        }
+        *dyBall = (-round(velocity*sin(angle)));
+        display.GotoXY(0,0);
+        display.PrintNumber(*dxBall);
+        display.GotoXY(15,0);
+        display.PrintNumber(*dyBall);
+        wait(1);
+        *Start = false;
+    }
+void CreateGrid(uint8_t* col, uint8_t* ro, bool* exists){       //creates grid that will be later used for drawing bricks
+    int8_t i;
+    for (i = 0; i < columns; i++){
+        *(col+i) = maxX + i*(BrickW + 2);
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < rows; i++){
+        *(ro+i) = minY + i*(BrickH + 2);
+    }
+    int8_t j;
+    for (i = 0; i < rows; i++){
+        for (j = 0; j < columns; j++){
+            *(exists+i*columns+j)=true;
+        }
+    }
+void DrawBricks(uint8_t col[columns], uint8_t ro[rows], bool exists[rows*columns]){ //draws bricks in prepared grid - these two functions are separated in case of creating another levels
+    int8_t i;
+    int8_t j;
+    for (j = 0; j < rows; j++){
+        for (i = 0; i < columns; i++){
+            display.FullRectangle(col[i], ro[j], (col[i] + BrickW), (ro[j] + BrickH) ,((exists[j*columns+i])? BLACK:WHITE));
+        }
+    }
+void BounceBricks(uint8_t XBall, uint8_t YBall, int8_t* dxBall, int8_t* dyBall, bool* BrickExists, uint8_t ro[rows], uint8_t col[columns], uint8_t* score, uint8_t lives, bool* Start){ //computes reflections from bricks, destroys bricks, counts score etc...
+    if (YBall <= (ro[rows-1]+BrickH)){
+        int8_t i, j;
+        for (j = rows - 1; j >= 0; j--){
+            if (((YBall-BallD) <= (ro[j]+BrickH))&&((YBall+BallD) > ro[j])){
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        for (i = columns - 1; i >= 0; i--){
+            if (((XBall-BallD) <= (col[i]+BrickW))&&((XBall+BallD) > col[i])){
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (*(BrickExists+j*columns+i)){
+            *(BrickExists+j*columns+i) = false;
+            display.FullRectangle(col[i], ro[j], (col[i] + BrickW), (ro[j] + BrickH), WHITE);
+            (*score)++;
+            if (*score == (rows*columns)){
+                *Start = true;
+            }
+            DrawTable(*score, lives);
+            if (!((YBall-*dyBall) <= (minY))){
+                *dyBall = -(*dyBall);
+            }
+        }else{
+            if ((YBall-BallD) <= (minY+1)){
+                *dyBall = -(*dyBall);
+            }
+        }
+    }
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+++ b/mbed.bld	Sun Jan 18 19:27:16 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
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