Shell Eco Fuelcell controller

Dependencies:   FastPWM mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Tue Jan 07 12:02:52 2014 +0000
Commit message:
work in Progress

Changed in this revision

FastPWM.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
components.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/FastPWM.lib	Tue Jan 07 12:02:52 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/components.cpp	Tue Jan 07 12:02:52 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+typedef struct  
+    uint16_t voltage_act;       // Actual CAP Voltage
+    uint16_t voltage_low;       // Switch to full current
+    uint16_t voltage_mid;       // Switch to medium current
+    uint16_t voltage_high;      // Switch to minimum current
+    uint16_t voltage_max;       // Stopp loading
+    uint16_t voltage_down;      // reduce Voltage (CAP down)
+    uint16_t current_low;       // minimum current
+    uint16_t current_mid;       // medium current
+    uint16_t current_high;      // high current
+} struct_cap;
+typedef struct 
+    uint16_t air_needed;
+    uint16_t current_act;
+    uint16_t current_load;
+    uint16_t temp_act;          
+    uint16_t temp_max;
+    uint16_t voltage_act;
+    uint16_t voltage_max; 
+} struct_fuelcell;
+typedef struct 
+    bool     fan_override;
+    uint16_t fan_over_pwm; //name
+    uint16_t fan_p;
+    uint16_t fan_i;
+    uint16_t fan_thr;
+    short    fan_up;        //add
+    short    fan_up_count;  //add
+    short    fan_pwm;
+    uint16_t fan_pwm_act;
+    bool     pump_override;
+    uint16_t pump_over_pwm; //name
+    uint16_t pump_min;
+    uint16_t pump_p;
+    uint16_t pump_i;
+    short    pump_up;       //add
+    short    pump_up_count; //add
+    short    pump_pwm;
+    uint16_t pump_pwm_act;
+    uint16_t temp_out;
+} struct_h2o;
+typedef struct 
+    uint16_t current_act;
+    uint16_t current_delta;
+    uint16_t current_load;
+    uint16_t i;                     // added
+    uint16_t pwm;
+    uint16_t pwm_act;
+    uint16_t temp_act;
+    uint16_t temp_max;
+} struct_mosfet;
+typedef struct 
+    uint16_t air_current; 
+    uint16_t air_needed;
+    uint16_t water_created; //name
+    uint16_t back_lower;
+    uint16_t delta_t;
+    uint16_t lambda;
+    uint16_t lambda_max;
+    uint16_t lambda_min;
+    short    lambda_delta;
+    short    lambda_delta_sum;
+    bool     pump_on;
+    bool     pump_override;
+    uint16_t pump_over_load; //name
+    uint16_t pump_load;      //name
+    uint16_t pump_load_act;  //name
+    short    pump_up;
+    short    pump_up_count;
+    uint16_t pump_pwm_1;
+    uint16_t pump_pwm_2;
+    bool     pump_dual;     //name
+    uint16_t pump_dual_on;  //added
+    uint16_t pump_dual_off; //added
+    uint16_t rh_out_delta
+    uint16_t rh_pump_load;
+    uint16_t rh_pump_min;          
+    uint16_t rh_pump_max;        
+    uint16_t rh_out_min;
+    uint16_t rh_out_max;
+    uint16_t rh_back_p;
+    uint16_t rh_in;
+    uint16_t rh_out;
+    uint16_t temp_in;
+    uint16_t temp_out;              // added
+    uint16_t temp_calc;
+    uint16_t water_extracted;
+    uint16_t water_in;
+    uint16_t water_out;
+} struct_o2;
+typedef struct 
+    bool capdown;
+    bool drive;
+    bool master;
+    bool safety;
+} struct_switch;
+typedef struct 
+    bool cap_down_load;
+    bool cap_down_reset;
+    bool cap_load;
+    bool cap_voltage_reset;
+    bool fuelcell;
+    bool fc_overtemp;
+    bool fc_overvoltage;
+    bool load;
+    bool load_act;
+    bool load_reset;
+    bool mosfet;
+    bool mos_overtemp;
+    bool run;
+    bool temp;
+    bool voltage;
+    uint16_t count;
+    uint16_t h2_analog;
+    uint16_t safety_V;
+    uint16_t current_out;
+} struct_system;
+typedef struct 
+    bool o2_in;
+    bool o2_out;
+    bool mosfet_temp;
+    bool fc_voltage;
+    bool cap_voltage;
+    bool mosfet_cur;
+    bool h2o_temp_out;              
+    bool t_1;
+    bool t_2;
+    bool t_3;
+    bool t_4;
+    bool t_5;
+    bool t_6;
+    bool t_7;
+    bool t_8;
+    bool o_1;
+    bool o_2;
+    bool o_3;
+    bool o_4;
+    bool o_5;
+    bool o_6;
+    bool o_7;  
+struct_cap      cap;
+struct_fuelcell fuelcell;
+struct_h2o      h2o;
+struct_mosfet   mosfet;
+struct_o2       o2;
+struct_switch   switches;
+struct_system   sys;
+struct_error    error;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Jan 07 12:02:52 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "math.h"
+#include <string>
+#include "FastPWM.h"
+#include "components.cpp"
+const char I2C_IN  = 4;
+const char I2C_OUT = 8;
+const int PWM_Frequenz = 10000; 
+DigitalOut led_1(LED1); 
+DigitalOut led_2(LED2);
+DigitalOut led_3(LED3);
+DigitalOut led_4(LED4);
+DigitalOut i2c_cs(p29);
+DigitalOut xb_rst(p11);
+DigitalOut mp_A(p15);
+DigitalOut mp_B(p16);
+AnalogIn   current(p19);
+AnalogIn   mp1yA(p20);
+AnalogIn   mp2yA(p18);
+AnalogIn   mp2xA(p17);
+DigitalIn  mp2xD(p12);
+FastPWM    pwm_6(p21,-1); //Mosfet
+DigitalOut h2_purge(p22);
+FastPWM    pwm_4(p23,-1); //H2O Fan
+FastPWM    pwm_3(p24,-1); //H20 Pump
+FastPWM    pwm_2(p25,-1); //Air Pump 2
+FastPWM    pwm_1(p26,-1); //Air Pump 2              
+Serial xbee(p9,p10);
+Serial gps(p13,p14);
+Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
+SPI ext_spi(p5, p6, p7);
+I2C i2c(p28, p27);
+LocalFileSystem local("local");                  //init Flashdrive for reading config file
+FILE *fp; 
+struct_cap      cap;
+struct_fuelcell fc;
+struct_h2o      h2o;
+struct_mosfet   mosfet;
+struct_o2       o2;
+struct_switch   switches;
+struct_system   sys;
+struct_error    error;
+//Standard Funktions
+void read_val(const char* name,const char* value);
+double clamp(double value, double val_min, double val_max, bool* has_clamped)
+    *has_clamped = true;
+    if(value < val_min) return val_min;
+    if(value > val_max) return val_max;
+    *has_clamped = false;
+    return value;
+void load_cfg()
+ char name_val[2][20];
+ char i    = 0;
+ char name = 1;
+ int  c    = 50;
+ fp = fopen("/local/power.cfg", "r");
+    if ( fp != NULL )
+     {
+      while(c != EOF)
+          { 
+           c = fgetc(fp);
+           if (c == 10){
+                        name_val[name][i+1] = '\0'; 
+                        name = 1; 
+                        i    = 0; 
+                        read_val(&name_val[1][0], &name_val[0][0]);
+                       } 
+            else       
+                       {
+                        if (c == '='){
+                                      name_val[name][i+1] = '\0'; 
+                                      name = 0; 
+                                      i    = 0;
+                                     } 
+                         else        
+                                     { 
+                                      name_val[name][i] = c;
+                                      i++;
+                                     }
+                       }
+          }
+      fclose(fp);
+     }
+void read_val(const char* name,const char* value)
+ float temp;
+ sscanf(value, "%f", &temp );
+ pc.printf("Input : %-18s  Value : %6d  ", name, int(temp));
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "O2_air_current"   ){ o2.air_current    = temp; pc.printf("Value read: %6d \n\r", o2.air_current  );}
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "O2_water_created" ){ o2.water_created  = temp; pc.printf("Value read: %6d \n\r", o2.water_created);}
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "O2_lambda_max"    ) o2.lambda_max      = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "O2_lambda_min"    ) o2.lambda_min      = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "O2_pump_over_load") o2.pump_over_load  = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "O2_pump_up"       ) o2.pump_up         = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "O2_pump_dual_on"  ) o2.pump_dual_on    = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "O2_pump_dual_off" ) o2.pump_dual_off   = temp; 
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "CAP_voltage_low"  ) cap.voltage_low   = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "CAP_voltage_mid"  ) cap.voltage_mid   = temp;               
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "CAP_voltage_high" ) cap.voltage_high  = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "CAP_voltage_max"  ) cap.voltage_max   = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "CAP_voltage_down" ) cap.voltage_down  = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "CAP_current_low"  ) cap.current_low   = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "CAP_current_mid"  ) cap.current_mid   = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "CAP_current_high" ) cap.current_high  = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "FC_temp_max"      ) fc.temp_max       = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "FC_voltage_max"   ) fc.voltage_max    = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "H2O_fan_over_pwm" ) h2o.fan_over_pwm  = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "H2O_fan_p"        ) h2o.fan_p         = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "H2O_fan_i"        ) h2o.fan_i         = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "H2O_fan_thr"      ) h2o.fan_thr       = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "H2O_fan_up"       ) h2o.fan_up        = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "H2O_pump_over_pwm") h2o.pump_over_pwm = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "H2O_pump_p"       ) h2o.pump_p        = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "H2O_pump_i"       ) h2o.pump_i        = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "H2O_pump_min"     ) h2o.pump_min      = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "H2O_pump_up"      ) h2o.pump_up       = temp;
+ if (string(&name[0]) == "MOSFET_temp_max"  ) mosfet.temp_max   = temp;
+// T - Funktions
+void T_1()
+ {
+  o2.water_in = 13235 * o2.rh_in / (o2.temp_in + 2731) * pow(10.0,(7.5 * o2.temp_in)/((2373 + o2.temp_in))-1); 
+  o2.water_in = clamp(o2.water_in,0,4000,&error.t_1);
+ }
+void T_2()
+ {
+  if (o2.pump_load_act > 0) {
+                                o2.delta_t   = o2.temp_out - h2o.temp_out; 
+                                o2.temp_calc = o2.temp_out;
+                               }
+   else 
+                               {
+                                o2.temp_calc = o2.delta_t  + h2o.temp_out;
+                               }
+  o2.temp_calc = clamp(o2.temp_calc,0,800,&error.t_2);  
+ }
+void T_3()
+ { 
+  o2.water_out = 13235000 / (o2.temp_calc + 2731) * pow(10.0,(7.5 * o2.temp_calc)/((2373 + o2.temp_calc))-1); 
+  o2.water_out = clamp(o2.water_out,0,30000,&error.t_3);         
+ }
+void T_4()
+ {
+  o2.water_extracted = o2.water_out - o2.water_in;
+  o2.air_needed      = o2.water_created * 10000 / o2.water_extracted;   
+  o2.lambda          = o2.air_needed * 100 / o2.air_current;
+  o2.lambda          = clamp(o2.lambda,100,500,&error.t_4);    
+ }
+void T_5()
+ {
+    o2.lambda_delta     = ((o2.lambda_max        + o2.lambda_min) / 2) - o2.lambda;
+    o2.lambda_delta_sum =  o2.lambda_delta_sum + (o2.lambda_delta * 0.1);
+    o2.lambda_delta_sum = clamp(o2.lambda_delta_sum,-2000,7000,&error.t_5);  
+    h2o.fan_pwm         = ((h2o.fan_p * o2.lambda_delta) ) + ((h2o.fan_i * o2.lambda_delta_sum / 10) );
+    h2o.fan_pwm         = clamp( h2o.fan_pwm,0,1000,&error.t_5);
+ }  
+void T_6()
+ {  
+    h2o.pump_pwm   = ((h2o.pump_p * o2.lambda_delta) ) + ((h2o.pump_i * o2.lambda_delta_sum / 10) + h2o.pump_min );
+    h2o.pump_pwm   = clamp( h2o.pump_pwm,h2o.pump_min,1000,&error.t_6);
+ }     
+void T_7() 
+ { 
+    if(h2o.fan_override) { 
+                          h2o.fan_pwm_act = h2o.fan_over_pwm;
+                         }
+     else                 
+                         {
+                          if ((h2o.fan_pwm_act == 0) && (h2o.fan_pwm >= h2o.fan_thr))
+                            {
+                             h2o.fan_up_count = h2o.fan_up;  
+                            }
+                           else 
+                            {
+                             h2o.fan_pwm_act = h2o.fan_pwm;    
+                            }
+                         }
+  if (h2o.fan_up_count > 0) {h2o.fan_up_count--; h2o.fan_pwm_act = 1000;}
+  if (!((h2o.fan_pwm_act >= h2o.fan_thr) &{h2o.fan_pwm_act = 0;}                                                        
+  h2o.fan_pwm_act = clamp( h2o.fan_pwm_act,0,1000,&error.t_7);
+  pwm_4.write(h2o.fan_pwm_act * 0.001);
+ }
+void T_8()
+    if(h2o.pump_override){ 
+                          h2o.pump_pwm_act = h2o.pump_over_pwm;
+                         }
+     else                 
+                         {
+                          if ((h2o.pump_pwm_act == 0) && (h2o.pump_pwm > 0))
+                            {
+                             h2o.pump_up_count = h2o.pump_up;  
+                            }
+                           else 
+                            { 
+                             h2o.pump_pwm_act = h2o.pump_pwm;                            
+                            }
+                         }                         
+    if (h2o.pump_up_count > 0) {h2o.pump_up_count--; h2o.pump_pwm_act = 1000;}
+    if (!({ h2o.pump_pwm_act = 0;}
+    h2o.pump_pwm_act = clamp( h2o.pump_pwm_act,0,1000,&error.t_8); 
+    pwm_3.write(h2o.fan_pwm_act * 0.001);                                                        
+void T_ALL(){
+             T_1();
+             T_2();
+             T_3();
+             T_4();
+             T_5();
+             T_6();
+             T_7();
+             T_8();
+            }
+// O - Funktions
+void O_1()
+    o2.rh_out_delta = ((o2.rh_out_soll) - o2.rh_out;
+    o2.rh_out_delta = clamp( o2.rh_out_delta,-100,100,&error.o_1);  
+    o2.rh_pump_load = 02.rh_p * o2.rh_out_delta;
+    o2.rh_pump_load = clamp( o2.rh_pump_load,o2.rh_pump_min,o2.rh_pump_max,&error.o_2);
+void O_2()
+    if(cap.voltage_act < cap.voltage_mid)
+    {
+        if(cap.voltage_act < cap.voltage_low) fc.current_load = cap.current_low;
+        else fc.current_load = cap.current_mid;
+    }
+    else fc.current_load = cap.current_high;
+    return 0;
+bool O_3()
+    o2.lambda_min = 150;
+    fc.air_needed = fc.current_load * o2.lambda_min *  0.007;
+    return 0;
+bool O_4()
+    if(o2.pump_on == false) o2.pump_load = 0;
+    return 0;
+bool O_5()
+    if(o2.pump_override) o2.pump_load_act = o2.pump_over_load;
+    else o2.pump_load_act = o2.pump_load;
+    return 0;
+bool O_6()
+    if(o2.pump_load_act < o2.pump_dual_off){o2.pump_dual = false;}
+    if(o2.pump_load_act > o2.pump_dual_on ){o2.pump_dual = true;}
+    if (o2.pump_dual)
+     {
+      o2.pump_pwm_1 = o2.pump_load_act * 0.5;
+      o2.pump_pwm_2 = o2.pump_load_act * 0.5;   
+     }
+    else
+     {
+      o2.pump_pwm_1 = o2.pump_load_act;
+      o2.pump_pwm_2 = 0;
+     }
+    return 0;
+void O_ALL()
+ O_1();
+ O_2();
+ O_3();
+ O_4();
+ O_5();
+ O_6();
+// M - Funktions
+bool M_1()
+    if(o2.pump_on) mosfet.pwm = 0;
+    mosfet.pwm = mosfet.pwm + ( ((fc.current_load - fc.current_act) * mosfet.i) / 100000);
+    if(sys.load_act == false) mosfet.pwm = 0;
+    return 0;
+bool M_2()
+    sys.mos_overtemp = (mosfet.temp_act < mosfet.temp_max);
+    return 0;
+bool M_3()
+    if(sys.mosfet && mosfet.pwm_act = mosfet.pwm;
+    else mosfet.pwm_act = 0;
+    return 0;
+// S - Funktions
+bool S_1()
+ = (switches.master &&;
+    return 0;
+bool S_2()
+    sys.fc_overtemp = (fc.temp_act > fc.temp_max);
+    return 0;
+bool S_3()                                                                              
+    sys.fc_overvoltage = (fc.voltage_act > fc.voltage_max);
+    return 0;
+bool S_4()
+    sys.fuelcell = (sys.temp && sys.voltage);
+    return 0;
+// C - Funktions
+bool C_1()
+    sys.cap_load = (cap.voltage_act < cap.voltage_max);
+    return 0;
+bool C_2()
+    sys.cap_down_load = (cap.voltage_act < cap.voltage_down);
+    return 0;
+bool C_3()
+    sys.cap_voltage_reset = (cap.voltage_act > cap.voltage_max);
+    return 0;
+bool C_4()
+    sys.cap_down_reset = (cap.voltage_act > cap.voltage_down);
+    return 0;
+bool C_5()
+    sys.load = (( || (sys.cap_load && (!switches.capdown)) || (switches.capdown && sys.cap_down_load)); 
+    return 0;
+bool C_6()
+    sys.load_reset = (sys.cap_voltage_reset || (sys.cap_down_reset && switches.capdown));
+    return 0;
+bool C_7()
+    if(sys.load) sys.load_act = true;
+    if(sys.load_reset) sys.load_act = false;
+    return 0;
+bool C_8()
+    o2.pump_on = (sys.mosfet && && sys.fuelcell && sys.load_act);
+    return 0;
+void read_inputs()
+ char channel = sys.count%4; 
+  switch (channel)
+     {
+      case 0 :       = mp2xD;     
+                sys.h2_analog        = mp2yA.read_u16()  /2;
+                fc.voltage_act       = mp1yA.read_u16()  /1.638;
+                fc.current_act       = current.read_u16()/4;
+                break;
+      case 1 :  sys.safety_V         = mp2xA.read_u16() /4;  
+            = (sys.safety_V > 8000);
+                sys.current_out      = mp2yA.read_u16()  /5; 
+                cap.voltage_act      = mp1yA.read_u16()  /1.638;
+                fc.current_act       = current.read_u16()/4;
+                break;
+      case 2 :  switches.capdown     = !mp2xD;     
+                mosfet.temp_act      = mosfet.temp_act   + ((((59000-mp2yA.read_u16())/90) - mosfet.temp_act  ) >> 3);
+                fc.voltage_act       = mp1yA.read_u16()  /1.638;
+                fc.current_act       = current.read_u16()/4;
+                break;
+      case 3 :  switches.master      = mp2xD;     
+                fc.temp_act          = fc.temp_act + ((((61800-mp2yA.read_u16())/90) - fc.temp_act) >> 3);
+                h2o.temp_out         = fc.temp_act;
+                cap.voltage_act      = mp1yA.read_u16()  /1.638;
+                fc.current_act       = current.read_u16()/4;
+                break;           
+     } 
+  mp_A = ( (channel + 1)       & 0x01);       // A setzen
+  mp_B = (((channel + 1) >> 1) & 0x01);       // B setzen
+ }
+void read_i2c_RHTMP(char ad)
+  char input[4];
+  short RH  = 0;
+  short TMP = 0;
+  i2c.write(ad<<1, 0x00  , 1);               //wake up
+ (ad<<1, input , 4);               //read out
+  RH    = (( 1000 * (((input[0]<<8) | (input[1]   )) & 0x3FFF ))>> 14)     ; //transform into    0 - 1000 as Integer represents   0.0 - 100.0 %
+  TMP   = (( 1650 * (((input[2]<<6) | (input[3]>>2)) & 0x3FFF ))>> 14) -400; //transform into -400 - 1250 as Integer represents -40.0 - 125.0 °C
+  if (TMP > -50 && TMP < 800) 
+   {
+      if (ad == I2C_IN ){o2.temp_in  = TMP; o2.rh_in  = RH;error.o2_in  = false;};
+      if (ad == I2C_OUT){o2.temp_out = TMP; o2.rh_out = RH;error.o2_out = false;}; 
+   } 
+    else 
+   {
+      if (ad == I2C_IN ){error.o2_in  = true;};
+      if (ad == I2C_OUT){error.o2_out = true;};     
+   } 
+void timetable()
+  switch (sys.count)
+    {       
+      case   0: read_i2c_RHTMP(I2C_IN)  ; break;
+      case 125: T_ALL()                 ; break; 
+      case 250: read_i2c_RHTMP(I2C_OUT) ; break;
+      case 375: O_ALL()                 ; break;
+      case 500: read_i2c_RHTMP(I2C_IN)  ; break;
+      case 625: T_ALL()                 ; break;
+      case 750: read_i2c_RHTMP(I2C_OUT) ; break;
+      case 875: O_ALL()                 ; break;
+    }        
+  read_inputs();
+  sys.count ++; 
+  if (sys.count >= 1000){sys.count=0; led_1 = !led_1;};
+int main()
+  pc.baud(115200);
+  i2c.frequency(400000);   
+  pwm_6.pulsewidth(1.0/PWM_Frequenz); //Mosfet
+//pwm_5.pulsewidth(1.0/PWM_Frequenz); //H2 Purge
+  pwm_4.pulsewidth(1.0/PWM_Frequenz); //H2O Fan
+  pwm_3.pulsewidth(1.0/PWM_Frequenz); //H20 Pump
+  pwm_2.pulsewidth(1.0/PWM_Frequenz); //Air Pump 2
+  pwm_1.pulsewidth(1.0/PWM_Frequenz); //Air Pump 2
+  load_cfg();
+  while(1) 
+    {
+        timetable();
+    }
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Tue Jan 07 12:02:52 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
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