Custom characters on HD44780

Here's a snippet I use to load custom characters on a 16x2 hd4470 lcd.


@param cgramloc cgram location from 0-7

@param *data char array

@param cgrpos cgrampostion 0x00-0x07

@param x,y location coordinates


void TextLCD::putCustomChar(int cgramloc, char *data,int cgrpos,int x,int y){

  writeCommand(0x40+((cgramloc&0x07)<<3)); //Set CG-RAM address
  for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {



In order to  printf deg celcius one has to load the symbol on the cgram address.

char degree[8] = {0x02,0x05,0x05,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};



18 Nov 2010

Thank you very much.

I was implementing my own but having so much trouble, even if it looks doing the same things as yours...

so this has really helped me.

Regards. Jaime.

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