A simple web server mainly based on ideas from Jasper Schuurmans Netduino web server

Dependents:   RdBlindsServer SpideyWallWeb RdGasUseMonitor

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This is based on a Netduino web server from Jasper Schuurmans http://www.schuurmans.cc/multi-threaded-web-server-for-netduino-plus

There is some more info in a blog post here ...


Essentially you have a server that can serve files from local or SD card file systems and has a mechanism for registering REST "commands" that result in callbacks. The following code snippets are from the blog. There is a full project using this code here ... http://mbed.org/users/Bobty/code/RdBlindsServer/

int main (void) { setup ethernet interface eth.init(); Use DHCP eth.connect(); printf("IP Address is %s\n\r", eth.getIPAddress());

setup web server webServer.addCommand("", RdWebServerCmdDef::CMD_LOCALFILE, NULL, "index.html", true); webServer.addCommand("gear-gr.png", RdWebServerCmdDef::CMD_LOCALFILE, NULL, NULL, true); webServer.addCommand("blind", RdWebServerCmdDef::CMD_CALLBACK, &handleCmd_blindControl); webServer.init(PORT, &led2); webServer.run(); }

void handleCmd_blindControl(char* cmdStr, char* argStr) { printf("BLINDS COMMAND %s %s\n\r", cmdStr, argStr); if (argStr == NULL) return; char* pch = strtok (argStr,"/"); if (pch == NULL) return; int blindNum = pch[0] - '0'; if (blindNum < 1 || blindNum > MAX_WINDOW_SHADES) return; int blindIdx = blindNum-1; char* pDirn = strtok (NULL,"/"); if (pDirn == NULL) return; char* pDuration = strtok (NULL,"/"); if (pDuration == NULL) return; pWindowShades[blindIdx]->DoCommand(pDirn, pDuration); }

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