Rewrite from scratch a TCP/IP stack for mbed. So far the following parts are usable: Drivers: - EMAC driver (from CMSIS 2.0) Protocols: - Ethernet protocol - ARP over ethernet for IPv4 - IPv4 over Ethernet - ICMPv4 over IPv4 - UDPv4 over IPv4 APIs: - Sockets for UDPv4 The structure of this stack is designed to be very modular. Each protocol can register one or more protocol to handle its payload, and in each protocol, an API can be hooked (like Sockets for example). This is an early release.

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00001 /* @cond */
00002 /***********************************************************************//**
00003  * @file        lpc17xx_pinsel.c
00004  * @brief        Contains all functions support for Pin connect block firmware
00005  *                 library on LPC17xx
00006  * @version        2.0
00007  * @date        21. May. 2010
00008  * @author        NXP MCU SW Application Team
00009  **************************************************************************
00010  * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
00011  * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
00012  * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
00013  * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
00014  * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
00015  * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
00016  * reserves the right to make changes in the software without
00017  * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
00018  * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
00019  * use without further testing or modification.
00020  **********************************************************************/
00022 /* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */
00023 /** @addtogroup PINSEL
00024  * @{
00025  */
00027 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00028 #include "lpc17xx_pinsel.h"
00030 /* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */
00032 static void set_PinFunc ( uint8_t portnum, uint8_t pinnum, uint8_t funcnum);
00033 static void set_ResistorMode ( uint8_t portnum, uint8_t pinnum, uint8_t modenum);
00034 static void set_OpenDrainMode( uint8_t portnum, uint8_t pinnum, uint8_t modenum);
00036 /*********************************************************************//**
00037  * @brief         Setup the pin selection function
00038  * @param[in]    portnum PORT number,
00039  *                 should be one of the following:
00040  *                 - PINSEL_PORT_0    : Port 0
00041  *                 - PINSEL_PORT_1    : Port 1
00042  *                 - PINSEL_PORT_2    : Port 2
00043  *                 - PINSEL_PORT_3    : Port 3
00044  *
00045  * @param[in]    pinnum    Pin number,
00046  *                 should be one of the following:
00047                 - PINSEL_PIN_0 : Pin 0
00048                 - PINSEL_PIN_1 : Pin 1
00049                 - PINSEL_PIN_2 : Pin 2
00050                 - PINSEL_PIN_3 : Pin 3
00051                 - PINSEL_PIN_4 : Pin 4
00052                 - PINSEL_PIN_5 : Pin 5
00053                 - PINSEL_PIN_6 : Pin 6
00054                 - PINSEL_PIN_7 : Pin 7
00055                 - PINSEL_PIN_8 : Pin 8
00056                 - PINSEL_PIN_9 : Pin 9
00057                 - PINSEL_PIN_10 : Pin 10
00058                 - PINSEL_PIN_11 : Pin 11
00059                 - PINSEL_PIN_12 : Pin 12
00060                 - PINSEL_PIN_13 : Pin 13
00061                 - PINSEL_PIN_14 : Pin 14
00062                 - PINSEL_PIN_15 : Pin 15
00063                 - PINSEL_PIN_16 : Pin 16
00064                 - PINSEL_PIN_17 : Pin 17
00065                 - PINSEL_PIN_18 : Pin 18
00066                 - PINSEL_PIN_19 : Pin 19
00067                 - PINSEL_PIN_20 : Pin 20
00068                 - PINSEL_PIN_21 : Pin 21
00069                 - PINSEL_PIN_22 : Pin 22
00070                 - PINSEL_PIN_23 : Pin 23
00071                 - PINSEL_PIN_24 : Pin 24
00072                 - PINSEL_PIN_25 : Pin 25
00073                 - PINSEL_PIN_26 : Pin 26
00074                 - PINSEL_PIN_27 : Pin 27
00075                 - PINSEL_PIN_28 : Pin 28
00076                 - PINSEL_PIN_29 : Pin 29
00077                 - PINSEL_PIN_30 : Pin 30
00078                 - PINSEL_PIN_31 : Pin 31
00080  * @param[in]     funcnum Function number,
00081  *                 should be one of the following:
00082  *                - PINSEL_FUNC_0 : default function
00083  *                - PINSEL_FUNC_1 : first alternate function
00084  *                - PINSEL_FUNC_2 : second alternate function
00085  *                - PINSEL_FUNC_3 : third alternate function
00086  *
00087  * @return         None
00088  **********************************************************************/
00089 static void set_PinFunc ( uint8_t portnum, uint8_t pinnum, uint8_t funcnum)
00090 {
00091     uint32_t pinnum_t = pinnum;
00092     uint32_t pinselreg_idx = 2 * portnum;
00093     uint32_t *pPinCon = (uint32_t *)&LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0;
00095     if (pinnum_t >= 16) {
00096         pinnum_t -= 16;
00097         pinselreg_idx++;
00098     }
00099     *(uint32_t *)(pPinCon + pinselreg_idx) &= ~(0x03UL << (pinnum_t * 2));
00100     *(uint32_t *)(pPinCon + pinselreg_idx) |= ((uint32_t)funcnum) << (pinnum_t * 2);
00101 }
00103 /*********************************************************************//**
00104  * @brief         Setup resistor mode for each pin
00105  * @param[in]    portnum PORT number,
00106  *                 should be one of the following:
00107  *                 - PINSEL_PORT_0    : Port 0
00108  *                 - PINSEL_PORT_1    : Port 1
00109  *                 - PINSEL_PORT_2    : Port 2
00110  *                 - PINSEL_PORT_3    : Port 3
00111  * @param[in]    pinnum    Pin number,
00112  *                 should be one of the following:
00113                 - PINSEL_PIN_0 : Pin 0
00114                 - PINSEL_PIN_1 : Pin 1
00115                 - PINSEL_PIN_2 : Pin 2
00116                 - PINSEL_PIN_3 : Pin 3
00117                 - PINSEL_PIN_4 : Pin 4
00118                 - PINSEL_PIN_5 : Pin 5
00119                 - PINSEL_PIN_6 : Pin 6
00120                 - PINSEL_PIN_7 : Pin 7
00121                 - PINSEL_PIN_8 : Pin 8
00122                 - PINSEL_PIN_9 : Pin 9
00123                 - PINSEL_PIN_10 : Pin 10
00124                 - PINSEL_PIN_11 : Pin 11
00125                 - PINSEL_PIN_12 : Pin 12
00126                 - PINSEL_PIN_13 : Pin 13
00127                 - PINSEL_PIN_14 : Pin 14
00128                 - PINSEL_PIN_15 : Pin 15
00129                 - PINSEL_PIN_16 : Pin 16
00130                 - PINSEL_PIN_17 : Pin 17
00131                 - PINSEL_PIN_18 : Pin 18
00132                 - PINSEL_PIN_19 : Pin 19
00133                 - PINSEL_PIN_20 : Pin 20
00134                 - PINSEL_PIN_21 : Pin 21
00135                 - PINSEL_PIN_22 : Pin 22
00136                 - PINSEL_PIN_23 : Pin 23
00137                 - PINSEL_PIN_24 : Pin 24
00138                 - PINSEL_PIN_25 : Pin 25
00139                 - PINSEL_PIN_26 : Pin 26
00140                 - PINSEL_PIN_27 : Pin 27
00141                 - PINSEL_PIN_28 : Pin 28
00142                 - PINSEL_PIN_29 : Pin 29
00143                 - PINSEL_PIN_30 : Pin 30
00144                 - PINSEL_PIN_31 : Pin 31
00146  * @param[in]     modenum: Mode number,
00147  *                 should be one of the following:
00148                 - PINSEL_PINMODE_PULLUP    : Internal pull-up resistor
00149                 - PINSEL_PINMODE_TRISTATE : Tri-state
00150                 - PINSEL_PINMODE_PULLDOWN : Internal pull-down resistor
00152  * @return         None
00153  **********************************************************************/
00154 void set_ResistorMode ( uint8_t portnum, uint8_t pinnum, uint8_t modenum)
00155 {
00156     uint32_t pinnum_t = pinnum;
00157     uint32_t pinmodereg_idx = 2 * portnum;
00158     uint32_t *pPinCon = (uint32_t *)&LPC_PINCON->PINMODE0;
00160     if (pinnum_t >= 16) {
00161         pinnum_t -= 16;
00162         pinmodereg_idx++ ;
00163     }
00165     *(uint32_t *)(pPinCon + pinmodereg_idx) &= ~(0x03UL << (pinnum_t * 2));
00166     *(uint32_t *)(pPinCon + pinmodereg_idx) |= ((uint32_t)modenum) << (pinnum_t * 2);
00167 }
00169 /*********************************************************************//**
00170  * @brief         Setup Open drain mode for each pin
00171  * @param[in]    portnum PORT number,
00172  *                 should be one of the following:
00173  *                 - PINSEL_PORT_0    : Port 0
00174  *                 - PINSEL_PORT_1    : Port 1
00175  *                 - PINSEL_PORT_2    : Port 2
00176  *                 - PINSEL_PORT_3    : Port 3
00177  *
00178  * @param[in]    pinnum    Pin number,
00179  *                 should be one of the following:
00180                 - PINSEL_PIN_0 : Pin 0
00181                 - PINSEL_PIN_1 : Pin 1
00182                 - PINSEL_PIN_2 : Pin 2
00183                 - PINSEL_PIN_3 : Pin 3
00184                 - PINSEL_PIN_4 : Pin 4
00185                 - PINSEL_PIN_5 : Pin 5
00186                 - PINSEL_PIN_6 : Pin 6
00187                 - PINSEL_PIN_7 : Pin 7
00188                 - PINSEL_PIN_8 : Pin 8
00189                 - PINSEL_PIN_9 : Pin 9
00190                 - PINSEL_PIN_10 : Pin 10
00191                 - PINSEL_PIN_11 : Pin 11
00192                 - PINSEL_PIN_12 : Pin 12
00193                 - PINSEL_PIN_13 : Pin 13
00194                 - PINSEL_PIN_14 : Pin 14
00195                 - PINSEL_PIN_15 : Pin 15
00196                 - PINSEL_PIN_16 : Pin 16
00197                 - PINSEL_PIN_17 : Pin 17
00198                 - PINSEL_PIN_18 : Pin 18
00199                 - PINSEL_PIN_19 : Pin 19
00200                 - PINSEL_PIN_20 : Pin 20
00201                 - PINSEL_PIN_21 : Pin 21
00202                 - PINSEL_PIN_22 : Pin 22
00203                 - PINSEL_PIN_23 : Pin 23
00204                 - PINSEL_PIN_24 : Pin 24
00205                 - PINSEL_PIN_25 : Pin 25
00206                 - PINSEL_PIN_26 : Pin 26
00207                 - PINSEL_PIN_27 : Pin 27
00208                 - PINSEL_PIN_28 : Pin 28
00209                 - PINSEL_PIN_29 : Pin 29
00210                 - PINSEL_PIN_30 : Pin 30
00211                 - PINSEL_PIN_31 : Pin 31
00213  * @param[in]    modenum  Open drain mode number,
00214  *                 should be one of the following:
00215  *                 - PINSEL_PINMODE_NORMAL : Pin is in the normal (not open drain) mode
00216  *                 - PINSEL_PINMODE_OPENDRAIN : Pin is in the open drain mode
00217  *
00218  * @return         None
00219  **********************************************************************/
00220 void set_OpenDrainMode( uint8_t portnum, uint8_t pinnum, uint8_t modenum)
00221 {
00222     uint32_t *pPinCon = (uint32_t *)&LPC_PINCON->PINMODE_OD0;
00224     if (modenum == PINSEL_PINMODE_OPENDRAIN){
00225         *(uint32_t *)(pPinCon + portnum) |= (0x01UL << pinnum);
00226     } else {
00227         *(uint32_t *)(pPinCon + portnum) &= ~(0x01UL << pinnum);
00228     }
00229 }
00231 /* End of Public Functions ---------------------------------------------------- */
00233 /* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */
00234 /** @addtogroup PINSEL_Public_Functions
00235  * @{
00236  */
00237 /*********************************************************************//**
00238  * @brief         Configure trace function
00239  * @param[in]     NewState State of the Trace function configuration,
00240  *                 should be one of the following:
00241  *                 - ENABLE : Enable Trace Function
00242  *                 - DISABLE : Disable Trace Function
00243  *
00244  * @return         None
00245  **********************************************************************/
00246 void PINSEL_ConfigTraceFunc(FunctionalState NewState)
00247 {
00248     if (NewState == ENABLE) {
00249         LPC_PINCON->PINSEL10 |= (0x01UL << 3);
00250     } else if (NewState == DISABLE) {
00251         LPC_PINCON->PINSEL10 &= ~(0x01UL << 3);
00252     }
00253 }
00255 /*********************************************************************//**
00256  * @brief         Setup I2C0 pins
00257  * @param[in]    i2cPinMode I2C pin mode,
00258  *                 should be one of the following:
00259  *                 - PINSEL_I2C_Normal_Mode : The standard drive mode
00260  *                 - PINSEL_I2C_Fast_Mode : Fast Mode Plus drive mode
00261  *
00262  * @param[in]    filterSlewRateEnable  should be:
00263  *                 - ENABLE: Enable filter and slew rate.
00264  *                 - DISABLE: Disable filter and slew rate.
00265  *
00266  * @return         None
00267  **********************************************************************/
00268 void PINSEL_SetI2C0Pins(uint8_t i2cPinMode, FunctionalState filterSlewRateEnable)
00269 {
00270     uint32_t regVal = 0;
00272     if (i2cPinMode == PINSEL_I2C_Fast_Mode){
00274     }
00276     if (filterSlewRateEnable == DISABLE){
00278     }
00279     LPC_PINCON->I2CPADCFG = regVal;
00280 }
00283 /*********************************************************************//**
00284  * @brief         Configure Pin corresponding to specified parameters passed
00285  *                 in the PinCfg
00286  * @param[in]    PinCfg    Pointer to a PINSEL_CFG_Type structure
00287  *                    that contains the configuration information for the
00288  *                    specified pin.
00289  * @return         None
00290  **********************************************************************/
00291 void PINSEL_ConfigPin(PINSEL_CFG_Type *PinCfg)
00292 {
00293     set_PinFunc(PinCfg->Portnum, PinCfg->Pinnum, PinCfg->Funcnum);
00294     set_ResistorMode(PinCfg->Portnum, PinCfg->Pinnum, PinCfg->Pinmode);
00295     set_OpenDrainMode(PinCfg->Portnum, PinCfg->Pinnum, PinCfg->OpenDrain);
00296 }
00299 /**
00300  * @}
00301  */
00303 /**
00304  * @}
00305  */
00307 /* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */
00308 /* @endcond */