Rewrite from scratch a TCP/IP stack for mbed. So far the following parts are usable: Drivers: - EMAC driver (from CMSIS 2.0) Protocols: - Ethernet protocol - ARP over ethernet for IPv4 - IPv4 over Ethernet - ICMPv4 over IPv4 - UDPv4 over IPv4 APIs: - Sockets for UDPv4 The structure of this stack is designed to be very modular. Each protocol can register one or more protocol to handle its payload, and in each protocol, an API can be hooked (like Sockets for example). This is an early release.

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00001 /*$Id:
00002  * ARP.h 29 2011-06-11 14:53:08Z benoit $ $AUTHOR: BENOIT $ $Date: 2011-06-11
00003  * 16:53:08 +0200 (sam., 11 juin 2011) $ $Rev: 29 $
00004  */
00005 #ifndef __ARP_H__
00006 #define __ARP_H__
00008 #include "IPv4.h"
00009 #include "Ethernet.h"
00011 #define ARP_HW_TYPE_ENET        0x0001
00013 #define ARP_OPERATION_REQUEST   0x0001
00014 #define ARP_OPERATION_REPLY     0x0002
00016 typedef uint16_t    ARP_Type_t;
00017 typedef uint16_t    ARP_Protocol_t;
00018 typedef uint16_t    ARP_Operation_t;
00020 #pragma push
00021 #pragma pack(1)
00022 struct ARP_Header
00023 {
00024     ARP_Type_t      type;
00025     ARP_Protocol_t  protocol;
00026     uint8_t         hardAddrLen;
00027     uint8_t         protoAddrLen;
00028     ARP_Operation_t operation;
00029 };
00030 #pragma pop
00031 typedef struct ARP_Header   ARP_Header_t;
00033 #pragma push
00034 #pragma pack(1)
00035 struct ARP_IPv4Data
00036 {
00037     Ethernet_Addr_t hwSource;
00038     IPv4_Addr_t     ipSource;
00039     Ethernet_Addr_t hwDest;
00040     IPv4_Addr_t     ipDest;
00041 };
00042 #pragma pop
00043 typedef struct ARP_IPv4Data ARP_IPv4Data_t;
00045 extern Protocol_Handler_t   arp;
00047 int32_t                     ARP_ResolveIPv4Address(NetIF_t *netIF, IPv4_Addr_t address, Ethernet_Addr_t *ethernetAddr);
00048 int32_t                     ARP_AddStaticEntry(NetIF_t *netIF, IPv4_Addr_t address, const Ethernet_Addr_t *ethernetAddr);
00049 int32_t                     ARP_RemoveEntry(const NetIF_t *netIF, IPv4_Addr_t address);
00050 void                        ARP_FlushCache(Bool_t flushStaticEntries);
00051 void                        ARP_Timer(void);
00052 void                        ARP_DisplayCache(void);
00053 void                        ARP_DumpHeader(const char *prefix, ARP_Header_t *arpHeader);
00054 #endif /* __ARP_H__ */