MagneticLight - Modified version based on ST Components

Dependencies:   PololuLedStrip X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1 mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Feb 01 09:15:27 2017 +0000
Commit message:
STM32_MagneticLight First commit

Changed in this revision

PololuLedStrip.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/PololuLedStrip.lib	Wed Feb 01 09:15:27 2017 +0000
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Feb 01 09:15:27 2017 +0000
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+    STM32 - Magnetic light - Updated version to work with ST components. (MCU ,  Magnetic sensor)
+  - 25/01/2017
+ Hardware setup: STM32 - Nucleo-F432KC
+ Led strip 74 leds ws2812b 60 leds / meter
+ 5V  -  5V
+ D11 -  Led Din (through voltage converter 3v3->5V)
+ GND -  GND
+ Magnetic sensor LIS
+ i2c
+// Libraries //
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "PololuLedStrip.h"
+// Defines: //
+#define DEBBUG_MSG1
+#define LED_COUNT 74
+#define blackColor {0,0,0}
+#define SAMPLEDELAY 30 // roughly 30 hz // magnetic sensor sample rate / Led update
+// define Objects //
+PololuLedStrip ledStrip(D11);
+Timer timer;
+Serial pc(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX,57600);
+// variables //
+// LED variables:
+rgb_color colors[LED_COUNT];
+rgb_color setColor= {0,0,0};
+// define array of pixel vectors based on the compas:
+float Pixel_Vect_Float[3]= {0,0,0}; // variable to store LED Power
+const int Pixel_Vect[LED_COUNT][3]= {
+    {  -41,  -86,  -31 },
+    {  -54,  -71,  -45 },
+    {  -66,  -47,  -58 },
+    {  -75,  -18,  -63 },
+    {  -76,  17,  -63 },
+    {  -68,  44,  -58 },
+    {  -56,  67,  -48 },
+    {  -41,  86,  -32 },
+    {  -35,  94,  -2 },
+    {  -61,  79,  -4 },
+    {  -82,  57,  -4 },
+    {  -99,  10,  -10 },
+    {  -97,  -20,  -6 },
+    {  -87,  -47,  -6 },
+    {  -68,  -72,  -7 },
+    {  -24,  -97,  -3 },
+    {  -50,  -81,  30 },
+    {  -66,  -63,  41 },
+    {  -80,  -37,  49 },
+    {  -85,  0,  53 },
+    {  -80,  32,  51 },
+    {  -71,  56,  42 },
+    {  -50,  79,  33 },
+    {  -30,  94,  19 },
+    {  -20,  94,  29 },
+    {  -25,  81,  54 },
+    {  -34,  54,  78 },
+    {  -36,  24,  90 },
+    {  -36,  -15,  92 },
+    {  -34,  -48,  81 },
+    {  -25,  -69,  68 },
+    {  -23,  -83,  54 },
+    {  22,  -86,  46 },
+    {  35,  -72,  60 },
+    {  44,  -38,  80 },
+    {  53,  -8,  86 },
+    {  45,  31,  83 },
+    {  35,  62,  70 },
+    {  24,  84,  50 },
+    {  10,  96,  24 },
+    {  42,  91,  12 },
+    {  68,  71,  19 },
+    {  85,  44,  24 },
+    {  95,  8,  28 },
+    {  91,  -32,  28 },
+    {  80,  -55,  25 },
+    {  62,  -75,  20 },
+    {  50,  -84,  21 },
+    {  48,  -86,  -19 },
+    {  67,  -70,  -25 },
+    {  83,  -51,  -26 },
+    {  93,  -21,  -31 },
+    {  94,  13,  -30 },
+    {  85,  43,  -29 },
+    {  67,  70,  -25 },
+    {  42,  90,  -16 },
+    {  19,  91,  -35 },
+    {  38,  72,  -58 },
+    {  48,  45,  -74 },
+    {  55,  20,  -81 },
+    {  55,  -20,  -81 },
+    {  47,  -54,  -70 },
+    {  31,  -76,  -56 },
+    {  20,  -87,  -43 },
+    {  -10,  -88,  -45 },
+    {  -14,  -73,  -67 },
+    {  -13,  -50,  -85 },
+    {  -17,  -14,  -98 },
+    {  -12,  17,  -98 },
+    {  -14,  50,  -86 },
+    {  -13,  72,  -68 },
+    {  -9,  89,  -47 },
+    {  -12,  99,  -10 },
+    {  -12,  99,  -10 }
+// Magnetic sensor:
+float Mag_raw[3]= {1,0,0}; //Magnetometer
+float Mag[3]= {0,0,0};     //Magnetometer
+float Mag_Bias[3]= {0,0,0};     //Magnetometer bias values
+float MagOut[3]= {0,0,0}; //Magnetometer
+float LMagOut[3]= {0,0,0}; //Last Magnetometer reading
+float MagIn[3]= {0,0,0}; //Magnetometer
+float LMagIn[3]= {0,0,0}; //Last Magnetometer reading
+float AHPF=0.99;
+float Mag_Norm[3]= {0,0,0}; //Magnetometer normalized
+float Mag_ABS=1; // Vector size indication how far the magnet is
+float CosAngle=0; // cosin of the angle between the two vectors
+float LedPower=0; // variable to store LED Power
+uint8_t LedPower_Byte=0; // Byte varible to set led power
+// timer variables
+int sampleMillis=0;
+int timeMillis=0;
+// Functions //
+// move dot throught the strip
+void dotMove(rgb_color dotColor);
+// update strip colors
+void colorStrip();
+//  Main Code Setup : //
+int main()
+    // init timer
+    timer.start();
+    // init magnetometer
+    //
+    ///////////////////////
+    //  Main Code Loop : //
+    ///////////////////////
+    while(1) {
+        timeMillis=timer.read_ms();
+        // check timer overflow // returnes int.
+        if (timeMillis<0) {
+            timer.reset();
+            timeMillis=timer.read_ms();
+            // reset variables
+            sampleMillis=0;
+        }
+        // update leds based on magnetometer
+        if (timeMillis-sampleMillis>SAMPLEDELAY) {
+            sampleMillis=timeMillis;
+            // Read magnetometer values
+            Mag_raw[0]=0;
+            Mag_raw[1]=1000;
+            Mag_raw[2]=0;
+            ////////////////////////////
+            // bias samples and scale //
+            ////////////////////////////
+            Mag[0]=Mag_raw[0]-Mag_Bias[0];
+            Mag[1]=Mag_raw[1]-Mag_Bias[1];
+            Mag[2]=Mag_raw[2]-Mag_Bias[2];
+            Mag_ABS=sqrt(Mag[0]*Mag[0]+Mag[1]*Mag[1]+Mag[2]*Mag[2]);
+            Mag_Norm[0]=Mag[0]/Mag_ABS;
+            Mag_Norm[1]=Mag[1]/Mag_ABS;
+            Mag_Norm[2]=Mag[2]/Mag_ABS;
+            /////////////////
+            // HPF filter: //
+            /////////////////
+//            LMagIn[0]=MagIn[0];
+//            LMagIn[1]=MagIn[1];
+//            LMagIn[2]=MagIn[2];
+//            LMagOut[0]=MagOut[0];
+//            LMagOut[1]=MagOut[1];
+//            LMagOut[2]=MagOut[2];
+//            // update reading
+//            MagIn[0]=Mag_raw[0];
+//            MagIn[1]=Mag_raw[1];
+//            MagIn[2]=Mag_raw[2];
+//            // update filter
+//            MagOut[0]=AHPF*(LMagOut[0]+MagIn[0]-LMagIn[0]);
+//            MagOut[1]=AHPF*(LMagOut[1]+MagIn[1]-LMagIn[1]);
+//            MagOut[2]=AHPF*(LMagOut[2]+MagIn[2]-LMagIn[2]);
+//            // Normalize vector and calculate ABS value
+//            Mag_ABS=sqrt(MagOut[0]*MagOut[0]+MagOut[1]*MagOut[1]+MagOut[2]*MagOut[2]);
+//            Mag_Norm[0]=MagOut[0]/Mag_ABS;
+//            Mag_Norm[1]=MagOut[1]/Mag_ABS;
+//            Mag_Norm[2]=MagOut[2]/Mag_ABS;
+            // Calculate angle between magnetic vector and LED vectors
+            for (uint16_t ii=0 ; ii<LED_COUNT ; ii++) {
+                Pixel_Vect_Float[0]=((float)Pixel_Vect[ii][0])/100;
+                Pixel_Vect_Float[1]=((float)Pixel_Vect[ii][1])/100;
+                Pixel_Vect_Float[2]=((float)Pixel_Vect[ii][2])/100;
+                CosAngle=Mag_Norm[0]*Pixel_Vect_Float[0] + Mag_Norm[1]*Pixel_Vect_Float[1] + Mag_Norm[2]*Pixel_Vect_Float[2];
+                //LedPower=Mag_ABS*CosAngle*CosAngle*CosAngle*CosAngle*CosAngle;
+                LedPower=Mag_ABS*((float)pow(CosAngle,5));
+                if (LedPower>=0) {
+                    if (LedPower>255) LedPower=255;
+                    LedPower_Byte=(uint8_t)(LedPower);
+                    colors[ii] = (rgb_color) {
+                        LedPower_Byte, 0, 0
+                    };
+                }
+                if (LedPower<0) {
+                    if (LedPower<-255) LedPower=-255;
+                    LedPower_Byte=(uint8_t)(-LedPower);
+                    colors[ii] = (rgb_color) {
+                        0, 0, LedPower_Byte
+                    };
+                }
+            }
+            // Send the colors to the LED strip.
+            ledStrip.write(colors, LED_COUNT);
+            // debug messages:
+            pc.printf("DBG_1: mill: %d , MAG: %.2f , %.2f , %.2f \r\n",sampleMillis,Mag[0],Mag[1],Mag[2]);    
+            pc.printf("DBG_1: mill: %d , MAG: %.2f , %.2f , %.2f \r\n",sampleMillis,Mag_Norm[0],Mag_Norm[1],Mag_Norm[2]);       
+        }// end update pixels based on mag
+        // pixels test
+        if (0) {
+            setColor=(rgb_color) {
+                125,125,0
+            };
+            dotMove(setColor);
+            // Send the colors to the LED strip.
+            ledStrip.write(colors, LED_COUNT);
+            wait_ms(10);
+        }
+    }// end main loop
+}// end main
+// Functions //
+// move dot throught the strip
+void dotMove(rgb_color dotColor)
+    static int pixelNum=0;
+    colors[pixelNum]=dotColor;
+    if (pixelNum==0) {
+        colors[LED_COUNT-1]=(rgb_color) blackColor;
+    } else {
+        colors[pixelNum-1]=(rgb_color) blackColor;
+    }
+    pixelNum++;
+    pixelNum=pixelNum%LED_COUNT;
+// update strip colors
+void colorStrip()
+    // Update the colors array.
+    uint8_t time = timer.read_ms() >> 3;
+    for(uint32_t i = 0; i < LED_COUNT; i++) {
+        uint8_t x = (time - 8*i)%255;
+        colors[i] = (rgb_color) {
+            x, 255 - x, x
+        };
+    }
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+++ b/mbed.bld	Wed Feb 01 09:15:27 2017 +0000
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