I2C Debug for RealTerm

How to use the I2C Debug feature for RealTerm

Many I2C devices are complex and not completely explained in the datasheet. Often times you need to experiment a bit with the device to figure out exactly how it works before writing a final version of the code to communicate with the device. This tool can help at that early stage in development.

RealTerm is a free Windows Terminal application program with some hardware debug features. RealTerm has an I2C command tab designed to be used with a hardware module made by www.i2cchip.com. This program runs on mbed and takes the place of the hardware module by reading the ASCII commands strings from RealTerm over the mbed's USB virtual com port, and then calling the mbed I2C APIs for the desired I2C read and write operations. In the image below, you can see it talking to the Honeywell HMC6352 I2C compass module. Yellow text comes from mbed, and the green text strings are the ASCII command strings sent by pushing the I2C GUI buttons in RealTerm. Instead of RealTerm, you could use any terminal application program by typing the character strings in green, but the GUI buttons are faster.

Import programI2C_Debug_for_RealTerm

I2C debug program for use with RealTerm. Sends I2C commands to P9 and P10. Run program on mbed. Start RealTerm, select the mbed virtual com port under the port tab, then open RealTerm's I2C command tab. Reset mbed. See http://mbed.org/users/4180_1/notebook/i2c-debug-for-realterm/ for instructions

RealTerm Download Page

I2C Debug Program for RealTerm Talking to HMC6352 I2C Compass

When the program starts, it scans all 128 I2C addresses checking for an acknowledge back in response to a read byte command. In this case, only one device responds at address 0x42. Then, you need to select the I2C address of the device in the "Address" box. In this case, it is 0x42 from the HMC6352 datasheet or the scan address response. Then by selecting the "Write" or "Read" GUI buttons, an I2C write or read operation can be performed. In the first command line, a command of 0x41 is sent using the "write button" which tells it to take a reading. In the second command line, a "read button" operation then reads back a two byte compass heading in tenths of degrees. In the third command line, the "write then read button" does both with one button. In the last command line, the I2C address was changed to an invalid address of 0x78 and when no I2C device is there to respond with an ack to a write, it prints "No Ack!". Last, the get status button is pushed and the mbed responds with "mbed ready". The I2C device is setup to use p9 and p10. It can easily be changed to another I2C port with a code edit.

5 comments on I2C Debug for RealTerm:

20 Jun 2011

I downloaded reaterm ver but I'm wondering where I can get ver as illustrated. I have a DS1307 real time clock which I'd like to understand. I got the TMP102 chip to work easily enough but the DS1307 has a lot of registers to read and I cant be sure what I'm reading.I've managed to see it using realterm and found the default address D0. After that I'm a bit in the dark.Here is a snapshot of the datasheet and please could you tell me how to read the current time or date and I'll proceed from there. /media/uploads/GregMartin/ds1307memory.doc /media/uploads/GregMartin/realtermpic.doc

16 Jul 2011

It is at that link (the update to latest link note they have is old!!!)


02 Sep 2011

Thanks jim for posting this. I was struggling with an I2C pressure sensor. Could not get it running with both I2C ports of the mbed and the standard mbed library. I was confused by different messages about trouble using the mbed library for I2C. My last try was to snip out your test routine to check if i could get any ACK. Guess what, the device address given by the manufacturer was wrong. I have inserted the correct address found by your routine and have used a simple read(address,buffer,4) and everything was ok. Sensor is AMS5812 which is a 5V device but with mbed and 2.2 K pull ups on SDA and SCL no problem so far even with bare wires.

02 Sep 2011

Glad it helped. Same thing has happened to me. That address issue is quite common and one reason I thought just scanning all I2C address values for an ack would help. The problem is typically that some people include that I2C R/W bit as the LSB of the I2C address in the data sheet and some do not - you can't always figure it out from the limited info on the data sheet. One clue that they tacked on that R/W bit to the I2C address LSB is when they always show a read from an odd address and write to an even address.

The other common issue to watch out for is that some of the I2C chip breakout boards have pullups already and some do not.

19 Mar 2020

I am doing msp430 and tmp100 Interfacing using i2c communication . How can i change the realterm settings

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