Dependents of 4DGL-uLCD-SE

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Sparkfun Analog Joystick Test Program
ECE 4180 Mini-Project (Lab 4)
"Hello World" program for using potentiometers with mBed. ECE4180 Lab 4.
USes Sdcard reader, uLCD display, Speaker, Keypad, and Potenitometer slider to control volume
Miniproject of ECE4180
ThumbIt Repository - use thumb joystick to navigate ball through maze.
Game: Touch twice on the keypad with a circle to make it disappear, and touch once on the keypad with a filed circle to make it disappera. When all the …
Harsha version of uLCD gauges
pong game
IR Sensor Security System using a touch keypad, micro SD reader and a speaker.
Binary Calculator code and directories
Final Working Version of Songpop
Demo for finding orientation (pitch,roll) and velocity
gps code
4180 fianl project
This program is a user interface to send gesture commands to the Magician Robot.
Increase color for the board and clear screen for winning message
Georgia Institute of Technology ECE 4180 Spring 2015 Jazz Hands project, mbed LPC1768 half
change to final_test
Intermittent Program 4180 Menu4180
Intermittent 4180 project
Game for Project 2
IMU for lab 2 part 2, part 3 and part 4. chip., IMU
Use this to play video and display image. card, In, LCD, uSD
Five ways joystick to display Up, Down, Left, Right and Center on the LCD display. Five, joystick, ways
This program simulates a game of Pac-Man that allows for multiplayer. One player controls Pac-Man, while two other players control a red and yellow ghost using different tactile switches.
This is the code for LCD bouncing ball game. ball, bouncing, game, LCD, mbed, uLCD
Uses a randomly generated pattern that is output in the forms of colors on the RGB LED. The user matches this pattern and, if correct, the pattern increases by one …