
Dependencies:   BMI160 ADT7410 Thermistor DS1621 max32630fthr Adafruit_FeatherOLED

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Jul 09 15:56:48 2020 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

ADT7410.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Adafruit_FeatherOLED.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
BMI160.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
DS1621.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Thermistor.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
ble_functions.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
ble_functions.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
functions.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
functions.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
max32630fthr.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed-os.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed_app.json Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ADT7410.lib	Thu Jul 09 15:56:48 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Adafruit_FeatherOLED.lib	Thu Jul 09 15:56:48 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/BMI160.lib	Thu Jul 09 15:56:48 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DS1621.lib	Thu Jul 09 15:56:48 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Thermistor.lib	Thu Jul 09 15:56:48 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ble_functions.cpp	Thu Jul 09 15:56:48 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1817 @@
+#include "functions.h"
+#include "ble_functions.h"
+#include "RawSerial.h"
+#include <InterruptIn.h>
+#include <InterruptManager.h>
+#include "bmi160.h"
+#include "max32630fthr.h"
+#include "max3263x.h"
+#include "MAX14690.h"
+#include "ADT7410.h"
+#include "Adafruit_SSD1306.h"
+#include <BLE.h>
+#include "ble/BLE.h"
+#include "ble/Gap.h"
+#include "ble/services/BatteryService.h"
+#include "ble/blecommon.h"
+#include "UUID.h"
+#include "ble/gap/AdvertisingDataTypes.h"
+#include "ble/gap/Types.h"
+#include "SDBlockDevice.h"
+#include "FATFileSystem.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+extern char device_id[];
+extern unsigned short int measure_id;
+extern unsigned short int log_id;
+extern Serial pan1326b;
+extern DigitalOut bt_rst;
+extern volatile int conn_state;
+extern bool in_BT;
+extern AnalogIn battery;
+extern DigitalOut r;
+extern DigitalOut g;
+extern DigitalOut b;
+extern DigitalOut RGBs[];
+extern MAX32630FTHR pegasus;
+extern ADT7410 myADT7410;
+extern I2C i2cm2;
+extern MAX14690 max14690;
+extern InterruptIn button;
+extern FATFileSystem fileSystem;
+extern SDBlockDevice blockDevice;
+extern I2C i2c;
+extern int sensor_temp;
+extern Adafruit_SSD1306_I2c featherOLED;
+extern volatile int quit;
+extern volatile int ble_return;
+extern volatile int conn_state;
+extern int counter_ble;
+extern bool error_status;
+extern bool BT_error;
+extern bool shipping;
+extern bool pause;
+extern bool init_status;
+extern bool after_BT;
+extern bool charge;
+extern Timeout after_BLE;
+extern Timeout turnoff;
+extern Timeout flipper;                    
+extern Timeout advertise_cancel;         
+extern Timeout connected_cancel;         
+extern Ticker mess_timer;                 
+extern Ticker ticker;
+extern time_t now;
+extern time_t raw;
+extern float    buffer_temp;
+extern struct   tm current;
+extern struct   tm actual;
+extern struct user_config_struct user_config_para;
+extern struct tm user_config_time;
+extern Timeout done_rcv;
+extern int next_state;
+extern int unsigned long t_diff;
+extern int unsigned long unix_time;
+extern int default_advertise_time;
+extern int default_connected_time;
+extern int alert_count;
+int ble_buff_line = 0;
+char ble_buff[1024][64];
+char response = '0';
+char messungen[7];
+int messwerte[5000];
+char logs_array[7];
+char seconds[12];
+float min_temp = 0;
+float max_temp = 0;
+float avr_temp = 0;
+unsigned short counter_m = 0;
+unsigned short counter_l = 0;
+int sendLedCounter = 0;
+//const static char* SERVICE_UUID = "32372fb9-5f73-4c32-a17b-25e17f52a99a";
+static uint8_t service_data[16];
+//const static char* CHARACTERISTIC_UUID = "1d6ba3db-d405-4034-96fc-78942ef7075f";
+uint16_t customServiceUUID  = 0xA000;
+uint16_t readCharUUID       = 0xA001;
+uint16_t writeCharUUID      = 0xA002;
+uint16_t battService        = 0x180F;
+const static char DEVICE_NAME[] = "Cold Chain Logger";
+static const uint16_t uuid16_list[] = {0xFFFF};
+//static const uint8_t advData[26];
+//UUID service_uuid =  UUID(SERVICE_UUID);
+//UUID characteristic_uuid = UUID(CHARACTERISTIC_UUID);
+//Gap::ConnectionParams_t fast;
+// Set Up custom Charatiristics
+static uint8_t readValue[360];
+//ReadOnlyArrayGattCharacteristic<uint8_t, sizeof(readValue)> readChar(readCharUUID, readValue);
+ReadOnlyArrayGattCharacteristic<uint8_t, sizeof(readValue)> readChar(readCharUUID, readValue, GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY ,NULL,0);
+static uint8_t writeValue[20];
+//WriteOnlyArrayGattCharacteristic<uint8_t, sizeof(writeValue)> writeChar(writeCharUUID, writeValue);
+WriteOnlyArrayGattCharacteristic<uint8_t, sizeof(writeValue)> writeChar(writeCharUUID, writeValue, GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_WRITE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE ,NULL,0);
+// Set up custom service
+GattCharacteristic *characteristics[] = {&readChar, &writeChar};
+GattService        customService(customServiceUUID, characteristics, sizeof(characteristics) / sizeof(GattCharacteristic *));
+//Battery service
+uint8_t batteryLevel = 50;
+static BatteryService* batteryServicePtr;
+void periodicCallback(void)
+    b = !b;
+void writeLedCallback(void)
+    b = !b;
+    ticker.detach();
+void sendLedCallback(void)
+    b = !b;
+    if(sendLedCounter == 2){
+        ticker.detach();
+        sendLedCounter = 0;
+    }else{
+        sendLedCounter++;
+    }
+void clear_buffer(){
+    if(response != 's'){
+        counter_m = 0;
+    }else if(response != 'l'){
+        counter_l = 0;
+    }
+    ble_buff_line = 0;
+    memset(&ble_buff[0][0], 0, sizeof(ble_buff));
+    memset(&readValue[0], 0, sizeof(readValue));
+    memset(&writeValue[0], 0, sizeof(writeValue));
+void disconnectionCallback(const Gap::DisconnectionCallbackParams_t *)
+    printf("\nDisconnection callback\n");
+    clear_buffer();
+    connected_cancel.detach();
+    ticker.attach(periodicCallback, 0.5);
+    advertise_cancel.attach(&BT_false, user_config_para.advertise);
+    char string[] = "Bluetooth disconnected";
+    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+    conn_state = 0;
+    counter_m = 0;
+    counter_l = 0;
+    BLE::Instance(BLE::DEFAULT_INSTANCE).startAdvertising();
+    printf("\nAdvertising\n");
+void updateSensorValue() {
+    float batteryProcent = (100 / 0.271) * ( - 0.704);
+    if(batteryProcent > 97){
+        batteryProcent = 100;
+    }
+    batteryLevel = batteryProcent;
+    batteryServicePtr->updateBatteryLevel(batteryProcent);
+void printMacAddress()
+    Gap::AddressType_t addr_type;
+    Gap::Address_t address;
+    BLE::Instance().gap().getAddress(&addr_type, address);
+    printf("Device MAC address: ");
+    for (int i = 5; i >= 1; i--){
+        printf("%02x:", address[i]);
+    }
+    printf("%02x\r\n", address[0]);
+void writeCharCallback(const GattWriteCallbackParams *params)
+    printf("\nData received\n");
+    //b = 1;
+    //ticker.attach(writeLedCallback, 0.5);
+    memset(&readValue[0], 0, sizeof(readValue));
+    memset(&writeValue[0], 0, sizeof(writeValue));
+    BLE::Instance(BLE::DEFAULT_INSTANCE).gattServer().write(readChar.getValueHandle(), params->data, params->len);
+    for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++){
+        ble_buff[0][i + ble_buff_line] = readValue[i];
+    }
+    printf("\n%s received (ble_buff)", ble_buff[0]);
+    ble_buff_line = ble_buff_line + 15;
+    if(readValue[0] > 0x60 && readValue[0] < 0x7a){
+        response = readValue[0];
+    }else if(response != 's' && response != 'l' && response != 'e' && response != 't'){
+        clear_buffer();
+    }
+    printf("\nresponse: %c\n", response);
+void disconnect(){
+    Gap::DisconnectionReason_t res=Gap::LOCAL_HOST_TERMINATED_CONNECTION;
+    BLE::Instance(BLE::DEFAULT_INSTANCE).gap().disconnect(res);
+void whenConnected(const Gap::ConnectionCallbackParams_t *)
+    printf("\nConnected\n");
+    advertise_cancel.detach();
+    ticker.detach();
+    connected_cancel.attach(&disconnect, user_config_para.connected);
+    conn_state = 1;
+    if(error_status == true){
+        r = 1;
+    }
+    b = 0;
+    response = '0';
+    char string[] = "Bluetooth connected";
+    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+void onDataSent(unsigned count)
+    printf("%c", ble_buff[ble_buff_line][count]);
+    readValue[count] = ble_buff[ble_buff_line][count];
+void after_BL(){
+    after_BT = false;
+    after_BLE.detach();
+void BT_false()
+    BLE &ble = BLE::Instance();
+    in_BT = false;
+    b = 1;
+    conn_state = 0;
+    quit = 0;
+    clear_buffer();
+    ticker.detach();
+    advertise_cancel.detach();
+    connected_cancel.detach();
+    disconnect();
+    wait(0.5);
+    if(error_status == true){
+        r = 0;
+    }
+    if(shipping == true && pause == false){
+        mess_timer.attach(&mess_handler, (float)user_config_para.interval);
+    }
+    after_BT = true;
+    after_BLE.attach(after_BL, 1);
+    response = '0';
+void BT_true() 
+    in_BT = true;
+    next_state = 2;
+void log_count(){
+    fileSystem.unmount();
+    fflush(stdout);
+    fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);
+    FILE * log = fopen ("/fs/log.csv", "rb");
+    int ch = 0;
+    int lines = 0;
+    while(!feof(log)){
+        ch = fgetc(log);
+        if(ch == '\n')
+        {
+            lines++;
+        }
+    }
+    log_id = lines;
+    fclose(log);
+    fileSystem.unmount();
+    sprintf(logs_array,"%d", lines);
+void messdaten_count(){
+    fileSystem.unmount();
+    fflush(stdout);
+    fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);
+    FILE * messdaten = fopen ("/fs/messdaten.csv", "rb");
+    int ch = 0;
+    int lines = 0;
+    while(!feof(messdaten)){
+        ch = fgetc(messdaten);
+        if(ch == '\n')
+        {
+            lines++;
+        }
+    }
+    fclose(messdaten);
+    fileSystem.unmount();
+    measure_id = lines;
+    sprintf(messungen,"%d", lines);
+void unixtime_to_char_array(){
+    tm *current;
+    time(&now);
+    current = localtime (&now);
+    printf ("\nDate: 20%02d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\r\n", current->tm_year - 100, current->tm_mon + 1, current->tm_mday, current->tm_hour, current->tm_min, current->tm_sec);
+    printf("\nSekunden als Dezimal: %d\n", time(&now));
+    sprintf(seconds,"%d", time(&now));
+    printf("\nSekunden als String: %s\n", seconds);
+int array_to_int(int z){
+    int zahl[z];
+    for(int i = 0; i < z; i++){
+        zahl[i] = readValue[i];
+        zahl[i] = zahl[i] - 48;
+    }
+    unsigned long ganzes = 0;
+    unsigned long log = 1;
+    int j = z;
+    do{
+        j--;
+        ganzes = ganzes + log * zahl[j];
+        log = log * 10;
+    }while(j > 0);
+    if((int)ganzes < 0){
+        ganzes = 0;
+    }
+    return ganzes;
+void bleInitComplete(BLE::InitializationCompleteCallbackContext *params)
+    BLE &ble          = params->ble;
+    ble_error_t error = params->error;
+    if (error != BLE_ERROR_NONE) {
+        return;
+    }
+    read_id();
+    /* Setup advertising */
+ | GapAdvertisingData::LE_GENERAL_DISCOVERABLE); // BLE only, no classic BT
+; // advertising type
+, (const uint8_t *)DEVICE_NAME, sizeof(DEVICE_NAME)); // add name
+, (uint8_t *)device_id, 5); // add name
+    //, (uint8_t *)uuid16_list, sizeof(uuid16_list)); // UUID's broadcast in advertising packet
+; // 100ms.
+    /* Add custom service */
+    ble.gattServer().addService(customService);
+    /* Add battery service */
+    batteryServicePtr = new BatteryService(ble, batteryLevel);
+    ble.gattServer().onDataWritten(writeCharCallback);
+    ble.gattServer().onDataSent(onDataSent);
+    /* Start advertising */
+void scheduleBleEventsProcessing(BLE::OnEventsToProcessCallbackContext* context) {
+    BLE &ble = BLE::Instance();
+    updateSensorValue();
+void dataSentSend(){
+    response = '0';
+    connected_cancel.attach(&disconnect, user_config_para.connected);
+void dataSent(){
+    //wait(1);
+    //b = 1;
+    //ticker.attach(sendLedCallback, 0.5);
+    response = '0';
+    connected_cancel.attach(&disconnect, user_config_para.connected);
+void swap(int num1, int num2){
+    int temp = messwerte[num1];
+    messwerte[num1] = messwerte[num2];
+    messwerte[num2] = temp;
+int partition(int left, int right, int pivot){
+    int leftPointer = left - 1;
+    int rightPointer = right;
+    while(true){
+        while(messwerte[++leftPointer] < pivot){
+            //do nothing
+        }
+        while(rightPointer > 0 && messwerte[--rightPointer] > pivot){
+            //do nothing
+        }
+        if(leftPointer >= rightPointer){
+            break;
+        }else{
+            swap(leftPointer, rightPointer);
+        }
+    }
+    swap(leftPointer, right);
+    return leftPointer;
+void quickSort(int left, int right){
+    if(right - left <= 0){
+        return;
+    }else{
+        int pivot = messwerte[right];
+        int partionPoint = partition(left, right, pivot);
+        quickSort(left, partionPoint - 1);
+        quickSort(partionPoint + 1, right);
+    }
+void BLE_handler()
+    BLE &ble = BLE::Instance();
+    b = 0;
+    ticker.attach(periodicCallback, 0.5);
+    advertise_cancel.attach(&BT_false, user_config_para.advertise);
+    clear_buffer();
+    next_state = 0;
+    printf("\nBLE - ON\n");
+    printf("\nAdvertising\n");
+    while( quit )
+    {
+        ble.waitForEvent();
+        ble.onEventsToProcess(scheduleBleEventsProcessing);
+        while ( conn_state ) //Abfrage zum Verbindungsstatus
+        {
+            ble.waitForEvent();
+            ble.onEventsToProcess(scheduleBleEventsProcessing);
+            /*
+            if(readValue[0] == NULL){
+                ble.onEventsToProcess(scheduleBleEventsProcessing);
+            }
+            */
+            switch ( response )
+            {
+                /*
+                case 's':   // Messwerte übertragen
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    unsigned int length = 0;
+                    connected_cancel.attach(&disconnect, user_config_para.connected);
+                    while(readValue[0] == NULL || readValue[0] < 0x31|| readValue[0] > 0x39){
+                        clear_buffer();
+                        ble.waitForEvent();
+                        if(conn_state == 0){
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    if(conn_state == 1){
+                    int a = 0;
+                    while(readValue[a] != NULL){
+                        a++;
+                    }
+                    int id = array_to_int(a);
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);
+                    FILE * messdaten = fopen ("/fs/messdaten.csv", "rb");
+                    fseek (messdaten, 0, SEEK_END);
+                    length = ftell (messdaten);
+                    fseek (messdaten, 0, SEEK_SET);
+                    if(id > measure_id){
+                        printf("\nMeasuremnt ID %d doesn't exist!\n", id);
+                        char string[] = "Call of an inexistent measurement ID";
+                        write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                        ble_buff[0][0] = '0';
+                        onDataSent(0);
+                    }else{
+                        unsigned long ch = 0;
+                        unsigned long lines = 0;
+                        unsigned long i = 0;
+                        unsigned long j = 1;
+                        unsigned long c = 0;
+                        if(id == 1){
+                            fseek(messdaten, 0, SEEK_SET);
+                        }else{
+                            while((id - 1) != lines){
+                                ch = fgetc(messdaten);
+                                if(ch == '\n'){
+                                    lines++;
+                                }
+                                i++;
+                            }
+                            fseek(messdaten, i, SEEK_SET);
+                            c = i;
+                        }
+                        if(id == measure_id){
+                            while(fgetc(messdaten) != EOF){
+                                i++;
+                                j++;
+                            }
+                        }else{
+                            while(fgetc(messdaten) != '\n'){
+                                i++;
+                                j++;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        fseek(messdaten, c, SEEK_SET);
+                        fread (ble_buff[ble_buff_line], 1, j, messdaten);
+                        for(int l = 0; l < j; l++){
+                            onDataSent(l);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    fclose(messdaten);
+                    fileSystem.unmount();
+                    fflush(stdout);
+                    dataSentSend();
+                }
+                    break;
+                }
+                */
+                case 's':   // Messwerte übertragen
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    if(counter_m == 0){
+                        char string[] = "Command 's' (send measuremnts) received";
+                        write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    }
+                    connected_cancel.attach(&disconnect, user_config_para.connected);
+                    while(readValue[0] == NULL || readValue[0] < 0x31|| readValue[0] > 0x39){
+                        clear_buffer();
+                        ble.waitForEvent();
+                        if(conn_state == 0){
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    if(conn_state == 1){
+                        if(counter_m == 0){
+                            char string1[] = "Sending measuremnts...";
+                            write_to_sd_log_single(string1);
+                        }
+                        int a = 0;
+                        while(readValue[a] != NULL){
+                            a++;
+                        }
+                        int id = array_to_int(a);
+                        clear_buffer();
+                        fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);
+                        FILE * messdaten = fopen ("/fs/messdaten.csv", "rb");
+                        /* Daten senden */
+                        if(id > measure_id){
+                            printf("\nMeasuremnt ID %d doesn't exist!\n", id);
+                            char string[] = "Call of an inexistent measurement ID";
+                            write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                            ble_buff[0][0] = '0';
+                            onDataSent(0);
+                        }else{
+                            unsigned long ch = 0;
+                            unsigned long lines = 0;
+                            unsigned long i = 0;
+                            unsigned long j = 1;
+                            unsigned long c = 0;
+                            if(id == 1){
+                                fseek(messdaten, 0, SEEK_SET);
+                            }else{
+                                while((id - 1) != lines){
+                                    ch = fgetc(messdaten);
+                                    if(ch == '\n'){
+                                        lines++;
+                                    }
+                                    i++;
+                                }
+                                fseek(messdaten, i, SEEK_SET);
+                                c = i;
+                            }
+                            if(id == measure_id){
+                                while(fgetc(messdaten) != EOF){
+                                    i++;
+                                    j++;
+                                }
+                            }else{
+                                int y = 0;
+                                while(y < 10){
+                                    i++;
+                                    j++;
+                                    ch = fgetc(messdaten);
+                                    if(ch == '\n'){
+                                        y++;
+                                    }
+                                    if(ch == EOF){
+                                        break;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                i--;
+                                j--;
+                            }
+                            fseek(messdaten, c, SEEK_SET);
+                            fread (ble_buff[ble_buff_line], 1, j, messdaten);
+                            for(int l = 0; l < j; l++){
+                                onDataSent(l);
+                            }
+                        }
+                        fclose(messdaten);
+                        fileSystem.unmount();
+                        fflush(stdout);
+                        counter_m += 10;
+                        if(counter_m >= measure_id){
+                            char string2[] = "Sending measuremnts complete";
+                            write_to_sd_log_single(string2);
+                            counter_m = 0;
+                            dataSent();
+                        }else{
+                            dataSentSend();
+                        }
+                    }
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'g':  //Config senden
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    char string[] = "Command 'g' (send config settings) received";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    unsigned int length = 0;
+                    char string_1[] = "Sending config..";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string_1);
+                    fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);
+                    FILE * user_config = fopen ("/fs/user_config.csv", "rb");
+                    fseek (user_config, 0, SEEK_END);
+                    length = ftell (user_config);
+                    fseek (user_config, 0, SEEK_SET);
+                    fread (ble_buff, 1, length, user_config);
+                    fclose(user_config);
+                    fileSystem.unmount();
+                    fflush(stdout);
+                    for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){
+                         onDataSent(i);
+                    }
+                    char string_2[] = "Sending config complete";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string_2);
+                    dataSent();
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'c':   // Config auf Werkeinstellungen zurücksetzen
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    char string[] = "Command 'c' (reset config to standard) received";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    if(load_standard_config() == 1){
+                        char string[] = "Config reseted to factory settings";
+                        write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                        ble_buff[0][0] = '1';
+                        onDataSent(0);
+                    }else{
+                        char string[] = "Failed to reset Config to factory settings";
+                        write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                        ble_buff[0][0] = '0';
+                        onDataSent(0);
+                    }
+                    dataSent();
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'd':   // Messwerte löschen
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    char string[] = "Command 'd' (delete measurement data) received";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    if(delete_file_messdaten() == 1){
+                        char string_1[] = "Measuerements deleted succesfully";
+                        write_to_sd_log_single(string_1);
+                        ble_buff[0][0] = '1';
+                        onDataSent(0);
+                    }else{
+                        char string_1[] = "Measuerements data delete failed";
+                        write_to_sd_log_single(string_1);
+                        ble_buff[0][0] = '0';
+                        onDataSent(0);
+                    }
+                    dataSent();
+                    break;
+                }
+                /*
+                case 'l':    //Log-Datei übertragen
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    unsigned int length = 0;
+                    connected_cancel.attach(&disconnect, user_config_para.connected);
+                    while(readValue[0] == NULL || readValue[0] < 0x31|| readValue[0] > 0x39){
+                        clear_buffer();
+                        ble.waitForEvent();
+                        if(conn_state == 0){
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    if(conn_state == 1){
+                    int a = 0;
+                    while(readValue[a] != NULL){
+                        a++;
+                    }
+                    int id = array_to_int(a);
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);
+                    FILE * log = fopen ("/fs/log.csv", "rb");
+                    fseek (log, 0, SEEK_END);
+                    length = ftell (log);
+                    fseek (log, 0, SEEK_SET);
+                    if(id > log_id){
+                        printf("\nLog ID %d doesn't exist!\n", id);
+                        char string[] = "Call of an inexistent log ID";
+                        write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                        ble_buff[0][0] = '0';
+                        onDataSent(0);
+                    }else{
+                        unsigned long ch = 0;
+                        unsigned long lines = 0;
+                        unsigned long i = 0;
+                        unsigned long j = 1;
+                        unsigned long c = 0;
+                        if(id == 1){
+                            fseek(log, 0, SEEK_SET);
+                        }else{
+                            while((id - 1) != lines){
+                                ch = fgetc(log);
+                                if(ch == '\n'){
+                                    lines++;
+                                }
+                                i++;
+                            }
+                            fseek(log, i, SEEK_SET);
+                            c = i;
+                        }
+                        if(id == log_id){
+                            while(fgetc(log) != EOF){
+                                i++;
+                                j++;
+                            }
+                        }else{
+                            while(fgetc(log) != '\n'){
+                                i++;
+                                j++;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        fseek(log, c, SEEK_SET);
+                        fread (ble_buff[ble_buff_line], 1, j, log);
+                        for(int l = 0; l < j; l++){
+                            onDataSent(l);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    fclose(log);
+                    fileSystem.unmount();
+                    fflush(stdout);
+                    dataSentSend();
+                }
+                    break;
+                }
+                */
+                case 'l':   //Log-Datei übertragen
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    if(counter_l == 0){
+                        char string[] = "Command 'l' (send logs) received";
+                        write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    }
+                    connected_cancel.attach(&disconnect, user_config_para.connected);
+                    while(readValue[0] == NULL || readValue[0] < 0x31|| readValue[0] > 0x39){
+                        clear_buffer();
+                        ble.waitForEvent();
+                        if(conn_state == 0){
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    if(conn_state == 1){
+                        if(counter_l == 0){
+                            char string1[] = "Sending logs...";
+                            write_to_sd_log_single(string1);
+                        }
+                        int a = 0;
+                        while(readValue[a] != NULL){
+                            a++;
+                        }
+                        int id = array_to_int(a);
+                        clear_buffer();
+                        fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);
+                        FILE * log = fopen ("/fs/log.csv", "rb");
+                        /* Daten senden */
+                        if(id > log_id){
+                            printf("\nLog ID %d doesn't exist!\n", id);
+                            char string[] = "Call of an inexistent log ID";
+                            write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                            ble_buff[0][0] = '0';
+                            onDataSent(0);
+                        }else{
+                            unsigned long ch = 0;
+                            unsigned long lines = 0;
+                            unsigned long i = 0;
+                            unsigned long j = 1;
+                            unsigned long c = 0;
+                            if(id == 1){
+                                fseek(log, 0, SEEK_SET);
+                            }else{
+                                while((id - 1) != lines){
+                                    ch = fgetc(log);
+                                    if(ch == '\n'){
+                                        lines++;
+                                    }
+                                    i++;
+                                }
+                                fseek(log, i, SEEK_SET);
+                                c = i;
+                            }
+                            if(id == log_id){
+                                while(fgetc(log) != EOF){
+                                    i++;
+                                    j++;
+                                }
+                            }else{
+                                int y = 0;
+                                while(y < 5){
+                                    i++;
+                                    j++;
+                                    ch = fgetc(log);
+                                    if(ch == '\n'){
+                                        y++;
+                                    }
+                                    if(ch == EOF){
+                                        break;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                i--;
+                                j--;
+                            }
+                            fseek(log, c, SEEK_SET);
+                            fread (ble_buff[ble_buff_line], 1, j, log);
+                            for(int l = 0; l < j; l++){
+                                onDataSent(l);
+                            }
+                        }
+                        fclose(log);
+                        fileSystem.unmount();
+                        fflush(stdout);
+                        counter_l += 5;
+                        if(counter_l >= measure_id){
+                            char string2[] = "Sending logs complete";
+                            write_to_sd_log_single(string2);
+                            counter_l = 0;
+                            dataSent();
+                        }else{
+                            dataSentSend();
+                        }
+                    }
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'r':   // Log Datei löschen
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    char string[] = "Command 'r' (delete log file) received";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    if(delete_file_log() == 1){
+                        char string_1[] = "Log file deleted";
+                        write_to_sd_log_single(string_1);
+                        ble_buff[0][0] = '1';
+                        onDataSent(0);
+                    }else{
+                        char string_1[] = "Log file delete failed";
+                        write_to_sd_log_single(string_1);
+                        ble_buff[0][0] = '0';
+                        onDataSent(0);
+                    }
+                    dataSent();
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'n': //Reset
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    char string[] = "Command 'n' (reboot) received";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    BT_false();
+                    wait(0.5);
+                    reboot();
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'w':   // Werkeinstellungen
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    char string[] = "Command 'w' (reset to factory settings) received";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    if(delete_file_messdaten() && load_standard_config() && delete_file_log() == 1){
+                        char string_1[] = "System reseted to factory settings";
+                        write_to_sd_log_single(string_1);
+                        ble_buff[0][0] = '1';
+                        onDataSent(0);
+                        printf("\n__________________________\n\nColdchainlogger reseted \nto factory settings\n__________________________\n\n");
+                    }else{
+                        char string_1[] = "System reset to factory settings failed";
+                        write_to_sd_log_single(string_1);
+                        ble_buff[0][0] = '0';
+                        onDataSent(0);
+                    }
+                    dataSent();
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'a':   // Datenaufnahme pausieren / stoppen
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    char string[] = "Command 'a' (pause / stop measurement) received";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    mess_timer.detach();
+                    next_state = 0;
+                    if(pause == true){
+                        char string_1[] = "Measurement stopped";
+                        write_to_sd_log_single(string_1);
+                        printf("\nMeasurement stopped\n");
+                        shipping = false;
+                        ble_buff[0][0] = '0';
+                        onDataSent(0);
+                    }else{
+                        pause = true;
+                        char string_1[] = "Measurement paused";
+                        write_to_sd_log_single(string_1);
+                        printf("\nMeasurement puased\n");
+                        ble_buff[0][0] = '1';
+                        onDataSent(0);
+                    }
+                    mess_timer.detach();
+                    dataSent();
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'f':   // Datenaufnahme starten / fortsetzen  
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    char string[] = "Command 'f' (start / continue measurement) received";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    if(shipping == false){
+                        char string_1[] = "Measurement started";
+                        write_to_sd_log_single(string_1);
+                        shipping = true;
+                        pause = false;
+                        if(user_config_para.wait_mode == 1){
+                            next_state = 3;
+                        }else{
+                            next_state = 1;
+                        }
+                        printf("\nMeasurement started\n");
+                        ble_buff[0][0] = '1';
+                        onDataSent(0);
+                    }else{
+                        next_state = 1;
+                        char string_1[] = "Measurement continued";
+                        write_to_sd_log_single(string_1);
+                        printf("\nMeasurement continued\n");
+                        pause = false;
+                        ble_buff[0][0] = '0';
+                        onDataSent(0);
+                    }
+                    dataSent();
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'e': //Config erhalten
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    char string[] = "Command 'e' (receive and overwrite config) received";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    connected_cancel.attach(&disconnect, user_config_para.connected);
+                    printf("\nReady to receive new config settings\n");
+                    while(readValue[0] == NULL){
+                        ble.waitForEvent();
+                        if(conn_state == 0){
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    memset(&readValue[0], 0, sizeof(readValue));
+                    memset(&writeValue[0], 0, sizeof(writeValue));
+                    while(readValue[0] == NULL){
+                        ble.waitForEvent();
+                        if(conn_state == 0){
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    if(conn_state == 1){
+                    char params[50];
+                    printf("\n%s\n", ble_buff[0]);
+                    strcpy(params, ble_buff[0]);
+                    if(create_user_config(params) == 1){
+                        clear_buffer();
+                        char string_1[] = "User config changed";
+                        write_to_sd_log_single(string_1);
+                        printf("\n__________________________\n\nUser config changed\n__________________________\n\n");
+                        ble_buff[0][0] = '1';
+                        onDataSent(0);
+                    }else{
+                        clear_buffer();
+                        char string_1[] = "Changing user config failed";
+                        write_to_sd_log_single(string_1);
+                        printf("\n__________________________\n\n!!! Error, can't changing user config !!!\n__________________________\n\n");
+                        ble_buff[0][0] = '0';
+                        onDataSent(0);
+                    }
+                    dataSent();
+                }
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'x':   // Verbindung beenden
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    char string[] = "Command 'x' (shut down bluetooth) received";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    BT_false();
+                    char string_1[] = "Bluetooth shuted down";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string_1);
+                    printf("\n\nBluetooth shuted down\n\n");
+                    dataSentSend();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'b': //Akku-Zustand
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    char string[] = "Command 'b' (send battery info) received";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    updateSensorValue();
+                    int battery = (int)batteryLevel;
+                    char bat[3];
+                    sprintf(bat,"%d", battery);
+                    int i = 0;
+                    while(bat[i] != NULL){
+                        ble_buff[0][i] = bat[i];
+                        onDataSent(i);
+                        i++;
+                    }
+                    printf("\nBattery level: %d %%\n", battery);
+                    dataSent();
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'm': //Speicher-Belegung
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    char string[] = "Command 'm' (send memmory info) received";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    printf("\nTotal SD memory: %llu Bytes\n", blockDevice.size());
+                    unsigned long long length = 0;
+                    //ID Größe
+                    fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);
+                    FILE * id = fopen ("/fs/id.csv", "rb");
+                    fseek (id, 0, SEEK_END);
+                    length = ftell (id);
+                    fseek (id, 0, SEEK_SET);
+                    fclose(id);
+                    fileSystem.unmount();
+                    fflush(stdout);
+                    unsigned long long idn = length;
+                    length = 0;
+                    //Log Größe
+                    fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);
+                    FILE * log = fopen ("/fs/log.csv", "rb");
+                    fseek (log, 0, SEEK_END);
+                    length = ftell (log);
+                    fseek (log, 0, SEEK_SET);
+                    fclose(log);
+                    fileSystem.unmount();
+                    fflush(stdout);
+                    unsigned long long logs = length;
+                    length = 0;
+                    //Messdaten Größe
+                    fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);
+                    FILE * messdaten = fopen ("/fs/messdaten.csv", "rb");
+                    fseek (messdaten, 0, SEEK_END);
+                    length = ftell (messdaten);
+                    fseek (messdaten, 0, SEEK_SET);
+                    fclose(messdaten);
+                    fileSystem.unmount();
+                    fflush(stdout);
+                    unsigned long long mes = length;
+                    length = 0;
+                    //Standard Config Größe
+                    fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);
+                    FILE * stcf = fopen ("/fs/standard_config.csv", "rb");
+                    fseek (stcf, 0, SEEK_END);
+                    length = ftell (stcf);
+                    fseek (stcf, 0, SEEK_SET);
+                    fclose(stcf);
+                    fileSystem.unmount();
+                    fflush(stdout);
+                    unsigned long long stcfg = length;
+                    length = 0;
+                    //User Config Größe
+                    fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);
+                    FILE * uscf = fopen ("/fs/user_config.csv", "rb");
+                    fseek (uscf, 0, SEEK_END);
+                    length = ftell (uscf);
+                    fseek (uscf, 0, SEEK_SET);
+                    fclose(uscf);
+                    fileSystem.unmount();
+                    fflush(stdout);
+                    unsigned long long uscfg = length;
+                    length = 0;
+                    printf("\nID size: %llu Bytes\n", idn);
+                    printf("Logs size: %llu Bytes\n", logs);
+                    printf("Standard config size: %llu Bytes\n", stcfg);
+                    printf("User config size: %llu Bytes\n\n", uscfg);
+                    unsigned long long not_measuremnts = idn + logs + stcfg + uscfg;
+                    unsigned long long actual_size = blockDevice.size() - not_measuremnts;
+                    printf("Available SD memory (100 %%) = total SD memory - configs & id (%llu Bytes) - logs\n", not_measuremnts);
+                    printf("Available SD memory (100 %%): %llu Bytes\n\n", actual_size);
+                    messdaten_count();
+                    printf("Measuremnts count: %s\n", messungen);
+                    printf("Measurements size: %llu Bytes\n\n", mes);
+                    double hundert = 100;
+                    double occupied = hundert / actual_size * mes;
+                    printf("Occupied memory: %f %%\n", occupied);
+                    double free_mem = 100 - occupied;
+                    printf("Available memory: %f %%\n", free_mem);
+                    char occ[3];
+                    char free[3];
+                    if((int)occupied != 0){
+                        occupied = ceil( occupied * 100.0 ) / 100.0;
+                    }
+                    if((int)free_mem != 0){
+                        free_mem  = ceil( free_mem  * 100.0 ) / 100.0;
+                    }
+                    sprintf(occ,"%d", (int)occupied);
+                    sprintf(free,"%d", (int)free_mem);
+                    printf("OCC: %s\n", occ);
+                    printf("FREE: %s\n", free);
+                    messdaten_count();
+                    int i = 0;
+                    while(i < messungen[i] != NULL){
+                        ble_buff[0][i] = messungen[i];
+                        onDataSent(i);
+                        i++;
+                    }
+                    ble_buff[0][i] = 0x3B;
+                    onDataSent(i);
+                    i++;
+                    int j = 0;
+                    while(j < occ[j] != NULL){
+                        ble_buff[0][i] = occ[j];
+                        onDataSent(i);
+                        i++;
+                        j++;
+                    }
+                    ble_buff[0][i] = 0x3B;
+                    onDataSent(i);
+                    i++;
+                    int c = 0;
+                    while(c < free[c] != NULL){
+                        ble_buff[0][i] = free[c];
+                        onDataSent(i);
+                        i++;
+                        c++;
+                    }
+                    ble_buff[0][i] = 0x3B;
+                    onDataSent(i);
+                    i++;
+                    dataSent();
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'i': //ID auslesen
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    char string[] = "Command 'i' (send ID) received";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    char string_1[] = "Sending device ID...";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string_1);
+                    printf("\nDevice ID: %s\n", device_id);
+                    int i = 0;
+                    while(device_id[i] != NULL){
+                        ble_buff[0][i] = device_id[i];
+                        onDataSent(i);
+                        i++;
+                    }
+                    char string_2[] = "Sending device ID complete";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string_2);
+                    dataSent();
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'z': //Hardware Module abfragen
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    char string[] = "Command 'z' (send connected devices) received";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    char string_1[] = "Sending connected devices...";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string_1);
+                    printf("\nConnected devices: Temperature sensor\n");
+                    char sensor[4] = {'0', '0', '1'};
+                    int i = 0;
+                    while(sensor[i] != NULL){
+                        ble_buff[0][i] = sensor[i];
+                        onDataSent(i);
+                        i++;
+                    }
+                    char string_2[] = "Sending connected devices complete";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string_2);
+                    dataSent();
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'v': // Zeit in Unixformat von Datenlogger abfragen
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    char string[] = "Command 'v' (send device time) received";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    unixtime_to_char_array();
+                    for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(seconds); i++){
+                        ble_buff[0][i] = seconds[i];
+                        onDataSent(i);
+                    }
+                    dataSent();
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 't': //Zeit in Unixformat an Datenlogger schicken
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    char string[] = "Command 't' (receive and set device time) received";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    connected_cancel.attach(&disconnect, user_config_para.connected);
+                    printf("\nReady to receive new time settings\n");
+                    while(readValue[0] == NULL || readValue[0] < 0x31|| readValue[0] > 0x39){
+                        clear_buffer();
+                        ble.waitForEvent();
+                        if(conn_state == 0){
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    if(conn_state == 1){
+                    int a = 0;
+                    while(readValue[a] != NULL){
+                        a++;
+                    }
+                    int new_time = array_to_int(a);
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    if(set_app_time(new_time) == 1){
+                        ble_buff[0][0] = '1';
+                        onDataSent(0);
+                    }else{
+                        ble_buff[0][0] = '0';
+                        onDataSent(0);
+                    }
+                    dataSent();
+                }
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'q': //Min- / Max- / Mittelwert schicken
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    char string[] = "Command 'q' (send min/max/average) received";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    unsigned int length = 0;
+                    int a = 0;
+                    char string_1[] = "Sending min/max/average..";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string_1);
+                    fileSystem.unmount();
+                    fflush(stdout);
+                    fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);
+                    FILE * messdaten = fopen ("/fs/messdaten.csv", "rb");
+                    fseek (messdaten, 0, SEEK_END);
+                    length = ftell (messdaten);
+                    fseek (messdaten, 0, SEEK_SET);
+                    /* Daten senden */
+                    unsigned long ch = 0;
+                    unsigned short lines = 0;
+                    unsigned long i = 0;
+                    unsigned long j = 1;
+                    unsigned long c = 0;
+                    unsigned long e = 0;
+                    while(!feof(messdaten)){
+                        ch = fgetc(messdaten);
+                        if(ch == '\n')
+                        {
+                            lines++;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    printf("\n%d Eintraege\n", lines);
+                    for(int a = 0; a < lines; a++)
+                    {
+                        messwerte[a] = *new int[8];
+                    }
+                    char temp[8];
+                    fseek(messdaten, 0, SEEK_SET);
+                    while(!feof(messdaten)){
+                        ch = fgetc(messdaten);
+                        if(ch == '\n'){
+                            fseek(messdaten, i - 7, SEEK_SET);
+                            fread (temp, 1, 7, messdaten);
+                            messwerte[e] = atoi(temp);
+                            memset(&temp[0], 0, sizeof(temp));
+                            e++;
+                        }else if(ch == EOF){
+                            fseek(messdaten, i - 8, SEEK_SET);
+                            fread (temp, 1, 8, messdaten);
+                            messwerte[e] = atoi(temp);
+                            memset(&temp[0], 0, sizeof(temp));
+                        }
+                        i++;
+                    }
+                    unsigned long summe = 0;
+                    for(int q = 1; q < e; q++){
+                        summe += messwerte[q];
+                    }
+                    printf("\nSumme: %lu\n", summe);
+                    double avr = summe / lines;
+                    fclose(messdaten);
+                    fileSystem.unmount();
+                    fflush(stdout);
+                    char string_2[] = "Sending min/max/average complete";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string_2);
+                    quickSort(1, lines);
+                    if((int)avr != 0){
+                        avr = ceil( avr * 100.0 ) / 100.0;
+                    }
+                    char min[5];
+                    char max[5];
+                    char durch[5];
+                    sprintf(min,"%d", messwerte[1]);
+                    sprintf(max,"%d", messwerte[lines]);
+                    sprintf(durch,"%d", (int)avr);
+                    printf("\n%s, %s, %s\n", min, max, durch);
+                    int k = 0;
+                    while(k < min[k] != NULL){
+                        ble_buff[0][k] = min[k];
+                        onDataSent(k);
+                        k++;
+                    }
+                    ble_buff[0][k] = 0x3B;
+                    onDataSent(k);
+                    k++;
+                    int p = 0;
+                    while(p < max[p] != NULL){
+                        ble_buff[0][k] = max[p];
+                        onDataSent(k);
+                        k++;
+                        p++;
+                    }
+                    ble_buff[0][k] = 0x3B;
+                    onDataSent(k);
+                    k++;
+                    int z = 0;
+                    while(z < durch[z] != NULL){
+                        ble_buff[0][k] = durch[z];
+                        onDataSent(k);
+                        k++;
+                        z++;
+                    }
+                    ble_buff[0][k] = 0x3B;
+                    onDataSent(k);
+                    k++;
+                    dataSent();
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'j': //Anzahl der Messungen schicken
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    char string[] = "Command 'j' (send measurements count) received";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    //Anzahl der Messdaten
+                    messdaten_count();
+                    int i = 0;
+                    while(messungen[i] != NULL){
+                        ble_buff[0][i] = messungen[i];
+                        onDataSent(i);
+                        i++;
+                    }
+                    printf("\nMeasurements count: %s\n", messungen);
+                    dataSent();
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'h': //Anzahl der Logs schicken
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    char string[] = "Command 'h' (send log count) received";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    //Anzahl der Logs
+                    log_count();
+                    int i = 0;
+                    while(logs_array[i] != NULL){
+                        ble_buff[0][i] = logs_array[i];
+                        onDataSent(i);
+                        i++;
+                    }
+                    printf("\nLogs count: %s\n", logs_array);
+                    dataSent();
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'y': //Alarn AN / AUS - Anzahl der Meldungen
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    char string[] = "Command 'y' (Alert function and count) received";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    if(user_config_para.alert == 1){
+                        printf("\nAlert function - ON\n");
+                        printf("\nNumber of alerts: %d\n", alert_count);
+                        char alerts[4];
+                        sprintf(alerts, "%d", alert_count);
+                        int i = 0;
+                        while(alerts[i] != NULL){
+                            ble_buff[0][i] = alerts[i];
+                            onDataSent(i);
+                            i++;
+                        }
+                    }else{
+                        printf("\nAlert function - OFF\n");
+                        ble_buff[0][0] = '0';
+                        onDataSent(0);
+                    }
+                    dataSent();
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'k': //Initialisierungsstatus auslesen
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    char string[] = "Command 'b' (send initialize status) received";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    if(init_status == true){
+                        ble_buff[0][0] = '1';
+                        onDataSent(0);
+                        printf("\nInitialaze status: OK\n");
+                    }else{
+                        ble_buff[0][0] = '0';
+                        onDataSent(0);
+                        printf("\nInitialaze status: FAILED\n");
+                    }
+                    dataSent();
+                    break;
+                }
+                case 'p': //Mess-Status auslesen
+                {
+                    connected_cancel.detach();
+                    clear_buffer();
+                    char string[] = "Command 'p' (send measurement status) received";
+                    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                    if(shipping == true){
+                        ble_buff[0][0] = 1;
+                        onDataSent(0);
+                        wait(1);
+                        clear_buffer();
+                            if(pause == false){
+                            ble_buff[0][0] = '1';
+                            onDataSent(0);
+                            printf("\nMeasuremt status = Launched\n");
+                        }else{
+                            ble_buff[0][0] = '0';
+                            onDataSent(0);
+                            printf("\nMeasuremt status = Paused\n");
+                        }
+                    }else{
+                        ble_buff[0][0] = '0';
+                        onDataSent(0);
+                        printf("\nMeasuremt status = Sttopped\n");
+                    }
+                    dataSent();
+                    break;
+                }
+                default: {
+                    //clear_buffer();
+                    response = '0';
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }  
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ble_functions.h	Thu Jul 09 15:56:48 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include <BLE.h>
+#include "ble/BLE.h"
+void periodicCallback(void);
+void writeLedCallback(void);
+void disconnectionCallback(const Gap::DisconnectionCallbackParams_t *);
+void updateSensorValue();
+void printMacAddress();
+void writeCharCallback(const GattWriteCallbackParams *params);
+void disconnect();
+void whenConnected(const Gap::ConnectionCallbackParams_t *);
+void onDataSent(unsigned count);
+void gattServer_onUpdatesEnabled(GattAttribute::Handle_t handle);
+void gattServer_onUpdatesDisabled(GattAttribute::Handle_t handle);
+void gattServer_onConfirmationReceived(GattAttribute::Handle_t handle);
+void after_BL();
+void BT_false();
+void BT_true();
+void log_count();
+void messdaten_count();
+void unixtime_to_char_array();
+int array_to_int(int z);
+void bleInitComplete(BLE::InitializationCompleteCallbackContext *params);
+void BLE_handler();
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/functions.cpp	Thu Jul 09 15:56:48 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,968 @@
+#include "functions.h"
+#include "ble_functions.h"
+#include "RawSerial.h"
+#include <InterruptIn.h>
+#include <InterruptManager.h>
+#include "bmi160.h"
+#include "max32630fthr.h"
+#include "max3263x.h"
+#include "MAX14690.h"
+#include "ADT7410.h"
+//#include "Thermistor.h"
+#include "Adafruit_SSD1306.h"
+#include <BLE.h>
+#include "ble/BLE.h"
+#include "ble/Gap.h"
+#include "SDBlockDevice.h"
+#include "FATFileSystem.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+extern char device_id[];
+extern unsigned short int measure_id;
+extern unsigned short int log_id;
+extern Serial pan1326b;
+extern DigitalOut bt_rst;
+extern volatile int conn_state;
+extern bool in_BT;
+extern AnalogIn battery;
+extern DigitalOut r;
+extern DigitalOut g;
+extern DigitalOut b;
+extern DigitalOut RGBs[];
+extern MAX32630FTHR pegasus;
+extern ADT7410 myADT7410;
+//extern Thermistor extruder;
+extern I2C i2cm2;
+extern MAX14690 max14690;
+extern InterruptIn button;
+extern FATFileSystem fileSystem;
+extern SDBlockDevice blockDevice;
+extern I2C i2c;
+extern int sensor_temp;
+extern Adafruit_SSD1306_I2c featherOLED;
+extern volatile int quit;
+extern volatile int ble_return;
+extern volatile int conn_state;
+extern int counter_ble;
+extern bool error_status;
+extern bool BT_error;
+extern bool shipping;
+extern bool pause;
+extern bool init_status;
+extern bool after_BT;
+extern bool charge;
+extern Timeout after_BLE;
+extern Timeout turnoff;
+extern Timeout flipper;                    // 
+extern Timeout advertise_cancel;          // Zum abbrechen von BT bei keinem Verbindungsaufbau
+extern Timeout connected_cancel;          // Zum abbrechen von BT bei kein Befehlempfang
+extern Ticker mess_timer;                 // ticker eventuell nur bis 30 Minuten geeignet
+extern Ticker ticker;
+extern time_t now;
+extern time_t raw;
+extern float    buffer_temp;
+extern struct   tm current;
+extern struct   tm actual;
+extern struct user_config_struct user_config_para;
+extern struct tm user_config_time;
+extern Timeout done_rcv;
+extern int next_state;
+extern int unsigned long t_diff;
+extern int unsigned long unix_time;
+extern int default_advertise_time;
+extern int default_connected_time;
+extern int alert_count;
+void turnON(){
+    max14690.writeReg(MAX14690::REG_PWR_CFG, 0x1D);
+    char string[] = "Coldchainlogger turned on";
+    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+void reboot(){
+    char string[] = "Rebooting Coldchainlogger...";
+    write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+    printf("\n__________________________\n\nRebooting Coldchainlogger\n__________________________\n\n");
+    log_id -= 2;
+    BT_false();
+    wait(0.2);
+    NVIC_SystemReset();
+void set_time(){
+    unix_time = 946684800; //946684800: 2000-01-01 00:00:00
+    now = time(0);
+    time(&now);
+    set_time(unix_time);
+int set_app_time(unsigned long device_time){
+    printf("\nDevice time: %ld\n", device_time);
+    if(device_time >= 946684800){
+        unix_time = device_time; 
+        now = time(0);
+        time(&now);
+        set_time(unix_time);
+        tm *current;
+        time(&now);
+        current = localtime (&now);
+        char string[] = "Device time updated";
+        write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+        printf ("\nDate: 20%02d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\r\n", current->tm_year - 100, current->tm_mon + 1, current->tm_mday, current->tm_hour, current->tm_min, current->tm_sec);        
+        printf("\n__________________________\n\nNew device time applied\n__________________________\n\n");
+        return 1;
+    }else{
+        printf("\n__________________________\n\nCan not applie new device time\n__________________________\n\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+void write_to_sd_log_single(char log_string[])
+    fileSystem.unmount();
+    fflush(stdout);
+    fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);
+    char file_name[14] = "/fs/log";
+    char file_type[10] = ".csv";
+    char buff_file[25];
+    sprintf(buff_file, "%s%s", file_name, file_type);
+    FILE * f = fopen(buff_file, "a");
+    log_id++;
+    tm *current;
+    time(&now);
+    current = localtime (&now);
+    fprintf(f, "%d;20%02d-%02d-%02d;%02d:%02d:%02d;%s;\r\n",  log_id, current->tm_year - 100, current->tm_mon + 1, current->tm_mday, current->tm_hour, current->tm_min, current->tm_sec, log_string);
+    fclose(f);
+    fileSystem.unmount();
+void write_to_sd_messdaten_single(float buffer_temp)
+    fileSystem.unmount();
+    fflush(stdout);
+    fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);
+    char file_name[14] = "/fs/messdaten";
+    char file_type[10] = ".csv";
+    char buff_file[25];
+    sprintf(buff_file, "%s%s", file_name, file_type);
+    FILE * f = fopen(buff_file, "a");
+    int buffer_conv = (int)(100 * buffer_temp);
+    measure_id++;
+    tm *current;
+    time(&now);
+    current = localtime (&now);
+    fprintf(f, "%d;20%02d-%02d-%02d;%02d:%02d:%02d;%d;%4d;\r\n", measure_id,  current->tm_year - 100, current->tm_mon + 1, current->tm_mday, current->tm_hour, current->tm_min, current->tm_sec, sensor_temp, buffer_conv);
+    /*
+    if(sensor_temp == 2){
+        sensor_temp = 1;
+    }else{
+        sensor_temp = 2;
+    }
+    */
+    fclose(f);
+    fileSystem.unmount();
+void get_save_Messpunkt(float temperatur)
+    buffer_temp = temperatur;
+    tm *current;
+    time(&now);
+    current = localtime (&now);
+    write_to_sd_messdaten_single(buffer_temp);
+    printf ("Measurement %d saved 20%02d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\r\n", measure_id, current->tm_year - 100, current->tm_mon + 1, current->tm_mday, current->tm_hour, current->tm_min, current->tm_sec);
+float get_Messwert()  
+    float temperatur = 0;
+    //float temperatur_2 = 0;
+    if(myADT7410.getTemp()){
+        temperatur = myADT7410.getTemp();
+        //temperatur_2 = extruder.get_temperature();
+        wait(0.3);
+        printf("\nTemperature Sensor mesureued: %.2f C\n", temperatur);
+       // printf("Temperature Thermistor mesureued: %.2f C\n\n", temperatur_2);
+        if(user_config_para.alert == 1){
+            if(user_config_para.minimum > temperatur){
+                char string[] = "ALERT: lower threshold limit below";
+                write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                printf("ALERT: lower threshold limit below (lower limit: %d C)\n", user_config_para.minimum);
+            }else if(user_config_para.maximum < temperatur){
+                char string[] = "ALERT: upper threshold exceeded";
+                write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+                printf("ALERT: upper threshold exceeded (upper limit: %d C)\n", user_config_para.maximum);
+            }
+            alert_count++;
+        }
+        get_save_Messpunkt(temperatur);
+        //get_save_Messpunkt(temperatur_2);
+        return temperatur;
+    }else{
+        char string[] = "Temperature sensor not detected, unable to measure";
+        write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+        printf("\nTemperature sensor not detected, unable to measure!\n");
+        return -278.0;
+    }
+int create_file_messdaten(){
+    fileSystem.unmount();
+    fflush(stdout);
+    int file_err = fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);    
+    if(file_err){
+        fileSystem.unmount(); 
+        char string[] = "SD mount error";
+        write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+        printf("\n__________________________\n\n! No SD-card detected !\n__________________________\n\n");
+        return -1;
+    }else{
+        char file_name[14] = "/fs/messdaten";
+        char file_type[10] = ".csv";
+        char buff_file[25];
+        sprintf(buff_file, "%s%s", file_name, file_type);
+        FILE * f = fopen(buff_file, "a");
+        fclose(f);
+        fileSystem.unmount();  
+        return 1;
+    }     
+int create_file_log()
+    fileSystem.unmount();
+    fflush(stdout);
+    int file_err = fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);    
+    if(file_err){
+        fileSystem.unmount();
+        char string[] = "SD mount error";
+        write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+        printf("\n__________________________\n\n! No SD-card detected !\n__________________________\n\n");
+        return -1;
+    }else{
+        char file_name[14] = "/fs/log";
+        char file_type[10] = ".csv";
+        char buff_file[25];
+        sprintf(buff_file, "%s%s", file_name, file_type);
+        FILE * f = fopen(buff_file, "a");
+        fclose(f);
+        fileSystem.unmount();  
+        return 1;
+    }  
+int delete_file_messdaten(){
+    fileSystem.unmount();
+    fflush(stdout);
+    int file_err = fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);    
+    if(file_err)
+    {
+        char string[] = "SD mount error";
+        write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+        printf("\n__________________________\n\n! No SD-card detected !\n__________________________\n\n");
+        fileSystem.unmount();
+        return -1;
+    }else{
+        remove("/fs/messdaten.csv");
+        wait(0.2);
+        fileSystem.unmount();
+        fflush(stdout);
+        char string_1[] = "Measuring data file deleted";
+        write_to_sd_log_single(string_1);
+        if(create_file_messdaten() == 1){
+            char string[] = "New measuring data file created";
+            write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+            fileSystem.unmount();
+            measure_id = 0;
+            printf("\n__________________________\n\nMeasuring data deleted\n__________________________\n\n");
+            return 1;
+        }else{
+            fileSystem.unmount();
+            printf("\nError while creating new file\n");
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+int delete_file_log(){
+    fileSystem.unmount();
+    fflush(stdout);
+    int file_err = fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);    
+    if(file_err)
+    {
+        char string[] = "SD mount error";
+        write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+        printf("\n__________________________\n\n! No SD-card detected !\n__________________________\n\n");
+        fileSystem.unmount();
+        return -1;
+    }else{
+        remove("/fs/log.csv");
+        wait(0.2);
+        /*
+        char string_1[] = "Log file deleted";
+        write_to_sd_log_single(string_1);
+        */
+        if(create_file_log() == 1){
+            log_id = 0;
+            char string[] = "New log data file created";
+            write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+            fileSystem.unmount();
+            printf("\n__________________________\n\nLog deleted\n__________________________\n\n");
+            return 1;
+        }else{
+            fileSystem.unmount();
+            printf("\nError while creating new file\n");
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+int file_copy(const char *src, const char *dst)
+    fileSystem.unmount();
+    fflush(stdout);
+    int retval = 0;
+    int ch;
+    int file_err = fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);    
+    if(file_err)
+    {
+        printf("\n__________________________\n\n! No SD-card detected !\n__________________________\n\n");
+        fileSystem.unmount();
+        return -1;
+    }else{
+    FILE *fpsrc = fopen(src, "r");   // src file
+    FILE *fpdst = fopen(dst, "w");   // dest file
+    while (1) {                  // Copy src to dest
+        ch = fgetc(fpsrc);       // until src EOF read.
+        if (ch == EOF) break;
+        fputc(ch, fpdst);
+    }
+    fclose(fpsrc);
+    fclose(fpdst);
+    fpdst = fopen(dst, "r");     // Reopen dest to insure
+    if (fpdst == NULL) {          // that it was created.
+        retval = -1;           // Return error.
+    } else {
+        fclose(fpdst);
+        retval = 0;              // Return success.
+    }
+    return retval;
+    }
+int load_user_config() 
+    printf("\n__________________________\n\nReading the config\n__________________________\n\n");
+    fileSystem.unmount();
+    fflush(stdout);
+    int file_err = fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);    
+    if(file_err)
+    {
+        printf("\n__________________________\n\n! No SD-card detected !\n__________________________\n\n");
+        fileSystem.unmount();
+        return -1;
+    }else{
+    FILE * conf = fopen ("/fs/user_config.csv", "rb");
+    char buffer[700];
+    int length;
+    if (conf)
+    {
+        fseek (conf, 0, SEEK_END);
+        length = ftell (conf);
+        fseek (conf, 0, SEEK_SET);
+        if (buffer)
+        {
+            fread (buffer, 1, length, conf);
+        }
+        fclose(conf);
+        fileSystem.unmount();
+            if (buffer)
+            {
+                char* single_word[100];
+                int word_count = 0;
+                char delim[] = ";\r\n";
+                char *ptr = strtok(buffer, delim);
+                for(int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
+                {
+                    single_word[j] = new char[15];
+                }
+                while (ptr != NULL)
+                {
+                    strcpy(single_word[word_count], ptr);
+                    ptr = strtok(NULL, delim); 
+                    word_count++;
+                }
+                const char *params[] = {"interval", "alert", "minimum", "maximum", "wait_mode", "pre_delay", "advertise", "connected"};
+                for(int k = 0; k < 100; k++)
+                {
+                    for(int l = 0; l < 8; l++)
+                    {
+                        if(strcmp(single_word[k], params[0]) == 0){
+                            user_config_para.interval = atoi(single_word[k+1]);
+                        }
+                        else if(strcmp(single_word[k], params[1]) == 0){
+                            user_config_para.alert = atoi(single_word[k+1]);
+                        }
+                        else if(strcmp(single_word[k], params[2]) == 0){
+                            user_config_para.minimum = atoi(single_word[k+1]);
+                        }
+                        else if(strcmp(single_word[k], params[3]) == 0){
+                            user_config_para.maximum = atoi(single_word[k+1]);
+                        }
+                        else if(strcmp(single_word[k], params[4]) == 0){
+                            user_config_para.wait_mode = atoi(single_word[k+1]);
+                        }
+                        else if(strcmp(single_word[k], params[5]) == 0){
+                            user_config_para.pre_delay = atoi(single_word[k+1]);
+                        }
+                        else if(strcmp(single_word[k], params[6]) == 0){
+                            user_config_para.advertise = atoi(single_word[k+1]);
+                        }
+                        else if(strcmp(single_word[k], params[7]) == 0){
+                            user_config_para.connected = atoi(single_word[k+1]);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+        //printf("\nID: #%s\n",;
+        //char idnummer[10];
+        //sscanf(idnummer, "%d", &;
+                printf("\nLogger-ID: #%s\n", device_id);
+                if(user_config_para.interval == 1){
+                    printf("Mesureual interval: %d second\n", user_config_para.interval);
+                }else{
+                    printf("Mesureual interval: %d seconds\n", user_config_para.interval);
+                }
+                if(user_config_para.alert == 1){
+                    printf("Alert-function - ON\n");
+                    printf("Minimum temperature: %d C | Maximum temperature: %d C\n", user_config_para.minimum, user_config_para.maximum);
+                }else{
+                    printf("Alert-function - OFF\n");
+                }
+                printf("BLE advertise timer: %d seconds\n", user_config_para.advertise);
+                printf("BLE when connected timer: %d seconds\n", user_config_para.connected);
+                if(user_config_para.wait_mode == 1){
+                    printf("Pre-delay - ON: %d seconds\n", user_config_para.pre_delay);
+                }else{
+                    printf("Pre-delay - OFF\n");
+                }
+            }
+            else{ 
+            printf("Buffer empty: %s", buffer);
+            }
+            return 1;
+        }
+    else{
+        printf("!!! Config file not found, error: %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), -errno);
+        fileSystem.unmount();
+        user_config_para.advertise = default_advertise_time;
+        user_config_para.connected = default_connected_time;
+        return -1;
+    }
+    }
+int load_standard_config(){
+    fileSystem.unmount();
+    fflush(stdout);
+    printf("\n__________________________\n\nReseting config settings \nto default\n__________________________\n\n");
+    int file_err = fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);  
+    if(file_err){
+        printf("\n__________________________\n\n! No SD-card detected !\n__________________________\n\n");
+        fileSystem.unmount();
+        return -1;
+    }else{
+        remove("/fs/user_config.csv");
+        wait(0.2);
+        if(file_copy("/fs/standard_config.csv", "/fs/user_config.csv") == 0){
+            load_user_config();
+            printf("\n__________________________\n\nConfig settings reseted\n__________________________\n\n");
+            char string[] = "Standard user config file created";
+            write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+            fileSystem.unmount();
+            return 1;
+        }else{
+            printf("\n__________________________\n\nFailed to reset config file\n__________________________\n\n");
+            char string[] = "Failed to copy standard config file";
+            write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+            fileSystem.unmount();
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+int read_id()
+    fileSystem.unmount();
+    fflush(stdout);
+    int file_err = fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);    
+    if(file_err)
+    {
+        printf("\n__________________________\n\n! No SD-card detected !\n__________________________\n\n");
+        fileSystem.unmount();
+        return -1;
+    }else{
+    FILE * id = fopen ("/fs/id.csv", "rb");
+    char buffer[14];
+    int length;
+    if (id)
+    {
+        fseek (id, 0, SEEK_END);
+        length = ftell (id);
+        fseek (id, 0, SEEK_SET);
+        if (buffer)
+        {
+            fread (buffer, 1, length, id);
+        }
+        fclose(id);
+        fileSystem.unmount();
+            if (buffer)
+            {
+                char* single_word[10];
+                int word_count = 0;
+                char delim[] = ";\r\n";
+                char *ptr = strtok(buffer, delim);
+                for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
+                {
+                    single_word[j] = new char[10];    
+                }
+                while (ptr != NULL)
+                {
+                    strcpy(single_word[word_count], ptr);
+                    ptr = strtok(NULL, delim); 
+                    word_count++;
+                }
+                strcpy(device_id, single_word[1]);
+                return 1;
+            }
+            else{ 
+                printf("Buffer empty: %s", buffer);
+                return -1;
+            }
+        }
+    else{
+        printf("!!! Config file not found, error: %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), -errno);
+        fileSystem.unmount();
+        return -1;
+    }
+    }
+int create_user_config(char params[]){
+    fileSystem.unmount();
+    fflush(stdout);
+    int file_err = fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);    
+    if(file_err){
+        printf("\n__________________________\n\n! No SD-card detected !\n__________________________\n\n");
+        fileSystem.unmount();
+        return -1;
+    }else{
+        remove("/fs/user_config.csv");
+        wait(0.2);
+        char string[] = "User config file deleted";
+        write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+        fileSystem.unmount();  
+        fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice); 
+        char file_name[16] = "/fs/user_config";
+        char file_type[10] = ".csv";
+        char buff_file[27];
+        sprintf(buff_file, "%s%s", file_name, file_type);
+        FILE * f = fopen(buff_file, "a");
+        fclose(f);
+        char string_1[] = "User config file created";
+        write_to_sd_log_single(string_1);
+        fileSystem.unmount();  
+        char *single_word[15];
+        int word_count = 0;
+        char delim[] = ";\r\n";
+        char *ptr = strtok(params, delim);
+        for(int j = 0; j < 9; j++)
+        {
+            single_word[j] = new char[6];
+        }
+        while (ptr != NULL)
+        {
+            strcpy(single_word[word_count], ptr);
+            ptr = strtok(NULL, delim);
+            word_count++;
+        }
+        printf("interval;%s;\r\nalert;%s;\r\nminimum;%s;\r\nmaximum;%s;\r\nwait_mode;%s;\r\npre_delay;%s;\r\nadvertise;%s;\r\nconnected;%s;", 
+        single_word[0], single_word[1], single_word[2], single_word[3], single_word[4], single_word[5], single_word[6], single_word[7]);
+        fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice); 
+        FILE * fp = fopen("/fs/user_config.csv", "w");
+        fprintf(fp, "interval;%s;\r\n",   single_word[0]);
+        fprintf(fp, "alert;%s;\r\n",      single_word[1]);
+        fprintf(fp, "minimum;%s;\r\n",    single_word[2]);
+        fprintf(fp, "maximum;%s;\r\n",    single_word[3]);
+        fprintf(fp, "wait_mode;%s;\r\n",  single_word[4]);
+        fprintf(fp, "pre_delay;%s;\r\n",  single_word[5]);
+        fprintf(fp, "advertise;%s;\r\n",  single_word[6]);
+        fprintf(fp, "connected;%s;\r\n",  single_word[7]);
+        fclose(fp);
+        fileSystem.unmount();  
+        if(load_user_config() == 1){
+            return 1;
+        }else{
+            printf("\nFaild to read the config!\n");
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }  
+void led_blink(int led, int anzahl, int lang, int pause){
+    for(int i = 0; anzahl > i; i++){
+        RGBs[led] = 0;
+        if(lang == 1){
+            wait(1.5);
+        }else{
+            wait(0.5);
+        }
+        RGBs[led] = 1;
+        wait(0.5);
+    }
+    if(pause == 1){
+        wait(1);
+    }
+void error_handler(int error) 
+    ticker.detach();
+    g = 1;
+    wait(1);
+    int file_err = fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);
+    if(file_err){
+        switch (error) {
+            case   10:{            //led_blink(0, 2, 1, 1); 
+            }
+                break;   
+            case   11:{            BT_error = true; //led_blink(0, 1, 1, 1); led_blink(0, 2, 1, 1); 
+            }
+                break; 
+            case  110:{            //led_blink(0, 2, 1, 1); led_blink(0, 3, 1, 1); 
+            }
+                break; 
+            case  111:{            BT_error = true; //led_blink(0, 1, 1, 1); led_blink(0, 2, 1, 1); led_blink(0, 3, 1, 1); 
+            }
+                break; 
+        }
+        fileSystem.unmount();
+    }else{
+        tm *current;
+        time(&now);
+        current = localtime (&now);
+        switch (error) {
+            case    0:{            char string[] = "Initializing succesfull"; write_to_sd_log_single(string); led_blink(1, 1, 0, 0); 
+            }
+                break;
+            case    1:{            char string[] = "Initializing failed: Bluetooth not detected"; write_to_sd_log_single(string); BT_error = true; //led_blink(0, 1, 1, 1); 
+            } 
+                break;  
+            case  100:{            char string[] = "Initializing failed: Temperature sensor not detected"; write_to_sd_log_single(string); //led_blink(0, 3, 1, 1); 
+            }
+                break; 
+            case  101:{            char string[] = "Initializing failed: Temperature sensor and bluetooth not detected"; write_to_sd_log_single(string); BT_error = true; //led_blink(0, 1, 1, 1); led_blink(0, 3, 1, 1); 
+            }
+                break; 
+        }
+        fileSystem.unmount();
+    }
+    r = 1;
+    g = 1;
+    b = 1;
+    wait(0.5);
+int check_devices()
+    printf("\nDevices check...\n\n");
+    int bl      =       1;
+    int sd      =      10;
+    int temp    =     100;
+    //myADT7410.setConfig(ONE_SPS_MODE); // reduce sample rate to save power
+    //printf("Config: 0x%x\n", myADT7410.getConfig());
+    /*
+    int count = 0;
+    for (int address = 0; address < 255; address += 2) { // check only for device's read address
+        if (!i2c.write(address, NULL, 0)) { // 0 returned is ok
+            printf("I2C address 0x%02X\n", address);
+            count++;
+        }
+    }
+    printf("%d devices found\n\n\n", count);
+    wait_ms(20);
+    */
+    //BLE check
+    bt_rst = 1;
+    bt_rst = 0;
+    wait(0.5);
+    BLE& ble = BLE::Instance(BLE::DEFAULT_INSTANCE);
+    ble.init(bleInitComplete);
+    if(ble.hasInitialized() == true){
+        bl = 0;
+        BT_error = false;
+        printf("\nBLE detected\n");
+        printMacAddress();
+    }else{
+        BT_error = true;
+        printf("\nBLE not detected!\n");
+    }
+    //SD check
+    int file_err = fileSystem.mount(&blockDevice);
+    if(file_err)
+    {
+        printf("\nSD-card not detected\n");
+        BT_error = true;
+    }
+    else {   
+        sd = 0;
+        create_file_log();
+        create_file_messdaten();
+        printf("\nSD-card detected\n");
+        fileSystem.unmount();
+        messdaten_count();
+        printf("Measuremnts count: %d\n", measure_id);
+        log_count();
+        printf("Logs count: %d\n", log_id);
+    }
+    fileSystem.unmount();
+    //Temp sensor check
+    myADT7410.setConfig(ONE_SPS_MODE);
+    if(myADT7410.getConfig() == 0x40){
+        temp = 0;
+        printf("\nTemperature sensor detected\n");
+        myADT7410.reset();
+        myADT7410.setConfig(01);
+    }else{
+        printf("\nTemperature sensor not detected\n");
+    }
+    //Check output
+    int devices = temp + sd + bl;
+    if(devices != 000){
+        printf("\nError in check_devices(): %03d\n", devices);
+        error_handler(devices);
+        return 0;
+    }else{
+        printf("\n__________________________\n\nAll devices connected\n__________________________\n\n");
+        return 1;
+    }
+int RTC_check(){
+    tm *current;
+    time(&now);
+    if ( (current = localtime (&now) ) == NULL) {
+        printf ("\n\n__________________________\n\n! RTC initialize failed !\n__________________________\n");
+        return -1;
+    }else{
+        set_time();
+        printf ("\n\n__________________________\n\nRTC initialized\n__________________________\n");
+        return 1;
+    }
+void max14690_init(){
+    max14690.resetToDefaults();
+    max14690.ldo2Millivolts = 3300;
+    max14690.ldo3Millivolts = 3300;
+    max14690.ldo2Mode = MAX14690::LDO_ENABLED;
+    max14690.ldo3Mode = MAX14690::LDO_ENABLED;
+    max14690.chgEn = 1;
+    //max14690.intEnChgStatus = 0;
+    //max14690.iLimCntl = MAX14690::iLimCntl_t::ILIM_1000mA;
+    //max14690.batReg = MAX14690::batReg_t::BAT_REG_4350mV;
+    max14690.intEnUSBOVP = 1;
+    max14690.monCfg = MAX14690::MON_BAT;        //Monitoring - Multiplexer auf SYSTEM eingestellt, um Akku-wert auszulesen 
+    //max14690.monRatio = MAX14690::MON_DIV4;
+    //max14690.ldo3Mode = MAX14690::SW_EN_MPC1_DSC;
+    if (max14690.init() == MAX14690_ERROR) {
+        printf("Error initializing MAX14690");
+    }
+void initCallback(void){
+    g = !g;
+void init(){
+    r = 1;
+    g = 1;
+    b = 1;
+    printf("\n\n__________________________\n\nStarting Coldchainlogger\n__________________________\n\n");
+    ticker.attach(initCallback, 0.5);
+    printf("Initializing MAX32630FTHR\n\n");
+    pegasus.init(MAX32630FTHR::VIO_3V3);
+    printf("Initializing MAX14690N\n");
+    max14690_init();
+    if(RTC_check() == 1){
+        if(check_devices() == 1 & read_id() == 1 & load_user_config() == 1){
+            printf("\n__________________________\n\nInitializing succesfull\n__________________________\n\n");
+            BLE& ble = BLE::Instance(BLE::DEFAULT_INSTANCE);
+            ticker.detach();
+            g = 1;
+            init_status = true;
+            error_status = false;
+            error_handler(000);
+        }else{
+            printf("\n__________________________\n\nInitializing failed\n__________________________\n\n");
+            BLE& ble = BLE::Instance(BLE::DEFAULT_INSTANCE);
+            next_state = 0;
+            init_status = false;
+            error_status = true;
+            ticker.detach();
+            g = 1;
+            led_blink(0, 1, 1, 1);
+        }
+    }else{
+        printf("\n__________________________\n\nRTC failure\n__________________________\n\n");
+        error_status = true;
+        init_status = false;
+        next_state = 0;
+        ticker.detach();
+        g = 1;
+        led_blink(0, 1, 1, 1);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/functions.h	Thu Jul 09 15:56:48 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+void turnON();
+void reboot();
+void messdaten_count();
+void set_time();
+int set_app_time(unsigned long device_time);
+void write_to_sd_log_single(char log_string[]);
+void write_to_sd_messdaten_single(float buffer_temp, struct timestamp current);
+void write_to_sd_messdaten_all(float *buffer_temp, struct timestamp *current);
+void get_save_Messpunkt(float temperatur);
+float get_Messwert();
+int create_file_messdaten();
+int create_file_log();
+int min_max_avr();
+int delete_file_messdaten();
+int delete_file_log();
+int file_copy(const char *src, const char *dst);
+int load_user_config();
+int load_standard_config();
+int read_id();
+int create_user_config(char params[]);
+void led_blink(int led, int anzahl, int lang, int pause);
+void error_handler(int error);
+int check_devices();
+void mess_handler();
+int RTC_check();
+void max14690_init();
+void initCallback(void);
+void init();
+struct user_config_struct 
+    int interval;
+    int alert;
+    int minimum;
+    int maximum;
+    int wait_mode;
+    int pre_delay;
+    int advertise;
+    int connected;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Jul 09 15:56:48 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "functions.h"
+#include "ble_functions.h"
+#include "RawSerial.h"
+#include "bmi160.h"
+#include "max32630fthr.h"
+#include "max3263x.h"
+#include "MAX14690.h"
+#include "ADT7410.h"
+#include "Adafruit_SSD1306.h"
+//#include "Thermistor.h"
+//#include "ds1621.h"
+#include <BLE.h>
+#include "ble/BLE.h"
+#include "ble/Gap.h"
+#include "SDBlockDevice.h"
+#include "FATFileSystem.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <InterruptIn.h>
+#include <InterruptManager.h>
+MAX32630FTHR pegasus(MAX32630FTHR::VIO_3V3);
+//MAX14690 Wearable Power-Management Solution Driver
+I2C i2cm2(I2C2_SDA, I2C2_SCL);
+MAX14690 max14690(&i2cm2);
+char device_id[10];
+int sensor_temp = 1;
+unsigned short int measure_id = 0;
+unsigned short int log_id = 0;
+FATFileSystem   fileSystem("fs");
+SDBlockDevice   blockDevice(P0_5, P0_6, P0_4, P0_7);  // mosi, miso, sck, cs
+//Bluetooth-Modul PAN1326B
+RawSerial pan1326b(P0_1, P0_0);     //TX, RX
+DigitalOut bt_rst (P1_6);           //Bluetooth reset
+I2C i2c(P3_4, P3_5); //SDA, SCL
+ADT7410 myADT7410(P3_4, P3_5, 0x90, 100000); //SDA, SCL, Address, Hz
+//Thermistor extruder(AIN_1);
+//#define DS1621_ADDR 0     // I2c DS1621 address is 0x00
+//DS1621 ds(&i2c, DS1621_ADDR);  // Declare ds1621 throught i2c interface
+AnalogIn battery(AIN_0);
+AnalogIn usb(AIN_5);
+DigitalOut r (P2_4);            //Rote LED
+DigitalOut g (P2_5);            //Grüne LED
+DigitalOut b (P2_6);            //Blaue LED
+DigitalOut RGBs[] = {r, g, b};  //LEDs Liste
+DigitalOut r (P5_6);            //Rote LED
+DigitalOut g (P5_5);            //Grüne LED
+DigitalOut b (P5_4);            //Blaue LED
+DigitalOut RGBs[] = {r, g, b};  //LEDs Liste
+//Button interrupt
+InterruptIn button(P2_3, PullUp);   //Auf Pull Up eingestellt
+//InterruptIn button(P5_3, PullUp);   //BT
+//InterruptIn button2(P3_3, PullUp);   //BT
+Adafruit_SSD1306_I2c featherOLED(i2c);
+//OLED Buttons
+InterruptIn aButton(P5_3, PullUp);
+InterruptIn bButton(P3_3, PullUp);
+InterruptIn cButton(P3_2, PullUp);
+Timeout after_BLE;
+Timeout led_check;                  //Zum Überprüfen, ob Datenlogger an ist
+Timeout turnoff;                    //Zum Auschalten (nicht implementiert)
+Timeout flipper;                    //Zum Bluetooth an / aus
+Timeout advertise_cancel;           //Zum abbrechen von BT bei keinem Verbindungsaufbau
+Timeout connected_cancel;           //Zum abbrechen von BT bei kein Befehlempfang
+Ticker mess_timer;                  //ticker eventuell nur bis 30 Minuten geeignet
+Ticker ticker;
+Ticker charger;
+time_t now;     //Zeit Funktionen
+time_t raw;
+float           buffer_temp;
+struct          tm current = {0};   //tm - Zeit im Kalenderformat
+struct          tm actual = {0};
+volatile int quit = 0;              //BLE Advertise Flag
+volatile int conn_state = 0;        //Verbindungsstatus für BLE
+bool after_BT = false;
+bool in_BT = false;                 //Flag für BLE ist an
+bool error_status = false;          //Wenn es ein Fehler beim Initialisierung gab
+bool BT_error = false;              //Wenn es BLE oder SD Fehler ist, dann werden die Button Interrupts nicht deklariert
+bool shipping = false;              //Sendevorgang Status
+bool pause = true;                  //Pause während Sendevorgang
+bool init_status = false;           //Erfolgreiche Initialisierung Status
+bool charge = false;                //Wenn DL an Stromnetz angeschlossen ist
+struct tm user_config_time;        
+struct user_config_struct user_config_para = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; //Liste für Config Parameter
+int next_state = 0;                 //State-Machine
+int unsigned long unix_time = 0;    //Zeit in Unix Zeitformat
+int default_advertise_time = 300;   //Default Timer für BLE advertising
+int default_connected_time = 180;   //Default Timer für BLE verbunden
+int alert_count = 0;                //Alarme Zähler
+void turnOFF(){
+    if(BT_error == false){
+        in_BT = false;
+        BT_false();
+    }
+    next_state = 4;
+void flip(){
+    if(BT_error == false){
+        in_BT = !in_BT;
+        if(in_BT == true){
+            BT_true();
+        }else if(in_BT == false){
+            BT_false();
+        }
+    }
+    turnoff.attach(&turnOFF, 4);     // Button für weitere 4 Sekunden halten um Datenlogger auszuschalten
+void onCheck(){
+    r = 1;
+    g = 1;
+void pushed() 
+    flipper.attach(&flip, 1);       // Button für eine Sekunde gedrückt halten um BT zu aktivieren
+void released() {
+    if(quit == 0 && charge == false && after_BT == false){
+        if(error_status == true){
+            r = 0;
+        }else if(shipping == true && pause == false){
+            r = 0;
+            g = 0;
+        }else{
+            g = 0;
+        }
+        led_check.attach(&onCheck, 3);
+    }
+    flipper.detach();
+    turnoff.detach();
+void pre_delay(){
+        for(int i = 0; user_config_para.pre_delay > i; i++){
+            r = 0;
+            g = 0;
+            b = 0;
+            printf("\nPre-delay: %d of %d seconds\n", i + 1, user_config_para.pre_delay);
+            wait_ms(500);
+            r = 1;
+            g = 1;
+            b = 1;
+            wait_ms(500);
+        }
+void mess_handler(){
+    next_state = 1;
+void chargeCheck(){
+void states(){
+    switch(next_state){
+        case 0:
+        {/*
+            printf("\n\nSleep\n\n");
+            while ( next_state == 0 ){
+                float batteryProcent = (100 / 0.271) * ( - 0.704);
+                if( > 0.8){
+                    r = 0;
+                    charge = true;
+                }else if( < 0.2){
+                    r = 1;
+                    charge = false;
+                }
+            }*/
+            while ( next_state == 0 ){
+                sleep();
+                wait(0.1);
+            }
+            //wait(0.5);
+            break;
+        }
+        case 1:
+        {
+            get_Messwert();
+            next_state = 0;
+            break;
+        }
+        case 2:
+        {
+            r = 1;
+            conn_state = 0;
+            quit = 1;
+            BLE_handler();
+            break;
+        }
+        case 3:
+        {
+            pre_delay();
+            next_state = 1;
+            mess_timer.attach(&mess_handler, (float)user_config_para.interval);   // Mess-Timer attachen
+            break;
+        }
+        case 4:
+        {
+            b = 0;
+            r = 0;
+            if(BT_error == false){
+                char string[] = "Shutting down Coldchainlogger...";
+                write_to_sd_log_single(string);
+            }
+            printf("\n_______________________________\n\nShutting down Coldchainlogger\n_______________________________\n\n");
+            wait(0.5);
+            max14690.shutdown();
+        }
+    }
+int main() {
+    init();
+    BLE& ble = BLE::Instance(BLE::DEFAULT_INSTANCE);
+    if(BT_error == true){
+        printf("\nBluetooth or SD initialize error: bluetooth can not be used\n");
+    }
+    __enable_irq();
+    button.fall(&pushed);
+    button.rise(&released);
+    while(true) {
+       /*
+       printf("ANALOG: %f\n",;
+       float batteryProcent = (100 / 0.271) * ( - 0.704);
+       printf("PROCENT: %f\n", batteryProcent);
+       printf("Extruder Temperature %f *C\r\n",extruder.get_temperature()); 
+       printf("Sensor Temperature %f *C\r\n",myADT7410.getTemp()); 
+       wait(.5); 
+       */
+       states();
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/max32630fthr.lib	Thu Jul 09 15:56:48 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed-os.lib	Thu Jul 09 15:56:48 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed_app.json	Thu Jul 09 15:56:48 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+    "macros": [
+        "MBED_CONF_SD_SPI_MOSI=P0_5",
+        "MBED_CONF_SD_SPI_MISO=P0_6",
+        "MBED_CONF_SD_SPI_CLK=P0_4",
+        "MBED_CONF_SD_SPI_CS=P0_7"
+    ],
+    "target_overrides": {
+        "*": {
+            "target.components_add": ["SD"]
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file