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Thu Feb 11 19:17:06 2021 +0000
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radio.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
sx126x.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/radio.h	Wed Jul 18 13:33:42 2018 +0000
+++ b/radio.h	Thu Feb 11 19:17:06 2021 +0000
@@ -61,8 +61,50 @@
  * \brief The radio command opcodes
-typedef enum RadioCommands_e RadioCommands_t;
+//typedef enum RadioCommands_e RadioCommands_t;
+typedef enum RadioCommands_e
+    RADIO_GET_STATUS                        = 0xC0,
+    RADIO_WRITE_REGISTER                    = 0x0D,
+    RADIO_READ_REGISTER                     = 0x1D,
+    RADIO_WRITE_BUFFER                      = 0x0E,
+    RADIO_READ_BUFFER                       = 0x1E,
+    RADIO_SET_SLEEP                         = 0x84,
+    RADIO_SET_STANDBY                       = 0x80,
+    RADIO_SET_FS                            = 0xC1,
+    RADIO_SET_TX                            = 0x83,
+    RADIO_SET_RX                            = 0x82,
+    RADIO_SET_RXDUTYCYCLE                   = 0x94,
+    RADIO_SET_CAD                           = 0xC5,
+    RADIO_SET_TXCONTINUOUSWAVE              = 0xD1,
+    RADIO_SET_PACKETTYPE                    = 0x8A,
+    RADIO_GET_PACKETTYPE                    = 0x11,
+    RADIO_SET_RFFREQUENCY                   = 0x86,
+    RADIO_SET_TXPARAMS                      = 0x8E,
+    RADIO_SET_PACONFIG                      = 0x95,
+    RADIO_SET_CADPARAMS                     = 0x88,
+    RADIO_SET_BUFFERBASEADDRESS             = 0x8F,
+    RADIO_SET_MODULATIONPARAMS              = 0x8B,
+    RADIO_SET_PACKETPARAMS                  = 0x8C,
+    RADIO_GET_RXBUFFERSTATUS                = 0x13,
+    RADIO_GET_PACKETSTATUS                  = 0x14,
+    RADIO_GET_RSSIINST                      = 0x15,
+    RADIO_GET_STATS                         = 0x10,
+    RADIO_RESET_STATS                       = 0x00,
+    RADIO_CFG_DIOIRQ                        = 0x08,
+    RADIO_GET_IRQSTATUS                     = 0x12,
+    RADIO_CLR_IRQSTATUS                     = 0x02,
+    RADIO_CALIBRATE                         = 0x89,
+    RADIO_CALIBRATEIMAGE                    = 0x98,
+    RADIO_SET_REGULATORMODE                 = 0x96,
+    RADIO_GET_ERROR                         = 0x17,
+    RADIO_SET_TCXOMODE                      = 0x97,
+    RADIO_SET_TXFALLBACKMODE                = 0x93,
+    RADIO_SET_RFSWITCHMODE                  = 0x9D,
+    RADIO_SET_LORASYMBTIMEOUT               = 0xA0,
  * \brief The radio callbacks structure
  * Holds function pointers to be called on radio interrupts
--- a/sx126x.h	Wed Jul 18 13:33:42 2018 +0000
+++ b/sx126x.h	Thu Feb 11 19:17:06 2021 +0000
@@ -465,49 +465,7 @@
  * \brief Represents all possible opcode understood by the radio
-typedef enum RadioCommands_e
-    RADIO_GET_STATUS                        = 0xC0,
-    RADIO_WRITE_REGISTER                    = 0x0D,
-    RADIO_READ_REGISTER                     = 0x1D,
-    RADIO_WRITE_BUFFER                      = 0x0E,
-    RADIO_READ_BUFFER                       = 0x1E,
-    RADIO_SET_SLEEP                         = 0x84,
-    RADIO_SET_STANDBY                       = 0x80,
-    RADIO_SET_FS                            = 0xC1,
-    RADIO_SET_TX                            = 0x83,
-    RADIO_SET_RX                            = 0x82,
-    RADIO_SET_RXDUTYCYCLE                   = 0x94,
-    RADIO_SET_CAD                           = 0xC5,
-    RADIO_SET_TXCONTINUOUSWAVE              = 0xD1,
-    RADIO_SET_PACKETTYPE                    = 0x8A,
-    RADIO_GET_PACKETTYPE                    = 0x11,
-    RADIO_SET_RFFREQUENCY                   = 0x86,
-    RADIO_SET_TXPARAMS                      = 0x8E,
-    RADIO_SET_PACONFIG                      = 0x95,
-    RADIO_SET_CADPARAMS                     = 0x88,
-    RADIO_SET_BUFFERBASEADDRESS             = 0x8F,
-    RADIO_SET_MODULATIONPARAMS              = 0x8B,
-    RADIO_SET_PACKETPARAMS                  = 0x8C,
-    RADIO_GET_RXBUFFERSTATUS                = 0x13,
-    RADIO_GET_PACKETSTATUS                  = 0x14,
-    RADIO_GET_RSSIINST                      = 0x15,
-    RADIO_GET_STATS                         = 0x10,
-    RADIO_RESET_STATS                       = 0x00,
-    RADIO_CFG_DIOIRQ                        = 0x08,
-    RADIO_GET_IRQSTATUS                     = 0x12,
-    RADIO_CLR_IRQSTATUS                     = 0x02,
-    RADIO_CALIBRATE                         = 0x89,
-    RADIO_CALIBRATEIMAGE                    = 0x98,
-    RADIO_SET_REGULATORMODE                 = 0x96,
-    RADIO_GET_ERROR                         = 0x17,
-    RADIO_SET_TCXOMODE                      = 0x97,
-    RADIO_SET_TXFALLBACKMODE                = 0x93,
-    RADIO_SET_RFSWITCHMODE                  = 0x9D,
-    RADIO_SET_LORASYMBTIMEOUT               = 0xA0,
  * \brief The type describing the modulation parameters for every packet types