Callum and Adel's changes on 12/02/19

Dependencies:   Crypto

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Mar 20 10:01:38 2019 +0000
Commit message:
maybe broke some things - close to getting it to go backwards

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/main.cpp	Wed Mar 20 08:30:45 2019 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Mar 20 10:01:38 2019 +0000
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
         volatile uint8_t cmdIndx;
         volatile uint8_t inCharQIdx;
-        volatile uint16_t motorPower; // motor toque
+        volatile uint32_t motorPower; // motor toque
         volatile float targetVel;
         volatile float targetRot;
@@ -112,6 +112,8 @@
         } msg;
         Mail<msg, 32> mailStack;
+        int8_t modeBitfield; // 0,0,0,0,0,Torque,Rotation,Velocity
         void serialISR(){
             if (pc.readable()) {
@@ -170,14 +172,17 @@
                 case 'V': //(MsgChar[velIn])://
                     sscanf(newCmd, "V%f", &targetVel);          //Find desired the target velocity
+                    modeBitfield = 0x01;
                     putMessage(velIn, targetVel);      //Print it out
                 case 'R': //(MsgChar[posIn])://
                     sscanf(newCmd, "R%f", &targetRot);          //Find desired target rotation
+                    modeBitfield = 0x02;
                     putMessage(posIn, targetRot);      //Print it out
                 case 'T': //(MsgChar[torque])://
                     sscanf(newCmd, "T%u", &motorPower);         //Find desired target torque
+                    modeBitfield = 0x04;
                     putMessage(torque, motorPower);         //Print it out
                 case 'M': //(MsgChar[torque])://
@@ -220,22 +225,22 @@
                         pc.printf("\r>%s< New Key Added:\t0x%016x\n\r", inCharQ, pMessage->message);
                     case torque:
-                        pc.printf("\r>%s< Motor Torque set to:\t%d\n\r", inCharQ, pMessage->message);
+                        pc.printf("\r>%s< Motor Torque set to:\t%d\n\r", inCharQ, (int32_t) pMessage->message);
                     case velIn:
                         pc.printf("\r>%s< Target Velocity set to:\t%.2f\n\r", inCharQ, targetVel);
                     case velOut:
                         pc.printf("\r>%s< Current Velocity:\t%.2f\n\r", inCharQ, \
-                                (float) ((int32_t) pMessage->message / 6));
+                                (float) ((int32_t) pMessage->message /*/ 6*/));
                     case posIn:
                         pc.printf("\r>%s< Target Rotation set to:\t%.2f\n\r", inCharQ, \
-                                (float) ((int32_t) pMessage->message / 6));
+                                (float) ((int32_t) pMessage->message /*/ 6*/));
                     case posOut:
                         pc.printf("\r>%s< Current Position:\t%.2f\n\r", inCharQ, \
-                                (float) ((int32_t) pMessage->message / 6));
+                                (float) ((int32_t) pMessage->message /*/ 6*/));
                     case error:
                         pc.printf("\r>%s< Debugging position:%x\n\r", inCharQ, pMessage->message);
@@ -297,7 +302,7 @@
             targetVel = 45.0;
             targetRot = 459.0;
+            modeBitfield = 0x01; // Default is velocity mode
             /*MsgChar = {'m', 'R', 'V', 'r', 'v',
@@ -359,7 +364,7 @@
         volatile int8_t stateList[6];    //All possible rotor states stored
         //Phase lead to make motor spin
-        int8_t lead;
+        volatile int8_t lead;
         Comm* p_comm;
         bool _RUN;
@@ -367,13 +372,13 @@
         //Run the motor synchronisation
         float dutyC;     // 1 = 100%
-        uint16_t mtrPeriod; // motor period
+        uint32_t mtrPeriod; // motor period
         uint8_t stateCount[3];  // State Counter
         uint8_t theStates[3];   // The Key states
         Thread t_motor_ctrl;    // Thread for motor Control
-        uint16_t MAXPWM_PRD;
+        uint32_t MAXPWM_PRD;
@@ -420,8 +425,8 @@
             // Default a lower duty cylce
             dutyC = 0.8;
-            pwmCtrl.period_us((uint16_t)mtrPeriod);
-            pwmCtrl.pulsewidth_us((uint16_t)mtrPeriod*dutyC);
+            pwmCtrl.period_us((uint32_t)mtrPeriod);
+            pwmCtrl.pulsewidth_us((uint32_t)mtrPeriod*dutyC);
              p_comm = comm;
             _RUN = true;
@@ -499,17 +504,18 @@
             // Init some things
             uint8_t cpyStateCount[3]; 
             uint8_t cpyCurrentState; 
+            int8_t  cpyModeBitfield;
-            int16_t ting[2] = {5,1}; // 360,60 (for degrees), 5,1 (for states)
+            int32_t ting[2] = {5,1}; // 360,60 (for degrees), 5,1 (for states)
             uint8_t iterElementMax;
-            int16_t totalDegrees;
-            int16_t stateDiff;
+            int32_t totalDegrees;
+            int32_t stateDiff;
             int32_t velocity;                                   //Variable for local velocity calculation
             int32_t locMotorPos;                                //Local copy of motor position
             // static int32_t oldMotorPos = 0;                     //Old motor position used for calculations
             // static uint8_t motorCtrlCounter = 0;                //Counter to be reset every 10 iterations to get velocity calculation in seconds
-            int16_t torque;                                     //Local variable to set motor torque
+            volatile int32_t torque;                                     //Local variable to set motor torque
             float sError;                                       //Velocity error between target and reality
             float rError;                                       //Rotation error between target and reality
             static float rErrorOld;                             //Old rotation error used for calculation
@@ -519,10 +525,16 @@
             int32_t Kp2=22;                                     //Calculated by trial and error to give optimal accuracy  
             float   Kd=15.5;    
+            int32_t Ys;                                      //Initialise controller output Ys  (s=speed)
+            int32_t Yr;                                      //Initialise controller output Yr (r=rotations)
             while (_RUN) {
+                cpyModeBitfield = p_comm->modeBitfield;
+                p_comm->modeBitfield = 0;
                 //Access shared variables here
                 std::copy(stateCount, stateCount+3, cpyStateCount);  
                 // TODO: A thing yes
@@ -544,41 +556,60 @@
                 //p_comm->pc.printf("%u,%u,%u,%u. %.6i \r", iterElementMax, cpyStateCount[0],cpyStateCount[1],cpyStateCount[2], (totalDegrees*10));
-                //~~~~~Speed controller~~~~~~
-                velocity = totalDegrees*10;
-                sError = (p_comm->targetVel * 6) - abs(velocity);        //Read global variable targetVel updated by interrupt and calculate error between target and reality
-                int32_t Ys;                                      //Initialise controller output Ys  (s=speed)
-                if (sError == -abs(velocity)) {                  //Check if user entered V0, 
-                    Ys = MAXPWM_PRD;                                 //and set the output to maximum as specified
-                } else {
-                    Ys = (int32_t)(Kp1 * sError);                    //If the user didn't enter V0 implement controller transfer function: Ys = Kp * (s -|v|) where,
-                }                                                //Ys = controller output, Kp = prop controller constant, s = target velocity and v is the measured velocity
+                if ((cpyModeBitfield & 0x01) | (cpyModeBitfield & 0x02)) {
+                    //~~~~~Speed controller~~~~~~
+                    velocity = totalDegrees*10;
+                    sError = (p_comm->targetVel * 6) - abs(velocity);        //Read global variable targetVel updated by interrupt and calculate error between target and reality
+                    if (sError == -abs(velocity)) {                  //Check if user entered V0, 
+                        Ys = MAXPWM_PRD;                                 //and set the output to maximum as specified
+                    } else {
+                        Ys = (int32_t)(Kp1 * sError);                    //If the user didn't enter V0 implement controller transfer function: Ys = Kp * (s -|v|) where,
+                    }                                                //Ys = controller output, Kp = prop controller constant, s = target velocity and v is the measured velocity
-                //~~~~~Rotation control~~~~~~
-                rError = p_comm->targetRot - cpyCurrentState;            //Read global variable targetRot updated by interrupt and calculate the rotation error. 
-                int32_t Yr;                                      //Initialise controller output Yr (r=rotations)
-                Yr = Kp2*rError + Kd*(rError - rErrorOld);       //Implement controller transfer function Ys= Kp*Er + Kd* (dEr/dt)        
-                rErrorOld = rError;                              //Update rotation error
-                if(rError < 0){                                  //Use the sign of the error to set controller wrt direction of rotation
-                    Ys = -Ys;                               
+//                } else if (cpyModeBitfield & 0x02) {
+                    //~~~~~Rotation control~~~~~~
+                    rError = p_comm->targetRot - cpyCurrentState;            //Read global variable targetRot updated by interrupt and calculate the rotation error. 
+                    Yr = Kp2*rError + Kd*(rError - rErrorOld);       //Implement controller transfer function Ys= Kp*Er + Kd* (dEr/dt)        
+                    rErrorOld = rError;                              //Update rotation error
+                    if(rError < 0){                                  //Use the sign of the error to set controller wrt direction of rotation
+                        Ys = -Ys;                               
+                    }
-                if((velocity>=0 && Ys<Yr) || (velocity<0 && Ys>Yr)){        //Choose Ys or Yr based on distance from target value so that it takes 
-                    torque = Ys;                                            //appropriate steps in the right direction to reach target value
-                } else {
-                    torque = Yr;
+                if (cpyModeBitfield & 0x04) { // if it is in torque mode, do no math, just set pulsewidth 
+                    torque = (int32_t)p_comm->motorPower;
+                    if(torque < 0){                                             //Variable torque cannot be negative since it sets the PWM  
+                        torque = -torque;                                       //Hence we make the value positive, 
+                        lead = -2;                                              //and instead set the direction to the opposite one
+                    } else {
+                        lead = 2;
+                    }
+                    if(torque > MAXPWM_PRD){                                        //In case the calculated PWM is higher than our maximum 50% allowance,
+                        torque = MAXPWM_PRD;                                        //Set it to our max.
+                        p_comm->putMessage((Comm::msgType)8, torque);
+                    }
+                    p_comm->motorPower = torque;
+                    pwmCtrl.pulsewidth_us(torque);
+                } else { // if not Torque mode
+                    if((velocity>=0 && Ys<Yr) || (velocity<0 && Ys>Yr)){        //Choose Ys or Yr based on distance from target value so that it takes 
+                        torque = Ys;                                            //appropriate steps in the right direction to reach target value
+                    } else {
+                        torque = Yr;
+                    }
+                    if(torque < 0){                                             //Variable torque cannot be negative since it sets the PWM  
+                        torque = -torque;                                       //Hence we make the value positive, 
+                        lead = -2;                                              //and instead set the direction to the opposite one
+                    } else {
+                        lead = 2;
+                    }
+                    if(torque > MAXPWM_PRD){                                        //In case the calculated PWM is higher than our maximum 50% allowance,
+                        torque = MAXPWM_PRD;                                        //Set it to our max.
+                    }   
+                    p_comm->motorPower = torque;
+                    pwmCtrl.pulsewidth_us(p_comm->motorPower);
-                if(torque < 0){                                             //Variable torque cannot be negative since it sets the PWM  
-                    torque = -torque;                                       //Hence we make the value positive, 
-                    lead = -2;                                              //and instead set the direction to the opposite one
-                } else {
-                    lead = 2;
-                }
-                if(torque > MAXPWM_PRD){                                        //In case the calculated PWM is higher than our maximum 50% allowance,
-                    torque = MAXPWM_PRD;                                        //Set it to our max.
-                }   
-                pwmCtrl.pulsewidth_us(p_comm->motorPower);
                 // pwmCtrl.write((float)(p_comm->motorPower/MAXPWM_PRD)); 
                 // p_comm->motorPower = torque;                                        //Lastly, update global variable motorPower which is updated by interrupt        
                 // p_comm->pc.printf("\t\t\t\t\t\t %i, %i, %i \r", torque, Ys, Yr);