Play snake using mbed! A snake-like game that runs on the memoryLCD display on Happy Gecko.

Dependencies:   mbed MemoryLCD

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File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
asymmetricPart.cpp [code]Class for an asymmetric head object for gecko.h
asymmetricPart.h [code]Class for an asymmetric head object for gecko.h
food.cpp [code]Class for creating a food-like object and keeps track of its momvement
food.h [code]Class for creating a food-like object and keeps track of its momvement
gecko.cpp [code]Class for creating a gecko-like object and keeps track of its momvement
gecko.h [code]Class for creating a gecko-like object and keeps track of its momvement
main.cpp [code]Demo program for game Hungry Gecko
settings.h [code]file for Hungry Gecko program