Mbed OS and Pelion Device Management example over WIFI for DISCO_L475VG_IOT01 board


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File Index

File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
HTS221_driver.c [code]HTS221 driver file
HTS221_driver.h [code]HTS221 driver header file
HTS221Sensor.cpp [code]Implementation of an HTS221 Humidity and Temperature sensor
HTS221Sensor.h [code]Abstract class of an HTS221 Humidity and Temperature sensor
lis3mdl.h [code]This file contains definitions for the lis3mdl.c firmware driver
lis3mdl_class.cpp [code]Implementation file for the LIS3MDL driver class
lis3mdl_class.h [code]Header file for component LIS3MDL
LPS22HB_driver.c [code]LPS22HB driver file
LPS22HB_driver.h [code]LPS22HB driver header file
LPS22HBSensor.cpp [code]Implementation of an LPS22HB Pressure sensor
LPS22HBSensor.h [code]Abstract Class of an LPS22HB Pressure sensor
LSM6DSL_acc_gyro_driver.c [code]LSM6DSL driver file
LSM6DSL_acc_gyro_driver.h [code]LSM6DSL header driver file
LSM6DSLSensor.cpp [code]Implementation of an LSM6DSL Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) 6 axes sensor
LSM6DSLSensor.h [code]Abstract Class of an LSM6DSL Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) 6 axes sensor
magneto.h [code]This header file contains the functions prototypes for the magneto driver
drivers/storage/COMPONENT_QSPIF/TESTS/block_device/qspif/main.cpp [code]
main.cpp [code]
mbed_cloud_dev_credentials.c [code]
MySystemStorage.cpp [code]
QSPIFBlockDevice.cpp [code]
QSPIFBlockDevice.h [code]
Stmpe1600.h [code]Header file for component stmpe1600
update_default_resources.c [code]
VL53L0X.cpp [code]
VL53L0X.h [code]
VL53L0X_def.h [code]Type definitions for VL53L0X API
VL53L0X_device.h [code]
VL53L0X_i2c_platform.h [code]
VL53L0X_interrupt_threshold_settings.h [code]
VL53L0X_platform.h [code]Function prototype definitions for Ewok Platform layer
VL53L0X_platform_log.h [code]
VL53L0X_tuning.h [code]
VL53L0X_types.h [code]