library mma8452

Dependents:   APP3_Capteur_V2

Fork of MMA8452 by Ashley Mills

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Oct 16 14:11:04 2013 +0000
Commit message:
mma8452 0.1 - basic functions supported. ; Still going under test.

Changed in this revision

MMA8452.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MMA8452.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/MMA8452.cpp	Tue Oct 08 16:13:14 2013 +0000
+++ b/MMA8452.cpp	Wed Oct 16 14:11:04 2013 +0000
@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@
-float TILT_XY[64] = {0, 2.69, 5.38, 8.08, 10.81, 13.55, 16.33, 19.16, 22.02, 24.95, 27.95, 31.04, 34.23, 37.54, 41.01, 44.68, 48.59, 52.83, 57.54, 62.95, 69.64, 79.86, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -79.86, -69.64, -62.95, -57.54, -52.83, -48.59, -44.68, -41.01, -37.54, -34.23, -31.04, -27.95, -24.95, -22.02, -19.16, -16.33, -13.55, -10.81, -8.08, -5.38, -2.69}; 
-float TILT_Z[64] = {90.00, 87.31, 84.62, 81.92, 79.19, 76.45, 73.67, 70.84, 67.98, 65.05, 62.05, 58.96, 55.77, 52.46, 48.99, 45.32, 41.41, 37.17, 32.46, 27.05, 20.36, 10.14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -10.14, -20.36, -27.05, -32.46, -37.17, -41.41, -45.32, -48.99, -52.46, -55.77, -58.96, -62.05, -65.05, -67.98, -70.84, -73.67, -76.45, -79.19, -81.92, -84.62};
@@ -45,8 +43,27 @@
     char mcu_address = (MMA8452_ADDRESS<<1);
     char init[2];
     init[0] = CTRL_REG_1;                 // control register 1
-    init[1] = 0x01;                       // set to active
-    //while(m_i2c.write(mcu_address,init,2));
+    init[1] = ACTIVE;                     // set to active
+    if(m_i2c.write(mcu_address,init,2) == 0)
+    {
+         return 0;  // return 0 to indicate success
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return 1;   // crumbs it failed!!!
+    }
+// Setting the control register bit 1 to true to activate the MMA8452
+int Accelerometer_MMA8452::standby()
+    char mcu_address = (MMA8452_ADDRESS<<1);
+    char init[2];
+    init[0] = CTRL_REG_1;                 // control register 1
+    init[1] = STANDBY;                    // set to standby
     if(m_i2c.write(mcu_address,init,2) == 0)
@@ -62,6 +79,7 @@
 // Device initialization
 void Accelerometer_MMA8452::init()
@@ -72,79 +90,230 @@
+// Get real time status of device - it can be STANDBY, WAKE or SLEEP
+int Accelerometer_MMA8452::get_SystemMode(int& deviceSystemMode)
+    char mcu_address = (MMA8452_ADDRESS<<1);
+    m_i2c.start();
+    if( m_i2c.write( mcu_address & 0xFE) == 0)          // just good practice to force bit 1 to a '0' by ANDing with 0xFE
+    {
+        return 1;                                       // we failed to write the mcu address on the bus to initiate dialogue 
+    }
+    if( m_i2c.write( SYSMOD) == 0) 
+    {
+        return 1;                                       // we failed to write 'status' to the chip
+    }
+    m_i2c.start();
+    if( m_i2c.write( mcu_address | 0x01) == 0)          // this is asking to read the slave mcu address - even though it's a 'write' method!!! Crap API...
+    {
+        return 1;                                       // we failed to request a read from that mcu - this really is just writing the mcu vaule on the bus
+    }
+    deviceSystemMode  =;
+    m_i2c.stop();
+    return 0;
+// Get real time status of device - it can be STANDBY, WAKE or SLEEP
+int Accelerometer_MMA8452::get_Status(int& deviceStatus)
+    char mcu_address = (MMA8452_ADDRESS<<1);
+    m_i2c.start();
+    if( m_i2c.write( mcu_address & 0xFE) == 0)          // just good practice to force bit 1 to a '0' by ANDing with 0xFE
+    {
+        return 1;                                       // we failed to write the mcu address on the bus to initiate dialogue 
+    }
+    if( m_i2c.write( STATUS) == 0) 
+    {
+        return 1;                                       // we failed to write 'status' to the chip
+    }
+    m_i2c.start();
+    if( m_i2c.write( mcu_address | 0x01) == 0)          // this is asking to read the slave mcu address - even though it's a 'write' method!!! Crap API...
+    {
+        return 1;                                       // we failed to request a read from that mcu - this really is just writing the mcu vaule on the bus
+    }
+    deviceStatus  =;
+    m_i2c.stop();
+    return 0;
 // Get device ID 
 int Accelerometer_MMA8452::get_DeviceID(int& deviceID)
     char mcu_address = (MMA8452_ADDRESS<<1);
-    int z = 0;
-    wait( 0.1);
-    if( m_i2c.write( mcu_address) == 0) 
+    if( m_i2c.write( mcu_address & 0xFE) == 0)          // just good practice to force bit 1 to a '0' by ANDing with 0xFE
-        //printf( "GetDeviceId NAK on writing address");
-        return 1;
+        return 1;                                       // we failed to write the mcu address on the bus to initiate dialogue 
-    wait( 0.1);
     if( m_i2c.write( WHO_AM_I) == 0) 
-        //printf( "GetDeviceId NAK on writing register address");
-        return 1;
+        return 1;                                       // we failed to write 'who am i' to the chip
-    wait( 0.1);
-    wait( 0.1);
-    if( m_i2c.write( mcu_address | 0x01) == 0)          // this is asking to read the slave address - even though it's a 'write' method!!! Crap API...
+    if( m_i2c.write( mcu_address | 0x01) == 0)          // this is asking to read the slave mcu address - even though it's a 'write' method!!! Crap API...
-        //printf( "GetDeviceId NAK on writing address");
-        return 1;
+        return 1;                                       // we failed to request a read from that mcu - this really is just writing the mcu vaule on the bus
-    wait( 0.1);
     deviceID  =;
-    z =;
-    wait( 0.1);
     return 0;
-// Reads the tilt angle
-void Accelerometer_MMA8452::read_Tilt(float *x, float *y, float *z)
+// Reads x data
+int Accelerometer_MMA8452::read_x(int& xaxisLSB)
+    char mcu_address = (MMA8452_ADDRESS<<1);
+    m_i2c.start();
+    if( m_i2c.write( mcu_address & 0xFE) == 0)          // just good practice to force bit 1 to a '0' by ANDing with 0xFE
+    {
+        return 1;                                       // we failed to write the mcu address on the bus to initiate dialogue 
+    }
+    if( m_i2c.write( OUT_X_MSB) == 0) 
+    {
+        return 1;                                       // we failed to write 'X axis LSB' to the chip
+    }
+    m_i2c.start();
+    if( m_i2c.write( mcu_address | 0x01) == 0)          // this is asking to read the slave mcu address - even though it's a 'write' method!!! Crap API...
+    {
+        return 1;                                       // we failed to request a read from that mcu - this really is just writing the mcu vaule on the bus
+    }
+    xaxisLSB  =;
+    m_i2c.stop();
+    return 0;
-    const char Addr_X = OUT_X_MSB;
-    char buf[3] = {0,0,0};
+// Reads x data. This method reads two registers containing the x-axis values from the accelerometer. 
+// It takes a 2 byte char array and copies the register values into the buffer. If it fails the char array
+// is set to '0'. It returns '0' success '1' fail. This method does nothing to the registers - just returns
+// the raw data.
+//int Accelerometer_MMA8452::read_x(int& xaxisLSB)
+int Accelerometer_MMA8452::read_x_raw(char *xaxis)
+    char mcu_address = (MMA8452_ADDRESS<<1);                // this is the slave address on the bus we want data from
+    char xaxis_buffer[2];                                   // this will contain data from that register
+    char xaxis_register[1];                     
+    xaxis_register[0] = OUT_X_MSB;                          // this is the register we want to get data from
+    //signed short s = 0;
-    m_i2c.write(MMA8452_ADDRESS, &Addr_X, 1);         // Pointer to the OUT_X_MSB register
-, buf, 3);              // Read register content into buffer with 6bit
-    // returns the x, y, z coordinates transformed into full degrees
-    *x = TILT_XY[(int)buf[0]];
-    *y = TILT_XY[(int)buf[1]];
-    *z = TILT_Z[(int)buf[2]];      
+    if(m_i2c.write(mcu_address,xaxis_register,1) == 0)
+    {
+        if(,xaxis_buffer,2) == 0)
+        {
+            //strcpy(xaxis, xaxis_buffer);
+            memcpy(xaxis, xaxis_buffer, 2);
+            //xaxis[0] = 0x00;                        // make sure the array is set to zero
+            //xaxis[1] = 0x00;
+            //s = *reinterpret_cast<short*>(&xaxis);
+            return 0;                               // great we got the two octets
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            xaxis[0] = 0x00;                        // make sure the array is set to zero
+            xaxis[1] = 0x00;
+            return 1;                               // failed to read the 12 bit x value
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        xaxis[0] = 0x00;                            // make sure the array is set to zero
+        xaxis[1] = 0x00;
+        return 1;                                   // failed to write and request the OUT_X_MSB bit
+    }    
-// Reads x data
-int Accelerometer_MMA8452::read_x()
+// Reads y data. This method reads two registers containing the x-axis values from the accelerometer. 
+// It takes a 2 byte char array and copies the register values into the buffer. If it fails the char array
+// is set to '0'. It returns '0' success '1' fail. This method does nothing to the registers - just returns
+// the raw data.
+int Accelerometer_MMA8452::read_y_raw(char *yaxis)
-    char mcu_address = (MMA8452_ADDRESS <<1);
+    char mcu_address = (MMA8452_ADDRESS<<1);                // this is the slave address on the bus we want data from
+    char yaxis_buffer[2];                                   // this will contain data from that register
+    char yaxis_register[1];                     
+    yaxis_register[0] = OUT_Y_MSB;                          // this is the register we want to get data from
+    //signed short s = 0;
+    if(m_i2c.write(mcu_address,yaxis_register,1) == 0)
+    {
+        if(,yaxis_buffer,2) == 0)
+        {
+            //strcpy(yaxis, yaxis_buffer);
+            memcpy(yaxis, yaxis_buffer, 2);
+            //yaxis[0] = 0x00;                        // make sure the array is set to zero
+            //yaxis[1] = 0x00;
+            //s = *reinterpret_cast<short*>(&xaxis);
+            return 0;                               // great we got the two octets
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            yaxis[0] = 0x00;                        // make sure the array is set to zero
+            yaxis[1] = 0x00;
+            return 1;                               // failed to read the 12 bit y value
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        yaxis[0] = 0x00;                            // make sure the array is set to zero
+        yaxis[1] = 0x00;
+        return 1;                                   // failed to write and request the OUT_Y_MSB bit
+    }    
-    m_i2c.start();                      // Start
-    m_i2c.write(mcu_address);           // A write to devic
-    m_i2c.write(OUT_X_LSB);             // Register to read
-    m_i2c.start();                  
-    m_i2c.write(mcu_address);           // Read from device
-    int x =;             // Read the data
-    m_i2c.stop();
+// Reads z data. This method reads two registers containing the x-axis values from the accelerometer. 
+// It takes a 2 byte char array and copies the register values into the buffer. If it fails the char array
+// is set to '0'. It returns '0' success '1' fail. This method does nothing to the registers - just returns
+// the raw data.
+int Accelerometer_MMA8452::read_z_raw(char *zaxis)
+    char mcu_address = (MMA8452_ADDRESS<<1);                // this is the slave address on the bus we want data from
+    char zaxis_buffer[2];                                   // this will contain data from that register
+    char zaxis_register[1];                     
+    zaxis_register[0] = OUT_Z_MSB;                          // this is the register we want to get data from
+    //signed short s = 0;
-    return x;  
+    if(m_i2c.write(mcu_address,zaxis_register,1) == 0)
+    {
+        if(,zaxis_buffer,2) == 0)
+        {
+            //strcpy(yaxis, yaxis_buffer);
+            memcpy(zaxis, zaxis_buffer, 2);
+            //yaxis[0] = 0x00;                        // make sure the array is set to zero
+            //yaxis[1] = 0x00;
+            //s = *reinterpret_cast<short*>(&xaxis);
+            return 0;                               // great we got the two octets
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            zaxis[0] = 0x00;                        // make sure the array is set to zero
+            zaxis[1] = 0x00;
+            return 1;                               // failed to read the 12 bit y value
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        zaxis[0] = 0x00;                            // make sure the array is set to zero
+        zaxis[1] = 0x00;
+        return 1;                                   // failed to write and request the OUT_Y_MSB bit
+    }    
 // Reads y data
--- a/MMA8452.h	Tue Oct 08 16:13:14 2013 +0000
+++ b/MMA8452.h	Wed Oct 16 14:11:04 2013 +0000
@@ -92,13 +92,19 @@
 #define FF_MT_THS 0X17                      // Type 'read' : Freefaul motion threshold register
 #define FF_COUNT 0X18                       // Type 'read' : Freefaul motion debouce counter
-#define ASLP_COUNT 0x29                     // Type 'read/write' : Counter setting for auto sleep
+#define ASLP_COUNT 0x29                     // Type 'read/write' : Counter settings for auto sleep
 #define CTRL_REG_1 0x2A                     // Type 'read/write' :
 #define CTRL_REG_2 0x2B                     // Type 'read/write' :
 #define CTRL_REG_3 0x2C                     // Type 'read/write' :
 #define CTRL_REG_4 0x2D                     // Type 'read/write' :
 #define CTRL_REG_5 0x2E                     // Type 'read/write' :
+// Defined in table 13 of the Freescale PDF
+#define STANDBY 0x00                        // State value returned after a SYSMOD request, it can be in state STANDBY, WAKE or SLEEP
+#define WAKE 0x01                           // State value returned after a SYSMOD request, it can be in state STANDBY, WAKE or SLEEP
+#define SLEEP 0x02                          // State value returned after a SYSMOD request, it can be in state STANDBY, WAKE or SLEEP
+#define ACTIVE 0x01                         // Stage value returned and set in Control Register 1, it can be STANDBY=00, or ACTIVE=01
 #define TILT_STATUS 0x03        // Tilt Status (Read only)
@@ -134,12 +140,53 @@
+      /** Get system mode of the MMA8452 (not required)
+        *   returns 0 for success in reading the system mode of the chip
+        *   returns 1 for failure in reading the system mode of the chip
+        *   -currently no retries or waiting is done, this method tries 1 time then exits.
+        *
+        *   This method is used to find out the system mode of the chip ACTIVE = 0x00 or STANDBY = 0x01
+      */
+      int get_SystemMode(int& deviceSystemMode);
+      /** Get status of the MMA8452 (not required)
+        *   returns 0 for success in reading the status of the chip
+        *   returns 1 for failure in reading the status of  the chip
+        *   -currrently no retries or waiting is done, this method tries 1 time then exits.
+        *
+        *   This method is used to find out the real time status of the device it shows if
+        *   x,y and z values have been overwritten before they have been read since a change happened.
+        *   
+      */
+      int get_Status(int& deviceStatus);
       /** Activate the MMA8452 (required)
         *   returns 0 for success in activating the chip
         *   returns 1 for failure in activating the chip
         *   -currrently no retries or waiting is done, this method tries 1 time the exits.
+        *
+        *   This will set the device 'active' even if it's already active. It's just a way to force that state.
       int activate();
+       /** Standby the MMA8452 (not required)
+        *   returns 0 for success in activating the chip
+        *   returns 1 for failure in activating the chip
+        *   -currrently no retries or waiting is done, this method tries 1 time the exits.
+        *
+        *   This will set the device 'standby' even if it's already in standby. It's just a way to force that state.
+      */
+      int standby();
        /** Initialization of device MMA8452 (required)
@@ -151,32 +198,29 @@
         * return 0 for success or
         * return 1 for failure.
-      int get_DeviceID(int& deviceID);    
-       /** Read the Tilt Angle using Three Axis
-        *
-        * @param *x Value of x tilt
-        * @param *y Value of y tilt
-        * @param *z Value of z tilt
-        */
-      void read_Tilt(float *x, float *y, float *z);
+      int get_DeviceID(int& deviceID);  
+      int read_y();
+      int read_z();  
       /** Read the x register of the MMA8452
         * @returns The value of x acceleration
-      int read_x();
+      int read_x_raw(char *xaxis);
+      //int read_x(int& xaxisLSB);
       /** Read the y register of the MMA8452
         * @returns The value of y acceleration
-      int read_y();
+      int read_y_raw(char *yaxis);
       /** Read the z register of the MMA8452
         * @returns The value of z acceleration
-       int read_z();
+       int read_z_raw(char * zaxis);
       /** Read the x,y and z registers of the MMA8452