Robot code for searching an object and charging at it.

Dependencies:   HCSR04 Motor mbed

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Sun Jun 07 18:42:03 2015 +0000
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main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/main.cpp	Sun Jun 07 17:34:17 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Jun 07 18:42:03 2015 +0000
@@ -8,40 +8,38 @@
 // Yucando Navarrete
 // Vivekanand Gupta
-// The following code will control a robotic car
-// by detetecting an object and charging towards it
-// it uses basic functions as:
+// The following code controls a robotic car
+// by detetecting an object and charging towards it.
+// It uses the following basic functions:
 // move_forward(speed)
-//                      -   used to move_forward on an object detected
-//                          the robot will move in a straight line
+//                      -   Used to move the robot toward a detected object.
+//                          The robot will move forwards in a straight line
 //                          until it detects the arena line where
 //                          it will use reverse() to move back
 // detect_object(range, speed)
-//                      -   used to detect an object, the robot will
-//                          move in a circle to find an object and
-//                          return 1 if it finds something and return
-//                          0 if it does not find anything - the search
-//                          will be carried out for 15 seconds.
+//                      -   Used to detect an object, the robot will
+//                          move in a circle to find an object. This function
+//                          returns 1 if an object is detected, otherwise it will 
+//                          return 0. The search will be carried out for 15 seconds.
 // detect_line ()
-//                      -   used to detect a line, it returns the following
-//                          an int value as follows:
-//                          0  - if no line is detected
-//                          1  - if line detected from the front
-//                          -1 - if line detected from the back
+//                      -   Used to detect a line, it returns the following values:
+//                              0  - if no line is detected
+//                              1  - if line detected from the front
+//                              -1 - if line detected from the back
 // reverse(speed)
-//                      -   reverses the robot with moveforwardspeed in same position
+//                      -   Reverses the robot in a straight line at given speed.
 // stop()
-//                      -   stops the robot
+//                      -   Stops the robot.
 // move_random(speed)
-//                      -   used to move the robot randomly, the robot will either
+//                      -   Used to move the robot randomly: the robot will either
 //                          move forward, move backward, or turn around. The movement 
-//                          will be carried out for a random time
+//                          will be carried out for a random time.
 // Libraries for using the above functions and more ...