Interface the RenBed with a simple optical linear encoder, using X1 encoding.

Dependencies:   SevenSegmentDisplay mbed

This is an example of a copper strip-board design for an optical linear encoder (IRED), and how it is wired up to the Renbed on a breadboard:


The trimmer potentiometer is used to vary the current through the IRED LEDs, in order to balance out the two output signals.

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Mon Sep 05 13:17:15 2016 +0000
Commit message:
rev 1.0

Changed in this revision

SevenSegmentDisplay.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SevenSegmentDisplay.lib	Mon Sep 05 13:17:15 2016 +0000
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Sep 05 13:17:15 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "SevenSegmentDisplay.h"
+// define values for high and low analog signals, used to compare to ADC values. 0.56 indicates that the low level is set to 56% of 3.3V.
+#define SIGNAL_LOW 0.56
+#define SIGNAL_HIGH 0.60
+class Encoder{
+*   Encoder - class constructor, used to declare an instant of the Encoder class.                               *
+*                                                                                                               *
+*   Parameters: PinA - analog channel A, PinB - analog channel B, OutputA - digital output for channel A,       *
+*               OutputB - digital output for channel B, InputA - input for the feedback of digital channel A,   *
+*               InputB - input for the feedback of digital channel B                                            *
+*                                                                                                               *
+*   Returns: none                                                                                               *
+    Encoder(PinName pinA, PinName pinB, PinName OutputA, PinName OutputB, PinName InputA, PinName InputB) : 
+        SignalA(pinA), SignalB(pinB), SquaredA(OutputA), SquaredB(OutputB), SquaredA_in(InputA), SquaredB_in(InputB){
+        //attach ADC function to ticker, will be called every 75 microseconds (pretty much as often as possible)
+        ProcessCycle.attach_us(this, &Encoder::ConvertSignals, 75);
+        //attach rising_A function to rising edge interrupt on the feedback signal for digital channel A
+        SquaredA_in.rise(this, &Encoder::rising_A);
+        //attach falling_A function to falling edge interrupt on the feedback signal for digital channel B 
+        SquaredA_in.fall(this, &Encoder::falling_A);
+    }
+*   get_count - returns the current encoder counter value
+*   Parameters: none
+*   Returns: int - current counter value
+    int get_count(void){
+        return count;
+    }
+    AnalogIn SignalA;           //analog input for signal A
+    AnalogIn SignalB;           //analog input for signal B
+    DigitalOut SquaredA;        //digital output for the digital translation of channel A
+    DigitalOut SquaredB;        //digital output for the digital translation of channel B
+    InterruptIn SquaredA_in;    //interrupt for the feedback of digital channel A signal 
+    InterruptIn SquaredB_in;    //interrupt for the feedback of digital channel B signal
+    Ticker ProcessCycle;        //ticker to attach signal converter function to
+    int count;                  //variable to store counter value
+*   ConvertSignals - converts the analog signals from the encoder into digital
+*                    quadrature signals.
+*   Parameters: none
+*   Returns: none
+    void ConvertSignals(void){
+        //take readings from the ADC
+        float A_reading = SignalA;
+        float B_reading = SignalB;
+        //decision algorithm to decide when to set the digital signals high/low, 
+        //SIGNAL_LOW and SIGNAL_HIGH are user defined high and low for the analog signals
+        if(A_reading < SIGNAL_LOW){
+            SquaredA = 0;
+        }
+        else if(A_reading > SIGNAL_HIGH){
+            SquaredA = 1;
+        }
+        if(B_reading < SIGNAL_LOW){
+            SquaredB = 0;
+        }
+        else if(B_reading > SIGNAL_HIGH){
+            SquaredB = 1;
+        }
+    }
+*   rising_A - interrupt function for rising edges on channel A, decides when 
+*              the count should be decremented.
+*   Parameters: none
+*   Returns: none
+    void rising_A(void){
+        if( == 0){
+            count--;
+        }
+    }
+*   falling_A - interrupt function for rising edges on channel A, decides when 
+*              the count should be incremented.
+*   Parameters: none
+*   Returns: none
+    void falling_A(void){
+        if( == 0){
+            count++;
+        }
+    }
+/* Create an instance of the class Encoder, which will be called lollipop (because of the lolly stick height control). 
+* Pins must be given in the order specified in the constructor, and analog inputs must be ADC pins */        
+Encoder lollipop(P0_15, P0_22, P0_17, P0_7, P1_14, P0_1);
+SevenSegmentDisplay display(INSTANT);                       //create instance of SevenSegmentDisplay to drive the 7 segs
+*   main - this is the main program routine. The encoder class is working in the 
+*   background, as the constructor was called above.
+*   Parameters: none
+*   Returns: none
+int main(){
+    //a while loop with the parameter 1 will always execute, and repeat forever 
+    while(1){
+        int counter = lollipop.get_count(); //get the current encoder count value
+        // if the counter value is positive, seperate into individual digits and drive displays
+        if(counter >= 0){
+            display.FadeMode(INSTANT);
+            int first_digit = counter/10;
+            int second_digit = counter%10;
+            display.DisplayDigits(first_digit, second_digit);
+        }
+        //if the counter value is negative, make the display flash while displaying value
+        else if(counter < 0){
+            display.FadeMode(FLASH);
+            display.FlashRate(500);
+            counter = counter*-1;
+            int first_digit = counter/10;
+            int second_digit = counter%10;
+            display.DisplayDigits(first_digit, second_digit);
+        }
+        wait(0.2);
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Mon Sep 05 13:17:15 2016 +0000
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