NuMaker connection with AWS IoT thru MQTT/HTTPS

Dependencies:   MQTT

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Dec 13 13:08:21 2018 +0800
Commit message:
Fix TLSSocket name collision with mbed-os 5.11

Rename TLSSocket to MyTLSSocket

Changed in this revision

MyTLSSocket.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TLSSocket.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MyTLSSocket.h	Thu Dec 13 13:08:21 2018 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+#ifndef _MY_TLS_SOCKET_H_
+#define _MY_TLS_SOCKET_H_
+/* Change to a number between 1 and 4 to debug the TLS connection */
+#define DEBUG_LEVEL 0
+#include "mbedtls/platform.h"
+#include "mbedtls/ssl.h"
+#include "mbedtls/entropy.h"
+#include "mbedtls/ctr_drbg.h"
+#include "mbedtls/error.h"
+#if DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
+#include "mbedtls/debug.h"
+#include "mbedtls_utils.h"
+ * \brief MyTLSSocket a wrapper around TCPSocket for interacting with TLS servers
+ */
+class MyTLSSocket {
+    MyTLSSocket(NetworkInterface* net_iface, const char* ssl_ca_pem, const char* ssl_owncert_pem, const char* ssl_own_priv_key_pem) {
+        _tcpsocket = new TCPSocket(net_iface);
+        _ssl_ca_pem = ssl_ca_pem;
+        _ssl_owncert_pem = ssl_owncert_pem;
+        _ssl_own_priv_key_pem = ssl_own_priv_key_pem;
+        _is_connected = false;
+        _debug = false;
+        _hostname = NULL;
+        _port = 0;
+        _error = 0;
+        DRBG_PERS = "mbed TLS helloword client";
+        mbedtls_entropy_init(&_entropy);
+        mbedtls_ctr_drbg_init(&_ctr_drbg);
+        mbedtls_x509_crt_init(&_cacert);
+        mbedtls_x509_crt_init(&_owncert);
+        mbedtls_pk_init(&_own_priv_key);
+        mbedtls_ssl_init(&_ssl);
+        mbedtls_ssl_config_init(&_ssl_conf);
+    }
+    ~MyTLSSocket() {
+        mbedtls_entropy_free(&_entropy);
+        mbedtls_ctr_drbg_free(&_ctr_drbg);
+        mbedtls_x509_crt_free(&_cacert);
+        mbedtls_x509_crt_free(&_owncert);
+        mbedtls_pk_free(&_own_priv_key);
+        mbedtls_ssl_free(&_ssl);
+        mbedtls_ssl_config_free(&_ssl_conf);
+        if (_tcpsocket) {
+            _tcpsocket->close();
+            delete _tcpsocket;
+        }
+        // @todo: free DRBG_PERS ?
+    }
+    /** Close the socket
+     *
+     *  Closes any open connection and deallocates any memory associated
+     *  with the socket. Called from destructor if socket is not closed.
+     *
+     *  @return         0 on success, negative error code on failure
+     */
+    nsapi_error_t close() {
+        return _tcpsocket->close();
+    }
+    nsapi_error_t connect(const char *hostname, uint16_t port) {
+        _hostname = hostname;
+        _port = port;
+        /* Initialize the flags */
+        /*
+         * Initialize TLS-related stuf.
+         */
+        int ret;
+        if ((ret = mbedtls_ctr_drbg_seed(&_ctr_drbg, mbedtls_entropy_func, &_entropy,
+                          (const unsigned char *) DRBG_PERS,
+                          sizeof (DRBG_PERS))) != 0) {
+            print_mbedtls_error("mbedtls_crt_drbg_init", ret);
+            _error = ret;
+            return _error;
+        }
+        if ((ret = mbedtls_x509_crt_parse(&_cacert, (const unsigned char *)_ssl_ca_pem,
+                           strlen(_ssl_ca_pem) + 1)) != 0) {
+            print_mbedtls_error("mbedtls_x509_crt_parse", ret);
+            _error = ret;
+            return _error;
+        }
+        if ((ret = mbedtls_x509_crt_parse(&_owncert, (const unsigned char *) _ssl_owncert_pem,
+                           strlen(_ssl_owncert_pem) + 1)) != 0) {
+            print_mbedtls_error("mbedtls_x509_crt_parse", ret);
+            _error = ret;
+            return _error;
+        }
+        if ((ret = mbedtls_pk_parse_key(&_own_priv_key, (const unsigned char *) _ssl_own_priv_key_pem,
+                           strlen(_ssl_own_priv_key_pem) + 1, NULL, 0)) != 0) {
+            print_mbedtls_error("mbedtls_pk_parse_key", ret);
+            _error = ret;
+            return _error;
+        }
+        if ((ret = mbedtls_ssl_config_defaults(&_ssl_conf,
+                        MBEDTLS_SSL_IS_CLIENT,
+                        MBEDTLS_SSL_TRANSPORT_STREAM,
+                        MBEDTLS_SSL_PRESET_DEFAULT)) != 0) {
+            print_mbedtls_error("mbedtls_ssl_config_defaults", ret);
+            _error = ret;
+            return _error;
+        }
+        mbedtls_ssl_conf_ca_chain(&_ssl_conf, &_cacert, NULL);
+        mbedtls_ssl_conf_own_cert(&_ssl_conf, &_owncert, &_own_priv_key);
+        mbedtls_ssl_conf_rng(&_ssl_conf, mbedtls_ctr_drbg_random, &_ctr_drbg);
+        /* It is possible to disable authentication by passing
+         * MBEDTLS_SSL_VERIFY_NONE in the call to mbedtls_ssl_conf_authmode()
+         */
+        mbedtls_ssl_conf_authmode(&_ssl_conf, MBEDTLS_SSL_VERIFY_REQUIRED);
+#if DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
+        mbedtls_ssl_conf_verify(&_ssl_conf, my_verify, NULL);
+        mbedtls_ssl_conf_dbg(&_ssl_conf, my_debug, NULL);
+        mbedtls_debug_set_threshold(DEBUG_LEVEL);
+        if ((ret = mbedtls_ssl_setup(&_ssl, &_ssl_conf)) != 0) {
+            print_mbedtls_error("mbedtls_ssl_setup", ret);
+            _error = ret;
+            return _error;
+        }
+        mbedtls_ssl_set_hostname(&_ssl, _hostname);
+        mbedtls_ssl_set_bio(&_ssl, static_cast<void *>(_tcpsocket),
+                                   ssl_send, ssl_recv, NULL );
+        /* Connect to the server */
+        if (_debug) mbedtls_printf("Connecting to %s:%d\r\n", _hostname, _port);
+        ret = _tcpsocket->connect(_hostname, _port);
+        if (ret != NSAPI_ERROR_OK) {
+            if (_debug) mbedtls_printf("Failed to connect\r\n");
+            onError(_tcpsocket, -1);
+            return _error;
+        }
+       /* Start the handshake, the rest will be done in onReceive() */
+        if (_debug) mbedtls_printf("Starting the TLS handshake...\r\n");
+        do {
+            ret = mbedtls_ssl_handshake(&_ssl);
+        } while (ret == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ || ret == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE);
+        if (ret < 0) {
+            print_mbedtls_error("mbedtls_ssl_handshake", ret);
+            onError(_tcpsocket, ret);
+            return ret;
+        }
+        /* It also means the handshake is done, time to print info */
+        if (_debug) mbedtls_printf("TLS connection to %s:%d established\r\n", _hostname, _port);
+        const uint32_t buf_size = 1024;
+        char *buf = new char[buf_size];
+        mbedtls_x509_crt_info(buf, buf_size, "\r    ",
+                        mbedtls_ssl_get_peer_cert(&_ssl));
+        if (_debug) mbedtls_printf("Server certificate:\r\n%s\r", buf);
+        uint32_t flags = mbedtls_ssl_get_verify_result(&_ssl);
+        if( flags != 0 )
+        {
+            mbedtls_x509_crt_verify_info(buf, buf_size, "\r  ! ", flags);
+            if (_debug) mbedtls_printf("Certificate verification failed:\r\n%s\r\r\n", buf);
+        }
+        else {
+            if (_debug) mbedtls_printf("Certificate verification passed\r\n\r\n");
+        }
+        delete [] buf;
+        buf = NULL;
+        _is_connected = true;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    /** Send data over a TCP socket
+     *
+     *  The socket must be connected to a remote host. Returns the number of
+     *  bytes sent from the buffer.
+     *
+     *  By default, send blocks until all data is sent. If socket is set to
+     *  non-blocking or times out, a partial amount can be written.
+     *  NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is returned if no data was written.
+     *
+     *  @param data     Buffer of data to send to the host
+     *  @param size     Size of the buffer in bytes
+     *  @return         Number of sent bytes on success, negative error
+     *                  code on failure
+     */
+    nsapi_size_or_error_t send(const void *data, nsapi_size_t size) {
+        return mbedtls_ssl_write(&_ssl, (const uint8_t *) data, size);
+    }
+    /** Receive data over a TCP socket
+     *
+     *  The socket must be connected to a remote host. Returns the number of
+     *  bytes received into the buffer.
+     *
+     *  By default, recv blocks until some data is received. If socket is set to
+     *  non-blocking or times out, NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK can be returned to
+     *  indicate no data.
+     *
+     *  @param data     Destination buffer for data received from the host
+     *  @param size     Size of the buffer in bytes
+     *  @return         Number of received bytes on success, negative error
+     *                  code on failure
+     */
+    nsapi_size_or_error_t recv(void *data, nsapi_size_t size) {
+        return mbedtls_ssl_read(&_ssl, (uint8_t *) data, size);
+    }
+    /** Set blocking or non-blocking mode of the socket
+     *
+     *  Initially all sockets are in blocking mode. In non-blocking mode
+     *  blocking operations such as send/recv/accept return
+     *  NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK if they can not continue.
+     *
+     *  set_blocking(false) is equivalent to set_timeout(-1)
+     *  set_blocking(true) is equivalent to set_timeout(0)
+     *
+     *  @param blocking true for blocking mode, false for non-blocking mode.
+     */
+    void set_blocking(bool blocking) {
+        _tcpsocket->set_blocking(blocking);
+    }
+    /** Set timeout on blocking socket operations
+     *
+     *  Initially all sockets have unbounded timeouts. NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK
+     *  is returned if a blocking operation takes longer than the specified
+     *  timeout. A timeout of 0 removes the timeout from the socket. A negative
+     *  value give the socket an unbounded timeout.
+     *
+     *  set_timeout(0) is equivalent to set_blocking(false)
+     *  set_timeout(-1) is equivalent to set_blocking(true)
+     *
+     *  @param timeout  Timeout in milliseconds
+     */
+    void set_timeout(int timeout) {
+        _tcpsocket->set_timeout(timeout);
+    }
+    bool connected() {
+        return _is_connected;
+    }
+    nsapi_error_t error() {
+        return _error;
+    }
+    TCPSocket* get_tcp_socket() {
+        return _tcpsocket;
+    }
+    mbedtls_ssl_context* get_ssl_context() {
+        return &_ssl;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set the debug flag.
+     *
+     * If this flag is set, debug information from mbed TLS will be logged to stdout.
+     */
+    void set_debug(bool debug) {
+        _debug = debug;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Timed recv for MQTT lib
+     */
+    int read(unsigned char* buffer, int len, int timeout) {
+        set_timeout(timeout);
+        int rc = recv(buffer, len);
+        return (rc == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ || rc == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE) ? 0 : rc;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Timed send for MQTT lib
+     */
+    int write(unsigned char* buffer, int len, int timeout) {
+        set_timeout(timeout);
+        int rc = send(buffer, len);
+        return (rc == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ || rc == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE) ? 0 : rc;
+    }
+#if DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
+    /**
+     * Debug callback for mbed TLS
+     * Just prints on the USB serial port
+     */
+    static void my_debug(void *ctx, int level, const char *file, int line,
+                         const char *str)
+    {
+        const char *p, *basename;
+        (void) ctx;
+        /* Extract basename from file */
+        for(p = basename = file; *p != '\0'; p++) {
+            if(*p == '/' || *p == '\\') {
+                basename = p + 1;
+            }
+        }
+        if (_debug) {
+            mbedtls_printf("%s:%04d: |%d| %s", basename, line, level, str);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Certificate verification callback for mbed TLS
+     * Here we only use it to display information on each cert in the chain
+     */
+    static int my_verify(void *data, mbedtls_x509_crt *crt, int depth, uint32_t *flags)
+    {
+        const uint32_t buf_size = 1024;
+        char *buf = new char[buf_size];
+        (void) data;
+        if (_debug) mbedtls_printf("\nVerifying certificate at depth %d:\n", depth);
+        mbedtls_x509_crt_info(buf, buf_size - 1, "  ", crt);
+        if (_debug) mbedtls_printf("%s", buf);
+        if (*flags == 0)
+            if (_debug) mbedtls_printf("No verification issue for this certificate\n");
+        else
+        {
+            mbedtls_x509_crt_verify_info(buf, buf_size, "  ! ", *flags);
+            if (_debug) mbedtls_printf("%s\n", buf);
+        }
+        delete[] buf;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Receive callback for mbed TLS
+     */
+    static int ssl_recv(void *ctx, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) {
+        int recv = -1;
+        TCPSocket *socket = static_cast<TCPSocket *>(ctx);
+        recv = socket->recv(buf, len);
+        if (NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK == recv) {
+            return MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ;
+        }
+        else if (recv < 0) {
+            return -1;
+        }
+        else {
+            return recv;
+        }
+   }
+    /**
+     * Send callback for mbed TLS
+     */
+    static int ssl_send(void *ctx, const unsigned char *buf, size_t len) {
+       int size = -1;
+        TCPSocket *socket = static_cast<TCPSocket *>(ctx);
+        size = socket->send(buf, len);
+        if(NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK == size) {
+            return MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE;
+        }
+        else if (size < 0){
+            return -1;
+        }
+        else {
+            return size;
+        }
+    }
+    void onError(TCPSocket *s, int error) {
+        s->close();
+        _error = error;
+    }
+    TCPSocket* _tcpsocket;
+    const char* DRBG_PERS;
+    const char* _ssl_ca_pem;
+    const char* _ssl_owncert_pem;
+    const char* _ssl_own_priv_key_pem;
+    const char* _hostname;
+    uint16_t _port;
+    bool _debug;
+    bool _is_connected;
+    nsapi_error_t _error;
+    mbedtls_entropy_context _entropy;
+    mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context _ctr_drbg;
+    mbedtls_x509_crt _cacert;
+    mbedtls_x509_crt _owncert;
+    mbedtls_pk_context _own_priv_key;
+    mbedtls_ssl_context _ssl;
+    mbedtls_ssl_config _ssl_conf;
+#endif // _MY_TLS_SOCKET_H_
--- a/TLSSocket.h	Fri Oct 12 17:57:02 2018 +0800
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _TLS_SOCKET_H_
-#define _TLS_SOCKET_H_
-/* Change to a number between 1 and 4 to debug the TLS connection */
-#define DEBUG_LEVEL 0
-#include "mbedtls/platform.h"
-#include "mbedtls/ssl.h"
-#include "mbedtls/entropy.h"
-#include "mbedtls/ctr_drbg.h"
-#include "mbedtls/error.h"
-#if DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
-#include "mbedtls/debug.h"
-#include "mbedtls_utils.h"
- * \brief TLSSocket a wrapper around TCPSocket for interacting with TLS servers
- */
-class TLSSocket {
-    TLSSocket(NetworkInterface* net_iface, const char* ssl_ca_pem, const char* ssl_owncert_pem, const char* ssl_own_priv_key_pem) {
-        _tcpsocket = new TCPSocket(net_iface);
-        _ssl_ca_pem = ssl_ca_pem;
-        _ssl_owncert_pem = ssl_owncert_pem;
-        _ssl_own_priv_key_pem = ssl_own_priv_key_pem;
-        _is_connected = false;
-        _debug = false;
-        _hostname = NULL;
-        _port = 0;
-        _error = 0;
-        DRBG_PERS = "mbed TLS helloword client";
-        mbedtls_entropy_init(&_entropy);
-        mbedtls_ctr_drbg_init(&_ctr_drbg);
-        mbedtls_x509_crt_init(&_cacert);
-        mbedtls_x509_crt_init(&_owncert);
-        mbedtls_pk_init(&_own_priv_key);
-        mbedtls_ssl_init(&_ssl);
-        mbedtls_ssl_config_init(&_ssl_conf);
-    }
-    ~TLSSocket() {
-        mbedtls_entropy_free(&_entropy);
-        mbedtls_ctr_drbg_free(&_ctr_drbg);
-        mbedtls_x509_crt_free(&_cacert);
-        mbedtls_x509_crt_free(&_owncert);
-        mbedtls_pk_free(&_own_priv_key);
-        mbedtls_ssl_free(&_ssl);
-        mbedtls_ssl_config_free(&_ssl_conf);
-        if (_tcpsocket) {
-            _tcpsocket->close();
-            delete _tcpsocket;
-        }
-        // @todo: free DRBG_PERS ?
-    }
-    /** Close the socket
-     *
-     *  Closes any open connection and deallocates any memory associated
-     *  with the socket. Called from destructor if socket is not closed.
-     *
-     *  @return         0 on success, negative error code on failure
-     */
-    nsapi_error_t close() {
-        return _tcpsocket->close();
-    }
-    nsapi_error_t connect(const char *hostname, uint16_t port) {
-        _hostname = hostname;
-        _port = port;
-        /* Initialize the flags */
-        /*
-         * Initialize TLS-related stuf.
-         */
-        int ret;
-        if ((ret = mbedtls_ctr_drbg_seed(&_ctr_drbg, mbedtls_entropy_func, &_entropy,
-                          (const unsigned char *) DRBG_PERS,
-                          sizeof (DRBG_PERS))) != 0) {
-            print_mbedtls_error("mbedtls_crt_drbg_init", ret);
-            _error = ret;
-            return _error;
-        }
-        if ((ret = mbedtls_x509_crt_parse(&_cacert, (const unsigned char *)_ssl_ca_pem,
-                           strlen(_ssl_ca_pem) + 1)) != 0) {
-            print_mbedtls_error("mbedtls_x509_crt_parse", ret);
-            _error = ret;
-            return _error;
-        }
-        if ((ret = mbedtls_x509_crt_parse(&_owncert, (const unsigned char *) _ssl_owncert_pem,
-                           strlen(_ssl_owncert_pem) + 1)) != 0) {
-            print_mbedtls_error("mbedtls_x509_crt_parse", ret);
-            _error = ret;
-            return _error;
-        }
-        if ((ret = mbedtls_pk_parse_key(&_own_priv_key, (const unsigned char *) _ssl_own_priv_key_pem,
-                           strlen(_ssl_own_priv_key_pem) + 1, NULL, 0)) != 0) {
-            print_mbedtls_error("mbedtls_pk_parse_key", ret);
-            _error = ret;
-            return _error;
-        }
-        if ((ret = mbedtls_ssl_config_defaults(&_ssl_conf,
-                        MBEDTLS_SSL_IS_CLIENT,
-                        MBEDTLS_SSL_TRANSPORT_STREAM,
-                        MBEDTLS_SSL_PRESET_DEFAULT)) != 0) {
-            print_mbedtls_error("mbedtls_ssl_config_defaults", ret);
-            _error = ret;
-            return _error;
-        }
-        mbedtls_ssl_conf_ca_chain(&_ssl_conf, &_cacert, NULL);
-        mbedtls_ssl_conf_own_cert(&_ssl_conf, &_owncert, &_own_priv_key);
-        mbedtls_ssl_conf_rng(&_ssl_conf, mbedtls_ctr_drbg_random, &_ctr_drbg);
-        /* It is possible to disable authentication by passing
-         * MBEDTLS_SSL_VERIFY_NONE in the call to mbedtls_ssl_conf_authmode()
-         */
-        mbedtls_ssl_conf_authmode(&_ssl_conf, MBEDTLS_SSL_VERIFY_REQUIRED);
-#if DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
-        mbedtls_ssl_conf_verify(&_ssl_conf, my_verify, NULL);
-        mbedtls_ssl_conf_dbg(&_ssl_conf, my_debug, NULL);
-        mbedtls_debug_set_threshold(DEBUG_LEVEL);
-        if ((ret = mbedtls_ssl_setup(&_ssl, &_ssl_conf)) != 0) {
-            print_mbedtls_error("mbedtls_ssl_setup", ret);
-            _error = ret;
-            return _error;
-        }
-        mbedtls_ssl_set_hostname(&_ssl, _hostname);
-        mbedtls_ssl_set_bio(&_ssl, static_cast<void *>(_tcpsocket),
-                                   ssl_send, ssl_recv, NULL );
-        /* Connect to the server */
-        if (_debug) mbedtls_printf("Connecting to %s:%d\r\n", _hostname, _port);
-        ret = _tcpsocket->connect(_hostname, _port);
-        if (ret != NSAPI_ERROR_OK) {
-            if (_debug) mbedtls_printf("Failed to connect\r\n");
-            onError(_tcpsocket, -1);
-            return _error;
-        }
-       /* Start the handshake, the rest will be done in onReceive() */
-        if (_debug) mbedtls_printf("Starting the TLS handshake...\r\n");
-        do {
-            ret = mbedtls_ssl_handshake(&_ssl);
-        } while (ret == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ || ret == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE);
-        if (ret < 0) {
-            print_mbedtls_error("mbedtls_ssl_handshake", ret);
-            onError(_tcpsocket, ret);
-            return ret;
-        }
-        /* It also means the handshake is done, time to print info */
-        if (_debug) mbedtls_printf("TLS connection to %s:%d established\r\n", _hostname, _port);
-        const uint32_t buf_size = 1024;
-        char *buf = new char[buf_size];
-        mbedtls_x509_crt_info(buf, buf_size, "\r    ",
-                        mbedtls_ssl_get_peer_cert(&_ssl));
-        if (_debug) mbedtls_printf("Server certificate:\r\n%s\r", buf);
-        uint32_t flags = mbedtls_ssl_get_verify_result(&_ssl);
-        if( flags != 0 )
-        {
-            mbedtls_x509_crt_verify_info(buf, buf_size, "\r  ! ", flags);
-            if (_debug) mbedtls_printf("Certificate verification failed:\r\n%s\r\r\n", buf);
-        }
-        else {
-            if (_debug) mbedtls_printf("Certificate verification passed\r\n\r\n");
-        }
-        delete [] buf;
-        buf = NULL;
-        _is_connected = true;
-        return 0;
-    }
-    /** Send data over a TCP socket
-     *
-     *  The socket must be connected to a remote host. Returns the number of
-     *  bytes sent from the buffer.
-     *
-     *  By default, send blocks until all data is sent. If socket is set to
-     *  non-blocking or times out, a partial amount can be written.
-     *  NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is returned if no data was written.
-     *
-     *  @param data     Buffer of data to send to the host
-     *  @param size     Size of the buffer in bytes
-     *  @return         Number of sent bytes on success, negative error
-     *                  code on failure
-     */
-    nsapi_size_or_error_t send(const void *data, nsapi_size_t size) {
-        return mbedtls_ssl_write(&_ssl, (const uint8_t *) data, size);
-    }
-    /** Receive data over a TCP socket
-     *
-     *  The socket must be connected to a remote host. Returns the number of
-     *  bytes received into the buffer.
-     *
-     *  By default, recv blocks until some data is received. If socket is set to
-     *  non-blocking or times out, NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK can be returned to
-     *  indicate no data.
-     *
-     *  @param data     Destination buffer for data received from the host
-     *  @param size     Size of the buffer in bytes
-     *  @return         Number of received bytes on success, negative error
-     *                  code on failure
-     */
-    nsapi_size_or_error_t recv(void *data, nsapi_size_t size) {
-        return mbedtls_ssl_read(&_ssl, (uint8_t *) data, size);
-    }
-    /** Set blocking or non-blocking mode of the socket
-     *
-     *  Initially all sockets are in blocking mode. In non-blocking mode
-     *  blocking operations such as send/recv/accept return
-     *  NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK if they can not continue.
-     *
-     *  set_blocking(false) is equivalent to set_timeout(-1)
-     *  set_blocking(true) is equivalent to set_timeout(0)
-     *
-     *  @param blocking true for blocking mode, false for non-blocking mode.
-     */
-    void set_blocking(bool blocking) {
-        _tcpsocket->set_blocking(blocking);
-    }
-    /** Set timeout on blocking socket operations
-     *
-     *  Initially all sockets have unbounded timeouts. NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK
-     *  is returned if a blocking operation takes longer than the specified
-     *  timeout. A timeout of 0 removes the timeout from the socket. A negative
-     *  value give the socket an unbounded timeout.
-     *
-     *  set_timeout(0) is equivalent to set_blocking(false)
-     *  set_timeout(-1) is equivalent to set_blocking(true)
-     *
-     *  @param timeout  Timeout in milliseconds
-     */
-    void set_timeout(int timeout) {
-        _tcpsocket->set_timeout(timeout);
-    }
-    bool connected() {
-        return _is_connected;
-    }
-    nsapi_error_t error() {
-        return _error;
-    }
-    TCPSocket* get_tcp_socket() {
-        return _tcpsocket;
-    }
-    mbedtls_ssl_context* get_ssl_context() {
-        return &_ssl;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Set the debug flag.
-     *
-     * If this flag is set, debug information from mbed TLS will be logged to stdout.
-     */
-    void set_debug(bool debug) {
-        _debug = debug;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Timed recv for MQTT lib
-     */
-    int read(unsigned char* buffer, int len, int timeout) {
-        set_timeout(timeout);
-        int rc = recv(buffer, len);
-        return (rc == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ || rc == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE) ? 0 : rc;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Timed send for MQTT lib
-     */
-    int write(unsigned char* buffer, int len, int timeout) {
-        set_timeout(timeout);
-        int rc = send(buffer, len);
-        return (rc == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ || rc == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE) ? 0 : rc;
-    }
-#if DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
-    /**
-     * Debug callback for mbed TLS
-     * Just prints on the USB serial port
-     */
-    static void my_debug(void *ctx, int level, const char *file, int line,
-                         const char *str)
-    {
-        const char *p, *basename;
-        (void) ctx;
-        /* Extract basename from file */
-        for(p = basename = file; *p != '\0'; p++) {
-            if(*p == '/' || *p == '\\') {
-                basename = p + 1;
-            }
-        }
-        if (_debug) {
-            mbedtls_printf("%s:%04d: |%d| %s", basename, line, level, str);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Certificate verification callback for mbed TLS
-     * Here we only use it to display information on each cert in the chain
-     */
-    static int my_verify(void *data, mbedtls_x509_crt *crt, int depth, uint32_t *flags)
-    {
-        const uint32_t buf_size = 1024;
-        char *buf = new char[buf_size];
-        (void) data;
-        if (_debug) mbedtls_printf("\nVerifying certificate at depth %d:\n", depth);
-        mbedtls_x509_crt_info(buf, buf_size - 1, "  ", crt);
-        if (_debug) mbedtls_printf("%s", buf);
-        if (*flags == 0)
-            if (_debug) mbedtls_printf("No verification issue for this certificate\n");
-        else
-        {
-            mbedtls_x509_crt_verify_info(buf, buf_size, "  ! ", *flags);
-            if (_debug) mbedtls_printf("%s\n", buf);
-        }
-        delete[] buf;
-        return 0;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Receive callback for mbed TLS
-     */
-    static int ssl_recv(void *ctx, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) {
-        int recv = -1;
-        TCPSocket *socket = static_cast<TCPSocket *>(ctx);
-        recv = socket->recv(buf, len);
-        if (NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK == recv) {
-            return MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ;
-        }
-        else if (recv < 0) {
-            return -1;
-        }
-        else {
-            return recv;
-        }
-   }
-    /**
-     * Send callback for mbed TLS
-     */
-    static int ssl_send(void *ctx, const unsigned char *buf, size_t len) {
-       int size = -1;
-        TCPSocket *socket = static_cast<TCPSocket *>(ctx);
-        size = socket->send(buf, len);
-        if(NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK == size) {
-            return MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE;
-        }
-        else if (size < 0){
-            return -1;
-        }
-        else {
-            return size;
-        }
-    }
-    void onError(TCPSocket *s, int error) {
-        s->close();
-        _error = error;
-    }
-    TCPSocket* _tcpsocket;
-    const char* DRBG_PERS;
-    const char* _ssl_ca_pem;
-    const char* _ssl_owncert_pem;
-    const char* _ssl_own_priv_key_pem;
-    const char* _hostname;
-    uint16_t _port;
-    bool _debug;
-    bool _is_connected;
-    nsapi_error_t _error;
-    mbedtls_entropy_context _entropy;
-    mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context _ctr_drbg;
-    mbedtls_x509_crt _cacert;
-    mbedtls_x509_crt _owncert;
-    mbedtls_pk_context _own_priv_key;
-    mbedtls_ssl_context _ssl;
-    mbedtls_ssl_config _ssl_conf;
-#endif // _TLS_SOCKET_H_
--- a/main.cpp	Fri Oct 12 17:57:02 2018 +0800
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Dec 13 13:08:21 2018 +0800
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-/* TLSSocket = Mbed TLS over TCPSocket */
-#include "TLSSocket.h"
+/* MyTLSSocket = Mbed TLS over TCPSocket */
+#include "MyTLSSocket.h"
 /* Measure memory footprint */
 #include "mbed_stats.h"
@@ -239,13 +239,13 @@
     AWS_IoT_MQTT_Test(const char * domain, const uint16_t port, NetworkInterface *net_iface) :
         _domain(domain), _port(port) {
-        _tlssocket = new TLSSocket(net_iface, SSL_CA_CERT_PEM, SSL_USER_CERT_PEM, SSL_USER_PRIV_KEY_PEM);
+        _tlssocket = new MyTLSSocket(net_iface, SSL_CA_CERT_PEM, SSL_USER_CERT_PEM, SSL_USER_PRIV_KEY_PEM);
         /* Blocking mode */
         /* Print Mbed TLS handshake log */
-        _mqtt_client = new MQTT::Client<TLSSocket, Countdown, MAX_MQTT_PACKET_SIZE>(*_tlssocket);
+        _mqtt_client = new MQTT::Client<MyTLSSocket, Countdown, MAX_MQTT_PACKET_SIZE>(*_tlssocket);
@@ -435,8 +435,8 @@
-    TLSSocket *                                                             _tlssocket;
-    MQTT::Client<TLSSocket, Countdown, MAX_MQTT_PACKET_SIZE> *              _mqtt_client;
+    MyTLSSocket *                                                           _tlssocket;
+    MQTT::Client<MyTLSSocket, Countdown, MAX_MQTT_PACKET_SIZE> *            _mqtt_client;
     const char *_domain;                    /**< Domain name of the MQTT server */
     const uint16_t _port;                   /**< Port number of the MQTT server */
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@
     AWS_IoT_HTTPS_Test(const char * domain, const uint16_t port, NetworkInterface *net_iface) :
             _domain(domain), _port(port) {
-        _tlssocket = new TLSSocket(net_iface, SSL_CA_CERT_PEM, SSL_USER_CERT_PEM, SSL_USER_PRIV_KEY_PEM);
+        _tlssocket = new MyTLSSocket(net_iface, SSL_CA_CERT_PEM, SSL_USER_CERT_PEM, SSL_USER_PRIV_KEY_PEM);
         /* Non-blocking mode */
         /* Print Mbed TLS handshake log */
@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@
-    TLSSocket *     _tlssocket;
+    MyTLSSocket *     _tlssocket;
     const char *_domain;                    /**< Domain name of the HTTPS server */
     const uint16_t _port;                   /**< Port number of the HTTPS server */