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MultiTech WIFI Shield

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  1. MultiTech WIFI Shield


MultiTech WIFI Shield

This Arduino compatible shield from MultiTech provides Wireless-G connectivity to your MBED enabled baseboard with an easy-to-use library.

Jumper Settings

The following jumper configurations allow for easy compatibility with a wide range of MBED platforms. The following diagram shows which pins each header connects to.


Use one of the following configurations to connect the modem TX and RX signals to your baseboard. You can also manually route signals from the shield to the baseboard if necessary; see Signal Routing for more information.


Signal Routing

The following diagram shows the signal routing options between the shield and the baseboard, which are based on the configuration of the jumpers on the shield. If necessary, jumper wires can be used to route signals to other pins.



The SocketModem library can be found here:

Import librarySocketModem

A library for talking to Multi-Tech's Cellular SocketModem Devices.

Example programs can be found on the 2014 AT&T Hackathon team page.

The following example program is a good place to start. It simply gets the wireless connection up and running and pings a DNS server.

Import programATT_Hackathon_WIFI_Example

Sample program for 2014 AT&T Hackathon Demonstrates how to use the MultiTech Wifi Shield to connect to a network and ping a server Supports multiple platform types

The datasheet for the Roving Networks wifi module on the shield can be found here.

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