Patched version of nrf51822 FOTA compatible driver, with GPTIO disabled, as it clashed with the mbed definitions...

Fork of nRF51822 by Nordic Semiconductor

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu May 21 09:35:07 2015 +0000
Commit message:
Disabled GPTIOE as it conflicts with mbed definitions.

Changed in this revision

nordic-sdk/components/libraries/gpiote/app_gpiote.c Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
nordic-sdk/components/libraries/gpiote/app_gpiote.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/nordic-sdk/components/libraries/gpiote/app_gpiote.c	Wed Apr 15 09:24:27 2015 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2012 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
- * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
- *
- * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO
- * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
- * the file.
- *
- */
-#include "app_gpiote.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "app_util.h"
-#include "app_util_platform.h"
-#include "nrf_error.h"
-#include "nrf_gpio.h"
-/**@brief GPIOTE user type. */
-typedef struct
-    uint32_t                   pins_mask;             /**< Mask defining which pins user wants to monitor. */
-    uint32_t                   pins_low_to_high_mask; /**< Mask defining which pins will generate events to this user when toggling low->high. */
-    uint32_t                   pins_high_to_low_mask; /**< Mask defining which pins will generate events to this user when toggling high->low. */
-    uint32_t                   sense_high_pins;       /**< Mask defining which pins are configured to generate GPIOTE interrupt on transition to high level. */
-    app_gpiote_event_handler_t event_handler;         /**< Pointer to function to be executed when an event occurs. */
-} gpiote_user_t;
-STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(gpiote_user_t) <= GPIOTE_USER_NODE_SIZE);
-STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(gpiote_user_t) % 4 == 0);
-static uint32_t        m_enabled_users_mask;          /**< Mask for tracking which users are enabled. */
-static uint8_t         m_user_array_size;             /**< Size of user array. */
-static uint8_t         m_user_count;                  /**< Number of registered users. */
-static gpiote_user_t * mp_users = NULL;               /**< Array of GPIOTE users. */
-/**@brief Function for toggling sense level for specified pins.
- *
- * @param[in]   p_user   Pointer to user structure.
- * @param[in]   pins     Bitmask specifying for which pins the sense level is to be toggled.
- */
-static void sense_level_toggle(gpiote_user_t * p_user, uint32_t pins)
-    uint32_t pin_no;
-    for (pin_no = 0; pin_no < NO_OF_PINS; pin_no++)
-    {
-        uint32_t pin_mask = (1 << pin_no);
-        if ((pins & pin_mask) != 0)
-        {
-            uint32_t sense;
-            // Invert sensing.
-            if ((p_user->sense_high_pins & pin_mask) == 0)
-            {
-                sense                    = GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_High << GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_Pos;
-                p_user->sense_high_pins |= pin_mask;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                sense                    = GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_Low << GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_Pos;
-                p_user->sense_high_pins &= ~pin_mask;
-            }
-            NRF_GPIO->PIN_CNF[pin_no] &= ~GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_Msk;
-            NRF_GPIO->PIN_CNF[pin_no] |= sense;
-        }
-    }
-/**@brief Function for handling the GPIOTE interrupt.
- */
-void GPIOTE_IRQHandler(void)
-    uint8_t  i;
-    uint32_t pins_changed;
-    uint32_t pins_state = NRF_GPIO->IN;
-    // Clear event.
-    // Check all users.
-    for (i = 0; i < m_user_count; i++)
-    {
-        gpiote_user_t * p_user = &mp_users[i];
-        // Check if user is enabled.
-        if (((1 << i) & m_enabled_users_mask) != 0)
-        {
-            uint32_t transition_pins;
-            uint32_t event_low_to_high;
-            uint32_t event_high_to_low;
-            // Find set of pins on which there has been a transition.
-            transition_pins = (pins_state ^ ~p_user->sense_high_pins) & p_user->pins_mask;
-            // Toggle SENSE level for all pins that have changed state.
-            sense_level_toggle(p_user, transition_pins);
-            // Second read after setting sense.
-            // Check if any pins have changed while serving this interrupt.
-            pins_changed = NRF_GPIO->IN ^ pins_state;
-            if (pins_changed)
-            {
-                // Transition pins detected in late stage.
-                uint32_t late_transition_pins;
-                pins_state          |= pins_changed;
-                // Find set of pins on which there has been a transition.
-                late_transition_pins = (pins_state ^ ~p_user->sense_high_pins) & p_user->pins_mask;
-                // Toggle SENSE level for all pins that have changed state in last phase.
-                sense_level_toggle(p_user, late_transition_pins);
-                // Update pins that has changed state since the interrupt occurred.
-                transition_pins |= late_transition_pins;
-            }
-            // Call user event handler if an event has occurred.
-            event_high_to_low = (~pins_state & p_user->pins_high_to_low_mask) & transition_pins;
-            event_low_to_high = (pins_state & p_user->pins_low_to_high_mask) & transition_pins;
-            if ((event_low_to_high | event_high_to_low) != 0)
-            {
-                p_user->event_handler(event_low_to_high, event_high_to_low);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-/**@brief Function for sense disabling for all pins for specified user.
- *
- * @param[in]  user_id   User id.
- */
-static void pins_sense_disable(app_gpiote_user_id_t user_id)
-    uint32_t pin_no;
-    for (pin_no = 0; pin_no < 32; pin_no++)
-    {
-        if ((mp_users[user_id].pins_mask & (1 << pin_no)) != 0)
-        {
-            NRF_GPIO->PIN_CNF[pin_no] &= ~GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_Msk;
-            NRF_GPIO->PIN_CNF[pin_no] |= GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_Disabled << GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_Pos;
-        }
-    }
-uint32_t app_gpiote_init(uint8_t max_users, void * p_buffer)
-    if (p_buffer == NULL)
-    {
-        return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM;
-    }
-    // Check that buffer is correctly aligned.
-    if (!is_word_aligned(p_buffer))
-    {
-        return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM;
-    }
-    // Initialize file globals.
-    mp_users             = (gpiote_user_t *)p_buffer;
-    m_user_array_size    = max_users;
-    m_user_count         = 0;
-    m_enabled_users_mask = 0;
-    memset(mp_users, 0, m_user_array_size * sizeof(gpiote_user_t));
-    // Initialize GPIOTE interrupt (will not be enabled until app_gpiote_user_enable() is called).
-    NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(GPIOTE_IRQn);
-    return NRF_SUCCESS;
-uint32_t app_gpiote_user_register(app_gpiote_user_id_t     * p_user_id,
-                                  uint32_t                   pins_low_to_high_mask,
-                                  uint32_t                   pins_high_to_low_mask,
-                                  app_gpiote_event_handler_t event_handler)
-    // Check state and parameters.
-    if (mp_users == NULL)
-    {
-        return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;
-    }
-    if (event_handler == NULL)
-    {
-        return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM;
-    }
-    if (m_user_count >= m_user_array_size)
-    {
-        return NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM;
-    }
-    // Allocate new user.
-    mp_users[m_user_count].pins_mask             = pins_low_to_high_mask | pins_high_to_low_mask;
-    mp_users[m_user_count].pins_low_to_high_mask = pins_low_to_high_mask;
-    mp_users[m_user_count].pins_high_to_low_mask = pins_high_to_low_mask;
-    mp_users[m_user_count].event_handler         = event_handler;
-    *p_user_id = m_user_count++;
-    // Make sure SENSE is disabled for all pins.
-    pins_sense_disable(*p_user_id);
-    return NRF_SUCCESS;
-uint32_t app_gpiote_user_enable(app_gpiote_user_id_t user_id)
-    uint32_t pin_no;
-    uint32_t pins_state;
-    // Check state and parameters.
-    if (mp_users == NULL)
-    {
-        return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;
-    }
-    if (user_id >= m_user_count)
-    {
-        return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM;
-    }
-    // Clear any pending event.
-    pins_state              = NRF_GPIO->IN;
-    // Enable user.
-    if (m_enabled_users_mask == 0)
-    {
-    }
-    m_enabled_users_mask |= (1 << user_id);
-    // Enable sensing for all pins for specified user.
-    mp_users[user_id].sense_high_pins = 0;
-    for (pin_no = 0; pin_no < 32; pin_no++)
-    {
-        uint32_t pin_mask = (1 << pin_no);
-        if ((mp_users[user_id].pins_mask & pin_mask) != 0)
-        {
-            uint32_t sense;
-            if ((pins_state & pin_mask) != 0)
-            {
-                sense = GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_Low << GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_Pos;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                sense = GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_High << GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_Pos;
-                mp_users[user_id].sense_high_pins |= pin_mask;
-            }
-            NRF_GPIO->PIN_CNF[pin_no] &= ~GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_Msk;
-            NRF_GPIO->PIN_CNF[pin_no] |= sense;
-        }
-    }
-    return NRF_SUCCESS;
-uint32_t app_gpiote_user_disable(app_gpiote_user_id_t user_id)
-    // Check state and parameters.
-    if (mp_users == NULL)
-    {
-        return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;
-    }
-    if (user_id >= m_user_count)
-    {
-        return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM;
-    }
-    // Disable sensing for all pins for specified user.
-    pins_sense_disable(user_id);
-    // Disable user.
-    m_enabled_users_mask &= ~(1UL << user_id);
-    if (m_enabled_users_mask == 0)
-    {
-    }
-    return NRF_SUCCESS;
-uint32_t app_gpiote_pins_state_get(app_gpiote_user_id_t user_id, uint32_t * p_pins)
-    gpiote_user_t * p_user;
-    // Check state and parameters.
-    if (mp_users == NULL)
-    {
-        return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;
-    }
-    if (user_id >= m_user_count)
-    {
-        return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM;
-    }
-    // Get pins.
-    p_user  = &mp_users[user_id];
-    *p_pins = NRF_GPIO->IN & p_user->pins_mask;
-    return NRF_SUCCESS;
-uint32_t app_gpiote_input_event_handler_register(const uint8_t                    channel,
-                                                 const uint32_t                   pin,
-                                                 const uint32_t                   polarity,
-                                                 app_gpiote_input_event_handler_t event_handler)
-    (void)sense_level_toggle(NULL, pin);
-uint32_t app_gpiote_input_event_handler_unregister(const uint8_t channel)
-uint32_t app_gpiote_end_irq_event_handler_register(app_gpiote_input_event_handler_t event_handler)
-uint32_t app_gpiote_end_irq_event_handler_unregister(void)
-uint32_t app_gpiote_enable_interrupts(void)
-uint32_t app_gpiote_disable_interrupts(void)
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/nordic-sdk/components/libraries/gpiote/app_gpiote.h	Wed Apr 15 09:24:27 2015 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2012 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
- * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
- *
- * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO
- * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
- * the file.
- *
- */
-/** @file
- *
- * @defgroup app_gpiote GPIOTE Handler
- * @{
- * @ingroup app_common
- *
- * @brief GPIOTE handler module.
- *
- * @details The GPIOTE handler allows several modules ("users") to share the GPIOTE interrupt,
- *          each user defining a set of pins able to generate events to the user.
- *          When a GPIOTE interrupt occurs, the GPIOTE interrupt handler will call the event handler
- *          of each user for which at least one of the pins generated an event.
- *
- *          The GPIOTE users are responsible for configuring all their corresponding pins, except
- *          the SENSE field, which should be initialized to GPIO_PIN_CNF_SENSE_Disabled.
- *          The SENSE field will be updated by the GPIOTE module when it is enabled or disabled,
- *          and also while it is enabled.
- *
- *          The module specifies on which pins events should be generated if the pin(s) goes
- *          from low->high or high->low or both directions.
- *
- * @note    Even if the application is using the @ref app_scheduler, the GPIOTE event handlers will
- *          be called directly from the GPIOTE interrupt handler.
- *
- * @warning If multiple users registers for the same pins the behavior for those pins are undefined.
- */
-#ifndef APP_GPIOTE_H__
-#define APP_GPIOTE_H__
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include "nrf.h"
-#include "app_error.h"
-#include "app_util.h"
-#define GPIOTE_USER_NODE_SIZE   20          /**< Size of app_gpiote.gpiote_user_t (only for use inside APP_GPIOTE_BUF_SIZE()). */
-#define NO_OF_PINS              32          /**< Number of GPIO pins on the nRF51 chip. */
-/**@brief Compute number of bytes required to hold the GPIOTE data structures.
- *
- * @param[in]   MAX_USERS   Maximum number of GPIOTE users.
- *
- * @return      Required buffer size (in bytes).
- */
-typedef uint8_t app_gpiote_user_id_t;
-/**@brief GPIOTE event handler type. */
-typedef void (*app_gpiote_event_handler_t)(uint32_t event_pins_low_to_high,
-                                           uint32_t event_pins_high_to_low);
-/**@brief GPIOTE input event handler type. */
-typedef void (*app_gpiote_input_event_handler_t)(void);
-/**@brief Macro for initializing the GPIOTE module.
- *
- * @details It will handle dimensioning and allocation of the memory buffer required by the module,
- *          making sure that the buffer is correctly aligned.
- *
- * @param[in]   MAX_USERS   Maximum number of GPIOTE users.
- *
- * @note Since this macro allocates a buffer, it must only be called once (it is OK to call it
- *       several times as long as it is from the same location, e.g. to do a reinitialization).
- */
-/*lint -emacro(506, APP_GPIOTE_INIT) */ /* Suppress "Constant value Boolean */
-#define APP_GPIOTE_INIT(MAX_USERS)                                                                 \
-    do                                                                                             \
-    {                                                                                              \
-        static uint32_t app_gpiote_buf[CEIL_DIV(APP_GPIOTE_BUF_SIZE(MAX_USERS), sizeof(uint32_t))];\
-        uint32_t ERR_CODE = app_gpiote_init((MAX_USERS), app_gpiote_buf);                          \
-        APP_ERROR_CHECK(ERR_CODE);                                                                 \
-    } while (0)
-/**@brief Function for initializing the GPIOTE module.
- *
- * @note Normally initialization should be done using the APP_GPIOTE_INIT() macro, as that will
- *       allocate the buffer needed by the GPIOTE module (including aligning the buffer correctly).
- *
- * @param[in]   max_users               Maximum number of GPIOTE users.
- * @param[in]   p_buffer                Pointer to memory buffer for internal use in the app_gpiote
- *                                      module. The size of the buffer can be computed using the
- *                                      APP_GPIOTE_BUF_SIZE() macro. The buffer must be aligned to 
- *                                      a 4 byte boundary.
- *
- * @retval      NRF_SUCCESS             Successful initialization.
- * @retval      NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Invalid parameter (buffer not aligned to a 4 byte
- *                                      boundary).
- */
-uint32_t app_gpiote_init(uint8_t max_users, void * p_buffer);
-/**@brief Function for registering a GPIOTE user.
- *
- * @param[out]  p_user_id               Id for the new GPIOTE user.
- * @param[in]   pins_low_to_high_mask   Mask defining which pins will generate events to this user 
- *                                      when state is changed from low->high.
- * @param[in]   pins_high_to_low_mask   Mask defining which pins will generate events to this user
- *                                      when state is changed from high->low.
- * @param[in]   event_handler           Pointer to function to be executed when an event occurs.
- *
- * @retval      NRF_SUCCESS             Successful initialization.
- * @retval      NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Invalid parameter (buffer not aligned to a 4 byte boundary).
- * @retval      NRF_ERROR_INALID_STATE  If @ref app_gpiote_init has not been called on the GPIOTE
- *                                      module.
- * @retval      NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        Returned if the application tries to register more users
- *                                      than defined when the GPIOTE module was initialized in
- *                                      @ref app_gpiote_init.
- */
-uint32_t app_gpiote_user_register(app_gpiote_user_id_t *     p_user_id,
-                                  uint32_t                   pins_low_to_high_mask,
-                                  uint32_t                   pins_high_to_low_mask,
-                                  app_gpiote_event_handler_t event_handler);
-/**@brief Function for informing the GPIOTE module that the specified user wants to use the GPIOTE module.
- *
- * @param[in]   user_id                 Id of user to enable.
- *
- * @retval      NRF_SUCCESS             On success.
- * @retval      NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Invalid user_id provided, No a valid user.
- * @retval      NRF_ERROR_INALID_STATE  If @ref app_gpiote_init has not been called on the GPIOTE
- *                                      module.
- */
-uint32_t app_gpiote_user_enable(app_gpiote_user_id_t user_id);
-/**@brief Function for informing the GPIOTE module that the specified user is done using the GPIOTE module.
- *
- * @param[in]   user_id                   Id of user to enable.
- *
- * @return      NRF_SUCCESS               On success.
- * @retval      NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM   Invalid user_id provided, No a valid user.
- * @retval      NRF_ERROR_INALID_STATE    If @ref app_gpiote_init has not been called on the GPIOTE
- *                                        module.
- */
-uint32_t app_gpiote_user_disable(app_gpiote_user_id_t user_id);
-/**@brief Function for getting the state of the pins which are registered for the specified user.
- *
- * @param[in]   user_id         Id of user to check.
- * @param[out]  p_pins          Bit mask corresponding to the pins configured to generate events to
- *                              the specified user. All bits corresponding to pins in the state
- *                              'high' will have value '1', all others will have value '0'.
- *
- * @return      NRF_SUCCESS               On success.
- * @retval      NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM   Invalid user_id provided, No a valid user.
- * @retval      NRF_ERROR_INALID_STATE    If @ref app_gpiote_init has not been called on the GPIOTE
- *                                        module.
- */
-uint32_t app_gpiote_pins_state_get(app_gpiote_user_id_t user_id, uint32_t * p_pins);
-/**@brief Function for registering event handlers for GPIOTE IN events.
- *
- * @param[in] channel         GPIOTE channel [0..3].
- * @param[in] pin             Pins associated with GPIOTE channel. Changes on following pins will generate events.
- * @param[in] polarity        Specify operation on input that shall trigger IN event.
- * @param[in] event_handler   Event handler invoked on the IN event in the GPIOTE interrupt.
- *
- * @return   NRF_SUCCESS                 On success.
- * @retval   NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM     Invalid channel or pin number.
- * @retval   NRF_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED     Driver doesn't support IN events.
- */
-uint32_t app_gpiote_input_event_handler_register(const uint8_t channel,
-                                                 const uint32_t pin,
-                                                 const uint32_t polarity,
-                                                 app_gpiote_input_event_handler_t event_handler);
-/**@brief Function for unregistering event handlers for GPIOTE IN events.
- *
- * @return   NRF_SUCCESS                 On success.
- * @retval   NRF_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED     Driver doesn't support IN events.
- */
-uint32_t app_gpiote_input_event_handler_unregister(const uint8_t channel);
-/**@brief Function for registering event handler invoked at the end of a GPIOTE interrupt.
- *
- * @param[in] event_handler    Event handler invoked at the end of the GPIOTE interrupt.
- *
- * @return   NRF_SUCCESS                 On success.
- * @retval   NRF_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED     Driver doesn't support IN events.
- */
-uint32_t app_gpiote_end_irq_event_handler_register(app_gpiote_input_event_handler_t event_handler);
-/**@brief Function for unregistering event handler invoked at the end of a GPIOTE interrupt.
- *
- * @return   NRF_SUCCESS                 On success.
- * @retval   NRF_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED     Driver doesn't support IN events.
- */
-uint32_t app_gpiote_end_irq_event_handler_unregister(void);
-/**@brief Function for enabling interrupts in the GPIOTE driver.
- *
- * @return   NRF_SUCCESS                 On success.
- * @retval   NRF_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED     Driver doesn't support.
- */
-uint32_t app_gpiote_enable_interrupts(void);
-/**@brief Function for disabling interrupts in the GPIOTE driver.
- *
- * @return   NRF_SUCCESS                 On success.
- * @retval   NRF_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED     Driver doesn't support.
- */
-uint32_t app_gpiote_disable_interrupts(void);
-#endif // APP_GPIOTE_H__
-/** @} */
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