This is the Interface library for WIZnet W5500 chip which forked of EthernetInterfaceW5500, WIZnetInterface and WIZ550ioInterface. This library has simple name as "W5500Interface". and can be used for Wiz550io users also.

Dependents:   EvrythngApi Websocket_Ethernet_HelloWorld_W5500 Websocket_Ethernet_W5500 CurrentWeatherData_W5500 ... more

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00001 // EthernetInterface for W5500 2014/8/20
00003 #pragma once
00004 #include "wiznet.h"
00006  /** Interface using Wiznet W5500 chip to connect to an IP-based network
00007  *
00008  */
00011 class EthernetInterface: public WIZnet_Chip {
00012 public:
00014     /**
00015     * Constructor
00016     *
00017     * \param mosi mbed pin to use for SPI
00018     * \param miso mbed pin to use for SPI
00019     * \param sclk mbed pin to use for SPI
00020     * \param cs chip select of the WIZnet_Chip
00021     * \param reset reset pin of the WIZnet_Chip
00022     */
00023     EthernetInterface(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName cs, PinName reset);
00024     EthernetInterface(SPI* spi, PinName cs, PinName reset);
00026   /** Initialize the interface with DHCP w/o MAC address
00027   * Initialize the interface and configure it to use DHCP (no connection at this point).
00028   * \return 0 on success, a negative number on failure
00029   */
00030   int init(); //With DHCP
00031   /** Initialize the interface with DHCP.
00032   * Initialize the interface and configure it to use DHCP (no connection at this point).
00033   * \param mac the MAC address to use
00034   * \return 0 on success, a negative number on failure
00035   */
00036   int init(uint8_t * mac); //With DHCP
00038   /** Initialize the interface with a static IP address without MAC.
00039   * Initialize the interface and configure it with the following static configuration (no connection at this point).
00040   * \param ip the IP address to use
00041   * \param mask the IP address mask
00042   * \param gateway the gateway to use
00043   * \return 0 on success, a negative number on failure
00044   */
00046   int init(const char* ip, const char* mask, const char* gateway);
00047   /** Initialize the interface with a static IP address.
00048   * Initialize the interface and configure it with the following static configuration (no connection at this point).
00049   * \param mac the MAC address to use
00050   * \param ip the IP address to use
00051   * \param mask the IP address mask
00052   * \param gateway the gateway to use
00053   * \return 0 on success, a negative number on failure
00054   */
00055   int init(uint8_t * mac, const char* ip, const char* mask, const char* gateway);
00057   /** Connect
00058   * Bring the interface up, start DHCP if needed.
00059   * \return 0 on success, a negative number on failure
00060   */
00061   int connect();
00063   /** Disconnect
00064   * Bring the interface down
00065   * \return 0 on success, a negative number on failure
00066   */
00067   int disconnect();
00069   /** Get IP address
00070   *
00071   * @ returns ip address
00072   */
00073   char* getIPAddress();
00074   char* getNetworkMask();
00075   char* getGateway();
00076   char* getMACAddress();
00078   int IPrenew(int timeout_ms = 15*1000);
00080 private:
00081     char ip_string[17];
00082     char mask_string[17];
00083     char gw_string[17];
00084     char mac_string[20];
00085     bool ip_set;
00086     void getip(void);
00087 };
00089 #include "TCPSocketConnection.h"
00090 #include "TCPSocketServer.h"
00091 #include "UDPSocket.h"