
Dependencies:   BufferedSoftSerial Noritakes iButton CRC16Modbus Displays Audiox

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Aug 26 19:47:52 2020 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

.gitignore Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Audio.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
BufferedSoftSerial.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
CRC16Modbus.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Displays.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Noritake.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
iButton.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed-os.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/.gitignore	Wed Aug 26 19:47:52 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Audio.lib	Wed Aug 26 19:47:52 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/BufferedSoftSerial.lib	Wed Aug 26 19:47:52 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/CRC16Modbus.lib	Wed Aug 26 19:47:52 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Displays.lib	Wed Aug 26 19:47:52 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Noritake.lib	Wed Aug 26 19:47:52 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/iButton.lib	Wed Aug 26 19:47:52 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Aug 26 19:47:52 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1163 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "EthernetInterface.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "Audio.h"
+#include "iButton.h"
+#include <bitset>
+#include "CRC16Modbus.h"
+#include "BufferedSoftSerial.h"
+#include "Displays.h"
+//#include <list>
+//#include <algorithm>
+#include <Watchdog.h>
+// Network interface
+TCPSocket socket;
+Thread thd_Cek_Ibutton;
+Thread thd_Buzzer;
+Watchdog &watchdog = Watchdog::get_instance();
+MyAudio buzz(D7);
+Displays dsp(PTC8,PTC1);
+int LCD_Step = 0;
+int LCD_Step_4 = 0;
+#define IP         ""
+#define GATEWAY    ""
+#define MASK       ""
+#define IPSERVER   ""
+#define PORTSERVER 12345
+#define board_sum  2
+char cmd_resets[] = "R00";
+char cek_con[] = "PING";
+int Key_On_Process = 0;
+Serial dbg(USBTX,USBRX);
+BufferedSoftSerial dv(PTB19,PTB18);
+DigitalOut rede(PTC9,0);
+iButton ibutton(D4);
+bool tap = false;
+bool lasttap = false;
+int board_number;
+uint8_t baris;
+uint8_t kolom;
+uint8_t real_id;
+uint8_t real_blink_id[5] = {64,64,64,64,64};
+uint8_t blinking_now = 0;
+uint8_t idle_wait_result = 0;
+uint8_t ids;
+typedef uint8_t byte;
+byte Row_Board_Last[5][8],Row_Board_Now[5][8],Row_Board_Predict[5][8];
+int board_88[8][8]= {
+    {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7},
+    {8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15},
+    {16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23},
+    {24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31},
+    {32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39},
+    {40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47},
+    {48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55},
+    {56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63}
+unsigned char buffer_crc[2];
+unsigned short _crc;
+byte respon_from_slave_temp[17];
+bool intr_Done = false;
+struct Frame_Data_Received {
+    int ids;
+    string ibutton;
+    int _key_id;
+    int cmd_id;
+} frm_data_received;
+byte respon_from_slave[32];
+uint8_t step = 0;
+bool isConnected = false;
+vector<int> salah_taruh;
+vector<int> salah_ambil;
+vector<int> salah_taruh_last;
+vector<int> salah_ambil_last;
+int salah_ambil_count;
+int salah_taruh_count;
+bool done[5] = {true,true,true,true,true};
+vector<int> lst_salah;
+vector<int> lst_salah_hst;
+vector<int>::iterator it;
+vector<int> to_remove;
+vector<uint8_t> to_sends;
+vector<uint8_t> to_sends_last;
+string ibutton_code;
+vector<string> split(const string str, const string separator)
+    char *cstr = const_cast<char*>(str.c_str());
+    char *current;
+    std::vector<std::string>arr;
+    current = strtok(cstr, separator.c_str());
+    while(current != NULL) {
+        arr.push_back(current);
+        current = strtok(NULL, separator.c_str());
+    }
+    return arr;
+void Cek_Ibutton();
+void Cek_Salah_Buzzer();
+string Byte_to_StringBinary(byte data_byte);
+uint8_t StringBinary_to_Byte(string data_binary);
+int Get_Row(int key_id);
+unsigned short Get_CRC_Modbus(byte data_byte[]);
+void Send_RS485(int board,int key_id,int key_id_blinking,bool Cek_Respon);
+void Make_Prediction(int board_number,int baris, int kolom);
+void First_Update();
+vector<string> temp_data;
+int res_cmp = 0;
+string bin_string_now;
+string bin_string_predict;
+int keys;
+bool First_Run = true;
+bool dataButton = false;
+uint8_t ping_counter1 = 0;
+uint8_t ping_counter2 = 0;
+uint8_t ping_counter3 = 0;
+uint8_t ping_counter4 = 0;
+void FindingServer()
+    printf("Finding Server.....\r\n\r\n");
+    EthernetInterface net;
+    net.set_network(IP,MASK,GATEWAY);
+    int stat1 = net.connect();
+    //printf("stat1 = %d\r\n",stat1);
+    if(stat1 != 0) {
+        goto RECONNECT1;
+    }
+    // Show the network address
+    const char *ip = net.get_ip_address();
+    while(1) {
+        // Open a socket on the network interface, and create a TCP connection to
+        TCPSocket socket;
+        socket.set_blocking(false);
+        int stat2 = socket.connect(IPSERVER, PORTSERVER);
+        //printf("stat2 = %d\r\n",stat2);
+        wait(1);
+        if(stat2 != 0) {
+            socket.close();
+            goto RECONNECT2;
+        }
+        watchdog.start(5000);
+        isConnected = true;
+        printf("Connected to Server....\r\n");
+        if(First_Run) {
+            printf("Process Start..\r\n");
+            //socket.send(cmd_resets, sizeof(cmd_resets));
+            First_Update();
+            for(int i = 0; i<to_sends.size(); i++) {
+                printf("%02X ", to_sends[i]);
+            }
+            socket.send(, to_sends.size());
+            First_Run = false;
+            wait(0.05);
+            dsp.step0();
+            printf("Send First Update Complete\r\n");
+        } else {
+            if(blinking_now == 0) {
+                //printf("Process Start..\r\n");
+                //socket.send(cmd_resets, sizeof(cmd_resets));
+                First_Update();
+                step = 0;
+                if(frm_data_received.ids == 3) {
+                    dsp.step4(to_string(frm_data_received._key_id).c_str(),false);
+                } else if(frm_data_received.ids== 1) {
+                    dsp.step0();
+                } else {
+                    dsp.step0();
+                }
+                //socket.send(reinterpret_cast<char*> (&to_sends[0]), to_sends.size());
+                socket.send(, to_sends.size());
+            } else {
+                dsp.step5(to_string(blinking_now).c_str(),true);
+            }
+        }
+        //printf("%s\r\n",data_frame.c_str());
+        while(isConnected) {
+            watchdog.kick();
+            //TODO : CekData Locker Terkini
+            ibutton.DetectiButton();
+            if(ibutton.IsTaping())
+                tap = true;
+            else
+                tap = false;
+            if(tap != lasttap) {
+                lasttap = tap;
+                if(tap) {    
+                    ibutton_code.clear();
+                    ibutton_code = ibutton.GetData();
+                    if((dataButton.length()== 12) && (dataButton == false)){
+                        dataButton = true;
+                        printf("[Data Button : %s]\r\n", dataButton.c_str());
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            switch(step) {
+                case 0: {
+                    ping_counter1++;
+                    if(ping_counter1 == 10) {
+                        int res_cek = socket.send(cek_con,sizeof(cek_con));
+                        ping_counter1 = 0;
+                        wait(0.05);
+                        if(res_cek <= 0) {
+                            printf("Server Has Been Closed..\r\n");
+                            isConnected = false;
+                            socket.close();
+                            dsp.init();
+                            continue;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    for(uint8_t i = 0; i<board_sum; i++) {
+                        //wait_ms(50);
+                        Send_RS485(i,64,real_blink_id[i],true);
+                        //printf("%d %d %d %d %d\r\n",real_blink_id_1,real_blink_id_2,real_blink_id_3,real_blink_id_4,real_blink_id_5);
+                        for(uint8_t a = 4; a<12; a++) {
+                            Row_Board_Now[i][a-4] = respon_from_slave[a];
+                        }
+                    }
+                    salah_ambil.clear();
+                    salah_taruh.clear();
+                    lst_salah.clear();
+                    to_remove.clear();
+                    blinking_now = 0;
+                    for(uint8_t i = 0; i<board_sum; i++) {
+                        res_cmp = 0;
+                        //printf("Now : ");
+//                        for(int v=0; v<(sizeof(Row_Board_Now[i])/sizeof(Row_Board_Now[i][0])); v++) printf("%02X ",Row_Board_Now[i][v]);
+//                        printf("\r\n");
+//                        printf("Last : ");
+//                        for(int v=0; v<(sizeof(Row_Board_Last[i])/sizeof(Row_Board_Last[i][0])); v++) printf("%02X ",Row_Board_Last[i][v]);
+//                        printf("\r\n");
+                        res_cmp = memcmp(Row_Board_Now[i],Row_Board_Last[i], (sizeof(Row_Board_Now[i])/sizeof(Row_Board_Now[i][0])));
+                        //dbg.printf("memcmp :%d\r\n",res_cmp);
+                        if(res_cmp != 0) {
+                            for(uint8_t j = 0; j<8; j++) {
+                                if(Row_Board_Now[i][j] != Row_Board_Last[i][j]) {
+                                    keys = 0;
+                                    bin_string_now = Byte_to_StringBinary(Row_Board_Now[i][j]);
+                                    bin_string_predict = Byte_to_StringBinary(Row_Board_Last[i][j]);
+                                    for (uint8_t k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
+                                        if(bin_string_now[abs(k-7)] != bin_string_predict[abs(k-7)]) {
+                                            keys = (40*j)+k+(8*i)+1;
+                                            done[i] = false;
+                                            lst_salah.push_back(keys);
+                                            //printf("Salah : %d",keys);
+                                            if(bin_string_predict[abs(k-7)] == '0') {
+                                                salah_taruh.push_back(keys);
+                                            } else {
+                                                salah_ambil.push_back(keys);
+                                            }
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                        } else if (res_cmp == 0) {
+                            real_blink_id[i] = 64;
+                            done[i] = true;
+                            //memcpy(Row_Board1_Last,Row_Board1_Now,sizeof(Row_Board1_Last));
+                            Send_RS485(i,64,64,false);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    salah_ambil_count = 0;
+                    salah_taruh_count = 0;
+                    if(lst_salah.size() > 0) {
+                        int blink_id = 64;
+                        bool ada = false;
+                        if(lst_salah_hst.size() > 0) {
+                            //printf("jumlah hst = %d\r\n",lst_salah_hst.size());
+                            for(int q = 0; q<lst_salah_hst.size(); q++) {
+                                ada = false;
+                                //printf("lst_hst_recent%d = %d\r\n",q+1,lst_salah_hst[q]);
+                                for(int r = 0; r<lst_salah.size(); r++) {
+                                    if(lst_salah[r] == lst_salah_hst[q]) {
+                                        ada = true;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                if(!ada) {
+                                    to_remove.push_back(lst_salah_hst[q]);
+                                }
+                            }
+                            if(to_remove.size() > 0) {
+                                for(int t = 0; t<to_remove.size(); t++) {
+                                    lst_salah_hst.erase(remove(lst_salah_hst.begin(), lst_salah_hst.end(), to_remove[t]), lst_salah_hst.end());
+                                }
+                            }
+                            for(int w = 0; w<lst_salah.size(); w++) {
+                                it = find (lst_salah_hst.begin(), lst_salah_hst.end(), lst_salah[w]);
+                                if (it != lst_salah_hst.end()) {
+                                    continue;
+                                }
+                                lst_salah_hst.push_back(lst_salah[w]);
+                            }
+                        } else {
+                            for(int u = 0; u<lst_salah.size(); u++) {
+                                lst_salah_hst.push_back(lst_salah[u]);
+                            }
+                        }
+                        blink_id = lst_salah_hst[lst_salah_hst.size()-1];
+                        int board_number_blink = (blink_id - 1)%40;
+                        if(board_number_blink>= 0 && board_number_blink<= 7)board_number_blink = 0;
+                        else if(board_number_blink>= 8 && board_number_blink<= 15)board_number_blink = 1;
+                        else if(board_number_blink>= 16 && board_number_blink<= 23)board_number_blink = 2;
+                        else if(board_number_blink>= 24 && board_number_blink<= 31)board_number_blink = 3;
+                        else if(board_number_blink>= 32 && board_number_blink<= 39)board_number_blink = 4;
+                        //printf("board_number_blink = %d\r\n",board_number_blink);
+                        uint8_t baris_blink = (blink_id - 1)/40;
+                        uint8_t kolom_blink = (blink_id - 1)%8;
+                        blink_id = board_88[baris_blink][kolom_blink];
+                        //printf("Board blink : %d,Kolom blink : %d, Baris blink : %d\r\n",board_number_blink,kolom_blink,baris_blink);
+                        for(int i =0; i<board_sum; i++) {
+                            if(board_number_blink == i) {
+                                real_blink_id[i] = blink_id;
+                            } else {
+                                real_blink_id[i] = 64;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        blinking_now = lst_salah_hst[lst_salah_hst.size()-1];
+                        salah_ambil_count = salah_ambil.size();
+                        salah_taruh_count = salah_taruh.size();
+                        to_sends.clear();
+                        to_sends.push_back(0x02);
+                        to_sends.push_back((blinking_now>>8)&0x0FF);
+                        to_sends.push_back(blinking_now & 0x0FF);
+                        to_sends.push_back((salah_ambil_count>>8)&0x0FF);
+                        to_sends.push_back(salah_ambil_count & 0x0FF);
+                        to_sends.push_back((salah_taruh_count>>8)&0x0FF);
+                        to_sends.push_back(salah_taruh_count&0x0FF);
+                        for(int y = 0; y<salah_ambil.size(); y++) {
+                            to_sends.push_back((salah_ambil[y] >> 8) & 0x0FF);
+                            to_sends.push_back(salah_ambil[y] & 0x0FF);
+                        }
+                        for(int y = 0; y<salah_taruh.size(); y++) {
+                            to_sends.push_back((salah_taruh[y] >> 8) & 0x0FF);
+                            to_sends.push_back(salah_taruh[y]  & 0x0FF);
+                        }
+                        if(to_sends_last != to_sends) {
+                            socket.send(, to_sends.size());
+                            to_sends_last.clear();
+                            copy(to_sends.begin(), to_sends.end(), back_inserter(to_sends_last));
+                            dsp.step5(to_string(blinking_now).c_str(),true);
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        if(done[0] && done[1] && done[2] && done[3] && done[4]) {
+                            lst_salah_hst.clear();
+                            blinking_now = 0;
+                            memset(real_blink_id,64,(sizeof(real_blink_id) / sizeof(real_blink_id[0])));
+                            salah_ambil_count = 0;
+                            salah_taruh_count = 0;
+                            step = 1;
+                            to_sends.clear();
+                            to_sends.push_back(0x02);
+                            to_sends.push_back(0x00);//blinking now byte1
+                            to_sends.push_back(0x00);//blinking now byte2
+                            to_sends.push_back(0x00);//salah_ambil byte1
+                            to_sends.push_back(0x00);//salah_ambil byte2
+                            to_sends.push_back(0x00);//salah_taruh byte1
+                            to_sends.push_back(0x00);//salah_taruh byte2
+                            if(to_sends_last != to_sends) {
+                                socket.send(, to_sends.size());
+                                to_sends_last.clear();
+                                copy(to_sends.begin(), to_sends.end(), back_inserter(to_sends_last));
+                            }
+                            if(frm_data_received.ids == 3) {
+                                dsp.step4(to_string(frm_data_received._key_id).c_str(),false);
+                            } else if(frm_data_received.ids== 1) {
+                                dsp.step0();
+                            } else {
+                                dsp.step0();
+                            }
+                            //wait_ms(50);
+                            dsp.step5(to_string(blinking_now).c_str(),true);
+                        } else {
+                            blinking_now = 0;
+                            memset(real_blink_id,64,(sizeof(real_blink_id) / sizeof(real_blink_id[0])));
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+                case 1: {
+                    char rbuffer[64];
+                    int rcount = socket.recv(rbuffer, sizeof rbuffer);
+                    if(rcount < 0) {
+                        step = 0;
+                    } else if(rcount > 0) {
+                        rbuffer[rcount] = '\0';
+                        string data;
+                        for(int i = 0; i<sizeof(rbuffer); i++) {
+                            if(rbuffer[i] == '\0')break;
+                            data += rbuffer[i];
+                        }
+                        vector<string> res = split(data, "~");
+                        if(sizeof(res) != 0) {
+                            temp_data = split(res[0], ";");
+                            if(temp_data[0] == "3" && temp_data[1] == "1") {
+                                dsp.step4(to_string(frm_data_received._key_id).c_str(),false);
+                            } else if(temp_data[0] == "3" && temp_data[1] == "0") {
+                                dsp.step0();
+                            } else {
+                                frm_data_received.ids = atoi(temp_data[0].c_str());
+                                frm_data_received.ibutton = temp_data[1];
+                                frm_data_received._key_id = atoi(temp_data[2].c_str());
+                                frm_data_received.cmd_id = atoi(temp_data[3].c_str());
+                                printf("id = %d\r\n",frm_data_received.ids);
+                                printf("ibutton = %s\r\n",frm_data_received.ibutton.c_str());
+                                printf("keys = %d\r\n",frm_data_received._key_id);
+                                printf("cmd = %d\r\n",frm_data_received.cmd_id);
+                                if(frm_data_received.ids== 1) {
+                                    wait(1);
+                                    dsp.step1(true);
+                                    step = 2;
+                                } else if(frm_data_received.ids == 3) {
+                                    step = 3;
+                                    //dsp.step4(to_string(frm_data_received._key_id).c_str(),true);
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    } else if(rcount == 0) {
+                        printf("Server Has Been Closed..\r\n");
+                        isConnected = false;
+                        step = 0;//
+//                        blinking_now = 0;
+//                        real_blink_id_1 = 64;
+//                        real_blink_id_2 = 64;
+//                        real_blink_id_3 = 64;
+//                        real_blink_id_4 = 64;
+//                        real_blink_id_5 = 64;
+                        dsp.init();
+                        socket.close();
+                    }
+                    if(ibutton_code != "") {
+                        string data_to_send = "5;" + ibutton_code + ";~";
+                        printf("%s\r\n",data_to_send.c_str());
+                        wait(1);
+                        socket.send(data_to_send.c_str(), data_to_send.length());
+                        printf("Send ibutton\r\n");
+                        ibutton_code.clear();
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+                case 2: {
+          ;
+                    bool restart = false;
+                    while(frm_data_received.ibutton.c_str() != ibutton_code) {
+                        wait(0.05);
+                        ping_counter2++;
+                        if(ping_counter2==25) {
+                            int res_cek = socket.send(cek_con,sizeof(cek_con));
+                            ping_counter2 = 0;
+                            wait(0.05);
+                            if(res_cek <= 0) {
+                                printf("Server Has Been Closed..\r\n");
+                                isConnected = false;
+                                socket.close();
+                                dsp.init();
+                                restart = true;
+                                break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if(restart) {
+                        continue;
+                    } else {
+                        ibutton_code.clear();
+                        printf("IButton verified\r\n");
+                        dsp.step2(to_string(frm_data_received._key_id).c_str());
+                        step = 3;
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+                case 3: {
+                    ping_counter3++;
+                    if(ping_counter3 == 10) {
+                        int res_cek = socket.send(cek_con,sizeof(cek_con));
+                        ping_counter3 = 0;
+                        wait(0.05);
+                        if(res_cek <= 0) {
+                            printf("Server Has Been Closed..\r\n");
+                            isConnected = false;
+                            socket.close();
+                            dsp.init();
+                            continue;
+                        }
+                    }
+          ;
+                    board_number = (frm_data_received._key_id - 1)%40;
+                    if(board_number>= 0 && board_number<= 7)board_number = 0;
+                    if(board_number>= 8 && board_number<= 15)board_number = 1;
+                    if(board_number>= 16 && board_number<= 23)board_number = 2;
+                    if(board_number>= 24 && board_number<= 31)board_number = 3;
+                    if(board_number>= 32 && board_number<= 39)board_number = 4;
+                    printf("KEY[board] = %d\r\n",board_number);
+                    baris = (frm_data_received._key_id - 1)/40;
+                    printf("KEY[baris] = %d\r\n",baris);
+                    kolom = (frm_data_received._key_id - 1)%8;
+                    printf("KEY[kolom] = %d\r\n",kolom);
+                    idle_wait_result = 0;
+                    real_id = board_88[baris][kolom];
+                    printf("Real Id = %d\r\n",real_id);
+                    Make_Prediction(board_number,baris,kolom);
+                    step = 4;
+                }
+                break;
+                case 4: {
+                    ping_counter4++;
+                    if(ping_counter4 == 10) {
+                        int res_cek = socket.send(cek_con,sizeof(cek_con));
+                        ping_counter4 = 0;
+                        wait(0.05);
+                        if(res_cek <= 0) {
+                            LCD_Step_4 = 0;
+                            printf("Server Has Been Closed..\r\n");
+                            isConnected = false;
+                            socket.close();
+                            dsp.init();
+                            continue;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    for(uint8_t i = 0; i<board_sum; i++) {
+                        wait_ms(100);
+                        if(board_number == i) {
+                            Send_RS485(i,real_id,real_blink_id[i],true);
+                        } else {
+                            Send_RS485(i,64,real_blink_id[i],true);
+                        }
+                        printf("Data has been received successfully\r\n");
+                        for(uint8_t a = 4; a<12; a++) {
+                            Row_Board_Now[i][a-4] = respon_from_slave[a];
+                            //printf("Resp : %02X || BoardLast %d : %02X\r\n",respon_from_slave[a],i+1,Row_Board2_Last[temp_id-5]);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    salah_ambil.clear();
+                    salah_taruh.clear();
+                    lst_salah.clear();
+                    for(uint8_t i = 0; i<board_sum; i++) {
+                        res_cmp = 0;
+                        res_cmp = memcmp(Row_Board_Now[i],Row_Board_Predict[i], (sizeof(Row_Board_Now[i])/sizeof(Row_Board_Now[i][0])));
+                        if(res_cmp != 0) {
+                            for(uint8_t j = 0; j<8; j++) {
+                                if(Row_Board_Now[i][j] != Row_Board_Predict[i][j]) {
+                                    keys = 0;
+                                    bin_string_now = Byte_to_StringBinary(Row_Board_Now[i][j]);
+                                    bin_string_predict = Byte_to_StringBinary(Row_Board_Predict[i][j]);
+                                    for (uint8_t k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
+                                        if(bin_string_now[abs(k-7)] != bin_string_predict[abs(k-7)]) {
+                                            keys = (40*j)+k+(8*i)+1;
+                                            if(keys != frm_data_received._key_id) {
+                                                lst_salah.push_back(keys);
+                                                if(bin_string_predict[abs(k-7)] == '0') {
+                                                    salah_taruh.push_back(keys);
+                                                } else if(bin_string_predict[abs(k-7)] == '1') {
+                                                    salah_ambil.push_back(keys);
+                                                }
+                                            } else {
+                                                done[i] = false;
+                                            }
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                        } else if (res_cmp == 0) {
+                            printf("Board %d Match\r\n",i+1);
+                            real_blink_id[i] = 64;
+                            done[i] = true;
+                            memcpy(Row_Board_Last[i],Row_Board_Now[i],(sizeof(Row_Board_Last[i])/sizeof(Row_Board_Last[i][0])));
+                            Send_RS485(i,64,64,false);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    salah_ambil_count = 0;
+                    salah_taruh_count = 0;
+                    //printf("Size salah = %d\r\n",lst_salah.size());
+                    if(lst_salah.size() > 0) {
+                        int  blink_id = 64;
+                        bool ada = false;
+                        //for(int p = 0; p<lst_salah.size(); p++) printf("lst salah all%d = %d\r\n",p+1,lst_salah[p]);
+                        if(lst_salah_hst.size() != 0) {
+                            //printf("jumlah hst = %d\r\n",lst_salah_hst.size());
+                            for(int q = 0; q<lst_salah_hst.size(); q++) {
+                                ada = false;
+                                for(int r = 0; r<lst_salah.size(); r++) {
+                                    if(lst_salah[r] == lst_salah_hst[q]) {
+                                        ada = true;
+                                        //break;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                if(!ada) {
+                                    to_remove.push_back(lst_salah_hst[q]);
+                                }
+                            }
+                            if(to_remove.size() > 0) {
+                                for(int t = 0; t<to_remove.size(); t++) {
+                                    lst_salah_hst.erase(remove(lst_salah_hst.begin(), lst_salah_hst.end(), to_remove[t]), lst_salah_hst.end());
+                                }
+                            }
+                            for(int w = 0; w<lst_salah.size(); w++) {
+                                it = find (lst_salah_hst.begin(), lst_salah_hst.end(), lst_salah[w]);
+                                if (it != lst_salah_hst.end()) {
+                                    continue;
+                                }
+                                lst_salah_hst.push_back(lst_salah[w]);
+                            }
+                        } else {
+                            for(int u = 0; u<lst_salah.size(); u++) {
+                                lst_salah_hst.push_back(lst_salah[u]);
+                            }
+                        }
+                        blink_id = lst_salah_hst[lst_salah_hst.size()-1];
+                        //printf("blink_id = %d\r\n",blink_id);
+                        int board_number_blink = (blink_id - 1)%40;
+                        if(board_number_blink>= 0 && board_number_blink<= 7)board_number_blink = 0;
+                        else if(board_number_blink>= 8 && board_number_blink<= 15)board_number_blink = 1;
+                        else if(board_number_blink>= 16 && board_number_blink<= 23)board_number_blink = 2;
+                        else if(board_number_blink>= 24 && board_number_blink<= 31)board_number_blink = 3;
+                        else if(board_number_blink>= 32 && board_number_blink<= 39)board_number_blink = 4;
+                        //printf("board_number_blink = %d\r\n",board_number_blink);
+                        int baris_blink = (blink_id - 1)/40;
+                        int kolom_blink = (blink_id - 1)%8;
+                        blink_id = board_88[baris_blink][kolom_blink];
+                        //printf("Board blink : %d,Kolom blink : %d, Baris blink : %d\r\n",board_number_blink,kolom_blink,baris_blink);
+                        for(int i =0; i<board_sum; i++) {
+                            if(board_number_blink == i) {
+                                real_blink_id[i] = blink_id;
+                            } else {
+                                real_blink_id[i] = 64;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        blinking_now = lst_salah_hst[lst_salah_hst.size()-1];
+                        salah_ambil_count = salah_ambil.size();
+                        salah_taruh_count = salah_taruh.size();
+                        to_sends.clear();
+                        to_sends.push_back(frm_data_received.ids);
+                        to_sends.push_back((blinking_now>>8)&0x0FF);
+                        to_sends.push_back(blinking_now & 0x0FF);
+                        to_sends.push_back((salah_ambil_count>>8)&0x0FF);
+                        to_sends.push_back(salah_ambil_count & 0x0FF);
+                        to_sends.push_back((salah_taruh_count>>8)&0x0FF);
+                        to_sends.push_back((salah_taruh_count>>8)&0x0FF);
+                        for(int y = 0; y<salah_ambil.size(); y++) {
+                            to_sends.push_back((salah_ambil[y] >> 8) & 0x0FF);
+                            to_sends.push_back(salah_ambil[y] & 0x0FF);
+                        }
+                        for(int y = 0; y<salah_taruh.size(); y++) {
+                            to_sends.push_back((salah_taruh[y] >> 8) & 0x0FF);
+                            to_sends.push_back(salah_taruh[y]  & 0x0FF);
+                        }
+                        if(to_sends_last != to_sends) {
+                            socket.send(, to_sends.size());
+                            to_sends_last.clear();
+                            copy(to_sends.begin(), to_sends.end(), back_inserter(to_sends_last));
+                            dsp.step5(to_string(blinking_now).c_str(),true);
+                            LCD_Step_4 = 0;
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        if(done[0] && done[1] && done[2] && done[3] && done[4]) {
+                            lst_salah_hst.clear();
+                            blinking_now = 0;
+                            memset(real_blink_id,64,(sizeof(real_blink_id) / sizeof(real_blink_id[0])));
+                            salah_ambil_count = 0;
+                            salah_taruh_count = 0;
+                            ibutton_code.clear();
+                            to_sends.clear();
+                            to_sends.push_back(frm_data_received.ids);
+                            to_sends.push_back(0x00);//blinking_now byte1
+                            to_sends.push_back(0x00);//blinking_now byte2
+                            to_sends.push_back(0x00);//salah_ambil byte1
+                            to_sends.push_back(0x00);//salah_ambil byte2
+                            to_sends.push_back(0x00);//salah_taruh byte1
+                            to_sends.push_back(0x00);//salah_taruh byte2
+                            if(to_sends_last != to_sends) {
+                                socket.send(, to_sends.size());
+                                to_sends_last.clear();
+                                copy(to_sends.begin(), to_sends.end(), back_inserter(to_sends_last));
+                            }
+                            ibutton_code.clear();
+                            to_sends.clear();
+                            LCD_Step_4 = 0;
+                            step = 0;
+                            if(frm_data_received.ids == 3) {
+                                dsp.step4(to_string(frm_data_received._key_id).c_str(),false);
+                            } else if(frm_data_received.ids == 1) {
+                                dsp.step0();
+                            }
+                        } else {
+                            char rbuffer[64];
+                            int rcount = socket.recv(rbuffer, sizeof rbuffer);
+                            if(rcount < 0) {
+                            } else if(rcount > 0) {
+                                rbuffer[rcount] = '\0';
+                                string data;
+                                for(int i = 0; i<sizeof(rbuffer); i++) {
+                                    if(rbuffer[i] == '\0')break;
+                                    data += rbuffer[i];
+                                }
+                                vector<string> res = split(data, "~");
+                                if(sizeof(res) != 0) {
+                                    temp_data = split(res[0], ";");
+                                    if(temp_data[0] == "1" && temp_data[1] == "0") {
+                                        ibutton_code.clear();
+                                        to_sends.clear();
+                                        LCD_Step_4 = 0;
+                                        step = 0;
+                                        dsp.step0();
+                                        continue;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            } else if(rcount == 0) {
+                                printf("Server Has Been Closed..\r\n");
+                                isConnected = false;
+                                step = 0;//
+                                dsp.init();
+                                socket.close();
+                            }
+                            memset(real_blink_id,64,(sizeof(real_blink_id)/sizeof(real_blink_id[0])));
+                            blinking_now = 0;
+                            idle_wait_result++;
+                            if(idle_wait_result == 200) {
+                                to_sends.clear();
+                                to_sends.push_back(frm_data_received.ids);
+                                to_sends.push_back((real_id>>8)&0x0FF);
+                                to_sends.push_back(real_id & 0x0FF);
+                                to_sends.push_back(0x00);//salah_ambil byte1
+                                to_sends.push_back(0x00);//salah_ambil byte2
+                                to_sends.push_back(0x00);//salah_taruh byte1
+                                to_sends.push_back(0x00);//salah_taruh byte2
+                                if(to_sends_last != to_sends) {
+                                    socket.send(, to_sends.size());
+                                    to_sends_last.clear();
+                                    copy(to_sends.begin(), to_sends.end(), back_inserter(to_sends_last));
+                                }
+                            }
+                            if(LCD_Step_4 == 0) {
+                                if(frm_data_received.ids== 1) {
+                                    dsp.step2(to_string(frm_data_received._key_id).c_str());
+                                    wait(1);
+                                    LCD_Step_4 = 1;
+                                } else if(frm_data_received.ids == 3) {
+                                    dsp.step4(to_string(frm_data_received._key_id).c_str(),true);
+                                    wait(1);
+                                    LCD_Step_4 = 1;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+int main()
+    //serial_rx_tick.attach(&RS485_Recv,0.01);
+    for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) {
+        memset(Row_Board_Last[i],0,(sizeof(Row_Board_Last[i])/sizeof(Row_Board_Last[i][0])));
+        memset(Row_Board_Now[i],0,(sizeof(Row_Board_Now[i])/sizeof(Row_Board_Now[i][0])));
+        memset(Row_Board_Predict[i],0,(sizeof(Row_Board_Predict[i])/sizeof(Row_Board_Predict[i][0])));
+    }
+    ids = 0;
+    to_sends_last.clear();
+    to_sends_last.push_back(2);
+    to_sends_last.push_back(0x00);//blinking now byte1
+    to_sends_last.push_back(0x00);//blinking now byte2
+    to_sends_last.push_back(0x00);//salah_ambil byte1
+    to_sends_last.push_back(0x00);//salah_ambil byte2
+    to_sends_last.push_back(0x00);//salah_taruh byte1
+    to_sends_last.push_back(0x00);//salah_taruh byte2
+    wait(0.01);
+    dsp.init();
+//    thd_Cek_Ibutton.start(Cek_Ibutton);
+    thd_Buzzer.start(Cek_Salah_Buzzer);
+    //thd_LCD.start(Cek_LCD_State);
+    //thd_RS485_Recv.start(RS485_Recv);
+    FindingServer();
+string Byte_to_StringBinary(byte data_byte)
+    string data_temp;
+    for(int i = 0; i <8; i++) {
+        if((data_byte>>i)&0x01) {
+            data_temp[abs(i-7)] += '1';
+        } else data_temp[abs(i-7)] += '0';
+    }
+    return data_temp;
+uint8_t StringBinary_to_Byte(string data_binary)
+    uint8_t data_temp = 0;
+    bitset<8> b(data_binary);
+    unsigned char c = ( b.to_ulong() & 0xFF);
+    data_temp = static_cast<uint8_t>(c);
+    return data_temp;
+int Get_Row(int key_id)
+    int data_temp = 0;
+    data_temp = key_id/(board_sum*8);
+    return data_temp;
+unsigned short Get_CRC_Modbus(byte data_byte[])
+    unsigned short data_temp;
+    data_temp = calculate_crc16_Modbus(reinterpret_cast<char*>(data_byte), 6);
+    return data_temp;
+byte to_send[6] = {0x00,0x03,0x14,0x15,0x01,0x00};
+void Send_RS485(int board,int key_id,int key_id_blinking,bool Cek_Respon)
+    to_send[0] = board+1;
+    to_send[2] = key_id;
+    to_send[3] = key_id_blinking;
+    //printf("Calculating crc : ");
+    unsigned short __crc = Get_CRC_Modbus(to_send);
+    //printf("%02X\r\n",__crc);
+    memcpy(buffer_crc,(unsigned char*)&(__crc),sizeof(short));
+    byte _eof = 0x0D;
+    byte all_to_send[9];
+    all_to_send[0] = board+1;
+    all_to_send[1] = to_send[1];
+    all_to_send[2] = to_send[2];
+    all_to_send[3] = to_send[3];
+    all_to_send[4] = to_send[4];
+    all_to_send[5] = to_send[5];
+    all_to_send[6] = buffer_crc[1];
+    all_to_send[7] = buffer_crc[0];
+    all_to_send[8] = _eof;
+//    printf("Data sent : ");
+//    for(int i = 0; i<9; i++) {
+//        printf("%02X ",all_to_send[i]);
+//    }
+//    printf("\r\n");
+    printf("Data recv : ");
+    for(int i = 0; i<15; i++) {
+        printf("%02X ",respon_from_slave[i]);
+    }
+    printf("\r\n");
+    wait(0.05);
+    rede = 1;
+    for(int i = 0; i<9; i++) {
+        dv.putc(all_to_send[i]);
+    }
+    if(Cek_Respon) printf("Send Complete to %d\r\n",board+1);
+    if(!Cek_Respon) {
+        intr_Done = true;
+    } else {
+        //printf("Trying to received%d..\r\n",board+1);
+        memset(respon_from_slave, 0, (sizeof respon_from_slave/sizeof respon_from_slave[0]));
+        intr_Done = false;
+        ids = 0;
+        rede = 0;
+        while(!intr_Done) {
+            while(dv.readable()) {
+                char tempbuf = dv.getc();
+                if(ids == 0 && tempbuf == 0xFF) {
+                } else {
+                    respon_from_slave[ids] = tempbuf;
+                    ids++;
+                }
+            }
+            //            printf("Data recv : ");
+//            for(int i = 0; i<17; i++) {
+//                printf("%02X ",respon_from_slave[i]);
+//            }
+//            printf("\r\n");
+            //printf("Trying to checking..\r\n");
+            if((respon_from_slave[0] == board+1) && (respon_from_slave[14] == 0x0D)) intr_Done = true;
+            else goto Resend;
+        }
+    }
+void Cek_Ibutton()
+//    while(1) {
+//    }
+void Cek_Salah_Buzzer()
+    while(1) {
+        if(real_blink_id[0] != 64 || real_blink_id[1] != 64 || real_blink_id[2] != 64 || real_blink_id[3] != 64|| real_blink_id[4] != 64) {
+  ;
+        }
+        wait(0.2);
+    }
+string frames;
+void First_Update()
+    frames.clear();
+    for(uint8_t i = 0; i<board_sum; i++) {
+        wait_ms(50);
+        intr_Done = false;
+        ids = 0;
+        Send_RS485(i,64,64,true);
+        printf("Send Done\r\n");
+        for(uint8_t a = 4; a<12; a++) {
+            Row_Board_Last[i][a-4] = respon_from_slave[a];
+            //printf("%02X\r\n",Row_Board1_Last[temp_id-5]);
+        }
+    }
+    string bin_string;
+    salah_ambil.clear();
+    salah_taruh.clear();
+    string key_ids;
+    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < board_sum; i++) {
+        for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
+            bin_string = Byte_to_StringBinary(Row_Board_Last[i][j]);
+            //printf("board[%d][%d] = %s\r\n",i,j,bin_string.c_str());
+            for (uint8_t k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
+                if (bin_string[abs(k-7)] == '1') {
+                    salah_ambil.push_back((40*j)+k+(8*i)+1);//Salah Ambil -> Key_On
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    to_sends.clear();
+    to_sends.push_back(0x04);
+    to_sends.push_back(0x00);
+    to_sends.push_back(0x00);
+    to_sends.push_back((salah_ambil.size()>>8)&0x0FF);
+    to_sends.push_back(salah_ambil.size() & 0x0FF);
+    to_sends.push_back((salah_taruh.size()>>8)&0x0FF);
+    to_sends.push_back(salah_taruh.size()&0x0FF);
+    for(int y = 0; y<salah_ambil.size(); y++) {
+        to_sends.push_back((salah_ambil[y] >> 8) & 0x0FF);
+        to_sends.push_back(salah_ambil[y]  & 0x0FF);
+    }
+    for(int y = 0; y<salah_taruh.size(); y++) {
+        to_sends.push_back((salah_taruh[y] >> 8) & 0x0FF);
+        to_sends.push_back(salah_taruh[y] & 0x0FF);
+    }
+string data_bin_pred;
+void Make_Prediction(int board_no,int baris, int kolom)
+    printf("baris = %d\r\n",baris);
+    printf("kolom = %d\r\n",kolom);
+    for(int i = 0; i<board_sum; i++) {
+        memcpy(Row_Board_Predict[i],Row_Board_Last[i],(sizeof(Row_Board_Predict[i])/sizeof (Row_Board_Predict[i][0])));
+        if(board_no == i) {
+            printf("Predict Before: ");
+            for(int j = 0; j<8; j++) {
+                printf("%02X ",Row_Board_Predict[i][j]);
+            }
+            printf("\r\n");
+            data_bin_pred = Byte_to_StringBinary(Row_Board_Predict[i][baris]);
+            printf("Before %s\r\n",data_bin_pred.c_str());
+            if(frm_data_received.cmd_id == 1) {
+                data_bin_pred[abs(kolom-7)] = '0';
+            } else if(frm_data_received.cmd_id == 2) {
+                data_bin_pred[abs(kolom-7)] = '1';
+            }
+            printf("After %s\r\n",data_bin_pred.c_str());
+            uint8_t datas = stoi(data_bin_pred,0,2);
+            Row_Board_Predict[i][baris] = datas;
+            printf("Predict After: ");
+            for(int i = 0; i<8; i++) {
+                printf("%02X ",Row_Board_Predict[i][i]);
+            }
+            printf("\r\n");
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed-os.lib	Wed Aug 26 19:47:52 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@