Reads the encoder signals from 1 motor and displays the counts and degrees of the output shaft in Serial.

Dependencies:   HIDScope_motor_ff QEI mbed FastPWM MODSERIAL

Fork of HID_scope_test by Biorobotics_group_2

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Oct 28 09:58:22 2016 +0000
Commit message:
Working code

Changed in this revision

HIDScope.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MODSERIAL.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/HIDScope.lib	Mon Oct 17 09:37:52 2016 +0000
+++ b/HIDScope.lib	Fri Oct 28 09:58:22 2016 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MODSERIAL.lib	Fri Oct 28 09:58:22 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- a/main.cpp	Mon Oct 17 09:37:52 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Oct 28 09:58:22 2016 +0000
@@ -9,113 +9,479 @@
 // Setup Pins
 // Note: Pin D10 and D11 for encoder, D4-D7 for motor controller
-AnalogIn pot1(A0);
-AnalogIn pot2(A1);
+// Potmeter 1 gives the reference position x
+AnalogIn pot1(A3);
+// Potmeter 2 gives the reference position y
+AnalogIn pot2(A4);
 // Setup Buttons
-DigitalIn button1(D2);
-// InterruptIn button2(D3);
+InterruptIn button1(PTB9);                  // button 1
+InterruptIn button2(PTA1);                  // button 2
+InterruptIn button3(PTC6);                 // SW2
+InterruptIn button4(PTA4);                 // SW3
+volatile bool button1_value = false;
 // Set motor Pinouts
 DigitalOut motor1_dir(D4);
 FastPWM motor1_pwm(D5);
-//DigitalOut motor2_dir(D7);
-//FastPWM motor2_pwm(D6);
+DigitalOut motor2_dir(D7);
+FastPWM motor2_pwm(D6);
 // Set LED pins
 DigitalOut led(LED_RED);
 // Set HID scope
-HIDScope    scope(2);
+HIDScope    scope(6);
 // Set encoder
-QEI EncoderCW(D10,D11,NC,32);
-QEI EncoderCCW(D11,D10,NC,32);
+QEI m1_EncoderCW(D10,D11,NC,32);
+QEI m1_EncoderCCW(D11,D10,NC,32);
+QEI m2_EncoderCW(D13,D12,NC,32);
+QEI m2_EncoderCCW(D12,D13,NC,32);
+volatile const int   COUNTS_PER_REV = 8400;
+volatile const float DEGREES_PER_PULSE = 8400 / 360;
+volatile const float CONTROLLER_TS = 0.01; // 1000 Hz
+// Set initial Kp and Ki
+volatile double Kp = 0.01; // last known good Kp: 0.01
+volatile double Ki = 0.0;   // last known good Ki: 0.0025
+volatile double Kd = 0.0; // last known good Kd: 0.0
+volatile double Ts = 0.01;
+volatile double N = 100;
+// Memory values for controllers
+double m1_v1 = 0, m1_v2 = 0;
+double m2_v1 = 0, m2_v2 = 0;
+// Set default mode
+volatile int Mode = 0;
+// Variabelen voor MotorHoekBerekenen
+volatile double x = 0.0;                             // beginpositie x en y
+volatile double y = 305.5;
+volatile const double pi = 3.14159265359; 
+volatile double Theta1Gear = 60.0;              // Beginpositie op 60 graden
+volatile double Theta2Gear = 60.0;
+volatile double Theta1 = Theta1Gear*42/12;           // Beginpositie van MotorHoek
+volatile double Theta2 = Theta2Gear*42/12;            // frequentie in Hz waarmee theta wordt uigereken
+// Functions for angle calculation
+double Calc_Prev_x () {
+    double Prev_x = x;
+        //pc.printf("prev x = %f\r\n", Prev_x);
+    return Prev_x;
+// vorige y opslaan
+double Calc_Prev_y () {
+    double Prev_y = y;
+        //pc.printf("prev y = %f\r\n", Prev_y);
+    return Prev_y;
+// vorige Theta1Gear opslaan
+double Calc_Prev_Theta1_Gear () {
+    double Prev_Theta1_Gear = Theta1Gear;
+    return Prev_Theta1_Gear;
+//vorige Theta2Gear opslaan
+double Calc_Prev_Theta2_Gear () {
+    double Prev_Theta2_Gear = Theta2Gear;
+    return Prev_Theta2_Gear;
-// Variables counter
-int countsCW = 0;
-int countsCCW = 0;
-int net_counts = 0;
+void CalcXY()
+    /*
+    double Step = 5/Fr_Speed_Theta ;  //10 mm per seconde afleggen
+    if (BicepsLeft==true && BicepsRight==true && Leg==true && Stepper_State==false) {   
+        Stepper_State = true;     // we zijn aan het flipper dus geen andere dingen doen
+        FunctieFlipper() ;
+    }
+    else if (BicepsLeft==true && BicepsRight==false && Leg==false && Stepper_State==false) {
+        x = x - Step;
+    }
+    else if (BicepsLeft==false && BicepsRight==true && Leg==false && Stepper_State==false) {
+        x = x + Step;       // naar Right bewegen
+    }
+    else if (BicepsLeft==true && BicepsRight==true && Leg==false && Stepper_State==false) {
+        y = y + Step;        // naar voren bewegen
+    }
+    else if (BicepsLeft==false && BicepsRight==true && Leg==true && Stepper_State==false) {
+        y = y - Step;       // naar achter bewegen
+    }
+    else if (BicepsLeft==false && BicepsRight==false && Leg==false || Stepper_State==true) {
+    }
+    */
+    x = (*400.0f; // x is een waarde tussen de -200 en 200
+    y = 50.0f+(*256.0f);
+    if (x > 200) {
+        x = 200;
+    }
+    else if (x < -200) {
+        x = -200;
+    }
+    if (y > 306) {
+        y = 306;
+    }
+    else if (y < 50) {
+        y = 50;         // GOKJE, UITPROBEREN
+    }
+    //pc.printf("x = %f, y = %f\r\n", x, y);
+    //scope.set(2,x);
+    //scope.set(3,y);
+// diagonaal berekenen voor linker arm
+double CalcDia1 (double x, double y) {
+    double a = 50.0;                                // de afstand van gekozen assenstelsel tot de armas (assenstelsel precies in het midden)   KEERTJE NAMETEN
+    double BV1 = sqrt(pow((a+x),2) + pow(y,2));     // diagonaal (afstand van armas tot locatie) berekenen
+    double Dia1 = pow(BV1,2)/(2*BV1);               // berekenen van de afstand oorsprong tot diagonaal
+    //pc.printf("dia = %f, x = %f, y= %f\r\n", Dia1, x, y);
+    return Dia1;
+// diagonaal berekenen voor rechter arm
+double CalcDia2 (double x, double y) {
+    double a = 50.0;                                
+    double BV2 = sqrt(pow((x-a),2) + pow(y,2));     // zelfde nog een keer doen maar nu voor de rechter arm 
+    double Dia2 = pow(BV2,2)/(2*BV2); 
+    //pc.printf("dia = %f, x = %f, y= %f\r\n", Dia2, x, y);
+    return Dia2;
+// calculate Theta1
+void CalcTheta1 (double Dia1) {
+    double a = 50.0; 
+    double Bar = 200.0;    // lengte van de armen 
+    // Hoek berekenen van het grote tandwiel (gear)
+    if (x > -a) {
+        Theta1Gear = pi - atan(y/(x+a)) - acos(Dia1/Bar);
+    }
+    else if (x > -a) {
+        Theta1Gear = pi - (pi + atan(y/(x+a))) - acos(Dia1/Bar);
+    }
+    else {  // als x=-a
+        Theta1Gear = 0.5*pi - acos(Dia1/Bar);
+    }
+    Theta1Gear = Theta1Gear*180.0/pi;       // veranderen van radialen naar graden
+    // omrekenen van grote tandwiel naar motortandwiel
+    Theta1 = Theta1Gear*42.0/12.0;  // grote tandwiel heeft 42 tanden. Motortandwiel heeft er 12. 
+    // pc.printf("thetaMotor = %f, thetaGear = %f\r\n", Theta1, Theta1Gear);
-// Variables degrees, and speed
-float degrees = 0.0;
-volatile float curr_degrees = 0.0;
-volatile float prev_degrees = 0.0;
-volatile float speed = 0.0; // speed in degrees/s
+void CalcTheta2 (double Dia2) {
+    double a = 50.0; 
+    double Bar = 200.0;    // lengte van de armen 
+    double Prev_Theta2_Gear = Theta2Gear; 
+    // Hoek berekenen van het grote tandwiel (gear)
+    if (x < a) {
+        Theta2Gear = pi + atan(y/(x-a)) - acos(Dia2/Bar);
+    }
+    else if (x > a) {
+        Theta2Gear = pi - (pi - atan(y/(x-a))) - acos(Dia2/Bar);
+    }
+    else {  // als x=a
+        Theta2Gear = 0.5*pi - acos(Dia2/Bar);
+    }
+    Theta2Gear = Theta2Gear*180/pi;         // veranderen van radialen naar graden
+    // omrekenen van grote tandwiel naar motortandwiel
+    Theta2 = Theta2Gear*42.0/12.0;  // grote tandwiel heeft 42 tanden. Motortandwiel heeft er 12.
+    // pc.printf("thetaMotor = %f, thetaGear = %f\r\n", Theta2, Theta2Gear);
+// als een van de hoeken te groot wordt, zet dan alles terug naar de vorige positie
+void AngleLimits (double Prev_Theta1_Gear, double Prev_Theta2_Gear, double Prev_x, double Prev_y) {
+    double MaxThetaGear = 100.0;   // de hoek voordat arm het opstakel raakt (max hoek is 107.62 tussen arm en opstakel, maken er 100 van voor veiligheid)
+    if (Theta1Gear >= MaxThetaGear || Theta2Gear >= MaxThetaGear) {
+        Theta1Gear = Prev_Theta1_Gear;
+        Theta2Gear = Prev_Theta2_Gear;
+        x = Prev_x;
+        y = Prev_y;
+        Theta1 = Theta1Gear*42.0/12.0;
+        Theta2 = Theta2Gear*42.0/12.0; 
+    }
+    // pc.printf("thetaMotor = %f, thetaGear = %f\r\n", Theta2, Theta2Gear);
+void CalculationsForTheta () {
+    double Prev_x = Calc_Prev_x ();
+    double Prev_y = Calc_Prev_y ();
+    double Calc_Prev_Theta1_Gear ();
+    double Calc_Prev_Theta2_Gear ();
+    CalcXY();
+    double Dia1 = CalcDia1 (x, y);
+    double Dia2 = CalcDia2 (x, y);
+    CalcTheta1 (Dia1);
+    CalcTheta2 (Dia2);
+    AngleLimits (Theta1Gear, Theta2Gear, Prev_x, Prev_y);       // laatste check
+    // hier mag je de motor gaan aansturen
+    //scope.send();
+void Set_Mode()
+    Mode++;
+    if (Mode == 3)
+    {
+        Mode = 0;
+    }
+    pc.printf("\r 0: Kp \r\n");
+    pc.printf("\r 1: Ki \r\n");
+    pc.printf("\r 2: Kd \r\n");
+    pc.printf("\r MODE = %i \r\n",Mode);
+void increase()
+    switch(Mode)
+    {
+        case 0:
+            Kp = Kp + 0.01f;
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            Ki = Ki + 0.00001f;
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            Kd = Kd + 0.01f;
+            break;
+        default:
+            pc.printf("\r swtich error \r\n");
+    }
+    pc.printf("\r Kp: %f, Ki: %f, Kd: %f \r\n",Kp,Ki,Kd);
-volatile const int counts_per_rev = 8400;
-volatile const float T_CalculateSpeed = 0.001; // 1000 Hz
+void decrease()
+    switch(Mode)
+    {
+        case 0:
+            if (Kp <= 0.0f)
+            {
+                Kp = 0.0f;
+                break;
+            }
+            Kp = Kp - 0.01f;
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            if (Ki == 0.0f)
+            {
+                Ki = 0.0f;
+                break;
+            }
+            Ki = Ki - 0.00001f;
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            if (Kd == 0.0f)
+            {
+                Kd = 0.0f;
+                break;
+            }
+            Kd = Kd - 0.01f;
+            break;
+        default:
+            pc.printf("\r swtich error \r\n");
+    }
+    pc.printf("\r Kp: %f, Ki: %f, Kd: %f \r\n",Kp,Ki,Kd);
+double m1_GetPosition()
+    int countsCW = m1_EncoderCW.getPulses();
+    int countsCCW= m1_EncoderCCW.getPulses();
+    int net_counts=countsCW-countsCCW;
+    double Position=(net_counts*360.0)/COUNTS_PER_REV;
+    return Position;
-// BiqUadChain
-BiQuadChain bqc;
-BiQuad bq1( 3.72805e-09, 7.45610e-09, 3.72805e-09, -1.97115e+00, 9.71392e-01 );
-BiQuad bq2( 1.00000e+00, 2.00000e+00, 1.00000e+00, -1.98780e+00, 9.88050e-01 );
+double m2_GetPosition()
+    int countsCW = m2_EncoderCW.getPulses();
+    int countsCCW= m2_EncoderCCW.getPulses();
+    int net_counts=countsCW-countsCCW;
+    double Position=(net_counts*360.0)/COUNTS_PER_REV;
+    return Position;
+double m1_GetPosition_cal()
+    int countsCW = m1_EncoderCW.getPulses();
+    int countsCCW= m1_EncoderCCW.getPulses();
+    int net_counts=countsCW-countsCCW;
+    double Position=(net_counts*360.0)/COUNTS_PER_REV+210.0f; // calibrated position is 210 degrees
+    return Position;
+double m2_GetPosition_cal()
+    int countsCW = m2_EncoderCW.getPulses();
+    int countsCCW= m2_EncoderCCW.getPulses();
+    int net_counts=countsCW-countsCCW;
+    double Position=(net_counts*360.0)/COUNTS_PER_REV+210.0f; // calibrated position is 210 degrees
+    return Position;
+double m1_PID(double error, const double Kp, const double Ki, const double Kd, const double Ts, const double N, double &m1_v1, double &m1_v2)
+    double a1 = -4/(N*Ts+2),
+    a2 = -1*(N*Ts - 2)/(N*Ts+2), 
+    b0 = (4*Kp + 4*Kd*N + 2*Ki*Ts + 2*Kp*N*Ts + Ki*N*pow(Ts,2))/(2*N*Ts + 4),
+    b1 = (Ki*N*pow(Ts,2) - 4*Kp - 4*Kd*N)/(N*Ts + 2),
+    b2 = (4*Kp + 4*Kd*N - 2*Ki*Ts - 2*Kp*N*Ts + Ki*N*pow(Ts,2))/(2*N*Ts + 4);
+    double v = error - a1*m1_v1 - a2*m1_v2;
+    double u = b0*v + b1*m1_v1 + b2*m1_v2;
+    m1_v2 = m1_v1; m1_v1 = v;
+    return u;
+double m2_PID(double error, const double Kp, const double Ki, const double Kd, const double Ts, const double N, double &m2_v1, double &m2_v2)
+    double a1 = -4/(N*Ts+2),
+    a2 = -1*(N*Ts - 2)/(N*Ts+2), 
+    b0 = (4*Kp + 4*Kd*N + 2*Ki*Ts + 2*Kp*N*Ts + Ki*N*pow(Ts,2))/(2*N*Ts + 4),
+    b1 = (Ki*N*pow(Ts,2) - 4*Kp - 4*Kd*N)/(N*Ts + 2),
+    b2 = (4*Kp + 4*Kd*N - 2*Ki*Ts - 2*Kp*N*Ts + Ki*N*pow(Ts,2))/(2*N*Ts + 4);
+    double v = error - a1*m1_v1 - a2*m1_v2;
+    double u = b0*v + b1*m1_v1 + b2*m1_v2;
+    m1_v2 = m1_v1; m1_v1 = v;
+    return u;
-float GetReferenceVelocity()
-    // Returns reference velocity in rad/s. 
-    // Positive value means clockwise rotation.
-    const float maxVelocity=8.4; // in rad/s of course!   
-    float referenceVelocity;  // in rad/s
-    float button_val =;
-    if ( {
-        // Clockwise rotation
-        referenceVelocity =*maxVelocity;
-    }
-    else {
-        // Counterclockwise rotation      
-        referenceVelocity = -1**maxVelocity;
-    }  
-    return referenceVelocity;
-float FeedForwardControl(float referenceVelocity)
-    // very simple linear feed-forward control
-    const float MotorGain=8.4; // unit: (rad/s) / PWM
-    float motorValue = referenceVelocity / MotorGain;
-    pc.printf("\r\n RefVel = %f \r\n",motorValue); 
-    return motorValue;
-void SetMotor1(float motorValue)
+void SetMotor(int motor_number, double MotorValue)
     // Given -1<=motorValue<=1, this sets the PWM and direction
     // bits for motor 1. Positive value makes motor rotating
     // clockwise. motorValues outside range are truncated to
     // within range
-    if (motorValue >=0){
-        motor1_dir=1;
-    }
-    else{
-        motor1_dir=0;
-        pc.printf("\r\n MOTORDIR = 0 \r\n");
-    }
-    if (fabs(motorValue)>1){
-        motor1_pwm.write(1);
+    if (motor_number == 1)
+    {
+        if (MotorValue >=0)
+        {
+            motor1_dir=0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            motor1_dir=1;
+        }
+        if (fabs(MotorValue)>1){
+            motor1_pwm.write(1);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            motor1_pwm.write(abs(MotorValue));
+        }
-    else{
-        motor1_pwm.write(fabs(motorValue));
-    }
-void MeasureAndControl(void)
-    // This function measures the potmeter position, extracts a
-    // reference velocity from it, and controls the motor with 
-    // a simple FeedForward controller. Call this from a Ticker.
-    float referenceVelocity = GetReferenceVelocity();
-    float motorValue = FeedForwardControl(referenceVelocity);
-    SetMotor1(motorValue);
+    else
+    {  
+        if (MotorValue >=0)
+        {
+            motor2_dir=0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            motor2_dir=1;
+        }
+        if (fabs(MotorValue)>1){
+            motor2_pwm.write(1);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            motor2_pwm.write(abs(MotorValue));
+        }
+    }   
 void BlinkLed(){
     led = not led;
+void Controller_motor()
+    // calculate the reference position
+    CalculationsForTheta();
+    // get the actual position
+    double m1_Position = m1_GetPosition_cal();
+    double m2_Position = m2_GetPosition_cal();
+    // Set position scopes
+    scope.set(0,x);
+    scope.set(1,y);
+    scope.set(2,Theta1);
+    scope.set(3,Theta2);
+    /*
+    scope.set(0,Theta1);
+    scope.set(1,m1_Position);
+    scope.set(3,Theta2);
+    scope.set(4,m2_Position);
+    */
+    //scope.set(2,m1_Position);
+    //scope.set(4,m2_Position);
+    // calc the error
+    double m1_error = Theta1 - m1_Position;
+    double m2_error = Theta2 - m2_Position;
+    //scope.set(2,m1_error);
+    //scope.set(6,m2_error);
+    // calc motorvalues for controller;
+    double m1_MotorValue = m1_PID(m1_error, Kp, Ki, Kd, Ts, N, m1_v1, m1_v2);
+    double m2_MotorValue = m2_PID(m2_error, Kp, Ki, Kd, Ts, N, m2_v1, m2_v2);
+    scope.set(4,m1_MotorValue);
+    scope.set(5,m2_MotorValue);
+    // Set the motorvalues
+    SetMotor(1, m1_MotorValue);
+    SetMotor(2, m2_MotorValue);
+    // Set motorvalues for scope
+    // Send data to HIDScope
+    scope.send();
+void button1_switch()
+    button1_value = not button1_value;
+void PotControl()
+    double Motor1_Value = ( - 0.5f)/2.0f;
+    double Motor2_Value = ( - 0.5f)/2.0f;
+    //pc.printf("\r\n Motor value 1: %f \r\n",Motor1_Value);
+    //pc.printf("\r\n Motor value 2: %f \r\n",Motor2_Value);
+    double m1_Position = m1_GetPosition();
+    double m2_Position = m2_GetPosition();
+    scope.set(0, Motor1_Value);
+    scope.set(1, m1_Position);
+    scope.set(2, Motor2_Value);
+    scope.set(3, m2_Position);
+    scope.send();
+    // Write the motors
+    SetMotor(1, Motor1_Value);
+    SetMotor(2, Motor2_Value);
 void CalculateSpeed() {
     countsCW = EncoderCW.getPulses();
     countsCCW= EncoderCCW.getPulses();
@@ -132,6 +498,7 @@
 int main(){
     // Set baud connection with PC
@@ -145,16 +512,47 @@
     // Set motor PWM speeds
-    // motor2_pwm.period(1.0/1000);
+    motor2_pwm.period(1.0/1000);
-    Ticker CalculateSpeedTicker;
-    CalculateSpeedTicker.attach(&CalculateSpeed,T_CalculateSpeed);
+    // Setup Interruptin.fall
+    button1.fall(button1_switch);
+    button2.fall(Set_Mode);
+    button3.fall(increase);
+    button4.fall(decrease);
+    // Setup motor control
+    Ticker PIDControllerTicker;
+    Ticker PotControlTicker;
+    pc.printf("\r\n ***************** \r\n");
+    pc.printf("\r\n Press button SW3 to start positioning the arms using PotControl\r\n");
+    pc.printf("\r\n Make sure both potentiometers are positioned halfway! \r\n");
+    pc.printf("\r\n ***************** \r\n");
+    while (button1_value == false){}
+    PotControlTicker.attach(&PotControl,0.01f);
-    // Setup Biquad
-    bqc.add(&bq1).add(&bq2);
+    pc.printf("\r\n ***************** \r\n");
+    pc.printf("\r\n When done positioning, press button SW3 to detach Potcontrol");
+    pc.printf("\r\n ***************** \r\n");
+    while (button1_value == true){}
+    // Detach potcontrol
+    PotControlTicker.detach();
+    // Set motors to 0
+    motor2_pwm.write(0);
+    motor2_pwm.write(0);
-    // MeasureAndControl as fast as possible
-    while(true){
-        MeasureAndControl();
-    }
+    // Reset the encoders to set the 0 position
+    m1_EncoderCW.reset();
+    m1_EncoderCCW.reset();
+    m2_EncoderCW.reset();
+    m2_EncoderCCW.reset();
+    pc.printf("\r\n ***************** \r\n");
+    pc.printf("\r\n When done positioning, press button SW3 to start potmeter PID control");
+    pc.printf("\r\n Make sure both potentiometers are positioned halfway!!! \r\n");
+    pc.printf("\r\n ***************** \r\n");
+    while (button1_value == false){}
+    PIDControllerTicker.attach(&Controller_motor, CONTROLLER_TS); // 100 Hz
+    while(true){}
\ No newline at end of file