11 years, 1 month ago.

Keeping Desktop and mbed compiler in sync


I've developing some code that runs on the desktop as well as on mbed - so I'm making changes on both platforms. It's got many source files arranged in directories.

Currently, when something changes on the desktop, my only option appears to be to manually go through every directory in the mbed IDE and delete the old files, and then drag my new files in. It's pretty tedious.

In the other direction it's fine - I can just download a zip and merge all the changes on the desktop myself using Git.

Is there a better solution? I guess ideally there would be command-line utilities for the desktop:

copy-to-mbed ProjectName file.c

copy-from-mbed ProjectName file.c

and then I could just write a script that would keep the two in sync. Is anything like that possible? Or is there a better way?

Even being able to upload a zip, with an 'overwrite all' checkbox would be a big help...

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