4 years, 6 months ago.

Ublox c027


I've already update the firmware for ublox c027. I tried several programs and everything was fine. but now whenever I connect the ublox C027 to my laptop it didn't show and when I press the reset button , I always enter the firmware update mode.

Could you please, help me on the mentioned issue.

I need your help urgently

Regards Nada

1 Answer

4 years, 6 months ago.

Hi Nada,

I assume that you refer to DAPLink firmware. Have you follow there instructions (https://armmbed.github.io/DAPLink/)? - Download the firmware file. - While holding down the boards reset button, connect the boards USB debug port to the computer. It should enumerate and mount as CRP DISABLD - Delete the file named firmware.bin, then drag and drop or copy the new bin file - Wait for the file copy operation to complete. - Power cycle the board. It will now enumerate and mount as DAPLINK or the name of the board.

Regards, Pekka