5 years, 2 months ago.

connecting xsens mti -g-710 with LPC1768


1) The xSense outputs RS232 voltage levels not TTL voltage levels. The LPC takes TTL voltage levels. I hope you are using a level shiftier between the two or you could damage the LPC. Depending on the baud rate you may need a real level shifter with a driver IC, not one of those cheap and dirty ones sold by hobby web sites.

2) Please edit your post so the code is formatted and readable. <<code>> on a line on it's own before the code and then <</code>> on it's own line after the code.

posted by Andy A 21 Mar 2019

Thank you Andy for your reply. I figure out that I need to use the level shifter when I scoped the signals.

Thank you

posted by Nada Ali 21 Mar 2019
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