5 years, 2 months ago.

psoc 6 wont run blinky

Hi, I have tried may times to follow the tutorial on how to load blinky onto the psoc6 wifi bt board. I have compiled and copied it using the online tool a few time with no luck i have used the windows installer on windows 10 to try the mbed-cli but cannot get it to work. I get errors saying to run mbed config (i cant run just mbed i need to use mbed.py config) Can someone please give me some advise as I have a large project I want to port to mbed OS

** UPDATE 3/6/19 9:17a I reinstalled the CLI but as administrator and it is working now. Only problem is with the imported demo file blinky. It does successfully compile, and I can copy the hex file to the psoc6. But when i hit reset after the windows closes and all leds stop flashing, it does nothing. LED1 does not flash as it should. Being new to mbed coming from working with Rabbit semiconductor / digi rcm3100 product, I am not sure how to properly debug this problem. it is as simple as sending data to the terminal? or are there other tools? ** Update 3/07 I got a new board as this one works. - I am happy.... Best Regards, Rob Berry

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