5 years, 3 months ago.

[Cordio BLE] Where is Cordio BLE link layer source code?


I'm trying to use Cordio BLE stack in my project. But when I delved into the source code of Cordio stack, I found the code under ./mbed-os/features/FEATURE_BLE/targets/TARGET_CORDIO only contains BLE host side code. The folder ./mbed-os/features/FEATURE_BLE/targets/TARGET_CORDIO_LL/cordio_stack only provides a BLE link layer library. It doesn't provide the BLE link layer source code.

Does Arm have opened the Cordio BLE link layer code and put it in some place public? Or Does Arm has any plan to open the Cordio link layer code?

Are there any examples or documents about how to port the Cordio BLE link layer library to a BLE chip?



1 Answer

5 years, 3 months ago.

Hi Zhanglong,

If you look at the README.md file in the TARGET_CORDIO_LL folder, you will see this note: "The root contains the binary distribution `libcordio_stack.a` of the library, and the folders contain the public headers to interface with it." The source code is not publicly published at this time.

In the TARGET_CORDIO folder you will also find a porting guide. Here is a link: https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/blob/master/features/FEATURE_BLE/targets/TARGET_CORDIO/doc/PortingGuide.md


Tres, Team Mbed