5 years, 7 months ago.

click compile fails, click again passes with no source code changes?

Hello I am new to the MBED on line compiler. I have been working on serial and timer interrupt routines. I have found that I can compile and it fails with the following error.

Error: Identifier "UART1_IRQn" is undefined in "main.cpp", Line: 222, Col: 22

I can click again with NO SOURCE FILE CHANGES and it compiles successfully

I'm having trouble determining when i actually have a code problem or if it is just a compiler issue.

it behaves the same in either chrome or explorer

sometimes it will fail many times, then one more click and success!

has anyone else seen something like this? anyone have some suggestions for me?


LPC1768 target

1 Answer

5 years, 7 months ago.

Hi Stuart,

I maintain the build system behind Mbed CLI and the online compiler. Could you provide an example `main.cpp` or link a project that reproduces this bug? With a reproducer, I'll track down exactly what's going wrong. I would like for compile results to be as consistent as possible.

Hi so i have this happen with examples i have loaded with no changes at all. I found one of these which should eliminate anything that i might have done code wise at least. the details are below. i reloaded it and tried and it exhibits the behavior i described. labelled 'Serial_interrupts' i found it searching "serial interrupts 1768"

main.cpp Committer: 4180_1 Date: 2012-12-09 Revision: 1:0bdf3bebb1d7 Parent: 0:023c5cda6102

posted by Stuart Olsen 15 Oct 2018