5 years, 8 months ago.

Identifer "osMutexId_t" is undefined "osMutexId_t _id" in the header file "Mutex.h"

After updating my program to OS 5.10.0 and recompiling for the "FRDM-K64F" platform I got the upper error message. Currently I have no clue how to fix this error. Can somebody give an approch or idea for a solution. Many thanks in advance and best regards, Kev Mann.

Hi Kev,

Can you please provide us with a few more details: what program are you trying to compile, are you using any non-mbed libraries, etc. so I can reproduce the issue.


- Jenny, team Mbed

posted by Jenny Plunkett 08 Oct 2018

Hi Jenny, I guess I recognized the problem. I had transferred the OS Library via Export as a file and Import via upload to the new program. Now I've tried another way: transferred via Publish and then "import into compiler" to the new program. Now I could compile the program without any problems. Seems that there are some path information were lost during the export/import way. Thx you! Kev Mann

posted by Kev Mann 09 Oct 2018
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