5 years, 8 months ago.

How much does mbed-os support NRF52840-DK as target board?

I am trying to compile "kionix-kx123-hello" example with NRF52840 as a target board and I get the following error: "Error: Target "NRF52840_DK" is not recognized" Kindly help me to understand the mbed-os support for the specified Nordic boards NRF52840.

1 Answer

5 years, 8 months ago.

Hi Venkatesh,

Please make sure you have updated the mbed-os library to the latest version. If are using the online compiler, right-click on mbed-os and select "Update...". If you are using the Mbed CLI run the following commands from your Mbed project directory:

cd mbed-os
mbed update latest

Then you should be able to compile for the nrf52840_dk board.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

- Jenny, team Mbed

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Accepted Answer

Hello Jenny, Thank you for your input. It seems to work fine now.

posted by Venkatesh Pujari 08 Oct 2018

How about I2C? Does it support I2C? I tried a simple example and it didn't work. And Red Bear Labs example uses the Nordic 2 wire protocol. I thought all mbed devices had to support all the classes.

posted by Dan Allen 18 Oct 2018