5 years, 9 months ago.

mbed update to latest release

I have some problem to switch to the latest release (using mbed-cli). An 'mbed update' shows

D:\Projects\test\mbed-os-blinky>mbed update
[mbed] Skipping unpublished empty program "mbed-os-blinky"
[mbed] Updating library "mbed-os" to rev #0fdfcf735089 (tags: latest, mbed-os-5.9.6)

but then I get version 5.9 which points to 5.9.5 (checked in mbed_version.h)

D:\Projects\test\mbed-os-blinky>cd mbed-os

D:\Projects\test\mbed-os-blinky\mbed-os>git status
On branch mbed-os-5.9
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/mbed-os-5.9'.

explicit update to 5.9.6 turn my repo into 'detached HEAD' state

D:\Projects\test\mbed-os-blinky\mbed-os>mbed update mbed-os-5.9.6
[mbed] Updating library "mbed-os" to branch/tag "mbed-os-5.9.6"

D:\Projects\test\mbed-os-blinky\mbed-os>git status
HEAD detached at mbed-os-5.9.6
nothing to commit, working tree clean

And also confusing: github.com does not show the mbed-os-x.x.x tags, but this looks like a problem with too many tags for the website?

Edit: The wrong version is already reported as an issue: https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/issues/7946

1 Answer

5 years, 9 months ago.

Hi Johannes,

This answer is to verify that your solution has been addressed in the following GitHub issue here: https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/issues/7946

- Jenny, team Mbed

Accepted Answer