5 years, 10 months ago.

Exporting from online mbed tool for importing into MCUxpresso IDE?

Which export option/format 'should' I use to allow me to successfully import and build in MCUxpresso IDE?

My board is the NXP LPC1768 mbed application board.

I am importing some basic mbed OS2 projects into MCUxpresso and then having problems with building. The problem depends on which export option I choose. I get different problems, so instead of guessing I wondered if some one can advise the most appropriate export option to work with?

I have noted that the offline mbed-cli tool has an 'mcuxpresso' option, but not with online compiler tool.

The sort of problem I am getting:

The build not finding various header files, mbed.h, platform.h etc... I can see they exist but they are not in the project root, so I am thinking the export has incomplete information to allow a build to find them, or that I am expecting too much from the export file and have to manually edit the project somewhere.

The project when imported does not have an MCU selected. I can set this manually but not sure if this is then compounding my issues.

As you can guess I am a novice.

1 Answer

5 years, 10 months ago.

Hi Mark,

There should be an explicit "MCUXpresso" export option available in the online compiler for the LPC1768 board, though I am not seeing it as well. I am able to export an Mbed 2 project via the offline Mbed CLI however. I've created a GitHub issue for this bug, and you can track the status of it here: https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-compiler/issues/116

In the meantime, if you would like to use the Mbed CLI to export your Mbed 2 project, you can do so by running the following commands within your Mbed project directory in a terminal window: mbed export -i mcuxpresso -m lpc1768

This will create the MCUXpresso IDE files needed to import your project, then you can open up MCUXpresso and import this entire Mbed directory folder as an "existing project".

Please let me know if you have any questions!

- Jenny, team Mbed

If this solved your question, please make sure to click the "Thanks" link below!

Thanks for looking into this. I have been coming around to installing the offline tools, I just need to get around to installing python environments so I can have a separate install for mbed purposes. Note the bug track link comes back with a page not found error 404?

posted by Mark Hellyer 09 Jul 2018

The issue link is dead... still no support for mcuxpresso export. Is this beyond hope?

posted by Stephen Cowell 15 Nov 2018