6 years ago.

How to set LoRaWANInterface into class C mode

Hey folks,

I would like to know how can I put an mbed LoRaWANInterface as described here: https://os.mbed.com/docs/v5.8/reference/lorawan-api.html into Class C mode?

Thank you!

Cheers, Bruno

1 Answer

6 years ago.

Call set_device_class() to switch classes. It's in the latest version of Mbed OS (5.8.4).

Accepted Answer

Thank you very much!

I already ran <<code>>mbed update mbed-os-5.8.4<</code>> in my project and thought that it was already on version 5.8.4, but it seems it was not. That's why I could not find the <<code>>set_device_class()<</code>> method. But after removing mbed-os library and adding it again, I was able to find the <<code>>set_device_class()<</code>> in my project and thought that it was already on version 5.8.4, but it seems it was not. That's why I could not find the <<code>>set_device_class()<</code>> method. But after removing mbed-os library and adding it again, I was able to find the <<code>>set_device_class()<</code>> method. But after removing mbed-os library and adding it again, I was able to find the <<code>>set_device_class()<</code>> method in the LoRaWANInterface class.

posted by Bruno Hase 18 May 2018