6 years ago.

Error after soldering


I have a problem with my PCB that I designed. After soldering and conneting via st link v2 there is a file "FAIL.txt" inside flash drive. In the file there is written "The interface firmware FAILED to reset/halt the target MCU". I have tried with few stm32 and there is always the same result.

Moreover, I have tried with soldering a new stm32 to the nucleo board. The result is the same, always "The interface firmware FAILED to reset/halt the target MCU". I use STM32 ST-LINK Utility to connect with stm32 and there is an error".

12:11:23 : Can not connect to target! Please select "Connect Under Reset" mode from Target->Settings menu and try again. 12:11:25 : Internal command error

When my friend tries to connect with stm32 there is the same error.

Thank you in advice for your help.

1 Answer

6 years ago.

Hello Karol,

Have a look at the links below for some tips on how to flash "custom boards" equipped with STM microcontrollers:


Thank you, Today I found a solution. Vdd isnt connected do 3V3 in st link2 part of nucleo.

posted by Karol Pelzner 07 May 2018

Not sure that I understand you correctly, but it is a common mistake to assume that the VDD pin on the STLINK pin 1 (or the VDD pin on the Segger Jlink for that matter) is an output pin providing 3V3 to the target that you are trying to flash. The VDD pin is in fact and input pin and it needs 3V3 (or another voltage) FROM the target board to enable any communication with the device. This is done to make sure the STLINK can flash devices that use any voltage different from 3V3 without damaging the target.

posted by Wim Huiskamp 07 May 2018